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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

Linkachu said:
Silver Magpie said:
I'm having a very British urge to make scones... must have tea and scones for supper :'D

You'll make all proper British people proud. ;D

And I am officially proud. :3

Anyway, just joined scouts. We started screaming and yodelling on a hill. :V
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Wow, I made a lot of sprites today. Only 40 something more to go :I

Anyway, today felt nice. I still wonder what school let a groundhog participate in meteorology, but I bet they are proud :3
Weeds said:
You know you've played too much LoZ when you can't stay on one page too long because you think a hand will fall down and take you to where you entered the dungeon -.-;

At least you don't piss your pants when they do >>;

I hated the forest temple for that (and the fact it has f'ing scary music)
Well, I'll be gone to Dad's house soon. No sprites tommorow for you D: I'm so mean!

Anyway, we got out early today on account of Basketball tournements. Seriously, it's Highschool Basketball. Not WWIII. People are making extremly rude gestures (such as someone grabbing his junk towards us at a game), cussing us out, booking hotels, starting flame wars, etc. Seriously, our school is waaaaayyy too dramatic -.-;
Doubled said:
Anyway, we got out early today on account of Basketball tournements. Seriously, it's Highschool Basketball. Not WWIII. People are making extremly rude gestures (such as someone grabbing his junk towards us at a game), cussing us out, booking hotels, starting flame wars, etc. Seriously, our school is waaaaayyy too dramatic -.-;

O_o Man, that is crazy. I thought the entire point of games was to have fun, not kill people. I know you're suppose to have some compitiveness when playing a sports game, but that doesn't mean you should treat a sports game like a war. Sheesh! People need to start remembering the point of certain activities, or recreational activities are going to invlolve murder.
My best friend is having a sleepover tonight.
And it is long! It starts tonight at 6 to 3 tomorrow afternoon. I still have an hour fifteen minutes until it starts, but still!

It's going to be so crazy. Her sister is like the most annoying kid in the world! I hate that kid! Not to mention her 3 cats, 2 dogs, and her baby sister, not the other one, even though she does act like a baby.

So many kids got kicked from the school chorus today. We have it during recess, and since it was like 70 outside, no one stayed in but 7 people, including me. I bet they'll want to go next week when it's cold again, but no, they can't~


Omg my dads birthday is tomarrow, and I still have no clue what to get him, I'm so scrwed...
Write a lovely card or something, silly!

If he's your Dad, you should have some inkling as to what he likes, and the Happy Birthday Card is always an option.

Really, derpderp :>
I shan't be going around throwing a pity party, dear, but it would be best if you chin up for your Daddy's birthday! I've been a downer during my Mom's birthday before, and it didn't end nicely :<

In the meantime, we got our February break going and I'll be off for a week, hooray ♥

That is all.
It's 4 am here and I should be going to sleep. I have been finishing up my team for today's ABC Tournament. After a few hours of sleep, I shall finish. Procrastination is bad children. :p (It's mainly just the EV training that's hard because the best Pokemon to EV train on aren't the only ones on their route...)

Also, I've recently gotten an interest in low resource operating systems. Linux isn't bad*, especially compared to Windows, but after having installed Debian with the XFCE desktop environment, I have gotten obsessed with having the best usability in my Linux OS, with the least amount of RAM used by the operating system itself. Debian with XFCE used only about 120MB of RAM at startup. I installed Arch Linux with the Openbox window manager to beat that. It's at about 50MB of RAM. As a comparison, Windows 7 (at least on my machine) uses about 600-700MB of RAM at startup. I'm psyched because the lighter the OS, the faster it is. I'm basically sacrificing all the eye candy that Aero or Compiz Fusion has for functionality.

*Most mainstream distributions use GNOME or KDE as their desktop environment, and they use more resources than XFCE. GNOME for me, last time I checked, was about 400MB of RAM at start.

Note: Google's your friend if you didn't understand some of the terminology (ie Debian or Compiz Fusion)

I'm way too geeky. :3
Just came back from the Book Fair. This year I didn't bought a lot of books: only 7 useful books (my opinion), 7 useless books (my mom's opinion). But that's better than mom: dad had to carry 10 bags with ~3 books inside. Sheesh.
I got Openbox to work. Since Linux doesn't like my video card in general, I want to disable my second, smaller monitor and retain the big resolution on my active monitor. I finally got it to work by messing with the configuration file for X. It finally worked. :D

Edit: Hours later, I have more to say on Arch Linux and Openbox. It's super awesome having this so quick. I love how minimalist it is too. No icons or panels are on the desktop. Right click brings up the applications and Alt+x brings up open programs. I'm listening to music and browsing the web and only using ~250MB of RAM. On Windows 7, I'd be floating around 1GB of RAM doing that. Awesome.

Awesome screenshot and description


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
Drinking chocolate sauce by the bottle is not a smart idea in the long run.

BRB stomachache.
Well, my sister is a bitch :/ I've grown up with her for 17 years, and she's only known her husband for 1 and 1/2 years, and suddenly I'm supposed to change? Why the heck should I? I never asked him to move in to my father's house. If they can't accept me for who I am then they can kiss the lowest part of my back that is the most inapropriate.

Anyway, away from the drama my idiotic sibling brings with her.... My prom date said she could go, and my parents are celebrating like I've just came back from the moon. Says a lot of what people think of me, doesn't it? :/ They act like its such a big deal, but really I'm smart enough to know that she's just using me to see her old friends and to have a good time, and in the end I'll just be alone and out $30.

Oh well. I was also busy while at Dad's, so I've got a lot done. They aren't as good as usual though. Man, what a depressing weekend :/ Oh well, at least I won't have to go to school tommorow.

And I am having way too much fun having the top tabs move at my command :'D

On a side note, I have located my new favorite shirt ever and once I shower and stuff I will get a picture D:<
Looks like the new layout is finally out, and it looks amazing. It's disappointing the TCM is still not working, but what are you gonna do?

Also, for some reason, I can't get into the chat... CONNECT ALREADY!!
Wow, I was on here one minute, and as I posted my sprites the entire layout changed! it's quite amazing, and I like how smoothly the section thingies at top move. Pokemon.com doesn't even have that :p


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
[me=Linkachu]looks at the time. [/me]

Time to go to sleep.~

If I don't sleep tonight, I will cry. =|
Considering that several people have noticed the new layout, and that there's a new topic about it...
Who am I kidding, I'm totally insane.

In other Kera-related news: I pre-ordered White today.Partially. All I need is 15 more dollars and it will be mine! Though, I may change it to Black... INDECISION.

And I have to clean all day tomorrow. Whaaaaa...
Ooo goody, a new site layout. I quite like this n_n
I still have to do my homework that I haven't finished... and then I need to do some sprites for a different forum and my parents are telling me to get off my laptop, but I need it... oh dear, whatever to do... :/
Hm. It'll take me a while to get used to the new layout. I have to admit, this look is way more flashy and modern- But honestly, I prefer the previous one. Even though I'm probably the only one that does so.

I'll get used to it, though~
Dark Soul said:
Hm. It'll take me a while to get used to the new layout. I have to admit, this look is way more flashy and modern- But honestly, I prefer the previous one. Even though I'm probably the only one that does so.

I'll get used to it, though~

You're not the only one Dark Soul, I prefer the old version too, but meh, I'm sure we'll soon get used to this.

I've been spriting almost all day, and some guy on another forum gave me like twenty requests... urk...
I had a go at trainer sprites, but failed. I guess I'll just stick to fusions, which are after all what I am best at.
So it's the time of year where sites get new layouts, eh? I don't use it, but I heard Facebook just got one, my favorite site (besides 'Charms) just changed their layout, and now 'Charms. It's refreshing. Sites can get boring if they aren't changed every now and then. Great job, Alex! Besides a bit of lag, this new look is awesome. I like it a lot better than the old one...

Sir Red

Charms' Caped Crusader
Absol404 said:
Dark Soul said:
Hm. It'll take me a while to get used to the new layout. I have to admit, this look is way more flashy and modern- But honestly, I prefer the previous one. Even though I'm probably the only one that does so.

I'll get used to it, though~

You're not the only one Dark Soul, I prefer the old version too, but meh, I'm sure we'll soon get used to this.

Precisely. It's been here for one day, not even. It's the exact same thing with everything involving the new Generation of Pokemon, people like what they already know (which is pretty understandable as a lot of people are genuinely frightened of change) and when something new comes along they don't always like it at first. Once they get used to it and have been exposed to it enough they go "Ya know guys, I'm kinda liking this now. lol :V". (And then I die a little on the inside... >:T jk. Maybe.)

But yeah, the site is looking mighty fine. :> Also, I really want to be on Spring Break and playing White. D:
I just picked up my pre-order cards for Black and White~
I'm going to be super happy since I never got both versions of one generation before :)

I think I'm going to use White as my normal play through, with all normal Pokemon, and then I'll start Black a million times to get a shiny starter :p

Too bad I have to buy both with my own money...
Man I'm bored. These pistachios are dwindling down, one by one. Also, I just finished by dragon line, so I'll upload that in a second.

We also got a vest ordered. Since the weather is warming up, I won't feel like wearing my heavy jacket during April, so I'll still be looking spiffy at the prom :p

Also, I smell something delicious.