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Private/Closed Pokehuman encounters

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli got over the whole 'Fluff is a human' thing fast, but he looked indignant "Excuse me mr Fluff, but I am NOT a lady" He grabbed his ribbons "I did not put these on Intentionally, I was forced into these!" he crossed his arms and leaned on the wall He muttered something that sounded something like "Girly..... Lady....."
Sunny perked back to the conversation when she heard that Fluff was a human. She watched Eli's reaction and put two and two together. Apparently, Fluff called him a girl, again. When she found that out she couldn't help but snicker. "Like I said, Sylveon looks girly, thus by extension you are going to look slightly girly." She said. She grinned as she said this, showing she was just playing. Eve looked at Sunny in shock. She just threw a playful comment in the air, she never did that unless she was comfortable with the group.


Previously TheFartingFish1
Charlie took a deep breath, walked to the group of people, And asked Eli ''Hey, You there! How did you get those ribbons?''. He hated himself for asking that. He tried to stand in place, Thanks brain for making me do this he thought. He looked at the people around him. He had a strange feeling, but he also liked this feeling a bit.
"Ugh, it's too much... I have a bad feeling that we should get out of this place. If we make it, I'll be sure to make it up to you all," Emily stated to the two Pokémon that walked with her towards the Pokémon Center.

"I agree with the girl. I don't want to be here anymore. I'd rather be at the Nah place than this blue and white abomination. I'm not even sure what this shell thing on my stomach even does to be honest," Oliver replied, while he slowly itched his head.

"I umm... know thing, but must go to Lumi think. Has fly and sky thing some uhh... where," Paris responded to the Oshawott, while he booted on the laptop. The Pichu quickly opened his internet browser and typed into the search bar for several seconds.

"Ahh, must go east, but big place. Bad feel on bad people in black," Paris added after he opened a file that had the map of Kalos on it.

"Do you think we could do all that without being spotted by them? I'd rather just find a Pokémon that can fly us out like that!" Oliver voiced, before the Pichu rolled his eyes for a split second.

"Maybe, but need blue disk for fly, or no good," Paris countered, while the Oshawott gulped.

The Pichu opened up the notepad program, as he typed, "Do you have the disk that teaches them how to fly and stuff?"

"No, I don't unfortunately. All I have is the one that teaches a Pokémon how to breathe out a lot of fire and another on how to use a puplish shock wave of some sort as like a dragon I think," Emily promptly responded after a brief glimpse at the electric mouse's laptop.

"Seems like we'll have to go with your idea then yellow mouse, unless if anyone else has any other ideas," Oliver said, before he placed part of the yellow shell in his mouth for a brief moment.

"I umm... guess, okay," Paris chimed, while he patiently waited with the girl and sea otter near the Pokémon Center.
"Unfortunately, Hover could probably only carry some of the smaller members of our group. So she won't be much help." Aisha said. Speaking of Hover, she should probably check on the Yanma. She wondered why she hadn't thought of that earlier.

Magic Sparkle

Previously Sparkling Emolga
Fluff looked at the tiny shock that went in the room, it was less than what he expected.
"You just had to say it all... I was expecting Mystic or even the dusknoir to reveal it because they are fun ruiners, but not you? How could you" Voodoo said in disappointment.
"Oh, calm down, it was the right thing to do in a situation like that" Mystic replied.

Fluff heard the serperior human asking him a question, he sighed and gave a small smile.
"Well, i kinda fine with that, it is maybe weird to see everything bigger and to understand pokemons, but i got used to it.
But i will still prefer my normal body, so i mostly want to be human again
" he explained as he is taking the pokeballs on the floor and putting them back inside his fur one by one.

The flareon then looked at Eli who started complaining about being called 'lady', Fluff blinked a few times as he stares at the sylveon humans.
From one side the sylveon does look like a girl, but after ignoring the ribbons and the bows the sylveon looked completely different, make more sense he is male.
Before he could even apologize about his mistakes the others tried to explain him.

That started to annoy Fluff, his fur glowed up a bit and got redder like he is going to use a fire attack.
"I got it already... I can figure things myself" He said furiously, then calming himself down and the fur got back to normal, "any way, my apologies for thinking you are a woman, the ribbons are just confusing thats all, my mistake... Don't take it hard" He rubbed his head with a little embracement.

Jolty was shocked by the serperior's respond, she didn't even meant to ask and the answer was still confusing for her.
She tried to say something but nothing came from her mouth except not understandable stutters.
Taillow sighed, at least there was a start he thought.
Finally entering the room with all the others, he sighed and frowned, pulling his hood up.

"Listen...I'm sorry I screwed up everything. I am a useless, pathetic, weak person. I-It's my fault for being so loud and attracting those evil people. If I weren't here, this would never happen..."

Magic Sparkle

Previously Sparkling Emolga
Fluff nodded and saw the sylveon human walking toward a person, he looked around the room, that was when he suddenly heard the togekiss.
He walked toward him, leaving his pokemon with their little war.

"What are you talking about?, I dont think they came because of you, they have been probably planned this" he immediately told the togekiss, trying to cheer him up.
"Besides, your a lot more useful than than me," the flareon added and held out his paw to Stephen.


Jolty started to hear the small and faint squeaks again, that noice bothered her, it was like someone is trying to reach her from the outside.
Should i maybe go outside to find out who is doing that? Jolty thought to herself, but what if it a bad choice and i will only make an embracing mistake.


Previously Keet
Felix walked into the room. "Sorry if im late," he said quietly. Chespin walked over to him and whispered "The flareon used to be a human!" So, people can become full humans instead of hybrids? he thought to himself. Before he could get distracted, Chespin shook him again and motioned for him to sit down again. He decided to stay quiet and listen to the others.


Previously Ampharos' Dragon Blood
Keiko leaned against the wall, then suddenly smelled some sort of miracle-scent. It smelled like dough and chocolate and fruity berries and joy and passion and everything-he-wanted-in-the-world (okay, we're getting off track.) Echo smelled it too, and it brought a smile to their faces. They realized that the smell must be Pokepuffs; they've never smelled so good. Maybe Pokehumans share diets of Pokemon, Echo thought. Keiko stepped outside and pulled out his stick, gazing into the fire as it gradually turned blue. He then saw him, Echo, and a few others dining at the Cafe. "Do you all smell that wonderful scent? I think it's a Pokepuff. They serve them at the Cafe, and Echo did say she had money. I can use my twig to see the close future like it says in the Pokedex, and I saw us dining at the cafe. "Who's in?" Proud of his argument, Keiko headed towards the Cafe and the mesmerizing scent.
When Jolty didn't respond to him in much of a cohesive sentence, he looked at her, almost a bit confused as to what was so hard to understand. He eventually turned his attention away from her. however, continuing to smile at the Flareon. "It's fine, but it was a nice laugh for a moment," he said, glancing at Eli again, yet looking away after hearing what Stephen was saying. He turned to him, yet appeared more irritated than sympathetic. "Again, how will blaming yourself solve anything? It's not bringing anyone back, and it's not gonna make you better. If anything, it'll make you anxious and insecure," he said to Stephen. The Roselia next to Reuben caught what he said and appeared to think about it.

He could smell the scent too, but it wasn't that enticing to him. It didn't feel like the kinda stuff he'd like, yet he also still no longer felt an obligation to actually eat when he could just stand outside and slowly feel refreshed. "Still, no thank you," he said, "But have fun. If you can."
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"You don't understand, Reuben." He turned to the serperior pokehuman. "I am anxious and insecure. I can't help it. If I tried my hardest..." He paused for a bit, then said, "...everyone would be safe." He leaned forward, but it inflicted pain on himself, due to the wing attack the Zubat caused.

"O-Ow!" He said in pain, hissing though his teeth.
He smiled in relief. The pain went away. It wasn't damage, more the feeling of pain. He looked at Alice and smiled lightly. "Th-Thank you..." He blushed. "Y-You didn't need to do that..."
"Who said it was your job to protect all of us?" Reuben looked over at Stephen, also noticing Allie attempting to relieve some of his pain. He was half-waiting for her to collapse onto the ground, yet was partially glad it had never happened yet. "That's still something, meanwhile I'm over here sitting out the whole thing when I'm basically immune to those things," he said to Sunny. "So in conclusion, we all suck, so stop feeling bad!" he joked.


Previously Keet
Felix decided to take a small walk outside with Chespin. When he got outside, he took out Chespin's pokeball and released it. "Let's go take a walk," he told to Chespin. "I don't really know, after the encounter with Team Rocket, I don't think it's the safest," Chespin replied. Felix took that into account. There was a small chance that Team Rocket could waltz up to him and take him under their control in under 10 seconds. "You might just be thinking of the worst. But, i'll be cautious," Felix replied. Chespin agreed, and they started to walk around Cyllage City.

It was nice to have time to fully examine the town. The sandy, glistening beaches and the interesting buildings made him want to explore every square foot of the town. However, Chespin got tired and together, they walked backed to the Pokemon Center to take a break. Felix returned a drowsy Chespin to his Pokeball and started to rest his eyes.
Sunny looked at Ruben. "Well, there is only one thing to do if you suck, you get better. Do you know how you get better? You train. That is the only way we can prevent this from happening again." She said quietly. Eve looked at Sunny. "I guess the Bozo really snaped you into focus." Sunny nodded. "We aren't doing anything here and I don't think we are welcomed. Let's get out of here."

Magic Sparkle

Previously Sparkling Emolga
Jolty started to smell something, it was a bit weak and she couldn't recognize it, but the smell of it was still too sweet, Jolty felt like she is going to drool because of that.
Thinking of it, i haven't ate for a long time, but i can't really get out... The emolga human thought.

Taillow looked down at his friend in confusion, "is something wrong? You look bothered by something" the bird pokemon said, he start petting her big head with his wing, trying to comfort her.
Jolty gave a swift shook to five a sign for taillow to stop, "d-d-dont worry, i-i-its nothing i-import-tant" she stuttered to the taillow.

However, she heard the Delphox or the mismagius inviting the group to join them in the cafe, they said that the delicious scent came from a pokepuff, which can be bought in the cafe.
Jolty actually heard about them, but never got a chance to see or eat one.

"I-i..i..i-i..." Jolty tried to say, but it looked like her words got stuck in her mouth, she took a small breathe and tried to say it again.
"I-i-i will g-go t-too... T-to t-that c-ca-cafe" she stuttered slowly to Keiko and Echo.
Fluff looked at how the others trying to help the togekiss human, it was just like when they helped Allie. "Blaming yourself wont help, your not relizing the great abilities you have" Fluff told Stephen.

Voodoo walked toward the espeon human after hearing her, "excuse me miss espeon, you said that its your fault because you could have stop the ball, but its my fault as well. If you dont remember i transformed into an Espeon in willing to help you, i could have stopped the ball too" the zorua said and his ears dropped down in front of her.
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"It's probably best that we get going, but I think the yellow mouse thing should probably get in one of the ball things in case," Emily said, while Oliver placed the pale yellow shell back on his stomach.

"Uhh... okay guess then," Paris replied, while he booted off his laptop and folded it soon after. The girl got out a red and white ball from her bag, as she gently tapped it on the Pichu's head.

"Huh? It's not working... must of been some sort of glitch or something. Here, let me try again," Emily stated after the ball had no response with the electric mouse.

"The ball's not working at all! Did you like have someone else with that thing?" Emily asked with a somewhat more stern tone than usual.

"Well, with man in hotel in Lumi," Paris promptly responded, followed by a nervous nod.

"Oh, his head going up and down probably explains that then, but I still can't figure out why he was alone without anyone if that was the case," Emily thought after placed the ball back in her duffel bag.

"Alright, how are you doing there little mouse?" Emily inquired after she grabbed Cylan's ball from the bag and called out the fire mouse. A faint cry came from the little Pokémon the moment the ball was placed back in the soft container.

"I'm taking that as still not good. I'll have to give the medicine to you again in about an hour or two, so try to relax," Emily instructed, before she noticed Cylan putting his left arm in his mouth.

"Oh uhh, I guess I should refill that thing of your's if you're hungry already," Emily added, before she grabbed the bottle in Cylan's small bag.

She took a small container of white powder and added some of it to the bottle after the lid was opened. A bottle of water was promptly poured into the infant friendly bottle soon after. The baby bottle was closed, followed by the empty bottle being deposited into the bag. The bottle filled with a pale white liquid was shaken like a mother trying to wake their children for their first day of school. The contents were thoroughly mixed together, which caused the liquid to take on a more moderate white hue. The drinking container was swiftly given to the fire mouse after the lid was closed.

Cylan gave a slow nod after he felt the cold bottle, as he sniffed it for a brief moment. He took several deep breaths within a second later. He placed part of the preforated, bulb-shaped spout in his mouth. A partial vaccum was hastily formed within a fraction of a second. The sweet, nutritious fluid hurriedly made its way past his mouth.

"Alright, now now... no need to drink that thing so fast little one," Emily softly voiced after she placed the small container of white powder back in her bag.


Previously TheFartingFish1
''Well, the truth is that i also got attacked by them... And then injected me with something weird'' Charlie say'd, he seeked for the shell on hes chest. he grabbed it and showed it to him, ''And now i have this thing... It looks like the shell my Oshawott has... And speaking about pokemon i understand them for some reason. He putted hes shell back on hes chest. What did i just do... Please dont get crazy... He thought.
"I know, Sunny. I've been thinking of that recently, but it's been a bit hard to find a good place to do it," he replied to the part-Espeon, then looking over at Stephen, hearing his suggestion. "That's been the plan, but hopefully we can stick to it."

Seeing the new member of the group, he remembered one of the main concerns a lot of the others seemed to have -- the public's reaction. "C'mon, they won't be that angry, we can reason with them. Plus, this is where I live! Some of them can recognize me, so if anyone continues to try and get us out of here then I would kinda be glad to not be a full member of the same species anymore." He laughed at the last part, but was still a bit concerned himself.

Magic Sparkle

Previously Sparkling Emolga
"i guess i can agree with you about the team rocket part, they really are the one who attacked and took that pikachu lady. Like i said before, they have been probably planned the ambush" Fluff told the togekiss human and sighed, "but on the big group part i have to disagree" he continued.

"If the gardevoir human wasn't teleporting them everyone might have been caught by those deadly hybrid balls. And we would encounter situations like that one, because were a one big group we are an easy target for them. Maybe splitting into groups could prevent it, and if we are splitting the grunts will split as well. It will give as a chance in battles" Fluff told Stephen and panted.

Mystic looked around, Fluff seemed to talk with the togekiss while Voodoo seemed to be talking with the espeon.
She saw the sylveon guy talking with a new person, saying he is an oshawott. She came close to hear the conversation and greet the new member.

"I guess we will travel with a small town if team rocket continue with all those hunting" the shiny misdreavus said with a small chuckle that sounded a bit like Voodoo's giggle.
"Anyway, welcome to the group, almost everyone here have turned into a pokemon. And if you say you are an oshawott then i guess you turned too" she said a bit cheerfully.


Previously TheFartingFish1
''Well, I'd love to join the group. I thought i was the only one with the half pokémon thing!'' Charlie said Cheerfully. He felt one of hes pokéballs shaking, Oh god he thought. After two seconds hes oshawott came out of its pokeball ''Hey Ch--'' Oshawott looked at the people and other pokémon ''Charlie! Are these the people who attacked you?! I will protect you!'' Oshawott say'd, Grabbing the shell on its chest.
''Calm down Oshawott, Put the shell away. These people are nice!'' He say'd. Oshawott looked at him ''Did they hypnotise you!? Do you think the people who attacked you are nice?!'' Oshawott say'd, slowly putting its shell on its chest. ''Osha, these people arent the same people who attacked me, calm down...'' Charlie say'd a bit annoyed. ''This is my Oshawott, he can get very 'Wild' sometimes'' He say'd to the others.
"That scarf on your neck... it looks a bit familiar, but I'm just surprised that you decided to go with me instead of those idiots," Emily said after she closely examined Oliver's scarf.

"It's so comfortable... I know, but I can explain if you can hear me. The man in the black dress gave it to me a bit earlier. I'm surprised this fits around me, but he was in such a hurry... so I couldn't exactly get a full uniform in time," Oliver responded, while he quickly flinched in response to the sharp pain on his head.

"Hmm, I would normally hate anyone that has on that kind of stuff, but I feel like we could have a better hand if we could somehow use that," Emily replied, while she attempted to comprehend the odd speech that emanated from the Oshawott.

"So, are you thinking what I'm thinking with that?" Emily politely asked, followed with a grin and her raised eyebrows.

"Uhh... if it works, I mean sure why not then? Erm... yeah I guess," The sea otter promptly answered, before he slowly inclined his head towards the girl.

"Well, we can either go back to the Pokémon Center after I saw one of them heading back there, or go alone and try to escape with the yellow mouse's plan I guess. What do you all think?" Emily inquired to the other Pokémon.

"I'd really like to get out of here as soon as possible and find a way to not be this thing with this shell, pointed ears and other weird stuff. It's already been giving me the creeps since yesterday," Oliver replied, while he saw the Pichu booting up his laptop after it was unfolded. The sea otter slightly winced from the odd sound of the fire mouse drinking his bottle.

"I'd be okay with that if none of you tell the cops. I would be with the team that blue thing was in for more money if I wanted to, but I can't see why trying to exploit my own kind would be good for me at all. Besides, I don't think the other big things that kinda look like us would know that we're not even here with them yet, so if we're going to leave... better do it right now I guess with it being quick," The Pichu hastily typed in his reply, after the notepad program was launched.

"Okay then, I guess we should get going. If anything happens, just try to make the creeps not able to move or fight and get out of the area," Emily stated a brief moment after scanning the laptop's display. The girl and the other Pokémon briskly made their way in the relative direction of the eastern area towards Lumiose City.
"I hope you are right about that, Stephen." Sunny said, "We should be moving on. I honestly want to get out of here. I'm going out this door, anyone can follow me, but I just want to get out of here." Sunny went to leave the center with both Eve and Jack following behind her. She opened the door to the center and awaited what the locals would do, hoping they were just as reasonable as Stephen said they were. Although she didn't think they would be all that reasonable, she knew she wouldn't unless she became a poke-human herself.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli nodded and followed sunny "I'm coming with" As they stepped outside, they instantly saw a large group of people, waiting outside for the weird people inside to come out. when they saw Eli and Sunny, all talking stopped as they saw the part-sylveon and part-espeon, none of them knew what to say, a young boy and a young girl walked up and looked up at them, wide eyed. one tugged on sunny's tail the other grabbed Elis ribbons and asked "Is this real?" The other asked "who are you maam's?" Eli's eye twitched
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Previously EeviumZ
Allie walked outside, keeping her head down. She knew that she wouldn't be accepted well, and sure enough, a few people came up to her, in wonder and shock. Annoyed, Allie readied a Fairy Wind in case of trouble.
The crowd remained, and she glared at them. "Yes, we're part Pokemon. Get over it."
Noticing someone calling Eli a "ma'am", she walked over to them and whispered "Uh, I think you mean "ma'am and sir". He may not look it, but he isn't a lady."
She normally wasn't this unsociable, but being discriminated was really grinding her gears. She wished she could use Psychic to carry them all away, but she wasn't sure if she was capable, and didn't want to pass out in the middle of the street.
"Okay, that would be nice," Reuben said, slithering out the door closely behind the others. He quickly noticed the rather large crowd and their reactions to them, yet was mostly glad none of them were being violent. "How's it goin?" he yelled sarcastically, cupping his hand and calling out to the crowd.

Meanwhile, he heard children going up to Sunny and Eli, looking at them and laughing as he heard the mistake that seemed more and more common. "Hey, you're not alone now," he said, joking to Fluff.
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Previously TheFartingFish1
Charlie heard hes phone ring, He grabbed it and saw that hes mom was calling him. ''Hi mom, How are you doing?'' He asked, ''Good, But i have a question... Where in the name of god are you!?'' Oh yeah, i didnt tell mom that i went away ''Nothing special mom, I am just going on my own Pokémon adventure'' He say'd. ''Oh really? Just like your father! Well good luck!'' Hes mom say'd. Charlie noticed that hes Oshawott was giggling ''You didnt even tell your mom you where going on a adventure?'' After saying this oshawott bursted out of laughing, he started rolling on the floor. Charlie putted the phone away for a second ''It isnt funny Osha...'' He grabbed the phone again and say'd to hes mom ''Have to go mom! have a nice day!''
"THAT'S MY TAIL!" Sunny shouted in pain. "DON'T PULL IT!" She snatched her tail away from the children and gave Stephen a dirty look for laughing. "Yes it is real and it hurts. And Eli is a dude, not a lady, I am, however, am indeed a ma'am. So please go bug someone else." She said in the sweetest voice she could muster, which was a very fake sweet voice.