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Ask to Join The Complex

Reaper in the guard Uniform headed straight towards the exit of the prison. He couldn't belive how easy this was. Just a few more steps and he'd be home free.
A female guard suddenly walked next to the disguised Reaper. "Well who do we have here? I haven't seen you here before." She leaned towards him. "Are you new? Do you need someone to guide you back to where you're supposed to be?" He said with a sinister tone as her fingers behind her back started shifting.
Chaos got bored after waiting for a response but not getting any so he just went over to his cell door, "I could just open it but there may be guards outside that will subdue me..... who am I kidding that would be suicide for them" he chuckled before pushing the locked door open as if it wasn't locked and then headed to the Cafeteria to get himself some grub
" No my shift finished." He said as he put on his best southern united states accent. " I'm just heading home for the night. " He said as he took a step foreward He was close enough to the doors that he could smell the fresh air of freedom. His left hand slid down his pocket to retrieve a knife he crafted here
The exit door suddenly closed. The woman was standing against a wall with her hand stretched out. "Really? I don't recall seeing anyone signing off on the member board." She said as she stood up with a sinister smile on her face.
" Knew it wasn't going to be that easy." He said. He took his hat off and a couple of guards ran towards him. He quickly dug his blade into one of the guard's heart. He took the man's gun and fired the other guy in the middle of his rib cage making him fall down easily. He pointed his gun at the girl and kept his knife close to him. " Move a way or your going to be joining your friends." he said.
Carter stood in front of the gates, a slight frown on his face. Was escaping this prison supposed to be so easy? He was extremely bored. He might as well try out this "Interdimensional Prison" and see how it is. He walked over to the mess hall just in time to see a prisoner finish wrestling with a rhino. As if this place couldn't get weirder. He walked over to the man who flipped the rhino and was casually eating his meal. "You seem like the strong type, hm? Wrestling with a rhino does require quite a bit of strength."
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The Woman chuckled a bit. "You think you have the avantage? That's cute." She said as one of the dead guard got up and tried to tackle Reaper. Sh would then send the other guards' bodys to pile on top of reaper.
"Oh that wasn't much. Just a good ole flick of the wrist. Mind passing me the salt?" Apollo asked this newcomer, wanting to top his piece of beef with some salt across the table as he downplayed what he did earlier.
Reaper jumped past the dead guards. He fired a couple of bullets at the puppeteer to get an idea about her defenses. He quickly moved to the left. If he had his regular weapons on him she wouldn't be able to stand up against him.
"Under normal circumstances, yes. However the guards seem already busy with someone making a break for it. To have a little spar here would divert away even more available guards. Quite an irresponsible move to make on good conscious." Apollo said with a smirk, saying something complete counter intuitive to what an inmate who desired freedom would say. Apollo took a moment to sprinkle some salt on his piece of beef before he began to eat it.
The woman flicked her arm forward and the bullet was deflected. She then swung her arms upwards and all the guard bodys lunged at Reaper to pin him to the ground.
Kenny interrupted Carter and Apollo. "Free period start at 8 pm and ends at 9 pm, you can go to the sparring ring and do it there." He said.
Reaper was barley able to get out of the way. ' Her hands.' He thought as he ran towards her zig zagging as he did. He got his shank out as he jumped into the air as he pushed his blade towards her hand.
Carter nodded to the guard who had just interrupted. "Sure. That works. Thanks for that. By the way, I haven't quite gotten your name." He looked at the prisoner next to him.
"Apollo. I look forward to our spar later." Apollo said to Carter, as he went back to enjoy his meal. The chaos caused by the attempted escape doing little to get his attention.

Short sighted fools...consumed by their own egos. Escaping this facility won't be as easy as they seem to believe.
The woman grabbed the knife with her hand after she wrapped it with her transparent string. She then swung her other arm across Reaper's body as her strings started too tangle around him.
"I'll let you go after I get you back to your cell." She said as she walked to his cell pulling him along with her and threw him into his cell. "If you wanted to escape, you could have at least waited until your free period in 20 minutes." She said as she walked away.
Reaper sat down in his cell and smiled. He took out a paper and pencil He looked at his plans and decided started to jot down some other plans.
Chaos passed by the guard and the prisoner who had tried to escape, however to his luck he was unnoticed and soon reached the cafeteria, he went to get some food before returning with his tray and sat down near some other prisoners he deemed interesting, "hey pal, mind me borrowing the salt if your done with it?" he asked the guy next to him, hearing some of his conversation with the other guy as he made his way to the table he knew this guy's name was Apollo but that much info sure isnt enough to see if he would make a good friend.
"Naturally." Apollo said as he passed the salt to another newcomer while he finished his beef. All things considered, prison really wasn't that bad. Food was better than expected, staff was beyond reasonable and it had been a rather fun day.

I should have tried this approach with my prisoners when I had my own prison, rather than just torture them. Oh well...
Chaos used the salt as he asked "hope you are ok with me asking what floor where you assigned to? you look quite strong", he finished using the salt and placed it on the table before starting to eat
"Truthfully the fifth level, though I wouldn't put too much stock in this level system. I tend to find that the idea of "power levels" to be rather silly. There are more than likely lower level prisoners underestimated by the staff who are bigger threats than me, and higher level prisoners who might not be as powerful despite their threat status." Apollo said, stopping only for a moment to drink some water.
"oh cool, im a six level prisoner and honestly i may be the only prisoner who can easily escape here thanks to my powers, but do i want to? well i killed the guards who where escorting me here but still came in so take a guess" Chaos said offered Apollo his hand to shake, "name is Chaos by the way".
"That attitude of "I can get out no problem" is a foolish one to have. This place doesn't have a reputation of holding "the worst of the worst" for no good reason. Don't bet on your own ego, that will only make it more damaging when they take you down. This staff is not one you should underestimate." Apollo said, offering advice to Chaos as he shook his hand.
"Well these cells are supposedly specially designed for holding their prisoners and I just waltzed out mine so I'm kinda taking that as a hint of how my escape will be" Chaos said before lifting his tray and letting go, instead of falling back onto the table it stayed afloat, "after all I don't even listen to physics and logic".
Kyra watched at the battle finished "ugh idiots they should have known they didn't have a chance" she said as she began to eat "though those two sure took there time with beating them" she said before noticing the prisoner that had just come it "6th level huh?" She said as she walked over "hi" Kyra said as she stood next to chaos "so I Finaly get to meet someone else who's a 6th level prisoner" she said as she examined Chaos
Chaos turned his attention to another prisoner who had approached him, "oh so your a 6th level too? Nice to meet you, I'm Chaos, a big living middle finger to laws, physics and logic" he introduced himself to her and offered his hand for a shake, "and you are?".
Kyra held her hand out and shook his hand "My names Kyra" she said in a dull tone "so what powers do you have exactly?" She asked while looking at him "I saw that you could levitate things and your self but I doubt you would be in here just for being able to do that" she said as she sat down at the table taking no interest in anyone else
"Apollo it was nice speaking to you and man that was a good if I could get out of this container I would devour there souls instantly," spoke Jackson as the two level 6 prisoners arrived "Oh two more level six prisoners it's a pleasure to meat you the names Jackson arc devourer of 5 galaxys."
"My title says it all" chaos said as he picked his glass of water off the levitating tray, he removed two ice cubes and stroked them together making sparks, once one of them landed in the glass the water was set on fire, "see? No logic, no physics, no laws, in fact I got out of my cell just by pushing open the door" he said before waving at Jackson
Kyra looked at Chaos for a while and then at the cup of water which was on fire and then back at Chaos " so why don't you break out?" Kyra asked "or better yet how did you get caught in the first place?" She asked compleatly ignoring Jackson "it just doesn't make sense are you just here to amuse yourself or is there something keeping you here?"
"I got tired of messing around and needed a vacation, I turned myself in but not before phasing the four guards that where escorting me through the ground and leave them to suffocate because they where too pushy, once in done with this vacation I'm busting my way out" he said carelessly as if he was at a hotel and not a prison
"Level four here." Hyrain suddenly added, appearing directly behind Reaper. "And I sure as hell can get out easier than you. It's just that this place is probably safer than the outside for me, thanks to Apollo here," he said, walking over to Apollo and rejoining the timeline
"Wonderful, you are all rather special. Now then while you all discuss escape methods and brag about how easy it will be, I'm gonna go rest in my cell. Although I should probably speak to a guard about a bigger bed. It has been a pleasure." Apollo said, standing up and giving a respectful bow before he began to make his way back into his cell. Once there Apollo laid on his bed and just decided to relax until the next free period.
Kyra laughed a bit at his answer "well that's one interesting vacation" Kyra said as she looked around the room "well it's not gonna be long till I get out of this dump" Kyra said returning to her dull self "I mean the guards are pretty pathetic" she said unenthusiastically "I mean I have to say some of these guards arn't qualified to guard us" she said as she stood up, Kyra then turned to Hyrain "If i cared I would have asked" she said to Hyrain before walking off "anyway I'm bored so I'm gonna go to sleep" she said as she walked towards the exit of the cafeteria
"I do Captain of the guard kenny and may I ask a favor for when it's free time?" asked Jackson with a wicked grin on his face "For you see I wish to be free of this container for an hour or may I have a sparing match against my good Guard friend."
Kenny got up and looked at Jackson. "I don't see why not if its during free period, but I don't trust you with my guards so I'll personally give you a match." He said with a smirk on his face.