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Ask to Join Superpower High School Roleplay: Karma High

Nera and Isolde, sitting in a booth-
One reads minds, the other truth.
I suppose that means they both are sleuths,
Even though they are but youths

Brothers in arms, they both shall try
One is serious, one awry
If they aren't new, do you imply
That this is RP Isekai?

Fun and games they both enjoy
Though together they annoy,
Kim's sanity they'll destroy,
With a Pizza-eating ploy!

In the @=Nightshade= they are alone
One has friends, one's on his own
Though both of them are kind of prone
To keep what is unseen unshown!


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Ah, I see.

OMG I just realized that Samael and Marcel have a Gamma 1 and 2 style friendship.

Aaaaannnyways…here are base character themes for them.


She had listened to what Freddie had to say. She knew she needed control, especially after that incident. She noticed the small smile, and gave one back as Thomas spoke up. She blushed, then looked at her feet, then back at Freddie. She then

"That sounded like what one my of living half brothers would say." Fuyuko responded about Thomas, "I do agree with your response in the sense that it is way too early. Do you have any family?"

Fuyuko went to check the time. It read 4:35. Luckily, she's in her evening wear for dinner.

@Red Gallade

Still struggling tbh.

Kinda lost on what's happening.
Here's the last Fuyuko post.
Name: Orion Cross
Age: 16
Gender/Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 5'11"

Appearance :

View attachment 947092

Personality: Orion strives to be a resourceful and strategic young man, preferring to plan out his actions and think several steps ahead. Known as a quick thinker and excellent problem solver, he excels in situations that require finding unconventional solutions to challenges.

With some age and experience, he's learned to tone down his logical approach to most matters and adopt a more solicitous, sociable attitude overall. As a result, his personality has become much more expressive, humorous, and pleasant to be around.

Even so, he can struggle with feelings of inadequacy when compared to counterparts he deems are 'cooler' or 'more interesting.'

Backstory/History: Orion hails from an upper class family of transport moguls, his great grandfather having been a very successful train architect and engineer, who reportedly had a similar power to Orion, though exact details have been withheld for unknown reasons.

As the middle child of the family, the relative lack of attention given to him by his parents (in comparison to his other two siblings) have fostered his general independent and self-driven demeanor, and he very often finds himself being the voice of reason or responsibility among his peers and siblings as a result.

Throughout his schooling, he was often victim to people trying to take advantage of him due to the convenience of his power, which led to a brief spell of complete solitude and social isolation. In middle school, however, his accidental, newfound group of friends couldn't have cared less and never once asked for use of his powers, even when they were late to things!

As such, he's once again learned to open himself up and be personable, though small remnants of his time alone linger in both his thoughts and actions.

That said, his often introverted behavior belies his creativity and goal-orientation, as he elects to spend the majority of his free time scribbling down goals, writing, and practicing different skills, among other fun pastimes, like playing one of his favorite games ; Sleeping Dogs.

The user can create portals at will, that appear a deep, dark purple in colour, allowing themselves (and other entities) to instantaneously travel between different locations. The user can also manipulate properties of the portal, such as placement, size, shape, and duration of the portals.

In order to manifest the portal, the wielder must first visualize where they'd like to place it, and where they'd like it to lead, and as such, the user is unable to create portals to places they have never seen or visited personally.

It is possible to derive this information solely from photographs, drawings, descriptions etc. In this case, the effort and time required to manifest the portal significantly increase as a result, and it is likely that the portal will be inaccurate in destination.

Likewise, the more familiar a location is to the user, the easier time they'll have creating portals to that particular destination. Destinations within direct line-of-sight are the easiest and portals leading to these these can be manifested instantly.

Similarly, deliberate practice using the power can increase the general speed and accuracy of portal manifestation, and decrease the effort required for such, among other varied benefits.

By default, each portal summoned will be of exact height and width to accommodate the user, made in the shape of an oval. Portal properties such as height, size etc. can either be set before manifestation, or altered dynamically after the portal's creation, which requires slightly more effort.

Finally, creating and maintaining portals require energy and focus, both of which can deplete even faster if maintaining multiple portals, larger portals, travelling far distances, sustaining them for long periods etc.

If the user is in an unstable or emotional state of mind, it can have unpredictable effects on the use of their power.

Likes: Learning, transport, creative activities, most foods, going to new places, using his power

Dislikes: Not working towards any goals, needless violence, sensory overload, irresponsibility, heights

Relationships: Orion is close enough to his family members, especially his older sister and younger brother, who often beg him for transportation to this place and that. He also shares some very amicable bonds with his middle school crew, and aims to keep in contact with all of them.

In his free time, he scours his home and the internet for any information he can find on his great grandfather, suspicious of how little there is about his powers and personal life.

Made some improvements to Orion's bio


Previously SlicertheGallade890
I have been traumatized by people leaving Pokecharms, yes. Yes it was Winter, specifically. Moving on.
You like Winter Don’t you Cryronn?
Bored so may as well introduce a possible antagonist (maybe antagonist).

Name: Dai Smith
Age: 16
Gender/Pronouns: Male (he/him)
Sexuality: Aroace
Height: 5'6"
Appearance: He looks like an average Japanese teenager with British elements, having black hair, blue eyes and slightly tanned skin. He also wears glasses.
Personality: Dai was never really a nice guy. He is incredibly manipulative and will stop at nothing to get his way.
Backstory/History: Dai's powers manifested before he was born, making him slightly more powerful than average. By the age of 8, he was already incredibly manipulative, but still kind of considerate. As a teenager, the considerate trait disappeared and he became a true manipulator.
  • Cognitive Strength: He can do to others what others think he can. Depending on said person's thoughts, he can even control them. The only limit is, he can't kill those who could be useful. (aka 90% of people)
  • Fear Manifestation: He can project anyone's greatest fear into their minds and maybe even come close to killing them. The only limit is the degree of fear.
Likes: Torturing others, getting what he wants
Dislikes: Not getting what he wants, Dean
Relationships: None
Other: At his worst, his power is comparable to a sleeping dog.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Name: Jacqueline "Jack" Lockheed
Age: 16
Gender/Pronouns: Female/She/Her
Sexuality: Lesbian
Height: 5'10
Appearance: Jack is a relatively slender girl she has pale skin with lilac eyes and her hair is a soft platinum blonde that she wears in a long ponytail, she also has cat ears (the only trace of her Nekomata mode that remains when it isn’t active). When she shifts into Nekomata mode her hair turns grey, her eyes become black abyss's with white pupils and she also gains claws, fangs and a grey cat like tail.
Images created in https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/625876 (五百式立ち絵メーカー)
Personality: Jack is energetic, loud and highly excitable. She tends to only help if something is in it for her, but does enjoy a good fight if it can challenge her. She isn’t overly fond of authority figures and she likes to sing and read books. She has a fear of raccoons and is smart and gentle in how she acts towards others.
Backstory/History: Jack was born and spent the first 6 years of her life in England with her parents, they moved to America when her father fell ill and required specialist care that they could only get in America. Her father later died in hospital and in her grief she had her first instance of transformation, she had had the ears and some acute cat like tendencies for a while but had never fully transformed, she was sent to a therapist to learn how to control her emotions a little better as her powers would often be affected by strong emotions. Jack and her mother remained in America as they had decided it might do them some good.
Powers: Nekomata - she has the ability to switch into a more cat like form with enhanced strength, speed and reflexes, beast-like senses with fangs and claws that are sharp enough to pierce most traditional body armour. She also heals a little faster than regular people and is physically a little tougher also. However, she is weaker when not in Nekomata mode and even while in Nekomata mode she is highly susceptible to catnip, which affects her like it would a cat. She is also swayed by chocolate and coffee when in Nekomata form as her preferences and inhibitions are all knocked out of wack by her enhanced animal instincts.
Likes: Coffee, catnip, chocolate, singing, exercise, reading and sleeping.
Dislikes: Raccoons, authority, bullies and lazy people.
Relationships: None (yet)
Other: Sleeping Dog (totally didn't forget this)
House: Pegasus
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