Here I am to join this RP.
Full Name: Elijah Lee
Birth date: 19th of April
Age: 22
Occupation: Pokémon Trainer (Used to be a bartender at his local pub)
Relationship status: N/A (Asexual)
Description: Elijah is sort of average looking with short black hair and green eyes. They often wear black shorts and a tripped T-shirt but have other clothes. His dream is to catch and research every Pokémon. He has many more than the ones in his team but these Pokémon either don't like battling or preferred not traveling around so he left them with his town's professor. He is the type to run straight into danger rather than plan things out and is pretty loud. He'll probably collect the badges as he goes on his journey in the respective regions but it isn't his main goal yet. (If I need more description just tell me

Pokemon team: Dartrix (Ace)
Also since I have more than 6 Pokémon I'll put something at the end that says my current team like this.
Pokémon #1
Pokémon #2
Pokémon #3
Pokémon #4
Pokémon #5
Pokémon #6
Just so It's clearer.