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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

I meant to post this yesterday, but..
Sometimes 2 simple words can brighten someone's day :)
(this is a convo between me ad Laila if you can't tell)


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    2015-02-15 13-43-00.944.jpg
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I am mad at myself for spending so much time customizing my Pokemon Reborn file's music to my own. So much time I could have used productively... doing something important... like schoolwork, maybe?

Also, anime has pulled me into it's loving grasp once again. ♥
Lately I've just been trying to keep myself busy on various projects while I'm looking for a job & waiting to hear from my grad school application. Recently, I've been working on a few comics and illustrations, & I just finished my first full-fledged attempt at coloring in the Sugimori style on Photoshop by modifying Serena's new anime design. I'd post it on the Creative Corner, but I don't consider it enough of an "original piece" to do it since it partly consists of tracing & franken-splicing

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Love that feeling when I get to a part in a manga that I'm expecting and I end up being a complete and utter shaking, emotional mess for all the wrong reasons. [/sarcasm]

Seriously, I love Ansatsu Kyoushitsu for many, MANY reasons, but one particular chapter (or rather, two) just... ugh. I usually enjoy spoiling myself before I finish reading through a manga/anime in case I don't have the time to go through a hundred (or more) chapters to catch up, so I knew this was coming. I knew this scene was coming. But even when I was prepared, it still attacked me out of seemingly nowhere. I had to close the tab and move on to something else to calm down because it was so bad. Thankfully, future chapters were almost unrelated to the incident due to the episodic nature of the story, but yeah.

Don't mind me, I'm just avoiding work.


✧luzrov rulay✧
So, this supreme court case is bugging the heck out of me. It goes into session next Wednesday, and To think that a person wearing a headscarf could be denied a job because of that disgusts me. It isn't constitutional in the first place! They go through so much discrimination that nobody knows about, and when they complain, the world feels "sorry for them",and then they move on, like nothing happened. In all honesty, this verdict is telling the Muslim population whether or not they belong in the US.
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Yesterday, I managed to get my HA Johto starters (all male) from Pokémon Bank, so I decided to breed my Feraligatr to get a Sheer Force Totodile (specifically a male one with a Bashful nature-- don't ask -_- ). I thought it'd take hours to do it, but I ended up getting one on the first try
I really need to write Rudy and Lilith's stories but I'm really lazy and why is Rudy so hard to write?
They're literally so quiet but angry and just damn Rudy, I have no clue where to start with them. Lilith at least I know how she starts out, but it's effort.


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
@SparkyLewis949 @Kyubeon Yeah, I'm 22 and still have to moderate my language in front of my mother. She won't yell at me so much as just give me a pointedly disapproving silence... That said, I also live away from home and so I can normally say the word "fuck" as often as I possibly like. Which is a lot.


Formerly SuperSableye24
I swear around my friends all the time, but I just naturally don't at home. I guess because I haven't sworn in front of any family members before, I'm afraid that they'll be in shock if I ever cuss. :x
I'm 19 and can have a bit of a colourful vocabulary at times. I didn't used to but my friends corrupted me. Fortunately, I'm not living with my mother; but if I ever swear around her, even jokingly, she flips the heck out and tells me I am unruly and disrespectful. I feel all of your pain.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
What a lovely day it has been. Today I am snowed in with a watermane break outside my house that is eroding away my street like nobody's business. If that wasn't fun enough, the snow melting yesterday at 43F/6C combined with even more snow today and that river has left my bedroom floor rather moist. Moist as in every step I take has water rising to the service of my carpet leaving footprints. Had to move everything that wasn't water resistant to the opposite side of the room or to higher ground.

Kyogre may be my favorite Legendary, but I would really love for Groudon to pay me a visit for the next few months to dry this shit up and of course warm things up a bit. 7.8/10 Too much snow.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
My copy of Omega Ruby was missing in action for two whole days. Scary times. Note to self: next time I move home it must be taped to my body, if Thunderdog was lost for good I'd be so sad D':
I really need to stop judging the design of certain Pokemon. Yes, some of them are so damn lazy that it's insulting, I should just love them for what they are and what they are capable of.

Also, I just noticed that eight people that I follow are online right now. That's more than I've seen online at once. :D


Formerly Aurora Beam
You know, I've never really got what people said about girls being seriously pissed all the time while on their period. WELP! I learnt THAT the hard way

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Sometimes we get some particularly glorious spambots. This /particular/ one went on a long tirade about Batman costumes in broken English and... I simply HAD to preserve it for the ages.

Your little tike can be a small variant of the ever so fabulous Dismal Knight. The infant and tot Batman dress has a dismissible band, cloak, and pedate onesie with separate ending. Acquire the infant bambino variant of the all negro garb from Assemblage Metropolis and CostumeHub.

The Gilded Roughneck Furniture Batman Costume is perfect for children ages 5-12. This fact disguise is confusable to Batman's gray and stag uncheerful uniform. This is a high activity for dark reading trick-or-treating because the emblem tidy it smooth for your somebody to be spotted as they meet the street in their crime to protect Gotham Metropolis.

Symmetric Fido and Fluffy can participate in the Batman fun. This Batman habilitate is perfect for your pet dog or cat. The being Batman jumpsuit has committed arms (paws), a constraint, headpiece, and a colorful foreland. Sizes array from actor infinitesimal to additional sizeable. Value is $17.99.

Right off the bat one can also picture this small-variant bootleg Batman in an infant-and-tot dress, dismissing its band, cloak and 'pedate onesie with a separate ending' (....what?) in disappointment - A 'Dismal Knight' indeed... At least before the spambot proceeds to make some kind of off-colour remark about an 'Infant Bambino Variant of the All Negro Garb'....


Second, Gilded Roughneck Furniture Batman is the best Batman and I will not bloody hear otherwise - confusable with the Dismal Knight's gray and stag uncheerful uniform, or not.

Incidentally it strikes me that Incidentally, habilitates arrayed on infinitesimal actors seem to be more appropriate for non-euclidean Fido and Fluffy as opposed to the Symmetrical ones - although i'm sure the colorful foreland would probably match either. You may need more constraints, though. Just in case.