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The Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread

Currently crying. I'm happy and sad. I'm happy and proud over how far I've come, I'll be an eighth grader in 3 months. But with that, I must depart from the brilliant man I got the pleasure of knowing, even just for 8 months.

Mr. McNeil, you've taught me so much. We both went through many similar disasters but we both made it out and together. Ling Ling and Xandir. Lewicki and Daniel. We've been through so much. that's why it broke my heart to find out you allegedly attempted suicide just before this year ended.

You were there for me when no one else was. There when I was suicidal and just wanted to die. You have been my safe space and I thank you dearly for that. It hurts that they gave up your position for someone who left the school 4 years ago.

Sir, I am going to miss you dearly, just remember to keep in touch, sir.


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It really sucks that I'm allergic to cats... they're so cute! Oh well, swollen-itchy eyes are a small price to pay for the cuteness overload that is; The Kitten!;_;:@
So uh I'm back after a short pause. If you consider a month a short pause then so be it. I won't say specifically what happened but my first day of summer was the May 30th and I was excited. A bunch of cool things were upcoming and I was pumped for the year.

First day of Summer: tragedy strikes my family. It was something I had nightmares of it coming true, and in some cases nightmares do come true. I completely shut down everyone for about a week and went on with my life, but not in the sense I usually do. I'm not a dull unfunny sack of crap, but I don't show emotion like I usually do. I lost interest in many things such as movies, my love for writing, and other things. Not much has changed over the past month, and it will more than likely stay that way.
English italiano (Italian)
Sorry: Scusa! (inf) Scusi! (frm) Mi dispiace
Please: Per favore
Thank you: Grazie Molte grazie Grazie mille
Reply to thank you: Prego. :) Those are some Italian phrases.


✧luzrov rulay✧
Went for a great walk about an hour ago, and the servers were amazing! With no one around, and no server crashing, I felt like the whole day's stress of loading was put to ease, and that 5km waste when the server was down didn't seem like a waste anymore. We didn't see much trainers at night, which was a given, rather ~20 of them in about an hour which is still a lot, and this one couple stuck out to me after all the fun I've had today. We exchanged eye contact, and proceeded to walk across from each other. They then called me and my group I was with, "nerds", and we replied that they were nerds too, as they were playing the game as well, as all of us kept laughing away. (I think I have a walking addiction.)
Pokemon Go is really an amazing game, and I'm pretty damn addicted.
My sister comes bursting through my door yelling "SNORLAX IS BLOCKING THE FREAKING WAY"
I (obviously) jump off my bed and spring to the door and follow her and low and behold a FREAKING SNORLAX BLOCKS THE WAY.

(In the end we caught him.)
My exboyfriend wasn't nice to me. He told me that he kissed another girl, and then he said he was kidding. He said this to me when I was going out with him. He thought he was too good for me. He wanted to trade up to someone else. I don't feel very pretty. He thinks he could do better than me. That's really arrogant of him. I don't like him that much to be honest. He had weird interests in shows. He liked a whole bunch of shows and movies I didn't like. He tried acting like people on television. I think he got me mixed up with his other girlfriend. Okay. Bye. :)
Me and Gigi just had a heart to heart about the entire Marina Joyce thing, and how she came out to say that it was all a hoax. I'm angry, Gigi is hella upset by it, it's so bad. Now, I know people are talking about how she allegedly has a mental illness, but that isn't why it upset me. Was I lied to? Yes, and it upsets me but not as much. It upset me because Gigi was actually crying because of it. And I am an emotional potato that's protective of his big sister so when she's upset, I'm upset. And then she had me rant it out.

Remember Laila? If y'all look back at my early statuses, I talked about her a lot. I loved her. Well, here's the thing it took me so long to figure out: I was in love with my abuser.

Hit me. Kicked me. Pushed me. Even through a rock at my head once. I was still blinded by my love for her. Hell, I still have the scar she gave me, stabbed me in the hand with her sharpened pencil. And I loved her.

And knowing Gigi was abused as well hurts me. So yeah. Defend that she has mental illnesses, I understand, but I personally can't forgive this yet.

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
(While on Maplestory with a very gender ambiguous character)

Person: so are you... a guy or a girl?
Me: I'm a Xenon (note: Xenon is a class in Maplestory)
Person: okay but what gender are you
Me: whatever the day says it is
Me: yes
Person: **** YOU *leaves the map*

In other news, I've spent way too much money on this game for cosmetics instead of powering up my character to fight harder bosses but at least I can now kill mushrooms IN STYLE.
I'm laughing so hard okay my friend from school deleted kik so we've been texting through wattpad and i told her that our science teacher last year (the guy holding the sign in the top post, our science teacher is the woman who photobombed him), was going to be our teacher this year and mY FRIEND BEGAN SCREAMING BECAUSE OF IT OMG XD
I lost my phone. It's in my mom's car. But my dad's using her car. His car needs repairs. I have stuff I want to pick up from my apartment that I got in the mail... Oh well... :(

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
I've been in the mood to sprite again, but every time I open up paint I just stare at the empty canvas, not sure what I even want to sprite. And I have this whole mental list of things I want to sprite but nothing feels... right, you know?

School's also going to start back up soon, so I won't have time to sprite then. Which should give me more motivation to sprite now. And yet... ugh. What do I even do. x-x
Dear god I freaking adore my Visual Perception lecturer. I'm pretty sure he's taking notes from our textbook, which has a habit of explaining how colour blindness works only to then insult your parents in the next line. Allow me to enlighten you to some of the (paraphrased) things he's said so far:

"So apparently Japanese students are way more obedient that you lot, because when someone tells them to wear goggles that completely flip your vision upside down for a week straight while riding a bike through traffic to uni every day they do it. And believe it or not, some of them actually survive long enough to get data."

"So there was near constant bitching for years between these two theories about which one was correct. It turns out that they were both partially correct. You'd think that they should have just worked together to come up with a better theory instead of just slagging it off, but that would make too much sense."

"Alright, this has nothing to do with this topic whatsoever, but screw it. Its interesting and this is my course so I can do what I want." (for the reference, he was talking about Ben Underwood, the only recorded case of a human using echolocation. Really cool.)

"Okay so this is pretty important to get, so put your hand up if you understand. ... One hand. Well my benchmark is one person, so good enough we're moving on. The rest of you are screwed."

"Now I'm an uncultured cretin, probably due to all the head injuries, so I didn't know Mondrian's were a kind of painting. The kind that people pay stupid amounts of money for that look like something my five year old could make."

"Look, we're cheap bastards, so if anyone outside our scientific community shows any interesting in our research it gets a massively long journal article dedicated to it. Which is why there's this popular research paper circulating about the colour of that freaking dress." "... So is the paper actually interesting?" "God no, its bloody obvious. It has no contextual cues to allow for colour constancy."
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Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
I lost the most important game of Rock-Paper-Scissors of my life yesterday. I was at Otakon this past weekend (which is itself one long ass adventure that I'll probably explain later) and one of the panels I went to yesterday was the US premiere of Code Geass: Akito the Exiled. As should be plainly obvious by my avatar that hasn't been changed in years, Code Geass is my favorite Anime so seeing the long awaited release of its spin-off in America was massive squee for me. Anyway, after the showing there was a Q&A with the director and producer which was also amazing. Following that was a change to win a special 10 year anniversary bundle pack containing both seasons, an art book, and a bunch of other goodies. How do you win it? Everyone stands up, and plays Rock-Paper-Scissors with the director or producer (they were alternating turns). Win and you keep playing. Lose or tie and you sit back down. I lost the first round. :'D If only I had Bismark's Geass which would allow me to see the future. :p
...Even the Speed of Light pales in comparison to the Dark. Light travels faster than we could comprehend, but Darkness is omnipresent. Darkness will always be waiting for the light to arrive.

Also, a new man moved into our street...who is he? What does he want from us?
I just play Pokemon. Nothing else. I've tried a demo of Resident Evil, but that's pretty much it. A few years ago, I was playing Kirby, and as a kid, I'd play Crash Bandicoot, Chrono Cross, PacMan, Dark Stone... and GTA series. I liked another game that was Japanese oriented... or maybe Korean. I forgot which. ^_^ No offense. I've been playing some of the old games. Pokemon was my main interest. I always wanted the anime to be like the games. Just not vice versa. I don't like Pokemon anymore. I don't like Lyra in the games either. I liked Kris better. She was awesome. I loved playing as someone with blue hair. It was fascinating. I even enjoyed writing fanfictions about Pokemon trainers, being discovered by Team Rocket, and meeting Duplica and changing their costumes to hide out from the wicked teams. :) I also wrote a story about a couple who lived in a shack by the beach, and that Team Galactic used perfume to entice Nurse Joy. I even wrote a story about Chelsea and Mortimer dating each other, and her getting amnesia and forgetting what she thought about him. Causing major strife. And someone snapping a photo of the two of them kissing, and girls getting jealous of their relationship. I even wrote a story about Ash and Misty being paired. They were a great team on the show. I liked Misty the most. I used to find Dawn to be the most perfect trainer in the games. I like her fashion sense. I really wanted to try my hand at fashion design. Sorry if I'm a boring writer. I let other people influence my opinioons on anything. :) Sorry if I went off topic. That's just how I feel. ^_^
A load of stuff has been happening recently that I'd thought I might share with you guys.

First of all, I only have three more weeks left of school before I'm done for good. I'm so freaking excited, since I've always had this huge hatred for school (mostly due to the homework and exams). Not to mention it's going to be massive relief on my stress and anxiety.

Secondly, I'm moving in less than a week, which I'm also super thrilled about! The place my family and I are living in at the moment is horrendous. The worst part about living there is our neighbour, who absolutely hates my family and probably wants us all dead. Heck, she has threatened to kill me before, and she almost strangled me to death about 8 years ago (we've been living there for 12 years, which is way to long to be around her IMO). Her antics have gotten so bad lately (including harassing us daily) that my mum has just had enough and wants to get out, hence why we're moving in the first place.
Anyway, I'm probably going to start having to pack up my stuff soon, especially my plushies (some who are dusty as heck and need a serious clean, so I'm going to get that done on Friday) and clothes.

Thirdly, I had a panic attack yesterday in class. I was doing a First Aid course, and well, I'm known for being quite a hypochondriac, so being taught about this stuff really made my anxiety worse. The attack was pretty quick (only lasted about 3 mins) but I became lightheaded and almost fainted at one point, probably due to my rapid breathing. My legs also went numb and tingly, as did my face and hands. I don't usually have attacks like this, most of the time it stops at hyperventilating and shaking, but this time I guess I was just super freaked out.

Lastly, I'm having another one of those 'my drawings are shit, I'm not going to draw because eff it' moments. So don't expect to much art from me in the next few weeks. However I might do some more after school finishes. IDK.

That’s all for now, I guess.

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Please excuse me if I sound like a whiny child

Ugh so... ages ago (and a few times after that), I've attempted to ask my bestie out on a date. Each and every time, I've been rejected. Which, cool, okay, I get it. She's aromantic, she doesn't think of me in that way, she's just not interested in having a romantic relationship. It's cool. She's rejected each and every other guy who's come her way as well, so of course, I would've been no different. Do I still like her? Yes. But I also respect her decision to not engage in a romantic relationship with anyone, because that's what she's most comfortable with.

But now, some dude in this game we play on, who's literally only known her for three days, comes along. And at first he's just like, let's be friends. And this is totally fine. We're both fine with this, of course. But this being an online game, he quickly decides that, no, he wants to be with her. He likes her! And it's only been three. Fucking. DAYS. And of course, my bestie flat-out rejects him. Dude, you barely even know her, and she barely knows you. What makes you think she'll be with you? And most people would lay off her for a while, maybe try again in another week or so. No, he keeps pushing to be with her. At first, he tells her, "Make a choice: be my girlfriend, or ignore me forever". And like... what the hell? There's no such thing as being friends? K, my friend, being the nice and naive person she is, decides to try to take a third route and just reject him, but keep being friends with him, and hope that his infatuation dies down. But now, he's changed courses, to "even if you ignore me, I'll just keep trying because I like you".

I'm fucking fed up.

She's made it perfectly clear she's not interested in him, SEVERAL times. But he insists and does things like, buy her things (and I don't mean little gifts, I mean like, the most extravagant and expensive things in the game, simply because he has the money to get them), take her bossing, and continually try to win her affections. And it's been three days. I'm so fucking fed up, and she insists on keeping him as a friend when he's CLEARLY not interested in that because he's just too thirsty for pixels on a screen and the personality/character he projects onto her. I don't even know what to do at this point, I'm just so frustrated at both of them and at this whole situation.

Also, am I jealous? A little bit. Because she's toying with the idea of maybe eventually going out with him if he persists long enough and she gives in. According to her, "it might take a persistent person like him to make me fall in love". Like... hello? I've been here. For YEARS. Trying to go out with you, and I'm persistent too. But no, apparently it's some guy who's only met her for THREE DAYS that makes her toy with the idea.

I'm so bitter, so incredibly bitter. Maybe I'm just pulling one of those "nice guys" things right now, but this whole situation infuriates me. I don't even know what to say to her whenever she brings up anything he does. I'm just... I'm so fucking done. I want her to be happy but at the same time I don't think she's making good decisions at the moment if she 1) continues to drag him along when she doesn't think she'll end up with him, and 2) toying with the idea of GOING OUT WITH A GUY SHE'S LITERALLY JUST MET.

Maybe I'm just being really biased and jealous right now, but... ughhh. I don't even know anymore. I just needed to vent somewhere, I don't know who to talk to about this whole thing so I'mma just mind splurge here. Ugh.

Please excuse me, I'm having a pretty terrible time right now.
So. A magpie just decided to crash my workplace today. A point about Magpie's - they are evil demonspawn in spring, in a kind of "will try and peck your eyes out if you're near their nest kind of way." Guess what season it currently is?

So Yvonne jumped on the phone to security yelling "Help we're under attack!" while failing to specify what exactly is attacking us. Jess locked herself in the main office and just so happened to be eating lunch at the time so she's basically sitting there eating popcorn watching the chaos unfold, while I'm running around the place armed with a folder and a jumper hoping to catch the darn thing (because I seemed to have missed my own memo about not fucking with Magpie's). It keeps flying into the ceiling and making itself dizzy so eventually it clicks that it thinks the bright lights are the sky, so I manage to lure it closer to the door by turning specific lights on and off... Only to send it hurling into Yvonne who screams and startles it so it flies into a window, and somehow manages to find the door and soars out, right over the top of a very confused security guard.

... Gotta say though, as much as I don't want to freak out the bird, can we do that again? The resulting chaos was hilarious >:D
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Feathered Overseer
Staff member
Only to send it hurling into Yvonne who screams and startles it so it flies into a window, and somehow manages to find the door and soars out, right over the top of a very confused security guard.

Be free, my brethren ♥ :'D

So the Manectric badge finally appeared in the 3DS Arcade thingy, but I suck at any of the cranes that aren't the standard 'grabber'. Had to spend 90p getting it but it was totally worth it! Pretty shiny badge :')
I was super happy this morning when I found and caught a garter snake, deemed the name Drake. Even though he almost got loose in the house a couple times, he managed to keep him for just about the whole day. His makeshift habitat, which sat on the kitchen table for a while, had to be put outside while we ate. Of course, when I went back out to check on him, he was gone. I felt super bad for loosing him, but I guess it just wasn't meant to be. My friends wanted to see him and thought he was super cute from the pictures I sent them, but now that can't happen. You'll be missed, my precious cinnamon roll. I hope you survive out there in the cold. ♥ </3
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I really think that people who stigmatise other people for their disability,
should be held accountable in some form, and or way?

Too much of it going around on the internet.
Veery happy and kind of sad as well

Veery happy with what the package I got in the mail today
(I got an Eevee egg I found with a small Eevee plush inside)

also kind of sad that my favorite forum been offline most of the day
Hey everyone, I mentioned this in a status update last night, but I'm currently doing research on Hokkaido, Japan for a pokémon fan project. If there's anyone on here who knows a lot about Hokkaido who'd like to help, please feel free to PM me