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Private/Closed Tales of Ender Eye (Fairy Tail RP)

Brendan glared at Py-ton, "If she's weak you must be an insect, you couldn't even become Erik's (Cobra) true successor." Brendan said, in a taunting voice. "Just wait, you'll be begging on your knees in our wake."
He then watched as Ara was sent flying, he grit his teeth. Brendan felt horrible that he couldn't do anything.
"Do anything to her again and I'll drop you! Blood or not. They are already prisoners. We don't need to do anything more to them!" Viper yelled to Py-Ton as his brother walked up the dungeon before he turned to Ara, letting out a sigh as he looked her in the eye. A look of regret, a look a broken man.

"I came here cause he's my brother, and with him maybe I can find her again." Viper said, opening up his locket to show the picture of his mother.

"Even if you accepted me, even if Ender Eye accepted me, society would not. My presence there would only drag your guild down. Among these outcasts here, I don't take anything away from them. I can only make a promise to try and avoid any deaths. And that once this is over, should we win, that I'll try to convince them to let you all go." Viper said, his words he knew would mean nothing, but he felt he had to say them anyway. And he would make the effort.

"Just know that...I'm truly sorry it has come to this. Perhaps if there is a hell, me burning in it will be proper punishment." Viper said before he followed Py-Ton out of the dungeon.
Py-ton looked at his brother, and said, "I wonder why you care for that guild so much? Eh, never-mind, I don't care about that right now. The important thing is to plan what to do when those guild members come here." Py-ton took out a map of the interior design of the guild, and started marking down some stuff. He then looked at Viper, and said, "I've decided on our plan. I'm having some fire mages melt the ice that chick had made, so that if those members don't cause any damage to our guild, but that ice is thicker than we thought. But while that is happening, we'll plan who goes where. Sabrina will stay with Teddy in the dungeon room, just in case any Ender Eye members want to help our prisoners escape. Azir, Frea, and Fabian will divide in the Hallway of Hell (A hallway basically with four rooms that help the Apocalyptic Four with their magical abilities)." Py-ton then started nodding, thinking over his plan, and then he looked at Viper, and said, "And you will be in the entrance room to my throne room. You're my brother, so I expect you to be the strongest member I have, so I need your help. And I'll be in my throne room, there's no way that those Ender Eye members can fend me off."

Meanwhile, in the dungeon, Ara finally got up. When she got up, however, she threw up blood. "Dammit!" she exclaimed, "That guy hit me pretty good." After a moment of being quiet, Ara exclaimed, "Ugh, I'm way too weak! I can't even stay mad at Viper, who betrayed us!"

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Orion wanted to help Ara, but in the position the mages were in, he couldn't do anything about it. "Are we going to wait to regain Ethernano? Or are we going to trust Ender Eye will come?" Orion asked to no one in general. Both options had flaws in them. Ether about takes almost forever to regain and there's the Apocalyptic 4 that Ender Eye had to deal with. Orion looked around the outside of the cages. There were his keys, laying there on a table, almost as if it was taunting him that he wasn't able to reach it. Orion cried out in exasperation. "ARGH" Orion called out, clearly frustrated.
Sabrina, diligently following Master Py-ton's plan, had stayed beside her "living" doll: Teddy. Sabrina knows that things are going to get serious now. She gave a slight snicker. "You ready to fight big guy?" Sabrina asked Teddy in a childish tone. Clearly unable to speak, and with Sabrina controlling it, Teddy gave a nod of his head. "And there's always our room in our hallway if needed." Sabrina said out loud to herself. "We should be fine!" Sabrina exclaimed with a big grin on her face.
Eliza watched as Savannah ran out of the guild to Barry's house "well I guess she didn't need a ride after all" she said with a smile on her face "well I guess I should go as well" Eliza said before running after Savannah to Barry's place where she saw Savannah run into Barry's house "well she doesn't waste time" Eliza said as she followed Savannah inside "hello"
Cyrus and Jeanne walked up to Guildmaster Ed. "So, you want us to go along too, as a couple of extra hands? We were planning to join this guild either way, so it makes no difference to us." Cyrus offered. As he spoke, Jeanne began compulsively packing her bag until it was bulging to the point of touching the roof. The red-haired teen looked back and sweat-dropped. "Uhhh, I don't think you're going to need that much..." he said.


Fabian made his way down to the prisoners with a large pot of soup and freshly baked biscuits, as well as bowls and spoons. "Alright, dinner's on." He said as he passed Orion, Ara, and Brendan each a bowl of piping hot broth, chicken, vegetables, and noodles, and a biscuit each. "Let me know if you want seconds, too. Made this myself." When he was finished speaking, he sat down in a chair and took out a flask of blood, beginning to chug it down.
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Brendan took the dinner Fabian made, "Thank you." Brendan said as he ate the dinner, it was surprisingly good for prison food. Brendan analyzed the room as he ate, he was looking for any weak spots in the wall surrounding the bars. Just because his magic was sealed but that doesn't mean his brute strength was.
"Even if you did manage to escape your cell, You'd have me to deal with." Fabian stated matter of factly, taking another swig from his flask. "And given I'm the leader of the Apocalyptic Four, we both know how that'd turn out, especially without your magic." He let a small chuckle escape from his lips. "I do appreciate your strong will, though, I'll say that much."
Barry was laying on his bed when Savanah barged in. "What!" Barry shouted as he sat up. Bolt came running out of the kitchen. "Guild mates have been captured? We have to go save them." Bolt said. Barry got out of bed. "Let's go Bolt." He said as Bolt nodded. He then turned to Savanah with a serious face. "Lead the way."
Ara, just like what she did with Py-ton, glared at Fabian and spat at his face. "I'm not going to let you treat me like trash!" Ara exclaimed. She then pushed the broth aside, and turned her back to Fabian. She then sat down, in a sort of meditating position, and stayed quiet.
"I'm trying to treat you like human beings, Miss Fullbuster." Fabian said, slightly irked by her stubbornness. "Just because we're on opposing sides doesn't mean we have to be hostile toward each other, the exception being when we finally face off." He then gave a soft, sad smile as he looked up at the three mages. "Y'know...so-called 'Dark Guilds' aren't always as evil as people claim. They're just guilds not accepted by the magic council. Trust me, I've come across official guilds much worse than this one in the centuries I've lived. Guilds that make this place look like a bunch of saints." He paused to take another swig of his beverage. "Regardless, there is one thing that makes this guild similar to yours: our family-like bond. We're not evil demons trying to conquer the world...well, not all of us anyways. In fact, most members of this guild are rejects of society; those who for some reason or another were tarnished by others and cast out of their homes. And then there are those who spent their lives looking for a place to belong, like Viper...or me." Glancing to the side, he looked at the mirror in the room, but of course, no reflection was seen. "Tell me...have you ever heard the story of the Immortal King?"

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Orion accepted the meal, because at least the host was being nice about it. He was grateful for being treated decently at least. Orion stayed quiet between the conversation between Fabian and his members, not wanting to barge into the conversation. Though his ears did perk up when Orion heard Fabian speaking of the guild as a family of rejects. Orion kind of saw the guild in a different light, but nonetheless, the guild is a dark guild. Once again his ears perked up when he heard something about an "Immortal King." Orion decided this was the perfect time to join the conversation. "Enlighten us." Orion said. "What is this Immortal King you speak of?"


Previously Sarah316
Savannah gave a nod before she turned to Eliza.

"Ready to go?" Savannah asked, waiting for Eliza's response so she could lead them and they can get their friends back.
Ara looked at Orion, and said, "There is no need for him to tell the story. I've already heard of it." Ara looked at Fabian and Orion, and said, "But I'll keep it quick. It's basically a story of a king who lived a happy life in his kingdom, until a witch came. The witch cursed the king, by granting him eternal life, but at the cost of his humanity. He now roams around, trying to find someone who is worthy enough to challenge him, so that they could take his kingdom, and he can finally rest in peace. But I've only thought of it as a myth."
Fabian was silent for a moment, then smiled. "That's...one version of the story, yes." he stated, "Allow me." He then cleared his throat and began his tale:

"Centuries ago, there lived a mighty, just, and wise king, who ruled the kingdom to the west of Fiore. For years he lived happily with his family, and his kingdom prospered greatly under his rule. But then, the land began to wither and rot under their feet. No crops grew, natural disasters tore the terrain to shreds, sickness and plague infected and spread across the populace like wildfire. The worst part about it was, despite his best efforts, the king couldn't do anything to cease this calamity. No one knew why these terrible things were happening. Some claimed it to be witchcraft, others judgement by the gods. Regardless, the king could only watch as his kingdom, and even his family perished." He held back a few tears as he looked down.

"To make matters worse, another kingdom invaded the already dying country, and left nothing but seas of blood and fire in their wake. Eventually, the king was the only one left, and he was taken prisoner. Mocked and scorned by his enemies, the king eventually found enough strength in him to fight back and break free. He stood alone against entire armies for three days and nights before losing all of his strength, and in desperation for the life and power to defeat his opponents... he commited a severe taboo and drank the blood of another human being. The moment the blood first touched his lips, he was cursed to continue drinking the blood of others to survive, and lost his capability to age. Now the king wanders the land of Fiore, seeking out a worthy successor who can defeat him in battle, and to whom he can trust his throne and final wishes."

He let out a sigh as he looked over to Ara. "There was something else that king desired, though, and he found that much, at least." He emptied the flask of what blood remained in it, and sighed. "He wanted a place where he belonged. Over the centuries he wandered, no humans could accept him as a member of their society anymore. How could they after he committed an unspeakable taboo and became a monster?" he chuckled. "Finally, when he thought about giving up on this ambition, he finally found a place: A group of outcasts, like himself, who cared for him like a brother; Who accepted him for who he was, instead of what he was. That place... was the Grim Brothers Guild." He then took out what appeared to be a gold crown emblazoned with a royal crest and looked at it. "Even if I am no longer a king, I am happy to at least be accepted somewhere."
Ara looked at Fabian, with a shocked face. "You're the Immortal King!?" Ara exclaimed, "I thought the whole story was fake!" Ara regained her composure, and decided to go back to her meditating position. She had to, it was the only way to regain her magic, and she didn't need this guy to distract her.
"Yes, I am. I've been around for 546 years, seeking two things: a worthy successor to pass this on to," Fabian gestured with the crown, "and a place I can call home. And thanks to the acceptance and brotherhood I was shown here, I have found one of those things. All I need now is a successor." He looked to Ara and chuckled. "You know, your father came close to being that successor. He is, so far, the strongest mage I ever fought. After we ended the fight in a tie, we got a drink and got to know each other a little better. He's a good man, and I'm proud I got the privilege to meet his daughter." He then looked to Brendan. "Then, there's the son of Tatanya Erza Scarlet and Jellal Fernandez, inherent of his father's calm temperament and mother's will, it seems." Finally, he looked to Orion. "And then there's the diamond gate wielder Orion, who calls upon the gods of Olympus to aid him in battle. You might believe I see three foolish children, but I see the next generation of mages and heroes: Ender Eye."
Brendan quietly listened to Fabian, he was actually quite intrigued by it, "Wow, 546 years." Brendan said, "You are even older than Zeref." Brendan added in a calm voice. Brendan's father had told him many stories, but he had not told him about The Immortal King's or well, Fabian's story.
"Tell me, did you ever face one of my parents in battle?" Brendan asked.
Eliza smiled and put her thumbs up "let's go then" Eliza said as her expression got darker "it's time to pound some Brothers Grimm heads into the pavement" Eliza said "oh and I guess you don't need me to carry you after all, I mean running from the guild to Barry's after running all the way from a dark guild is an accomplishment but you've still got to finish the circuit" Eliza said trying to pump Savannah up
"Hmmmm...I don't believe so. I'd like to someday, though." Fabian thought out loud with a smile. "Last call for more food, by the way. I'm gonna turn in soon. Need my rest, after all. Being unable to age doesn't mean I don't need sleep." He stood up, chuckling. "Something tells me the next time we meet, it will be on the battlefield. When that happens, I look forward to seeing what you're capable of."


Previously Sarah316
Savannah gave Eliza a sheepish grin as she realized she had been running a lot lately.

"Yeah, guess that adrenaline does a number for you. And you're right, let's finish this!" Savannah said, fired up and ready to take the fight to the Brothers Grim Guild.
"I see." Brendan said, he was actually glad his parents didn't have to battle with him. Brendan sat quietly in thought as Fabian walked away, He's probably the only decent person here besides that little girl, she probably has been here her whole life. Brendan thought to himself.
A few minutes past, Brendan lied down and looked at the ceiling, "I hope our guildmates will be here soon." Brendan said, thinking out loud.
Ara was disappointed of how she had been acting, and remembered what that monster told her, "You humans are too quick to judge someone based on someone's appearance," or something like that, she couldn't remember it that well. And she thought to herself, "Maybe that thing is right. I never really gave these people a chance, and I just went out and attacked these people. I guess I'm glad I had this chance to talk to Fabian. Ara went back to her mediating position, hoping she can regain as much magic as possible.
Cyrus dashed alongside the railroad leading toward the Grim Brothers Guild, moving at a rather high speed for a human being. Above him in the air, Jeanne glided on wings of light. "Jeanne, before we get there, just promise me one thing: try not to get yourself killed." Cyrus said, looking up at her.

"Well, I've succeeded so far." Jeanne said with a smile. "So I must be doing something right." She then looked down at Cyrus. "AND STOP LOOKING UP MY DRESS, YOU PERVERT!" the Armored Angel shouted, turning red in the face. Cyrus quickly looked forward, grinning.

"I don't know what you're talking about." he laughed as he continued running.


Fabian sat down on his wooden throne in his room, waiting for the impending battle to begin. At his side were two bottles of blood and a copper goblet encrusted with amethyst gems. Filling his goblet halfway, he leaned back in his seat and relaxed, resting up for his match.
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Py-ton was outside of the guild, and noticed that the fire mages have successfully melted off half of the ice dome that Ara had made. Py-ton glared at the mages, and exclaimed, "Hurry up, and melt all of this ice away! I don't want any traitor's magic surrounding my guild!" Py-ton entered once more into the Grim Brothers guild, and left all of the fire mages once more to their business.

Ara was still in her meditating looking position, trying to regain as much magical power as possible. Because Ara was in such high concentration, she was able to sense two people with high magical power coming to the guild. Wait! This magic, it's...it's very familiar, but who is it from. Ara then remembered about Jeanne and Cyrus. That's right! Those two sources of magic must be coming from them, which means Ender Eye is coming to rescue us. No one else seemed to notice the two magic sources, so Ara decided to stay quiet for the moment, and go back to regaining some more magic.
Eliza smiled at Savannah and began following her to the Grim Brothers guild in hope that there in time to rescue there friends.
After a few hours of traveling Eliza was consumed with rage "how much longer!!! We don't have much more time!!!" She yelled frustrated about her current position and worrying about her guild mates "screw it I'm off" Eliza said as she got ready to run off "I'll give them an early greeting, but don't worry I'll save a few leftovers for you guys" she said with a smile on her face "we'll see you there" she said before racing off towards the Grim Brothers guild.
After a few minuets of running Eliza found her self seeing a guild hall which had seemed to be frozen in an ice dome and some mages trying to melt it with fire "they don't know what they've got coming"Eliza said as she began to radiate with electricity, she quickly put on her sunglasses and as she did electricity began to come out of the sides "now let's go" she said to herself before increasing her speed until she was a yellow streak of light "THUNDER IMPACT!!!" she yelled as she reached the ice dome and punched what was left of it into shards sending ice and electricity flying all over the place "Now let's get serious!" Eliza said as she sent a shock wave through the falling pieces of melted ice eventually hitting and immobilising the fire mages.
Frea looked around when she heard the sound of shattering ice and thunder "well it sounds like the fun has begun without me"
"Whoa... Ender Eye sure isn't fooling around." Cyrus said as he witnessed Eliza's assault. He smirked as he noticed fireballs flying their way. "Incoming on our right!" he called up to Jeanne before leaping forward, a few fireballs exploding behind him. Astral Engine: Speed! With a magic circle glowing beneath him, the enhancement mage's speed doubled, making him a crimson blur as he raced up and kicked one of the fire mages in the face. With a cry of pain, he tumbled back a good distance as Cyrus tossed off his red tailcoat and began warming up as some of the dark guild's grunts began to surround him. "So...how's your health insurance?" he asked with a smirk.

"Uh...we're a dark guild. We don't HAVE health insurance." One of the grunts answered nervously.

"Oh. Well, sucks to be you." Cyrus quipped before lunging forward and striking the grunt's face with his knee. The others moved in as Cyrus took a stance.

Meanwhile, Jeanne stayed airborne with her wings of light, diving down on another crowd of fire mages and striking them with a mace made from light feathers. "Don't underestimate me!" she warned the others as she landed in front of them, her wings dissipating back into light. "Light Make: Feather Daggers!" A magic circle formed in front of her and fired out a multitude of daggers with feather shaped blades at the grunts.
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Brendan awoke due to the shaking and rumbling, "Well, looks like they're here." Brendan said as he got up and looked out of his cell. The teddy bear was the only guard in the prison so he wasn't worried about escaping.
Azir laughed as the whole guild hall shook and the ice broke, "Thanks for freeing us from that!" Azir yelled as he stood on the second floor watching the whole ordeal. "Come on dudes! You can totally take down these couple of wizards!" Azir yelled at the members below.
Eliza looked up at Azir when she heard his voice and then looked around at Cyrus and Jeanne "you guys keep these guys outside busy I'll head inside"Eliza said before sending bolts of electricity to nearby mages "now let's get this party started" she said as she kicked the guild doors open to reveal rows upon rows of grunts that were about to exit the guild to attack the enemy forces, Eliza looked around and sighed "looks like this was a let down" she said as she let her guard down

The dark guild members broke into laughter "a little girl thinks that she can take us down, wow what an idiot" a grunt said in laughter

Upon hearing the comment Eliza began to get angry "hey the person who just said that mind putting your hand up for a second?" Eliza asked trying to suppress her rage

The Mage laughed and put his hand up "there you happy but I don't know what good this is doing yo-"

Before the Mage could finish his scentance Eliza sent a bolt of electricity at his hand electrocuting him "NO ONE CALLS ME A LITTLE GIRL GOT THAT!" Eliza yelled before jumping into the air and holding her arms out wide "THUNDER DRAGONS WING BEAT" she yelled as she quickly crossed her arms sending mass amounts of electricity through the enemy mages electrocuting most of them "not so little now am I" Eliza said as she landed on the ground

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Orion woke up due to some noises and some sort of earthquake. But Orion felt some familiar magic energy coming off from somewhere. Pondering about it for a while, he snapped his finger. "That's Ender Eye alright." Orion mumbled joyfully. The Celestial Mage then sees his keys had fell onto the ground, inching closer and closer to his cell as each rumble from the battle initiates. Orion stretched out his arm trying his best to reach it. So close yet so far. Good thing the guard was outside of the dungeon guarding, instead of inside the dungeon. Otherwise, he would've been caught trying to break out by now.
Sabrina had ran into her room in the Hallway of Hell the moment some big attacks had happened. She ran, not in fear, but to prepare herself for the battle to come soon. "They're here!" Sabrina chimed happily. "Now they will play with me!" Meanwhile, Teddy the giant teddy bear had still been sitting in front of the dungeon entrance not doing any other thing at all. His orders have been to guard the prisoners, not fight. Thus, Teddy sat there motionlessly watching the battle between Ender Eye and Grim Brothers.
Azir laughed again, "Oh, a Dragon Hunter!" Azir exclaimed as he watched her defeat many of the lower guild members, "Ha, maybe I'll get to fight you, although, I really want to fight that sand girl!" Azir yelled as he turned and walked to his room in the Hallway of Hell. Azir opened the door, and entered his room. His room looked like the beach, it even had water and a bunch of sand. "I wonder who will come to my domain." Azir said with an evil smirk.


Previously Sarah316
"Sand-Make: Great Wall!"

Savannah blocked a series of magic fireballs using a large wall of sand. There was an army of mages once they broke through the doors, but this did nothing to deter Savannah. They came to save their friends and she was not gonna back down now.

"Sand-Make: Cannon!"

Savannah dispersed the wall and generated a cannon to go on the offensive. Blasting several sand cannon balls at the grunts which sent them flying.
A little bit of dust fell from the ceiling of the medieval throne room that belonged to Fabian as twilight filtered through the stained glass windows. So, they've finally arrived. The vampire thought with a smile. That smile quickly faded, however, as he took out a communications Lacrima to contact his teammates. "Do not underestimate them, whatever you do. We're dealing with a guild of a whole other caliber here, and one mistake might be your last." he warned. "And I would rather all of us survived this ordeal, regardless of how things turn out."


"Yeah, no problem." Cyrus replied to Eliza's request. He then turned back to the group of grunts he was wailing on. "Alright, who's next?" he requested with a smirk. As if to answer his question, a trio of flashily dressed grunts landed at the front of the crowd.

"Banshee!" The first and biggest one started, striking a pose.

"Ghost!" The second continued, again striking a pose.

"Reaper!" The last of the three shouted, "And together we are...THE SPIRITUAL TRIAD!" As they shouted their little rallying cry, Cyrus gave an amused look.

"Oh, this is just precious." he laughed.

"You won't be laughing for long, runt! We're the strongest grunts of the Grim Brothers guild!" Ghost announced, "Not to mention we have you outnumbered, three to one!"

"You know, that would be intimidating if you were... well, intimidating." Cyrus mused.

"Oh yeah?! Well your face looks stupid!" Banshee shouted. Cyrus paused for a moment and looked over at the larger man.

"Like you're one to talk. Just look at that bruise on your face." Cyrus said.

"Wait, what br-" Before Banshee could finish, Cyrus leaped up and shot his foot out into the grunt's face, instigating the brawl to come.
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Barry jumped in from behind everyone else with his arms in a dark aura. "Dark Dragon's Wing Strike!" He shouted as he slammed into the crowd of grunts and cause a big explosion.
After examining the the corners of the bars, Brendan found that the bottom left corner was warped a bit. "Alright, here goes nothing." Brendan said with a sigh, he moved to the back of the cell and got a running start (which wasn't a big one) and drop kicked the left corner. The bars were sent flying and crashed into the wall across from Brendan.
"I guess the bars were weaken than they looked." Brendan said as he got up and brushed the dirt off. Brendan went over to Orion's cell, after picking up his keys and gave them to him, "You should be able to break out with these." Brendan said with a smirk.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Just when Orion was about to get is key pouch, a loud crash could be heard next to him. Then out of nowhere, Brendan came up and gave him his keys. "Thanks mate! Guess you broke out." Orion exclaimed gratefully. "Open, Gate of the Divine Hero: Hercules!" A man with a lion like hoodie and a rock club appeared. "Break me out then deal with the thing that's guarding the dungeon door!" Hercules only gave a scowl then broke the steel bars to pieces then went out to deal with the giant teddy bear guarding the door. "Yosh! (Yes!)" Orion called out. It looked like the cell was blocking most of his magic, thus him being able to summon a lower rank celestial. But when he broke out, the magic that he had lost flowed back to him.
"Howling Spirits: Phantom Fang!" Reaper shouted, firing a bolt of spectral energy from his hand at Cyrus as he finished a combo of blows on Ghost with a flip kick. Cyrus regained his balance as the projectile flew toward him, and began to once more focus his magic energy.

Astral Engine: Endurance! he mentally commanded before his body began to emit an emerald green light. The bolt struck him dead center, and Reaper let out a laugh.

"Ha! Got him! No Ender Eye brat is a match for the Spiritual Triad!" the villainous grunt boasted. He then paused and squinted into the smoke. "Wait, what's that?" he asked himself as a silhouette began to emerge from the debris, glowing with emerald green energy. The energy then changed colors, becoming a deep crimson red as Cyrus emerged, a little bit battered, but still intact.

"Pain, my friend." Cyrus answered. "Lots and lots of pain." He then lunged forth with greater strength than before and socked him in the gut before grabbing his arm and yanking him in.

"P-please don't ruin my face!" Phantom whispered frightfully, "I don't want to scar or bruise this complexion!"

"Fine by me." The crimson mage replied, swinging his leg up and kicking him between the legs. Reaper replied with a hilariously high-pitched squeal as he soared through the air and landed on a nearby boulder. As Cyrus took a moment to catch his breath, Jeanne joined his side. "So, how're you doing?" he asked her.

"Oh, not too bad." She said with a smirk, looking at the pile of unconscious grunts.

"Well, maybe we can fix that! You think you can kick us around with no repercussions whatsoever?!" Ghost yelled as he rejoined Banshee.

"We've been doing a good job at it so far." Cyrus laughed. "But if you really are a glutton for punishment..." He and Jeanne got into their stances as their two enemies charged at them.
Ara looked outside of the cell she was in, and noticed how Orion and Brendan had escaped. She then said, "Good, you guys escaped. I'm going to stay here for a little longer. I want to be in my A-game, so I'm going to get as much rest as possible. You two go ahead and help the others." Ara was sure too be loud enough for Orion and Brendan to hear, but not for the walking Teddy Bear to hear.


Py-ton looked at the battle going on in the guild through a lacrima. My mages are insufferable! They can't even take down those Ender Eye wizards! And those wizards haven't even begun to get serious! Py-ton threw the lacrima on the floor because of frustration.
Viper glanced back at his brother, anger showing as Ender Eye were quite clearly taking care of the weaker mages of the guild.

"Ender Eye are strong. Quite strong. Don't expect lower level mages to be able to best them. Even in spite of the numbers advantage." Viper said to Py-Ton.
Fabian's voice came from the lacrima. "They're grunts. What else did you expect?" He said, "Honestly, they're all like goombas!" He paused. "Except for those other three...what were they called, the Spectral Trio or something like that...?" Turning away from his communication lacrima, he gave them some thought. I wonder how they're doing, by the way... Switching communications with his lacrima, he watched as Cyrus and Jeanne began beating them down. ...That seems about right. He mentally griped with a sigh. He then switched back to Py-ton. "Then again, the best of the worst might not suffice..." he muttered.


"Okay, that is IT!" Ghost shouted, frustration etched on his face. "I'm getting really tired of this! Reaper! Options, now!"

"Wait, since when were YOU team leader?!" Reaper growled angrily, "You're not the boss of me! Quite the contrary! I formed this team, so I'M the leader!"

"Just help me think, dammit!" Ghost roared.

"Well, have you tried, uh...THAT tactic yet?" Reaper asked. "You know, your specialty?"

"REAPER! This is hardly the time to think about that!" Ghost gasped, appalled. "We're in the middle of a fight!"

"I, uh...I meant switch bodies, buddy." Reaper interrupted, not wanting to imagine what he was talking about.

"Oh...oh yeah...I forgot about that." Ghost muttered. He then smirked as he took out a dagger and pointed it at Cyrus. "You better be ready, boy, because you're about to be in a world of pain!" He then pierced his own chest with the blade, crying out and coughing roughly.

"Uh...aren't you supposed to do that to me?" Cyrus asked, looking rather disturbed that his opponent had just stabbed himself.

"Oh, ho ho...but you see, I DID do that you!" Ghost laughed, as a magic circle formed behind him as he tossed the bloody dagger aside. "SOUL SWAP!" he shouted, casting a beam of light that struck Cyrus, who winced. A blinding light flashed from the conflict, and when it was over, nothing seemed to have changed.

W-what the...did he miss? Cyrus wondered, opening his eye a little, his vision somewhat blurry. OW! Okay, he did not...my chest hurts...wait...what's that? As his vision cleared, he saw himself standing in front of him. Wait...did he copy my looks?! What the...?! Wincing, he looked down to find a stab wound on his chest, and he put two and two together. "Oh...Ohhhhh...Ohhhhhhhhh crud." 'Ghost' sighed.

"And now that your body is currently under my possession," 'Cyrus' laughed as he approached his dagger, "All I have to do now is kill you!" He then raced toward 'Ghost' with murder surging through his eyes.
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