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Open Shinies On The Run!

(OOC: Rip sirderpsalot.)

"I guess i'll come, Its getting dark out here anyway, we- I mean, I dont want to be stranded out here against foes i cant hit, So, lets go shall we?"
(OOC: He literally just said don't do one liners, at least do two lines.)
After Leroi's announcement he notices the Zweilous walk off in anger after realizing that he won't get anyone's trust and no one will help the Shinx. "I guess that's one less Pokemon to feed," Then the Lucario decides to side with Leroi. "Okay then, anyone else coming with us?" Leroi asked to the rest of the group.
"It sort of worries me that we havent seen nor heard any trainers since the encounter with the mismagius, Do you think the area will be clear around the ruined house the zweilous mentioned?" asked Leo. As it started getting dark, Leo slowly fell asleep.
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"We can't risk it, the next time we encounter a trainer, might be the end of our freedom or worse, so man-made places isn't something that we should consider," Leroi explained. Leroi then paused in thought after reconsidering what he just said. "However, it may be a while 'till we find a good place to set up camp, what do you guys think we should do? Should we at least scout out the ruined house before ruling it out?" Leroi asked.
Leo awoke, He was still in the tree thankfully, No sign of the chimchar, though. The lucario dropped from the tree, and started out in the direction the ruined house was said to be in.
Leroi hid in the bushes that was near the ruined house. Leroi's paranoia started to take over slightly but leroi tried to remain focused. Leroi thoroughly scanned the area three times over in case there was any trainers or other hostile Pokemon. Leroi the Chimchar realizes that the coast was clear for now, and started to plan the route he'll take to stay hidden when going to the ruined house.
"Hai guize shorry ah waz gonna pho a bit, ah passhed out for a bhit but I had mah morning Chosmopolitins show ahm gud, whtza been hapen......oah loahrd", Barry said, trailing of at the sight of destruction the had become of the forest. Numerous tree's were destroyed and left in shambles, small fires had started all around the immediate area, threatening to destroy the the homes of the Pokemon of the surrounding area. Truly, these Pokemon held no care for the environment, other Pokemon aside themselves, and especially not to humans, even though all they wanted to do was give them a good home. It was chaos, it was death, it was.....
It was something Barry really didn't give a crap about, he just wanted to get out of this stinking forest, and right now with all the destruction, some of the wild Pokemon were going crazy. He hated to admit it, but right now, he needed to stay with the other shiny Pokemon, if only to keep his own ass safe.

"Hey guise ahm bhack, now ah know, we 'ben aven a bit of throuble bein chaptured, but dhon't worry, ah 'ave a solution! Ah didn use it bahfore 'cause I whaz aphfraid ah whouldn't attract enougha humins phor all o' us, but despharate tiems call phor desparite meshaus", Barry said as he pulled out a Flare Gun that he taped to his poorly made "Phree Shianey Beedouf" sign. No one was sure where Barry got that, not even Barry, but maybe it was better that way. Either way, Barry pointed the barrel of the Flare Gun into the air, plugged one of his ears, clenched his eyes shut, and....


The flare wen whistling through the air before exploding high in the sky, the bright colored caused every Pokemon and trainer in the area, even as far as the near-bye town, to turn the attention to the colorful smoke. Within minutes, the area would be swarming with people and Pokemon alike looking to investigate the source of the flare, and who would also almost surly discover the shiny Pokemon that had gathered in the area, along with Barry.

"Der, naow weel get chaptured phor sure!", Barry said with a stupid grin on his face to the shiny Pokemon.
Leroi was startled by a massive bang that came from the direction he had just come from, and when he turned around to see what was up. He realized a massive, bright, red light filling the sky. Leroi had realized instantly that this area had become a beacon for curious wondering trainers, and that it would attract them like a moth to a flame. Leroi started to silently panic trying to think of what to do. Leroi then decided to get to cover before he decides anything else and so he sprinted to the ruined house hoping that it would be safe.
The Lucario watched a sparkling red object rise into the sky, and explode into a rich red flame...This was going to attract a lot of attention... "Oh no... Who could've shot that, and why?" Leo thought.
Leo raced through the thick forest, jumping over and through the large bushes and trees.
(OOC: Sorry about that last post, accidentally posted it when I meant to delete it, I mean, it was obviously not finished, so you can ignore it, or don't, it's up to you).
Greg looked around, worried. It seemed that the area would soon be surrounded by trainers. He saw that many had already arrived, including Oh No! his old trainer was with them! And with him was the Shiny Chimcher
(OOC: New OC time)
Name: Chi

Species: Chimchar

Gender: Female

Previously caught? Yes, by the same trainer as Greg

"There are so many!" Chi heard his trainer shout "I have to catch them all! Chi, attack them all with Fire Spin!"
Chi jumped out and got ready to attack when his eyes met Greg. She turned to her trainer and pointed at Greg
"Hey!" the trainer said "That is that stupid Growlithe I let go! Chi, fight him!"

Chi jumped towards Greg and they began to battle. "I'm so sorry" she said "I have no choice"
"Yes you do" Greg replied, smiling. Then he used ember on the trainer's bike, causing it to fall over, and Chi's Pokeball to fall out, then used Close Combat on it, breaking it.
Chi smiled. "I've been waiting so long to do this" she said, and used Ember on his trainer before running away. "We need to get out of here" Greg said. They looked around, there was no way out, the ruined house was surrounded by trainers, all of which were trying to catch them. "Come on!" Greg shouted "I think i see a way through" they ran through the mass of trainers back into the forest, finally free. But just before they could escape, Greg felt the unmistakable feeling of a Pokeball hitting his fur. "Noooo" he shouted as he was converted into energy and was put into his ball. Chi turned around and tried to pull him back but it was too late, Greg was no more that a head and one paw. "Go on without me" Greg shouted "be free!"

Chi ran further into the forest and climbed in a tree. "And this time" she heard her old trainer say "you are not going to escape."
She saw him with the Pokeball that contained Greg.
(OOC: Okay... I suppose I've missed quite a bit since I was busy making my Pokémon series and stuff, I'm going to introduce a new OC if that's alright.)

Name: Noel

Species: Cyndaquil

Gender: Male

Previously Caught?: Yes (He had broken free from the clutches of his abusive owner, though no one is unable to catch him. This is due to the coding that has to be fixed on his original Poké Ball that he hid somewhere in the cave under Zorua's secret base in the past.)

Zorua was still asleep in his long slumber in his secret base, as a Cyndaquil had woken up deep in the cave from his eternal slumber that had went on for years on end. He had been put in a deep slumber from several scientists in an attempt to get rid of the extreme power that he had contained in his babish body.

He took in a deep yawn, as cooled down igneous rocks had surrounded his small, cold body. He quickly broke free from the brittle rocks, as he took in another yawn and said to himself, "Grrr.... I feel so weird... where in the world am I right now? And why does this place feel awfully warm?"

He fell onto the floor as the rocks crumbled, as he quickly got up and grunted from the pain. He felt extremely weak, as he coughed trace amounts of smoke while he tried to get up. He attempted to flare up his back, as not even the tiniest of embers came out. He limped around the area, as he hugged the walls and stalagmites to maintain his balance. He was very pale, as his vision was extremely fuzzy, while his hearing was very off.

He tried to get himself back together, as he continued to sluggishly limp across the cave. He said to himself as he coughed more smoke, "I feel very weak... my body is about to collapse here... I don't even know how I even survived this. I can't seem to even produce my power here... need... someth-"

Unfortunately, he couldn't seem to even finish his sentence, as he fell down to the floor with a huge thud! He tried to get back up again, as his weak body was on the verge of shutting down. He crawled to a wall that looked familiar to him, as he coughed still, while he tried to take in normal deep breaths.
Barry's eye's lite up as he saw Greg's trainer approach him, finally, a trainer would catch him, he would be safe and happy and drunk as a skunk in a box. It was finally over...until that stinking ass Growlithe had to ruin everything, not just for him or the other shiny Pokemon (seriously, Greg's trainer said he was going to catch them all!), but for the Chimchar he had too, as that stupid mutt shattered the Chimcar's Pokeball with Close Combat. Barry could only watch, slacked jawed, as those vile, stupid Pokemon ruined his only chance to get out of this stupid forest, the chaos gave way to quiet as the two-fire types went to hunt down poor Greg. But Barry, Barry had all he could stand, which, granted, depended on the day, but right now his breathing was heavy, his veins were bulging, and rage was plastered on his face. Barry...was undoubtedly pissed.

"You....you....YOU IDIOTS!!!!!!!", Barry roared, his voice shaking the foundations of the forest as her ran sprinting after the two Fire-types, Barry was hungry, and revenge was on the menu. Locating Greg's trainer was no trouble, all he had to do was follow the loud noises of chaos, and there he was, Greg's trainer had cornered that stupid Chimchar that helped ruined everything, and Barry knew this was his chance to prove himself. Barry wasted no time enveloping himself in water as he took careful aim at the Chimchar, all he had to do was beat the living snot out of her and then this trainer would be impressed enough to catch him. With a cry, he launched a mighty surf at the Chimchar, drenching the entire area around them. Barry then turned around and gave Greg's trainer a big, stupid smile, as though expecting praise or something.
Noel had knocked on the wall of rocks, as he had tried to call for help. Zorua had woken up when he heard the knocking, as he said to himself, "Huh wait... who's outside there? This is interesting, I never knew I wasn't the only one here." He used secret power, as the rocks seperated.

He rubbed his eyes, as he noticed a shiny Cyndaquil lying on the ground! He was startled, as he quickly went over to him and asked, "Hey, you okay there?! You look like that person that had gotten out of world war five."
Noel replied in a weak voice, "Wha... where am I... what are you fox..." He couldn't seem to talk, as Zorua quickly took him in, while the rocks came back together after he took him inside. He said in a very hesitant tone as he placed the weak Cyndaquil on his other leaf bedding, "Okay... I'm taking that as a no. Just relax here, I've got some stuff and possibly some medicine that I've made before I took a long nap."

Noel passed out, as Zorua felt his back was frost cold to the touch. He quickly rubbed his back in an attempt to warm him up from the friction that his paws had generated. He said to him while he also massaged his back, "Hey, come on... don't pass out on me now. I've got some apples here, I think you might need to also eat something."
Leo slowed to a small trot, and commotion was all around. Just trainers ordering their pokemon around, yelling this, or that, and the sound of captured pokemon. It was dreadful, but he had to keep moving. He'd started to hear pokemon up ahead, hopefully someone he has already met. He looked through a few bushes to see... THAT Bidoof again... But a trainer and a chimchar was with him. I guess he got what he wanted.
Leo skulked past, trying to avoid an encounter
Leroi sprinted into the ruined house and immediately slammed the door behind him. Leroi instantly noticed the staircase to the upstairs had collapsed and there was no accessible way to reach the second floor. "If I set up shop up there, then even if a trainer wonders in, it will still be unlikely that I will be found," Leroi thought. Leroi swiftly climbed up the pillar to the second floor. Leroi then looked out the window and saw the commotion that was happening where he was and saw the multiple trainers invading the area and all the wild Pokemon featuring the shiny Pokemon he had met all trying their best to not be found. Leroi started to have flashbacks of StarK Mountain and started to cry being still traumatized from what happened to him.
Leo silently covered the distance between him and the ruined house. It was a bleak night, but many trainers still hopped about. "Maybe that chimchar is held up in here, and he'll let me in..." Leo mumbled, quickly knocking on the door.
Leroi was still crying when he heard a banging on the door. He quickly rubbed his eyes and stood up, not knowing who it would be. The thought of it possibly being atrainer massively grew is paranoia. Leroi peeked out the window to where the front door is andsaw the shiny Lucario he encountered earlier. He had a sigh of relief and ran down to answer the door. Leroi opened the still rubbing his eyes.
Leo quickly entered and closed the door behind him, propping up a chair against the doorknob, and sighed with relief. "Nice to meet you again bud, Hopefully you had an easier time getting here than I did."
Leroi ignored what Leo said because of him still being in thought. "The stairway for upstairs collapsed so there's no clear way up there for people, so I've set camp there already," Leroi explained in a rather depressed tone before slowly climbing back up the pillar and sitting on the second floor with his legs dangling off the edge.
Leo sat next to the barricaded door, black dots danced around his vision, until he had fallen asleep. He dreamed of himself falling... forever, a blue sky and few clouds surrounded him, but nothing truly happend, it was peaceful, but no for long...
He woke up, light shining through the cracked windows. He rubbed his head, unable to remember what he dreamt of.
Leroi attempted to sleep but kept having traumatic flashbacks, which kept him constantly waking up every couple of minutes. After a while, he noticed that Leo had fell asleep and woke up again. "Hey, why aren't you sleeping up here, If someone goes through or around that door you're the first thing they'll see," Leroi said. "There's plenty of space."
"Huh? Oh you're right, i must've dozed off, Ha..ha." Leo blinked a couple times. "What would it matter, anyway..." He mumbled. He walked outside, Something to eat should cope well. But whats around here... He instinctively turned towards a rustling in the bushes, firing off an aura sphere as he went.
"Fro Fro Kie Kie Fro" who set this color thing up. Frokie leaped from tree to tree until she reached the tallest tree in the forest. Well I'm home, Frokie thought.
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Zorua took care of Noel, as he placed him in his bed next to him, while he hugged him and said, "You look familiar... the brown fur, the way you talked, it just reminds me of something in the past. Noel, well... I think that's who you are right? Well look buddy, you need to rest here, also, have an apple, it'll help you recover a little more."

Noel took the apple as he ate it and said, "Thanks Zorua, or should I say... Zephyr. I still haven't gotten it wrong even if I had been knocked out for quite a bit."
Zephyr replied, "No problem Noel, and you still got my name right buddy. Let's just take a rest here, you sure ate that apple quick. Want some berries also?"
Noel replied before he fell asleep, "No thanks... I think I'll just take another short nap, I still feel awkward like this."

Zephyr patted Noel's back, as he cuddled him and fell asleep with him. They were mostly safe in their secret base, as the stony walls blended in together. He also had learned to make him and his friends only be able to open the walls, in case if a trainer were to accidentally wander upon by having his Pokémon use secret power in that area.
Species: Rockruff
Caught:Yes.She was caught by a Team Skull grunt,abused, then broke free.
Meanwhile, a shiny Rockruff was running through a tunnel,desperate to escape the chaos. She quickly used Rock Tomb to seal of the entrance, the continued running. She eventually reached the exit,but only to find a trainer waiting. "Aw,dang." she said.
Species: kairla
Caught:Yes but broke free and is now heading towards the house that lerlio and leo where in

Winter ran through the forest her body badly injured from her abusive trainer as he beat her tell she fainted from pain and or blood loss as she ran the goggles around her neck gad been moved to her eyes as they turned to heat detecting goggles showing the loucious postion as she headed for him a hydro pump hit her in the back as she screamed in pain and land in from of leroi whimpering in pain
Name: Adam

Species: Charizard

Gender: Male

Previously caught? Yes (was chosen as a starter but got released into the wild)
*A shiny charizard flew down* what is going on here?!
Name: Ethan
Species: Fraxure
Gender: Male
Previously caught: No


Ethan was fleeing from a trainer trying to capture it. Ugh. Trainers and their Pokeballs. They thought having Pokemon stuffed into those machines were beneficial to them. Ethan snapped back to reality. He spun around and unleashed a deadly Dragon Pulse. The trainer cowered and fled himself. Ethan sighed. Alone finally. Life was hard for a shiny Pokemon. All the trainers looking for them, getting rid of innocent hatched Pokemon because they weren't shiny. Suddenly, Ethan spotted a shiny Honchcrow carrying a shiny Umbreon.
"Hey," He called. "Who are you guys? Not many Pokemon here for miles."
Froakie woke up from his nap, he walked to the entrance of his big tree and looked down because he heard some noise. He saw a shiny Fraxure, a shiny Honchcrow and a shiny Umbreon. "Hey, are there any trainers nearby?" Froakie asked the pokemon.
"I'm Froakie." Froakie jumped to some tree next to his house. He looked down to jump and saw a shiny Kirlia on the forest floor and some goggles next to her. He jumped down a told the Fraxure, "This Kirlia is injured and it needs some food and water, I know a spring in the forest, there are some berries in my tree, and always help a shiny in need.
Alot of her body was badly burnt and her light blue hair was scarlet red from the blast burn that was sent at her at close range when she was running away from her old trainer she looked at the goggles as tears fell and she tryed to grab them not knowing there was anyone else with her
"Ok, the Froakie ran into the forest, a minute later they reached the spring. "Ok lay he Kirlia down in there." Froakie told the Fraxure, "what's your name?" Frokie asked. Froakie remembered that there were goggles laying next to the Kirlia "I'll be right back." Froakie got some berries, a cloth, and the goggles. When Froakie reached the pond he gave the berries to the Fraxure and started cleaning the goggles.