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Open Shinies On The Run!

A shadow ball flew past Leroi almost hitting him, he turned behind and saw the Mismagius looking for him on the tree that he was previously on, and he wasn't spotted yet. Leroi then heard the Larvitar yelling which caught the Mismagius' attention and the Mismagius focused on the Larvitar. "I'm being serious RUN!" Leroi yelled. Chimchar then saw Mismagius' Power Gem get launched at Larvitar. "Look out!"
Greg saw the attacks, and began to run out of the way, but there were too many and they were too fast. Greg was sliced by the Magical leaf, Crushed by the power gem, blasted by the psybeam and was surrounded by the mystical fire. But Greg got up. "Is that all you've got?" He shouted "my old trainer made me fight a Poliwrath! He dunked me in the ocean. Every weekend we would attemp to battle a group of third stage evolutions! He would bury me and force me to dig my way out again! You can't top that! You don't even have any super effective moves!" He began to run at the Mismagius, before nearly passing out from exhaustion. "The mind is willing but the body is weak" he said to himself as he fainted.
Leroi saw the shiny Growlithe running at the Mismagius and then faint. "Oh no," leroi exclaimed. Leroi jumped down from the tree and grabbed the Growlithe and jumped into a bush hoping that they didn't get spotted by the Mismagius.
"That's what I thought. Stupid Shinies. I doubt you can even take this!" Mystic's gems on his neck glowed, then they released enough light to harm an adult- Dazzling Gleam!
"Are you okay," Leroi asked the Growlithe. "I don't think it sees us." Leroi's paranoia was growing out of control and any sudden movement could make him snap and freak out.
Mystic then attacked with the most powerful move it knew- Hyper Beam! If it it the Larvitar, it would faint, and if it didn't, it would attack until it hit.
Leroi realized that the Growlithe was completely out of it and wasn't gonna respond. Leroi noticed Larvitar distracting the hostile Pokemon. "I'm gonna have to get us out of here, it's now or never," Chimchar then picked up Growlithe again and started sprinting away from the commotion. Leroi then saw a small hole on the wall of the cave. "Perfect!" Leroi then pushed Growlithe into the hole and then jumped in afterwards and clogged up the hole behind them with a rock making it impossible to notice. "Okay, we're safe in here." Leroi said whilst breathing heavily. (Flying is non-effective against rock XD)
(I thought Larvitar was Ground...)
Mystic used Energy Ball on Larvitar, and then entered the cave that Leroi and the Puppy Pokèmon were in via Phantom Force. (Yes, all the moves I showed off a Mismagius can obtain.)
Leroi couldn't stop feeling bad about ditching the Larvitar because if it wasn't for that Larvitar, him and Growlithe wouldn't have gotten away. He thought "I have to help him since he helped me" Leroi opened the hole got out and closed it again. Leroi saw the Mismagius and decided to use Flamethrower straight at Mismagius.
Larvitar fell to the ground, badly hurt, But he wouldnt let him get away. He chucked an oran berry in his mouth and walked after the Mismagius.
"You can't beat me!" Greg shouted "I was a specially bred Growlithe! Bred to know what? Close Combat!" He dashed towards the Mismagius and shot his leg forward at its face, but it went right through it. "Oh" Growlithe said "right"
Leroi stopped his Flamethrower to see if it hit but then realized that the Mismagius disappeared. "What the hell? Where did it go?" Leroi exclaimed. Leroi then started hearing banging from where he last put Growlithe. "Oh no!" Leroi said as he removed the rock from the wall. Leroi jumped back in and used Flamethrower at the Mismagius.
(Is the following thing okay? Technicaly i started a "sandstorm" in the cave and used Outrage at the same time, Because of sand veil, his evasion was raised by 20% due to Guts.)

Larvitar knocked the Mismagius into one of the cave walls in a outrage, kicking up rocks and dust in his path.
"Time for my trump card! FOUL PLAY!!!" Mystic attacked every Pokèmon in the room with Foul Play, meaning that most Pokèmon would faint. It didn't stop attacking until every Pokèmon in the room was fainted.
Leroi got knocked back by the Foul Play. Leroi slammed against the wall and fainted after that impact against the wall.
(Time for Ire the Dragonite to appear.)
Name: Ire

Species: Dragonite

Gender: Female

Previously caught? Yes, at the Friend Safari with her Hidden Ability.
More details: She has Multiscale, she isn't shiny but her scales will turn green when she feels extreme emotion, she wears a pink bow on her tail.)
Ire used a Dragon Claw on the rock covering up the entrance to her cave, and she noticed a Mismagius. She used Thunder Wave on the Mismagius in order to stop it from attacking.
(Yeah, Protect only affects the user, and I have to TELL you my name.)
"This is my cave" Said the Dragonite. " I was out for a fly. So, if you wish to fight, leave this cave or I will have to get messy."
Leroi then was starting to gain consciousness again, his eyes slowly opened. When Leroi woke up he was startled from the large Dragonite that was looking in from a big hole that was mad in the cave. Leroi then slowly climbed out of the cave without anyone noticing and started to walk away fro the group of shinies.
Leroi was shocked at the fact that the Deino knew his name and his paranoia got the better of him. So he climbed a tree and started to escape by swinging from tree to tree.
Name: Leonidas

Species: Lucario

Gender: Male

Previously caught? Yes, but he doesnt have anyone to trust to talk about it.

Has the ability Mega Launcher.

Leonidas sat in a tree, exhausted from his long run when he was being chased by a trainer, Soon, the trainer's pidgeotto had lost Leo in the dense forest.

Leo soon saw... A chimchar he thinks it was, exit a cave, Leo climbed down from the tree and decided to check it out.

Looking in the cave, he saw a bunch of shiny pokemon like himself.
He decided he'd try to make a good imression.
"Hello, everyone!" he said with a small smile.