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The Dark Tournament

Should the NPC have shown Nightmares

  • yes- more depth and environment

    Votes: 8 100.0%
  • no-takes away from the pcs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Right, any preference to how I go about this? I dont want to just barge into this finely weaved web of an rp
You can either write a monstrous intro post like Curvykitten did when she introduce Lily, it'll take time but you can cover all your bases, build your character and get familiar with him and his Pokemon, before you start demanding responses from others.

Or, you can begin in the jungle, perhaps wounded, or on the run, or if he's been very lucky and capable without any injuries, and go from there.
You posts will then probably contain a lot of inner dialogue and thinking back on previous events which you can then narrate in great details to catch us up to how your guy ended up on the island, maybe saw some of the other characters but didn't interact with them, and spend his first day in the jungle. You will likely have a combat encounter or two to describe, and you most definitely have to detail the Nightmare your character had on the night of the first day in the jungle. That was a requirement of Astral in which you take a good memory your character have, and twist it into something dark and haunting. i'm sure you've read those of the other characters so you know what to do there.
I believe Cassie and Damian fought to a close battle and the loss was what caused Cassies current demeanor and behavior
Don't give yourself too much credit there buddy. I'm quite sure her current demeanor stems from the fact her Pokemon were forcible released, and she's been physically abused and tortured by Team Rockets, as well as socially and financially ruined, only to find her once again in the ploy of the heinous organization. :p
Don't give yourself too much credit there buddy. I'm quite sure her current demeanor stems from the fact her Pokemon were forcible released, and she's been physically abused and tortured by Team Rockets, as well as socially and financially ruined. :p
Gonna have to agree with Ny here.

I don't think a little battle would've caused...this.

but it did make her do challenge the Sinnoh league, I think.
Don't give yourself too much credit there buddy. I'm quite sure her current demeanor stems from the fact her Pokemon were forcible released, and she's been physically abused and tortured by Team Rockets, as well as socially and financially ruined, only to find her once again in the ploy of the heinous organization.
"Now, however, Cassie has become very downtrodden and quiet. She'd lost that pride, that air of confidence, self assurance, drive, and purpose, and in its place is just... Hollowness and utter exhaustion. The detachment in her eyes have only increased tenfold, and instead of that thinking look, she's more prone to just spacing out. Overtaken by a certain darkness. She holds her head low, slinks about instead of striding, and hardly ever has any expressions on her face. She separates herself from groups to be by her lonesome, and is a lot more blunt than she used to be. Sometimes, she'd even utter complete nonsense. Like someone on the verge of insanity." Direct quote from her, I didn't mean that single battle caused all of it, just that it may have been a snowball effect as she was a much different person entering the battle and before that I can post the beforehand description pen gave of her aswell
"Now, however, Cassie has become very downtrodden and quiet. She'd lost that pride, that air of confidence, self assurance, drive, and purpose, and in its place is just... Hollowness and utter exhaustion. The detachment in her eyes have only increased tenfold, and instead of that thinking look, she's more prone to just spacing out. Overtaken by a certain darkness. She holds her head low, slinks about instead of striding, and hardly ever has any expressions on her face. She separates herself from groups to be by her lonesome, and is a lot more blunt than she used to be. Sometimes, she'd even utter complete nonsense. Like someone on the verge of insanity." Direct quote from her, I didn't mean that single battle caused all of it, just that it may have been a snowball effect as she was a much different person entering the battle and before that I can post the beforehand description pen gave of her aswell

You can if the others care to know. I'm already aware of these details. Oh and Cassie might have brightened up a little already by the time Damian sees her again. If Salem keeps having this magical effect on her that is.
Okay, first off.

Didn't you dethrone Cassie?

Things really snowballed from this, so I'd like to make some clarifications.

Gonna have to agree with Ny here.

I don't think a little battle would've caused...this.

but it did make her do challenge the Sinnoh league, I think.

This is the correct outcome of Cassie's loss to Damian. Although we had discuss things privately, there seems to have been some misinterpretation of the information I was relaying you, Mega, and you seem to have jumped to conclusions from it.

"Now, however, Cassie has become very downtrodden and quiet. She'd lost that pride, that air of confidence, self assurance, drive, and purpose, and in its place is just... Hollowness and utter exhaustion. The detachment in her eyes have only increased tenfold, and instead of that thinking look, she's more prone to just spacing out. Overtaken by a certain darkness. She holds her head low, slinks about instead of striding, and hardly ever has any expressions on her face. She separates herself from groups to be by her lonesome, and is a lot more blunt than she used to be. Sometimes, she'd even utter complete nonsense. Like someone on the verge of insanity." Direct quote from her, I didn't mean that single battle caused all of it, just that it may have been a snowball effect as she was a much different person entering the battle and before that I can post the beforehand description pen gave of her aswell

If you remember this paragraph's predecessor, I had described that Cassie took the loss quite well. It did not break her spirit or wipe her pride away and she had taken great pleasure from the battle despite her loss. It opened her eyes that she was still weak, and spurred her on to her quest for strength in Sinnoh instead.
Back then, Cassie is this person with an iron will who always holds her head up high even in the face of defeat. She's prideful, but she's a good sport, and would've congratulated Damian on his win against her with a satisfied laugh from the thrill he'd given her, and then tell him, "I guess this means you'll have go on to win it all in my place then." And kiss him on either side of his cheeks, which is a French custom called faire la bise, as a farewell at him before taking her leave.

That being said, Burble is correct when he mentioned Cassie never actually challenging the Unova League. I suppose I should've clarified this to you Mega, but their battle would've taken place before Damian was champion, perhaps a selection round, and he and Cassie were simply two hopefuls for the title. He would've knocked her out, in such a condition. Hence why she told him he needed to win in her place.

The traits that you quoted, Mega, was after all the shit she went through, it didn't accumulate from her loss to Damian. In fact, if anything Damian would have served as her inspiration to get stronger and would have gotten stronger already from this experience, and not the other way around.

my first post is up, hopefully its up to standard! I wish I had been able to do it without being exhausted but alas I wanted to give it a go anyway.
Now that that's cleared up, let's talk about your post Jake. :p

Within normal circumstances your post would have been easily acceptable in our standards. Unfortunately that is not the case. However I would first like to commend you on your spectacular highlight of Knox's special quirk; his ability to classify the stone make up of the cave and identify the assets it may hold from there. I also found your idea of using Bastille as a door very inspired! Surely his snoring would've scared away whatever wild pokemon had come by, and your detailing of his magnificence is greatly appreciated. Also, I knew I had gotten a fun character from you when you specified Knox's smart mouth, and I'm very satisfied on how it was showcased. His innocent little comment of "Room service?" really cracked me up! Oh, Cassie would just have a blast with him.

Now positives aside, with the length of your post being approximately only a quarter of what Curvy dished out, I would have expected it to be utter perfection. And frankly, it's not. I'm seeing a lot of spelling errors, mistypes, as well missing punctuation. There are also occasional capitalization errors that make your post look downright sloppy, and one thing I'm sorely missing is the lack of description on Knox's activities prior to being gassed. That explanation of why he hadn't encountered anyone else in the tournament.

You could go by Gerald's staying in his room the entire time, or perhaps Knox had simply decided to do a little excavation project away from the resort. Whatever it may be, I implore you to reread your post fix the errors I have mentioned.

At the moment, however, I'm not really arguing with anything major in your post. The ideas are all very original and reasonable, if not a bit crudely written. Perhaps simply rushed. I'm not even cracking down the whip on you for anything other than technicalities to further polish your post. I'm just your friendly neighborhood proofreader. :)
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my first post is up, hopefully its up to standard! I wish I had been able to do it without being exhausted but alas I wanted to give it a go anyway.
Ah that eagerness that makes you stay up and write something, then either surprise you, or make you feel you could have done better when you read it back the next morning.

It's a good start Jake. I see you're going with option 2. Can't say I'm surprised. The telling of your story and content seem pretty good so far, I don't think you'll have much to worry about in regards to fitting in. Now don't really have any real examples but somehow I felt like the flow of the sentences were a bit off, but that can just be me.

Looking forward to seeing more off Knox and Co. If I may make a suggest, you probably want to cover his nightmare in your next entry since it's still so close to him waking up. Depending on the content of it it might trigger some musing about events from the first day. I fear you'll probably be by yourself for a couple of entries until someone decides to pick you up or you run into one of the two groups forming.
In any case, can't wait for more.

Edit: My lady Pen is strict indeed. You'd do well to listen to her feedback, as she's probably the best writer among us, right up there with Chrocey, and Nova is actually climbing up there as well. That said, there's nothing wrong with cutting up your back story into pieces and feeding it to us bit by bit. So don't feel forced to do something crazy like Curvy did :p
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My parents had a total of four mistakes, including myself. :p
I strongly dislike siblings.

Welcome to the club pal.
*Gives Burble a thumbs up behind her back*

(I think Chrocey actually used this joke awhile ago but oh well)
Heh hey! Surprise post.

Lady should totally join in on June's rummaging :p

Oh yeah and foreshadowing for later I guess too
Ooh, nice twist with the pokeball cracking, Burble. June will save us all from Arrow by brewing the tea! :D

But yes, I think Lady would love to join in June's lead. Though she might get the wrong idea and try to eat Lin instead. She doesn't really have anything particularly shiny or interesting to steal, otherwise she would've sensed it beforehand.
Oh that's the reason for that response... Yeah I understand it completely now.
But I'm still not giving up my spot, no chance of that happening!

I'll get there eventually, just you watch!
I'll save up my allowance for ten years and build a house around where you live. One night, at exactly 11:59 PM I will pick up three random stones off of the dirt and throw them through your window. Only you will wake up, and you will hear knocking at the door.
You will open the door, and see a sliver of my eye as you open it. Before you can even realize It's me, I will open the door and look up at you with an angry face and then, finally, I will say in a monotone, "I'm not going to be your friend anymore."
I'll get there eventually, just you watch!
I'll save up my allowance for ten years and build a house around where you live. One night, at exactly 11:59 PM I will pick up three random stones off of the dirt and throw them through your window. Only you will wake up, and you will hear knocking at the door.
You will open the door, and see a sliver of my eye as you open it. Before you can even realize It's me, I will open the door and look up at you with an angry face and then, finally, I will say in a monotone, "I'm not going to be your friend anymore."
Oooh, savage. :D

I'm so tempted to hug just you instead. Especially if you think my hugs are worth vandalism.
I'll get there eventually, just you watch!
I'll save up my allowance for ten years and build a house around where you live. One night, at exactly 11:59 PM I will pick up three random stones off of the dirt and throw them through your window. Only you will wake up, and you will hear knocking at the door.
You will open the door, and see a sliver of my eye as you open it. Before you can even realize It's me, I will open the door and look up at you with an angry face and then, finally, I will say in a monotone, "I'm not going to be your friend anymore."
You people have some strange ways of doing things down there in Australia...

I understand your feelings... but I'm still not giving up my hugs. In fact,

*Pulls Pen into his lap and wraps his arms possessively around her waist*

I'll allow for scheduled petting sessions once a week, no more!
You people have some strange ways of doing things down there in Australia...

I understand your feelings... but I'm still not giving up my hugs. In fact,

*Pulls Pen into his lap and wraps his arms possessively around her waist*

I'll allow for scheduled petting sessions once a week, no more!

Our toilets flush anti-clockwise, whaddya expect!? (They don't actually do that.)

You people have some strange ways of doing things down there in Australia...

I understand your feelings... but I'm still not giving up my hugs. In fact,

*Pulls Pen into his lap and wraps his arms possessively around her waist*

I'll allow for scheduled petting sessions once a week, no more!
*wiggles out of Ny's hold, walks, and hugs Nova*

I do what I want, you don't own me, nor control me :\=|:
*wiggles out of Ny's hold, walks, and hugs Nova*

I do what I want, you don't own me, nor control me :\=|:

Yay! I did it! :D
*Hugs Penthe back.*

Well, I can cross that off of my list of life achievements. Now what? Let me see...
Now I have to read the entirety of Wikipedia, again.

*Stretches his arms out and pulls everyone in a big group hug. Even AesgirFenrir*

"I love all of you guys. This RP may be the reason I joined Charms, but you lot are the reason I'm staying." :D

Nice trap, you win.
-Play the inevitable Pokemon Diamond & Pearl remakes that will eventually be announced
I am also waiting for this with every breath I take. Pearl/Platinum/Diamond will always have a special place in my heart as the first pokemon game I have ever played.

Also not sure about all those hugs though. You don't just get hugs from me. :p

I require at least an offering of some sort.
Ah that eagerness that makes you stay up and write something, then either surprise you, or make you feel you could have done better when you read it back the next morning.
It's a good start Jake. I see you're going with option 2. Can't say I'm surprised. The telling of your story and content seem pretty good so far, I don't think you'll have much to worry about in regards to fitting in. Now don't really have any real examples but somehow I felt like the flow of the sentences were a bit off, but that can just be me.

Looking forward to seeing more off Knox and Co. If I may make a suggest, you probably want to cover his nightmare in your next entry since it's still so close to him waking up. Depending on the content of it it might trigger some musing about events from the first day. I fear you'll probably be by yourself for a couple of entries until someone decides to pick you up or you run into one of the two groups forming.
In any case, can't wait for more.

Edit: My lady Pen is strict indeed. You'd do well to listen to her feedback, as she's probably the best writer among us, right up there with Chrocey, and Nova is actually climbing up there as well. That said, there's nothing wrong with cutting up your back story into pieces and feeding it to us bit by bit. So don't feel forced to do something crazy like Curvy did :p
Right, no problem all that criticism seems fair. I was planning on cutting it up a little so I actually have something to put into my future posts till I have somebody else for Knox to actually interact with. All the same thankyou for not judging a new role player too harshly :)