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The Dark Tournament

Should the NPC have shown Nightmares

  • yes- more depth and environment

    Votes: 8 100.0%
  • no-takes away from the pcs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
It was Ny a set up like that was my intended although rain dance dosnt buff ice attacks it was more to keep her alive through healing and water absorb healing plus setting up the stage for the rp use of sheer cold to wipe the lot.
I really don't care much if rain dance officially buffs ice attacks or not in game terms. I thought it made perfect sense to from a narrative point of view, and thought it a smart, creative way to try and combine effects from the limited abilities available. I wasn't actually hadn't considered that people could object to something like this. I've been making very liberal use of Ajax's Surf ability, using it for movement, to douse fires, to push against enemies distracting and destabilizing them, enforcing jumping power in order to have the force needed to squash Scyther. I thought myself rather clever for finding so many uses for the same ability. Was that wrong? I really hope not because I have a couple more moves thought up that can be derived from the base 4 Ajax is limited to.
Not at all. I'll acknowledge the song but it's so overused for such things that it just lost all its appeal to me. Instead though, I was heaving this song play to accompany the charge and subsequent battle.

Oh my god, I gotta tell you guys something funny that happened last night.

So apparently for the first time ever I actually sleep talked last night. My significant other asked if I could wake them up when I wake up and I said:

"Yeah...sure. I'll have my character wake up your character."

Then, after being asked if I was sleep talking, I was like:

"Yeah, probably."
Oh my god, I gotta tell you guys something funny that happened last night.

So apparently for the first time ever I actually sleep talked last night. My significant other asked if I could wake them up when I wake up and I said:

"Yeah...sure. I'll have my character wake up your character."

Then, after being asked if I was sleep talking, I was like:

"Yeah, probably."

Coincidence? I think not.
Chrocey, would you mind terribly, giving me a description update of Delilah?

Also, Salem definitely needs himself a Floyd. He's mostly fighting on instinct and sense, but it would be immensely helpful to have a Pokemon encyclopedia at hand.
Chrocey, would you mind terribly, giving me a description update of Delilah?

Also, Salem definitely needs himself a Floyd. He's mostly fighting on instinct and sense, but it would be immensely helpful to have a Pokemon encyclopedia at hand.

Sure thing! Just let me know if you have any questions about the description below.

Basic Description:
Delilah has caramel brown skin with short, messy black hair and emerald green eyes. She stands at about 5’9” and weighs approximately 160lbs. She has an athletic frame with a little bit of muscle definition in her arms and legs.

How she looks now:
Right now the most prominent change is Delilah’s clothes, which are the same duds everybody else was given at the beginning of the tournament. Two large bruises are on either side of Delilah’s hips, where she was grabbed and squeezed by the Pinsir. Other than the obvious dirt and scuff marks, there’s not a lot else about her appearance that has changed.
You know, that "Float like a Beedrill, Sting like Beedrill" cracked me up during her fight with Apollo. I'm very much looking forward to another day filled with cheesy lines, modified to fit her explosive self. :)

I wonder if our younger readers and writers got the Muhammad Ali reference, actually. Or Astral's Mothra reference, in Megan's mention of the Godzilla movies. :)
You know, that "Float like a Beedrill, Sting like Beedrill" cracked me up during her fight with Apollo. I'm very much looking forward to another day filled with cheesy lines, modified to fit her explosive self. :)

I wonder if our younger readers and writers got the Muhammad Ali reference, actually. Or Astral's Mothra reference, in Megan's mention of the Godzilla movies. :)

Yeah, I was gonna put float like a Butterfree sting like a Beedrill, but then just wound up liking Beedrill for both since she's so obsessed with that pokemon.

Also, I hope younger folks understand the reference. I'm not that old myself, nor do I want to bee
OK here is the rework after chatting and working with AstralKitsune. Hope you all like her, NOW for a very LONG intro post LOL

Name: Lily Matherson
Age: 19
Appearance: One eye stormy grey, the other almost a golden hue. She is 5' 6'' tall, and has scars on her back from incident from her past.


The words that come to mind are, caring, thoughtful, witty, playful, calming, skilled, honest, hopeful, and countless others. Lily is always ready with a soft smile that has been known to light up the world around her. She has a care taking nature that comes out in the way she watches over those around her. The people and Pokemon around her have become friends...no more so they have become family. They try to watch over her because of her sweet nature, as she tends to be a bit too trusting at times. But they also respect her skill, despite the fact that it may not seem as if she has what it takes to make it. She doesn't seem to take anything personally, and shrugs off most things said about her. In the end there isn't much that can keep her down.

She is known to have Pokemon all around here, no matter the type or how intimidating they may seem. She always took them in when they needed help, healing or simply a place to call home. Lily never judges a book or a person by its cover. After all, you never know what kind of person you'll meet or get to know if you judge them by how they look. Some of her best friends were rather scary looking after all. And in the end Lily never pretends to be something she isn't, she has an honest and hopeful heart and a strong will that never seems to fail her.

Lily for the most part tries to remain positive. But there are times you will see why they say she has storms reflecting in her eyes. She has a strong protective streak and can't stand it when someone picks on the weak. It's probably why she and her main pokemon Dynami get along so well. They make a dynamic duo when it comes to helping those around them. At times it can be hard, but Lily refuses to give up and remains determined to continue her family’s legacy.


The beginning of Lily's life was for the most part a simple yet happy story. She was born to a couple that both loved and supported the world around them. Her father a Pokemon Doctor and her mother a Pokemon Ranger. They both met while her parents were still young and engulfed in their travels. Her father had helped nurse the pokemon that worked with her mother’s team after they were involved in a cave in. And the two simply fell in love. And not long after that lily was born.

The small family unit still traveled, and Lily grew up being homeschooled by the world itself. For years they lived happily and found the world their oyster. Her parents fought hard for certain rights, and the preservation of natural habitats or areas that were vital to the pokemon's lives. Lily...well Lily simply fell in love with it all. As the saying goes, she never met a stranger she didn't know. Or came across a challenge she couldn't overcome, even if it took a few tries to do so.

During their travels Lily's grandfather Zed introduced someone new to their little family. Lin was a wild one for sure, and her story stuck with them. Lily being the same age as the girl quickly took to seeing her as a sister and the two were an endless bundle of energy when put together. Lily helped Lin see the world from her point of view, and Lin helped Lily to truly begin to understand pokemon. They came and went in each other's lives, but always seemed to find their way back to one another, especially when it really counted.

Tragedy stroke when she was 16, her mother and father had left Lily behind for a change. Stating that what they were getting into could be dangerous. Lily still has no real idea what had brought this along. But only her mother returned. She explained that there had been an accident at least that was what she said at the time. Thinking it would do no good to tell Lily the truth of what happened.

Lily lost herself for some time, unsure what to do with the grief of losing her father. But soon they got a call, from someone that needed help with a pokemon. They hadn't heard the news of her father’s passing, and Lily did the only thing she could...and went.

It didn't go as well as planned, and due to ill planning and the savage wildness of the pokemon she had been trying to secure Lily found herself in the hospital. She remained there for several weeks heeling. The incident left her with scars on her back, and reminded her how dangers their work could be. Still Lily had the memory of her father’s words, and knew she couldn't simply give up. Her mother hesitant at first knew that this was something Lily needed to do. So once she was healed, her family said their goodbyes and wished her luck.

From there she traveled, her journey started out rough. She lost more battles than she won, but she also gained more allies. Lily earned each and every one of her pokemon's trust, each one choosing to be become her partner. The past few years have helped her not only pull together a strong team, but also to become a stronger person than she ever thought possible. And even with her silly and at times shy nature remaining, she soon found the tides beginning to turn in her favor.

Now, after a few years on her own Lily finds herself invited to a new tournament on an island she had never been to. The sheer idea of an adventure and seeing a new breed of pokemon became enough promise to have her hopping on the next ship.

Pangoro (Name Dynami)
http://pokemondb.net/pokedex/pangoro (Pangoro Pokédex: stats, moves, evolution & locations | Pokémon Database)
Me First
Foul Play
Quick Guard
Storm Throw
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Interesting tie in with Lin there. You seem to have put a lot of thought and effort into your character and it shows. I'm looking forward to meeting. Especially because she's super hot yo! :D
On an unrelated note, could someone tell me how to implement a spoiler tag into a post?
You helped me with the link thing, and now I'll help you! You must do [$SPOILER]*Insert content here*[$/SPOILER] Minus the Dollar signs. Or, there's a helpful button that gives you several options! There's an "Insert" button on the rich text editor that allows one to put in Spoilers, Quotes, Code, and other such things! It's the fourth button from the right on the main text toolbar, next to the save button.

Was that confusing? Probably. Still is a tutorial!
Oh. Oh well, it's still a decent guide, I should save it for when I forget it again. On a another note...
Interesting tie in with Lin there. You seem to have put a lot of thought and effort into your character and it shows. I'm looking forward to meeting. Especially because she's super hot yo! :D
Salem just has all the ladies? He stole Cassie's heart (I think...it could be Curt), has the Dr. in his clutches, and now may be after Lily as well. Leave some for the others, yo! :p