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"I'm fine." Azumi told the help that came after her. She ran after Wes, she was in pain, but her body worked. She hated being ignored the way she just had been and she knew he had wounds, she felt it when she began to heal him. "Wes!" She called after him, but a strong hand stopped her. She was about to brush them off when she noticed it was the King. She looked around, she understood what was going on. She was about to kneel but the King stopped her.

"Ms. Towers, when a man walks away like that from a person he cares about, its because he is troubled and needs to resolve it on his own." The King spoke.

"With all due respect I think that's stupid." Azumi replied with an upset tone.

The King laughed. "Give him space and be ready for when he needs you. If you try to solve it for him, you will hurt his pride." He patted Azumi gently on the shoulder. "The war is over, I will send you and your guild home. We all have a common enemy now and something tells me they are ready for us. I expect your report before you depart tomorrow."

Azumi bowed. "Yes your majesty." She walked away quickly, getting back to the camp. She walked over to Wes' tent and stopped, remembering what the King said. She then remembered what she had in her hand. She opened her hand and saw Leo's necklace on it. She walked over to a tree and punched it. It wasn't enough, she scream and punched it with rage. The snow from the tree fell around her. She sat down and leaned against the tree. She looked up at the stars.


Samantha stood there emotionless. "I'm... sorry." She said in a soft voice. "I... Didn't want to... Hurt you."


Annette followed Crimson outside and took out her notepad, ready to take notes.
In the sky above the mountain a Volcarona was flying to the group and landed in front of the King, handing Jake a letter.

"Dear Little Jake
If you are reading this, this means Ashley is alive and well, she was in the jungle when the other contingent was attacked, and is now recovering, as for you, how are you doing as the Hornblower for out guild? Otherwise, meet at the Stormbreakers guild hall when this situation is done and over with for now.
My regards,
Sir Moose Schubert."

"My sister is alive!" Jake shouted, "She apparently was with another group of you guys."

Meanwhile, Ashley had noticed another girl, decided to take her Lute off her back and start playing.
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Wes had settled into his tent and fallen asleep when he was awoken by the sound of screaming and a tree cracking. He peered outside to see Azumi leaning against a tree looking frustrated. He grabbed his blanket and sat down next to her, letting her share it. "Stars look nice." He commented casually, hoping they could put the drama behind them.
Amra smiled at Rolen. She smiled even more when the elf girl called Rolen her boyfriend. Looking up at him, she was silently asking if it was ok to call him that. Though she did answer the mage. "Thank you. I accept your apology. Do you think you can make sure that Fluff gets looked at. I know she did not take much damage, but it would be better to have her looked over. By the way this is Rolen. He is not my boyfriend, though we have just admitted to have feelings for one another. We do have a lot discuss later on."

Sarah bowed as the Queen told her the instructions. "I will get it to you as quickly as I check up on everyone else in the guild. I want to make sure they are ok before I sit down to write it up. Thank you again for the help you have given us." With another bow Sarah took off. She wanted to check up on everyone.

Phoenix had taken off after his bow to the queen. He was supervising the grass pokemon who were replanting their homes. He helped as much as he could. He hated that the mage had gotten away again, but now they needed to work together.

Rowena smiled as the girl got up. Walking over to the one who was still silently sobbing she knelt down, and took the hands of Sam and Maria. She sent soothing feelings to both girls. She wanted them to know that everything would be ok.

"You are safe now. Please come back to us. You are very much needed. Your friend did what she had to do to protect you and the others. It is ok to feel upset and unsettled, but this is not the time and place for it. Think of all the times she had helped you out. I do not think that this one would turn on you."
Azumi rested her head on Wes' shoulder. "They always look nice." She looked at Leo's necklace, the golden Pyroar with blood stains. "I always wondered how he managed to smile so much. He went to war, he lost missions, friends, family and he still managed to smile." She laughed. "One time, back in the academy, I was so into my work I didn't know it was my birthday. He burst into my room with a cake and Sam, he begged her to go, and made me celebrate. Back then I was really upset, I really needed to study. Or so I thought, I passed that test like nothing. Every year he would do the same, even when Sam was gone. I never remembered his, but he would visit me to share his cake." Azumi's eyes began to get watery. "That's what I thought the letter was for."


Samantha didn't say anything. She didn't care about anyone else's words that weren't Maira's.


The Creek Queen walked away with soldiers from the Creel army who arrived to escort her. She had done what she needed to do.


Previously The Pikachan
Rene smiled as Amra spoke to her. She never thought she would have such a casual talk with her princess. "Thank you Princess! I hope to see you more often. I'm going to get some food and rest, please stay safe." She bowed to Amra and Rolan and left running, she was excited to meet the princess and that she had survived.
Jake looked over the mountain, making sure that everything is running smoothly, when he noticed that most everyone was asleep, except the King and Rene, the woman from earlier.

"Dragons, protect everyone." Jake ordered.

Ashley had stopped playing her Lute when Sarah walked over to check on her.

"I'm okay, and I tried, but I don't think I did much." Ashley explained, "I just need to sit down, my Pokemon are currently helping the resident Pokemon, along with Moose's Stantler, and Maira seems to be okay, there are other guild members who are in worse condition, like the one mage that could use weather magic, or Maira, or the other girl that returned after essentially taking that Orc one on one."
"Azumi.... is it your birthday?" Wes leaned forward to look at Azumi with excited eyes. "Why aren't we celebrating!? Hold on I think I have something in my tent." Wes ran and returned with a bottle of wine "I stole this awhile back, it should suit the occasion." He exclaimed as he popped it open and passed it to Azumi. "Tell me more about Leo." Even though Wes hated the guy, he knew it would be good for Azumi to reminisce.
Razan was relieved that the fight was over. Any of them could have died, and if someone did, it was most likely him. Although, he wasn’t that big of a target, and stayed back. He had done almost nothing. Sure Diablo took one attack, but that was it. He couldn’t see how he was being useful. He made his way back to camp, and sat down with his Flygon. He continued the meal he was eating before they were attacked.
Crimson stood at the battlefield, clenching his fist as he looks at Luxray and Greninja. "Alright...Shadow! Night Slash! Sparky use Thunderbolt!"

The glow of yellow surrounded the lynx-based pokemon as she leaped in the air, electricity bolts spark around her body as she launched a large bolt towards the Greninja. Greninja pulled out two purple sai as it used them to counter the thunder. Greninja had growled loudly and Luxray did the same as well.

"Now use Shock Wave and Acrobatics!" Greninja finished cutting through the thunder and Greninja glowed white before he jumped into the air and dove towards Luxray. Luxray shot five electric bolts directly at Greninja.

"Cut through them with Night Slash!"

And Greninja did just that, large smoke erupted through the battlefield.
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Azumi laughed. "Drinking in the middle of a mission?" She looked at the bottle. "But... We were technically dismissed." She grabbed the bottle, drank from it and gave it back to Wes. "It's really good. But, I don't want to talk about Leo anymore. Tell me about you, I know the kind of person you are. But I don't know much about your past. You hide it a lot. Is it that bad?"


Annette watched and took notes. Fifi jumped excitedly as the battle went on.
“Well... I guess I’ll tell you since it’s your birthday.” Wes took a big gulp and then inhaled before he began telling the story that not many people had heard. “When I was little my sister fell really ill. She was close to dying and our family didn’t have the money to pay for medicine. Luckily, a traveling apothecary saved her and didn’t charge us anything. After that I followed him as an apprentice for a couple of years.”

Wes took another big swig and sighed nostalgically as he remembered the good times. “Awhile later we got mugged by a band of thieves who ended up killing him and I was left for dead. Unfortunately, the people who rescued me were members of a rogue guild who trained me until I became one of their top members. It wasn’t all bad, I was paid well and even met Joltik and Aerodactyl on one of my missions. I was actually starting to enjoy that style of life.”

Wes then switched to a serious tone. “Then one day I heard the guild leader talking about how with the help of some secret weapon they destroyed a whole village but were disappointed to find there was nothing to loot except children to sell. For some reason I couldn’t shake the feeling that it was my own and sure enough when I checked my hometown was in ruins. That night I killed the guild leader and burnt the base down. And you know the rest since then, I became both a traveling mercenary and apothecary, which is how I got my bounty.”

Wes looked stern and lost in thought for a few moments before he snapped out of it and managed a smile, “Fun stuff, huh.” He joked in an attempt to make light of his past.
As Rolen helped Amra into the camp, he brought her over to the fire. It was being tended by the man from before, while the Pokemon who had been with him was holding its hands up to the blaze. Rolen paused, unsure whether they should stop here, or if he should get her to change out of the wet clothes.

"Amra, it might be a good idea to get out of those clothes and dry off. If you want to go into one of the tents and change..? Otherwise we can just sit down here."

He was about to suggest that Fluff could guard the door while Amra changed, but remembered that Amra had asked the elven mage to take a look at the Bunneary.


Maira was still for a moment and then suddenly hugged Sam tightly, crying into her friend's shoulder.
Azumi just listened to Wes carefully until he was done. "I don't see how it was fun. Quite the opposite. I'm terribly sorry about your village." She hugged his arm. "I was completely unaware of all the suffering people go through outside the castle walls until I left the academy. I grew up in this perfect world inside a pretty bubble. One day I got curious and left to see what was outside. That's when I decided to make a guild, to help the people who needed help. I wanted them to feel the same sense of security I felt living inside the castle." She stopped talking for a while, looking towards the camp. Nana seemed to be talking very intensely to Anakin, who just nodded in agreement. "I don't think I can sleep tonight. But..." She looked at Wes. "You need to. You should go to sleep. I have to make sure the others are okay."


Samantha didn't know how to react. She hugged Maira back. "I'm...sorry." Was the only thing she could think off.
Amra was glad to be near the fire. Her cold hand seemed to be warming up. Even with the armor she wore, the ice water seemed to be able to get into it and cause her to feel the cold on her skin. "You are right Rolen, I do need to change. I think I will use a tent."

Letting go of the mage, Amra slowly walked over to the tent that Wes had set up. Walking in, she went over to her bag that was placed inside. Pulling out a change of clothes, this time a more causal set compared to the ones she had on now.

Pulling off the armor piece by piece, she set it aside to dry. Next she got into a pair of black fur lined leggings that would keep her warm. Taking the dark blue v neck sweater, and pulled it on. Over that was a black faux fur jacket with a hood. On her feet she changed into a pair of black sleek boots.

As she was coming out of the tent to greet Rolen, Fluff came running up to her. Fluff jumped at Amra, who caught her and hugged her close. "Aww I am glad to see you safe as well Fluff. Come on lets set beside the fire." Turning to Rolen, she held out a hand for him to take. She wanted to sit with him beside the fire.

Sarah was glad to see people taking care of the members of the guild. Walking up to Maria and Sam, Sarah noticed a woman with them. The woman seemed very familiar to her. Like she knew her from somewhere. She spoke to the girl. "Thank you for helping out the members of our guild. I am glad that you were able to come to our aid. I do not know how long we could have lasted otherwise."

Rowena was startled by the voice. She would know that voice from anywhere. Looking up, she stood frozen, like she had seen a ghost. The pink eyes were a dead give away. Not many outside of the family would have had them. She was the only one of her siblings to not have gotten them. Screwing up her Courage she had to ask. "Sarah? Is that you?" Rowena stood up to see her sister.

Sarah was stunned for a moment then she crushed her long lost sister in a hug. "Oh my gods. I thought I lost you. When I went home and you was not there, I had thought they gotten you to. Rowena I am so glad to see you after so long." Sarah was showing some emotion that she rarely ever seen doing. She was crying, which no one, but Azumi would have seen. It was like a flood as a dam was broken. Rowena was not much better. The hug was like an anchor for the two sisters.
Rolen had taken a seat near the fire, warming himself up. Since the sun had set it had become even colder than it was before, and he was glad of the heat from the fire. Seeing Amra come out of the tent, he got up and walked over to her, taking her extended hand and leading her over to the fire. The man, who was on the other side of the fire, gave a slight chuckle under his breath and glanced over at his Pokemon.


Maira just continued to hug Sam. After a moment, she said, "Sam... it's.. okay now."
“That’s not a bad idea, I’ve heard there are some hot springs up in the mountain. I’m gonna go check them out.” Wes got up, leaving the blanket with Azumi. He stopped at his own tent, leaving all of his armor except Windslasher just in case there was more waiting to attack. On his way back up the mountain he passed the king once more, accidentally bumping into him when he stumbled on a stray stick. “Sorry.” Wes mumbled and was about to continue on his way when he realized he didn’t know exactly where the springs were. “Hey, could you point me in the direction of the hot springs? After that fight today I could use a rest.” Wes casually asked the king for directions.
Jake continued his supervision of the horde of Pokemon he had called with the horn, when he was done, he then sat by the fire, warming up after the craziness, his Hypno finally catching up with him.

"Hypno, how's it going?" Jake asked.

Hypno nodded.

"Ok." Jake responded.

Ashley figured it was safe to move away from Maira, and played her Lute, causing a small wind to cover all the injured.
Azumi watched as Wes walked away. It had been a rough day and he had helped her a lot today. She got up, put the blanket around her like a cape and joined Amra and Rolan by the fire.
"Hello, are you two okay? I have no idea what happened after you went to get firewood."


The King chuckled when Wes approached him. "That's a splendid idea! Let's go." He put his arm around Wes' shoulders and walked with him up the mountain. They reached a hot spring near a small cave. "Here we are!"

The King removed his clothes and armor, except for some under shorts and got into the hot spring. "Hot springs, one of the few pleasures of life." He looked at Wes. "I heard you killed a member of Organization X. Is that true?"


Samantha kept hugging Maira. "Yes... It's okay... Please don't cry... I'm sorry." She was terribly confused as she didn't know what was wrong, but somehow felt it was her fault.


Annette nodded. "That's great! Its Its getting late... Want dinner?"
Amra had snuggled up to Rolen. She had her head on his shoulder. Being with him had made her feel like she was more alive then anything. "You knoe this is like the best and worst day of my life. You know I am glad I was able to tell you how I felt today Rolen."

Amra smiled as Azumi sat down at the fire with them. Though she had frowned at the memory of what happened after that. "Well a lot actually. We were talking when an enraged Beartic attacked us. I was hurt pretty bad after that. Rolen was about to get attacked when my father's Talonflame dropped a sword near me on the ground. Then something just strange happened. I was healed. I knew I had protect Rolen. The glow from the sword seemed to frighten it away though. As we were coming back with the firewood, we were attacked by an elven mage. I was lucky to block the lightning that she had shot at us. The thing was that the sword turned into a shield with just a thought. I needed something to deflect the attack. After lowering the shield she realised who I was and stopped attacking. Then we were getting ready to come back again when the Xers attacked."
"Wait a minute, you mean to tell me that Leo was not just going to grand court like he did a few times when he was with us. That he left the guild, without saying goodbye? Man if that man was not already dead I would kill him myself." Amra was mad. She was not able to say goodbye to someone she considered a friend. The day just kept getting worse and worse. Looking to Rolen, she tried to find some sort solace about his passing. She had a few tears that seemed to slip out.
Wes reluctantly let himself be guided to the hot springs by the king. Wes wasn’t intimidated by the man’s power, rather his reluctance to touchy gestures made him uncomfortable. He stripped to only his underwear and slowly entered the springs, letting out a sigh of relaxation as the warm water calmed his sore muscles. He settled in on the opposite side of the king, laying down so his head was the only thing above the water. “Yeah, that guy Crossblade. His body is still at the camp, but who knows if he’ll come back. We all thought Diablo was dead after Azumi decapitated him.” Wes muttered his response, feeling as though his victory was a bit empty.
Azumi looked down, she still couldn´t believe it herself. "I´m sorry. I just found out and all of this happened and I couldn´t tell you sooner. But, he mentioned you two in his letter." She handed the letter to them. "He cared about everyone, but some more then others. I´m sorry to make this day worse."

The King nodded. "Not this time, we have the body." He sighed loudly. "Enough about this, this is a break. So, you and Ms. Towers? They say the tougher the woman the tougher the man." He laughed. "And boy is she tough. Once when she was a little kid still, she challenged me to a sword fight for the throne. She also tried to join the Grand Court when she was about thirteen. She would train with my soldiers and would always say that she was going to be the best swordmaster. You sure you can handle someone with so much attitude?"
At first Wes was surprised the king knew about him and Azumi, but he figured she must’ve mentioned something to him. “Really!?” Wes’s eyes lit up as he laughed at the revelation of Azumi’s past. “She seems so calm now, I guess I can’t imagine her being like that.” Wes continued to laugh but it soon faded into a more serious tone. “I don’t know about me handling her though, at some point I have to get back to my old life.” His tone was now completely void of happiness. “You know, unlike your grand court who got love and fame for protecting the country, some of us get wanted posters and bounties for trying to solve the real problems within the kingdom.”
The King scratched his beard as he thought about what Wes said. "Well there's the problem. There are many like you out there, who had bad experiences and hate the system. So they fight it. While rich kids grow up to be in charge of it. Have you ever considered, that if people who loved their kingdom, the way you do, should be the ones in charge? Instead of spoil kids who know nothing about what's beyond the castle walls? Can you imagine, the big changes YOU could make if you had an important position and had the power to help those people? People don't look up at most wanted posters, they look up at the King. IF you really wanted to change the way things are and improve the living conditions of the lower class, you would fight for the power to do so. Instead, you still from the rich and give to the poor. Then what? The rich will remain rich and the poor will go back to being poor. You want to take power away from the higher ups? Then take it yourself." He laughed. "That... Would be the ideal king." He remained silent for a few moments as if thinking deeply about something. "Regarding Azumi, as her Godfather, consider your decision to go away. I believe breaking a woman's heart is the lowest a man can fall." He got up and began to cry himself. "You have a great heart young man. I can see why Leo and Azumi mention you in their reports." He began to get dressed. "One more advice, enjoy your life. It's the one thing we can only have one of that is truly wonderful." He walked away, his face going back into his serious original self.


Previously The Pikachan
Rene sat on a log away from the rest, eating a warm bowl of stew. Michi slept peacefully on her lap.

"We don't really have a place to go now." Rene spoke to her sleeping Pokemon. "We don't have a guild anymore. We can't join their army, it's not our kingdom. Maybe apply to different guilds and hope for the best." Her lip quivered as if she was about to cry. "I miss my friends. That guild was like a family."
Rolen stared at the fire. How could this have happened? Leo was strong, and powerful, and had so much magical capability... how? How did he die? And if Leo was gone, how could any of them stand up to whatever killed him? He had one arm around Amra, and he squeezed very slightly, finding a bit of comfort in knowing she was still there. He still had questions, however.

“Azumi.... how did it happen?”


Maira hugged Sam for a moment longer, and then backed out of the embrace. She gave a gasp as she saw Sam’s injuries.

“Sam! Oh, Sam.... here, let me help you, I’m so sorry, I...”
Amra calmed a little at the feeling of Rolen's arm around her. Laying her head on his shoulder she focused her sight on Azumi. Taking the letter, Amra read it through tear streaked eyes. Being there in that moment, she felt a little hollow inside. How could someone be so cruel and kill someone so sweet and caring. Sure he could be a pain in the ass, but that was just part of his charm.
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Wes sat in the water, stunned by what the king had just said to him. The ideal king... get power for yourself... could it be that the king shared his values. Wes hopped out of the springs, quickly getting dressed and running to catch up to the king. He grabbed the man on the shoulder, “Hey.” He muttered as he turned the man to face him. Wes clenched his fist and drove it straight into the King’s face. He knew it wouldn’t be enough to cause any real damage, but he needed to show his anger. Wes grabbed the tall man by the collar and pulled his face close to his own, beginning to shout. “Who do you think you are!? Blaming me for trying to fix YOUR problems just because I didn’t have the opportunity to join the court! It’s easy to say that I could’ve tried to become powerful, but would a poor orphan like me even been allowed to gain your presence!?”

Wes’s fierceness began to fade away as his legs started to tremble. He released the grip on the king and fell to both his knees in a bow, tears could be seen streaming down his face. “That being said, Sir, I’ll admit to being ignorant. I could’ve made a real difference had I followed the rules. I didn’t have the opportunity for formal authority back then, but I do now. The kingdom is more vulnerable than it has ever been and without a grand court there’s sure to be internal chaos. I’m the only person who has actually proved they killed an X member, so take me to the capital where I can serve on your court and receive training from you. I’m a fast learner, just ask Azumi. If you train me I’ll be strong enough to help you protect this kingdom.” He pressed his head into the ground while he pleaded the king for a chance to help.
Azumi's hands trembled. "I dont know the details, but I faced him. Vlad II Dracul. The leader of Organization X. He controls gravity, I used my gemstone and he defeated me without lifting a finger."


Samantha smiled a little, seeing Maira talking again. "I'm okay... I was afraid... You would hate me."


The King took the punch and barely flinched. He looked down at Wes. "Listen up." He spoke in a deep and strong voice. "Get up. Respect yourself. By the way you behave, you still need more training from Azumi. You still need to work with your guild. There will be a Grand Court, but first we must defeat this enemy or there won't be a kingdom to defend. Stand up, walk proud and keep working hard. You'll get there eventually." He rubbed his face where he had been punch. "Next time just call my name, no need to punch me." He looked towards the direction of the camp. "Now, there are people who need someone like you right now, go help them." He walked away again.
Wes got up and brushed himself off without saying a word. He headed towards his tent to settle in, noting the group of three by the fire and Azumi who was still in possession of his blanket. “It’s about time.” He mumbled to himself upon seeing Amra cuddling up to Rolen. Wes didn’t feel like socializing in general, and he especially didn’t like dealing with couples, so he walked straight passed them to his tent. “Night.” Was all he said to acknowledge them as he settled into his tent.
Rolen read the letter over Amra’s shoulder. He then returned his gaze to the fire. He still couldn’t understand, although Azumi’s statement about the leader of the organization helped. Gravity was very hard for even the most skilled wizards to manipulate, and even then it was generally more in the way of using magnetism than actual gravity manipulation. He didn’t know what gemstone Azumi was talking about, but he could guess that the man must be very powerful to have defeated Azumi. With all this information, he began to mull over possibilities in his mind, still holding Amra for comfort.


Maira had turned to her full matron mode.

“No, I don’t hate you, you just scared me... and that big ugly guy, too, he was grabbing pretty hard. But you lie down now, I need to get you cleaned up.”
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Azumi saw Wes passed by and remembered she had his blanket. She turned to Rolan and Amra. She just now noticed how close they were. She then felt the need to go bother Wes. But, leaving those two after the news she gave them was wrong.

"Anakin!" She called out to her Lucario. Anakin rushed to her side. "You mind taking this to Wes? He needs it in order to sleep." She handed the blanket to Anakin, feeling colder she shivered and raised her hands towards the fire.

Anakin moved quickly, took the blanket to Wes and went back to Nana.

Azumi sighed sadly. "Do you guys need anything? Have you gotten food?"


Samantha did as she was told. "Sorry... It just happened... I couldn't control it."
"That just means we need to find someone who can take him out quicker then we can be taken out. No one impossible to beat. You just have to find the right strategy in the fight to win. What about someone who can control darkness. If someone could become a shadow, wouldn't they basically negate his affect on them seeing as they are not subject to the pull of earth in that form?" Amra was someone who would think through big fights and learn about what they can do before engaging them in a fight.

Sarah was talking with Rowena as she started some of the report for the Queen to look at before she left. She was glad to have the time to work on it. The girl that Phoenix found walked up to her, and asked about joining the guild. "Well I can say you can join, but I am not the leader of the guild. I am just the second in command. If you would like you can come talk to Azumi when we go back to the guild tomorrow. This is not me telling you no, this is me telling you, I can not make the final decision. By the way my name is Sarah, or as most know me Red Rose."