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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

Well, I'm wanting to go to sleep, but my damn insomnia is setting in. Yeesh, 5 generations later and still not a man in the family with the cure.

Also, Blisk's comment on Dravern on my DA page made me laugh, not that it couldn't get done. I guess it's just the way he typed it XD
Made my sig for SOTW. It's pretty good, I guess. I'm not sure how I like it... I also have a sig thread don't I? :-[ I should make those requests....

Zelda turned 25 yesterday for those that don't know. It's pretty awesome. I can't decide whether I should stick with Ash's Squirtle from the Island of the Giant Pokemon episode or go back to the Link I had before this. I like both so much...

[me=Blisk]needs to play more Zelda[/me]

Time for sleep.....
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Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Less than two weeks to B/W. :D

Might also be sent home from work early today due to the weather, but I'll need to wait and see if anything gets announced.

Just more proof how awesome TK is.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Well, the storm warning has ended and the weather looks great outside now. Looks like we're not getting an early day off today. Oh well. Work today has been quite enjoyable and relaxing, so I can't complain. ^^
Why am I on this site when I should be writing a rhetorical context hurrduurrrr :U

Either way, the redesign looks quite spiffy. Something about the new font in the forums makes me feel warm and fuzzy. If it's even a new font. It looks new. Maybe I"m crazy.
I should be reading my book so I can write notecards, but it is soooo boring! THis is the third (American) Civil War book we've had to read this year! Yeesh, we get it, just stop giving it to us already!

Also, my firend is calling me a pervert because of the way I designed my Gym Leader trio. Matter of fact, he calls me a pervert whenever I work on one of my girl characters. Be honest, do I come off as THAT big of a perv? Understandably, we're all a little perverted, but have I crossed the line? :<

Anyway, I got invited to some seminar on Friday for an anti tobacco thing. I'll go, since they're providing free food and it's a day out of school with my buds.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
The lag on my work computer is really making it difficult to use Pokecharms now. :(

(Maybe it's a sign that I should be staying off 'Charms while at work...? << >>)
Trying out spriting again after quite a break...

Also, I've started watching the pokémon series from the beginning. I haven't seen any pokémon episodes since I was like 7 or something...
Doubled said:
Also, my firend is calling me a pervert because of the way I designed my Gym Leader trio. Matter of fact, he calls me a pervert whenever I work on one of my girl characters. Be honest, do I come off as THAT big of a perv? Understandably, we're all a little perverted, but have I crossed the line? :<
I know how you feel. I don't draw a lot of female characters because I'm afraid someone out there is going to think I'm perverted. In fact, I've only drawn female characters about four or five times. Someone out there is always going to look at something and take it the wrong way...
burnkirby said:
Doubled said:
Also, my firend is calling me a pervert because of the way I designed my Gym Leader trio. Matter of fact, he calls me a pervert whenever I work on one of my girl characters. Be honest, do I come off as THAT big of a perv? Understandably, we're all a little perverted, but have I crossed the line? :<
I know how you feel. I don't draw a lot of female characters because I'm afraid someone out there is going to think I'm perverted. In fact, I've only drawn female characters about four or five times. Someone out there is always going to look at something and take it the wrong way...

Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking this ^^; It's also hard because most of the characters used for inspiration, like Samus and other characters of that sort, are also sorta made for fan service, which makes drawing difficult unless you just stare at others. Which would be wierd :< But anyway, thanks for soothing my nerves about that :)

But anyway, I kinda feel bad about how I did my sprites for the next thing. It's taken me 1 and 1/2 days to make it, and it looks hardly anything like I imagined it would. But hopefully it will look okay, though I'm starting to run out of names.

Also, just out of curiousity, does anyone know if Whose Line is it Anyway still air new shows? I would really appreaciate knowing, as I know ABC Family airs old ones, but still.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I've only been at work for an hour and I've already been yelled at by a co-worker! D=< And people wonder why I "dehumanized" the bastard... :p

The site is being lovely on my work PC again~

It's already Thursday. The UK release of B/W is basically a week away for the UKers, and a week and a couple of days for us. If we get hit with a storm that Sunday (like we're supposed to this weekend) I'm taking a frelling taxi to EB Games to pick up my games. STFU, winter storms! >=O
Tuncake said:
Where is Jesper when I need him? D:<

Sorry about my little hiatus, I've been busy </3

I had quite a cold yesterday, which kind of sucked seeing as I was shopping in Oberhausen, but I'm feeling better today.
Well, I'm going on a special trip tommorow! Yayz! Apparently, I've been elected for my leadership skills and that other load of crap :/ not that anyone else has noticed it. But anyway, I'm glad my friends get to come with me :)
I'm currently obsessed with anything related to Blizzard. I've been avidly playing Diablo II and it's been loads of fun. My friend has a guest pass to StarCraft II Wings of Liberty apparently, and he doesn't want it. This means that I shall probably get to test out SCII. I'd really like to get it, but $60 is a lot of money, and if I'm buying a Blizzard game for that much, I'd rather save it for when Diablo III comes out.
Kera has made a shocking discovery.

I can DRAW.
Granted, not like, professionally, or whatever, or like anything we see in the Artworks Forums, but eh... I might post some this weekend, if we get the scanner working.

So yeah. Kera can actually draw. Surprise of surprises.
G'Night, Charms. Cya tomorrow.

My friends and I are going to have a LAN Party today. It'll be lots of fun. It'll involve Starcraft and Warcraft III, among other things. All night LAN Parties are epic.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Ended up getting home a lot later than expected. Me thinks there won't be much productivity tonight after all. :X
Just read through the Mac 10.7 Lion review on Lifehacker. They got access to the developer beta. Lion comes out this summer. Apple seems to have done a fairly decent job with Lion. They added all the iOS elements from the iPad they said they would and they're pretty well done. I also like how they made the scrollbars gray like iOS instead of the blue. Now, they just need to change the buttons. They inverted the multi-touch scrolling on Macbooks and it's really weird. You can change it back in the Trackpad preferences though.

Here's a link to the article. Not trying to promote Lifehacker, but you might be curious how Mac is going to be come summer time...
Man I'm tired. Today was okay, I guess. The speaker, Javier Sanchez (some comedian) spoke to us, and he was hilarious. However, the food sucked. I could have made a better sandwhich in my kitchen! Yeesh!

Anyway, I'm really tired. My mother is annoying me about how I need to get a girlfriend and stop being so boring, or in other words how I need to stop being Denver (myself) and start being someone else, that way she'll be more happy. Yeesh, I don't need a girl yanking my chain every five minutes just to be a a normal guy. Besides that, I do better with one night stands anyway. I always find it funny that the people who don't deserve a girlfriend have one and how people who can't get one do better at parties. Sounds like an ironic self fufilling prophecy -_-

Anyway, I finally got HGSS Rayquaza thanks to Sam. In exchange he wanted a Growltithe and Bagon. Sounds okay I guess.
Well, I am all Whose Line today. I'm sad that they are canceled, but there's supposed to be a new show call Improv-A-ganza coming to the Gameshow Network on April 11th, and it has all the same guys, minus Wayne Brady, but still it sounds awesome :) Finally, something good on the air! (I'm looking at you, Jersey Shore, Big Brother, The Young and the Restless, reruns, etc etc etc etc etc.).

Anyway, I'm tired and it's midnight. I'm also hungry. I'm going to grab a midnight munchie and go to bed :3

IMMA GUNNA GET GET GET it to the dump and throw it away. It's getting a bit annoying having loads of rubbish in my car trunk, so yeah. Or maybe I'll recycle it. That's the new big thing these days, eh? Yeah, I could probably recycle most of this crap.
I is baaahaaack~

Austria was nice. It was my first time skiing in the Alps, so even though it would've been horrible I still wouldn't have regretted it. The weather was pretty much 50-50, half of the days were good and the other half weren't. Still, it was a lot of fun. On the way home we stopped at Dachau concentration camp, which was... Sickening, to say the least :X

Yay, Weeds is back :3 Nice to see, er, hear, er......read... from you again ^^; *good save, good save*

Anyway, I've got a hankering for something salty or spicy, but all we have are sweets :(

But apart from that, I'm going through season 1 of Whose Line....There is a noticable difference between it and the later seasons.
Wilkommen, Weeds. :)

I am doing a project for math that I can't get myself to stop procrastinating for. The internet is a huge problem when it comes to productivity. XD
Wow, my first post in this thread. To be honest, I thought I was going to be clinging onto this one for ages.

So yeah, Maths test today in school. Not looking forward to it one bit - I'm probably going to fail too xD