Yes, I agree with Emokitty and EeviumZ. If we get into a conversation later on, the posting schedule we have will make it even more difficult to respond because we will end up having only two or three posts for the actual conversation before we have to move on. For now, it's fine. But for conversations, we should be allowed to break the posting schedule, so that a conversation can flow smoother. Although, for battles, it's a bit a iffy.
I was in the same RP as EeviumZ and I ended up missing out on everything, including all the encounters with the bad guys (didn't help that I had a job, so I missed all the action, even with the 2 or 3 post rule because it all happened during the hours that I work). I just simply didn't have time for the encounters, even though I was really wanting to be a part of it, which was one of the reasons why I lost interest in the RP.
Since battles are going to be different in this style because there won't be any 1x1 battles unless we split up, the posting schedule we have right now won't hamper anything. Everyone gets a chance to respond to the action happening to their characters and they won't miss anything.
I was on a Discord RP server for some time and the same posting schedule you have worked wonders over there (then again, the group was pretty small). When we have characters branch off, they have their own posting schedule with the characters that are around the area they're in. Our posting schedule can be as flexible as I have mentioned, so that we don't have any issues.
I would also like to say if anyone wants to be in an encounter with the antagonists, but don't have time, I say we keep the posting schedule as is. I don't want a repeat of what happened to me in the other RP. XD