Previously EeviumZ
@EmoKitty21 Ah, okay. I'll do that.
Could i get a list of the lost's items? It is kind of tiring to go through the olders posts**IMPORTANT NOTICE**
Alright guys! I'm making the tweaks to my final draft to officially kick off the PRP thread!! I will be posting within the next hour!
So just as a reminder, there are more protags than the Lost, meaning not all the protagonists will be able to hold an item. This will be--much like the theme of this thread has been--a first come first serve basis. You may chose to not pick up an item (like I have done to let other characters shine first, as I have some other plans for Georgie's character arc later on down the line), but all the items must be picked up before being spirited away!
We will start right as the protagonists are approaching and entering the Chamber, so anyone who doesn't have a protagonist role doesn't have to wait too long to enter! Once all the characters have entered the Chamber, and all items have been picked up, they will be promptly whisked away to the other reality. And that's when the fun will begin!
If there are any other questions or concerns please let me know.
It kind of goes with my character in this roleplay xdAlso I like your new username lol.