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Private/Closed The Pruie Region

Hysan had fallen asleep at the stream. Everyone had abandoned him, and it reminded him of an adventure he went on in Alola, when his two best friends left him when he was eating to find a cave. Hysan got lost, and decided to never go on an adventure again. At least, not in Alola. He yawned and noticed it was morning. Hysan headed to Enigma Town, and though he heard there was fog there, none showed. 'Maybe because it's day,' he thought. He found a gym, but it was in ruins. What he did find was a few great balls, a max revive and a Rotom. He caught the Rotom. "Aw yeah! A Rotom. This is one of the best Pokemon out there!" He said triumphantly. He checked the Pokemon center, but all he found was an abandoned store and area and a hallway to the hotel section. The first door was locked, and the second was full of roaches. The third was in rubble. "Weird," Hysan said aloud. "Ah well, I'll just go to the next city." And he did, but on the route, he encountered a Pokemon he always wanted to catch. "A Bagon! Go, Zigzagoon!" Hysan got the Bagon low and defeated it. He then caught it and named it Bacon. Hysan made it to Gardenberry City sooner than he thought, and he saw Soren leaving the berry shop.

Trainer Card: https://pokecharms.com/trainer-cards/hysan.382902/
Angel thanked the boy who gave her the Sitrus Berries and put them in an empty baggy in her backpack. "I'll save those for later." She murmured. She walked inside the Pokemon Center. As the boy had said, it was abandoned. She wasn't about to risk going out in the dead of night, so she decided to sleep in the Center. There were three rooms. One was locked, the second was filled with roaches, and the third was nothing but rubble. Admittedly, Angel had half-considered having Rikki use Crush Claw to break down the locked door. However, she realized some others were probably sleeping there and she didn't want to disturb them. Instead, she just went back out to the couches in the main lobby. They were dusty and uncomfortable, but they worked. She sat down and went to sleep, with Poseidon at her side and Rikki resting in her lap.
Raina woke up with a jolt.
She had very strange dreams.
One was about the black-haired girl tangling her in her inky black locks while everyone who got a Pokemon laughed at her. After that, she ended up in the foggy land of Enigma town, calling out but no one answered her.
Finally, the dream ended up with her deadbeat father calling her useless.

"We have to get out of here," Raina told her Pokemon. After cramming everything of use in her bag, she unlocked the door and went downstairs.

There wasn't anyone, except for the girl she'd dreampt about, along with her Zangoose, sleeping on the couch. Raina decided to leave a Soda Pop, as well as a note before leaving, consulting the map she took.
Soren walked towards the Pokémon Gym, and while he was walking he took a note about snails. He walked into a gym decked out with moss, flowers, grass, and lots of vines. There was a man, sitting down having a cup of tea, until he noticed that Soren was standing there. "Aw, come on! Another trainer?" the man muttered, "No-one ever talks to me in my free time. Everyone just seems to want the badge for this gym. Ugh..."
Soren replied "I came here for the badge--maybe we can chat later?"
Flax replied "Oh, by the way, my name's Flax. We should start this with a battle, right?"
Soren replied "I agree. Go, Litwick!"

Flax sent out Skiploom, knowing that Soren's Litwick was stronger than it.
"Skiploom, use Razor Leaf!" exclaimed Flax. Skiploom shot a ton of sharp-looking leaves. Litwick didn't take much damage, since it had burned most of the leaves.
"Litwick, use Flamethrower!" shouted Soren. The flame on top of Litwick's head started to get bigger, until it turned into a ton of little flames, aimed at Skiploom. Skiploom took a lot damage, and then it fainted.
"Go, Lilligant!" Flax shouted, "Lilligant! Use Energy Ball."
A ball of green energy formed in Lilligant's hands, and she pushed it towards Litwick.
Litwick wasn't hurt much, again. "Litwick! Use Flame Burst!" exclaimed.
A flame that was generated in Litwick's hand was getting bigger, and Litwick ended up shooting it into Lilligant's face, which caused Lilligant to faint.
"This one's my last Pokémon!" exclaimed Flax. He sent out Leavanny.
"Leavanny, please use X-Scissor." Leavanny refused. Instead, Leavanny used Swords Dance.
"Time to make my move! Litwick, use Shadow Ball!" exclaimed Soren! Litwick formed a ball of darkness, and threw it at Leavanny. Leavanny fainted.

"Ooh, yeah! I won!" Soren said, eager to recieve the badge. "You did well, kid. Take the Garden Badge." Flax replied, handing him the badge. "Thanks!" he said, running out the door.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Harry jumped back a little when he heard somebody enter the room. He realized it was just Soren. "Oh hey, Soren. Sorry for making you mad before," Harry said. Then, Soren apologized for becoming mad. "It's alright, don't worry about it." Soren told Harry about some Max Revives and Full Restores at the ruins of the gym and left the room. "Sounds interesting but I don't wanna go back to that town," Harry thought. Since, he woke up he decided to battle the gym leader of GardenBerry City. It was the middle of the night so he chose his black hoodie and jeans and left the Pokemon Center. As he was walking down the sidewalk to the gym Harry saw Soren rushing out of the gym with something in his hand. "Hey chill, it's the middle of the night. Anyways since you're all excited I guess you got your second gym badge. Congrats if that's the case," he said with his fingers still in his pockets.
Luke made it through Enigma Town without much problem. Caesar the Monferno's flames lit the way. Then, Luke made it to Gardenberry City, and saw many of the trainers he had seen already throughout his journey. But something else caught his eye...

A tournament? Luke was in. He rushed to the nearest Pokemon Center, let his Pokemon rest, and signed up.
Soren put the badge in his black and blue gym badge case. "Thanks, man." He saw a sign with something about a tourney on it. He went to the Pokémon Center, signed up for it, and grinded against a few Kecleons, until his pokemon were strong enough. He kept grinding until it started to rain. Litwick had seemed to improve the most, along with Breloom, Arcanine, and Castform.
After a while, Angel woke up, feeling rested. She looked over to see her Croconaw looking at a Soda Pop, and next to it was a note. She looked down the hall to notice the previously locked door was open. She peeked inside and saw that it was empty. Angel grabbed the soda pop and put it in her backpack. As she walked out of the Pokemon Center, then out of Enigma Town, she went to the next Route and read the note.
Raina walked down the small route full of flowers she'd found. Feeling inspired, she carefully wove together a chain of flowers into a necklace before hitting Gardenberry city.

Raina quickly healed her pokemon before walking around town.

Until suddenly, she found the gym! She thought about challenging it, but heard noises inside and presumed someone else was battling it.

"Oh yeah, use vine whip right there!" She heard before hearing a moan.
Raina decided not to even think about what she just heard and went back to weaving her daisy chain, adding more flowers.


Previously 5DigitNeb
After, Soren left, Harry went to the gym. He saw a man sitting in a chair. "I'm Flax, this city's gym leader. Sorry but the gym just closed. Come back tomorrow," the man said. "I literally just saw another trainer come out of this gym with a badge," Harry said with an annoyed face. "Our battle ended past hours, I wasn't a jerk and still gave the trainer a badge," the man replied. "Fine, whatever," Harry said leaving the gym. "Lucky Soren," he said while kicking a stone. He saw a tourney for a tournament. "That might be interesting, sure why not?" Harry said. He went to the Pokemon Center and signed up, after that he went upstairs and fell asleep again.
Luke didn't sleep. He was too excited for the tourney.
"Come on Aurus!" Luke yelled. Aurus the Riolu was battling a Beautifly, and quickly knocked it out. Luke was waiting for Aurus to evolve. They had been training all night. Aurus should have been a high enough level. Was something wrong with him?
"Ri," Aurus sighed.
"What?" Luke asked.
"Ferno!" Caesar piped up, sitting behind Luke.
"I can't understand you guys! You do know that, right?"
"Ted," Ursa nodded, "Ur-ursa!"
Luke grunted in frustration. Aurus ran over, and hugged Luke. Aurus was a good friend. Friend... There was something he had heard about Riolu's evolution. Luke and Riolu had to be close friends! But they already were. What else was there...
"O," Aurus said, running his foot in a circle on the loose dirt. Then he drew lines coming off of the circle.
"High friendship... at daytime!"
Aurus nodded, proudly. Luke hoped that Aurus would evolve soon.
The note was straight to the point, to say the least. "Meet me at the Gardenberry city pokecenter." was what it said, and that was it. Well, Angel guessed the person who had wanted to speak to her would walk up to her upon seeing her there, so she decided to focus on finding a new Pokemon for now. It didn't take her long. A Vulpix had wandered across her path, the pure Fire-Type gave her a curious look. "Vul!" The Vulpix called. Angel looked to her two Pokemon, who both gave her a smirk.

"Poseidon, let's open it up with you." said Angel. Upon hearing his name, the Croconaw walked in front of Angel and faced the Vulpix. The Fire-type, immediately recognizing this as a battle, got into a fighting stance. The Fire-Type immediately let loose a Flamethrower attack. Poseidon just snorted and charged through the attack. Once he got close, Angel gave Poseidon a command. "Poseidon, Water Gun!" Poseidon immediately let loose a jet of water. It sent the Vulpix flying back into a tree. Angel took out a PokeBall and chucked it at the Pokemon. Immediately, the Vulpix dematerialized into the Ball. It shook Once. Twice. Thrice. And then it clicked, signalling the completion of the capture.

Angel let out the Vulpix and allowed it to rest on the trainer's shoulder. "Welcome to the team, Vulpix." Angel greeted with a smile. "I suppose I should give you a nickname. Girl?" She guessed. Like with Rikki, she guessed correctly. "Alright, how about Kitsune?" She offered. The Vulpix seemed content with the name, so the four moved on to Gardenberry.

Upon arriving in Gardenberry City, the first thing Angel did was heal up her Pokemon in the Pokemon Center. She let them all out, as she usually kept them, to do whatever. Angel decided to sit down on the couch in the lobby. She figured the person who'd left the note would be there soon. Her Pokemon each did their own thing. Kitsune clambered up to the couch and rested on the girl's lap, while Poseidon was off playing pranks on other Pokemon. Rikki was just leaning on the couch right next to them, probably excited for the next battle.
Soren stopped grinding, and he went back to the Gardenberry Pokemon center. He went past Luke, and a Riolu, and opened the door to the Pokemon Center, poked his head in, and said, "If you're looking for someone, I'm not the person who you're looking for." He started to walk further into the Pokemon Centre, and made some tea. "So, what're you up to?" said Soren to the black haired girl.
Angel looked up as someone asked what she was up to. She recognized him a bit. She couldn't remember from where, though. "Oh, I'm just waiting for someone. At the last town... Enigma Town, was it? Someone left me a note, telling me to meet them in the Pokemon Center here. So, I'm just waiting." Angel explained. Over in another part of the Center, Poseidon made his way back to Angel, who gave him a head rub.
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"H-hello," Raina stuttered slightly.
Raina was a bit nervous as setting this up was pretty spontaneous.
She wondered what Soren was doing here, but figured that that was just because the group of those who got Pokemon from Hickory tended to stick together.
Angel made sure her hair was still covering her left eye. It was, so she was calm. She heard someone stutter a greeting, and turned to see a somewhat familiar person. She'd seen her before. Was it the path to Pfluggervilla? That must've been it. "Oh, hello." Angel returned the greeting with a smile. "If you don't mind me asking. are you the person who h]left that note for me, back in Enigma Town?"
"Ye. Just wanted to know someone around here better, plus we've passed by each other more than you think, so I wanted to catch your name instead of referring to you as 'black haired girl', " Raina explained lamely, hoping she hadn't been too long in her explanation.
"That's fair enough." Angel reasoned aloud. She carefully scooped up her Vulpix and put the napping Fire-Type next to her on the couch, then stood up. "I know I saw you after I left Professor Hickory's lab, and a couple other times. Anyways, my name's Angelina Hale, but I'd prefer it if you just called me Angel." She stated and extended her hand for a hand shake. While she didn't show it externally, she mentally yelled at herself for saying her last name. It was widely recognized as the name of the Hale Business Corporation. Angel just hoped people in Pruie weren't familiar with the name.
"Okay. I'm Raina. Raina Green. Hale''s kind of a familiar name, I think I've heard it somewhere?" Raina took her hand tentatively, feeling slightly nervous as this girl seemed older than she expected. Raina ran a hand through her red-brown hair, a habit of hers.
"Uh..." Soren got nervous again. "By the way, my name's Soren." said Soren, awkwardly. He had known about the Hale Business Corporation ever since he was a baby, because his dad always worked there. He went outside, behind the Pokemon Center and started to say random words. "Um...flute...nightmares...cats..." He stopped and went inside. The two girls were shaking hands. "Yeah, my name's Soren." he said, less awkwardly. He held his hand out, waiting for one of the girls to shake it. As he waited, he ran his head through his shoulder length black hair.
Raina looked at Sorens awkward, babbling self and felt awkward. She didn't know whether to shake it or anything so she just waved her hand like an idiot. Raina still didn't notice the Swadloon sleeping inside her bag.
"Yeah, I get that a lot." Angel chuckled nervously. Soren introduced himself, but it was a tad awkward. The boy had left for a bit. "It was nice to meet you, Raina." She added. Soren came back and reintroduced himself, and admittedly less awkwardly than he had previously. She let go of Raina's hand once they were finished shaking. "Nice to meet you too, Soren."
"I think I'm thinking of some fictional guy in my book called Nathan Hale. He was a spy for some made up foriegn region called 'America'. Reminds me of Unova," Raina rambled, reaching into her pocket to pull out her bad habit that kept her sane: gum. She popped the piece of Cherubi Gum into her mouth, enjoying the taste.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Harry's phone began buzzing and making noises. Eventually, Harry woke up. He checked the time: 6:00 A.M. "Why did I make my alarm so early?" he wondered still half-asleep. Then, he remembered. "I got training today!" Harry said nearly falling of his bed. He quickly brushed his teeth and got dressed and rushed to the main floor of the Pokemon Center. There he saw Soren, Raina, and some other girl. "Hey, my name's Harry but I gotta do something for a while, we can introduce ourselves later bye!" he said while leaving the Pokemon Center. He headed to a battling field near the Pokemon Center and released his two Pokemon. "Alright MetalClasher, you're nearly ready to evolve, and so are you Ovitruam. So I'm going to have you use thunder shock for a while until you're ready to evolve. Sound good?" Harry asked. Ovitruamnodded and began attacking MetalClasher. "MetalClasher you're going to take some hits but you're a steel type so thunder shock shouldn't do that much damage. When you two are tired I'll heal you right up, okay?" Harry told his Pokemon. They both made noises and continued battling. After many attempts at damaging MetalClasher, Ovitruam evolved into Flaffy! Harry then told MetalClasher to use Take Down against Ovitruam. It wasn't too long until he evolved. Before MetalClasher fainted because of the recoil it already evolved. Immediately, MetalClasher learned Confusion and Metal Claw, and Harry was so happy MetalClasher knew moves other than Take Down. He healed his Pokemon and started making his way towards the previous trainer he briefly introduced himself to. "Hey, I'm back from doing... my thing," Harry said awkwardly a bit out of breath.
"Raina, put your hand in your bag. Your bag's getting quite annoying." said Soren, jokingly. He reached into his pocket, and Litwick was in there, smiling. Soren started laughing a little. "Litwick, you found your way into my pocket!" he said. He saw Harry run past them, while saying something. He took a piece of Cherubi Gum out of his bag, but it was burnt. He threw it out, and that's about when Harry came back, said something, and was out of breath. "You ok?" he replied to Harry.


Previously 5DigitNeb
"Yeah, just a bit tired from running. You see, I trained my Pokemon a lot for this tournament and tried to heal them as fast as possible, they must be more tired than me," Harry said while sweat was pouring down from his face. "I'm Harry, and I'm a Pokemon Trainer," he said to the new girl. "It's nice to meet y-" while midway through his sentence, Harry collapsed from the super fast running he had done. He began muttering something about a tournament, but was still unintelligible.
Raina wordlessly handed Soren some Cherubi Gum while opening her bag.

Inside was a.... Swadloon?
"Swad!" The Swadloon spit a bit of acid at Raina, hitting her green flannel and burning right through. Luckily, it was on the bottom half of her shirt and didn't seep through.

The Swadloon attempted to run away, unfortunately tripping on a Great Ball that had fallen out, successfully going in.

"I guess you're mine now..." Raina muttered, sending it out. The Swadloon looked pissed.

Due to the whole dilemma, Raina hadn't even noticed Harry passing out.
Soren passed the Cherubi Gum back to Raina, realizing that she had a hole on the bottom half of her shirt. "Y'know, I can fix that. If you want." he said, pointing to the hole. He looked at his watch. "It's 6:16 AM. The tourney starts at 2:00 PM." And then he pulled a bag of popcorn out of his bag. And he turned around, saw Harry lying nearly lifeless on the floor, and suddenly yelled "He's dead!" jokingly.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Harry laid on the floor for a while and then heard a loud yell. The yell brought Harry's consciousness back and he heard what Soren said. Harry got back up and said, "I'm not dead, man. Anyways, I've been wondering are any of you guys participating in this "tournament?" He looked around and saw that Raina was gone. "Where did Raina go?"
"She went to change her shirt, because a Swadloon in her backpack spit acid on it." Angel answered. "And I'm Angel. Nice to meet you." She added. "I'm probably going to go sign up for that right now, actually." Angel stated as she stood up. "Rikki, keep an eye on these two?" She asked, the Zangoose nodding. She went to the registry and signed up for the tournament, quickly coming back. "I'll probably fight the Gym Leader after the tournament. I probably won't make it far, though."


Previously 5DigitNeb
"Nice to meet you too, Angel. Wait, that Zangoose is yours? That must mean you were the trainer I lost to in Pflugervilla. I'm sure you can do great in the tournament!" Harry said with a smile. "Actually, I'm going to fight that gym leader now. He does seem a bit... strange though. Wait, Soren you beat him! Can you tell me which Pokemon he used? Please?" Harry begs Soren.
"Oh, that was you I battled, wasn't it? That definitely was a good battle." Angel replied. She thought back to when she passed by the Gardenberry Gym. There had been whipping noises, and she could've sworn she heard- oh Arceus. The girl quickly erased the thought from her mind. "I would be interested to know what Pokemon he uses. Each of mine have at least one advantage against him."
"I fought the gym leader. He uses Skiploom, Lilligant, and Leavanny." explained Soren. He passed a piece of burnt Cherubi Gum to Angel. "Also, he acted a bit... salty while I was there, but that's probably because of how long it's been since someone was there. " explained Soren. He shook the popcorn bag, making popcorn go everywhere. "Heh, ever since I was little I loved to do that." muttered Soren, "Anywho, I should be on my way soon-- after I beat the tournament."
When Hysan entered the city, he ran to the Poke Center. Once his Pokemon were healed. He went to the gym, but not before signing up for a tournament. At the gym, a man was sitting in a chair. "Hey, kid, I'm Flax, the city's gym leader. I'm not battling right now, so come back later." Hysan then replied, "Sir, in this rule book right here - of the region and of this gym - it says all gyms operate 24/7, 365. So, I would like to ask you to battle me." Flax reluctantly battled him, but he wasn't very into it. "Bacon, ember!" Was the only thing Hysan told his Bagon during that battle. He won easily, but wasn't impressed by the man's skills. He received his badge and went to get all of his Pokemon to level 25, and his Charmeleon level 27.
Luke entered the Gardenberry Gym. The tourney was coming up, and Luke needed something to do to pass time. The gym was a large greenhouse, full of plants, vines, and trees. A man with white hair down to his shoulders sat in a chair. He sipped herbal tea with one hand, while the other held a thick novel.
Luke coughed to get the man's attention.
"Yes?" Flax asked, looking up. He was annoyed with Luke's intrusion.
"Are you taking challengers right now?" Luke asked, "Because I saw one kid come out saying you weren't and one said he already beat you."
"Does it look like I'm taking challengers?" Flax said, sipping his tea again.
"You can't just deny a trainer," Luke complained.
"Watch me. Now out. Let me read."
Luke's face was red with anger, and he growled, "You have to battle me. It's your job as a Gym Leader."
"You've met Serena, right? Being a Gym Leader is the worst job. Ever. Look at Serena. Look at me. People don't see you as a person. They see you as an obstacle."
"That's not true. I see you as a talented opponent. But maybe after a battle I can see you differently."
"You're not going to convince me to battle," Flax shrugged, "I'm at the climax of the story."
"Flax, you will battle me," Luke said, "You will battle me now."
Caesar, Luke's Monferno, leapt over to Flax, and stole his book.
"Give that back you thief!"
"Mon!" Caesar laughed. He tossed Luke the book.
"So how about it? We battle. If you win, you get the book back, and I buy you three new books. If I win, you still get your book, but I get a badge."
"Three new books? Hmmm... Fine. Prepare to lose. Go Leavanny! Use Leaf Blade!"
Leavanny appeared, and slashed at Caesar with glowing green blades.
"You've got this Caesar! Use Flame Wheel!"
Caesar spun a ring of flames around his head, and was about to fling it at Leavanny when Leavanny cut at his stomach. He fell back, and the flames extinguished. Flax was going all out. Leavanny used Leaf Blade again, and Luke's HP Scanner showed that Caesar was almost defeated.
"Use Fire Punch!" Luke yelled quickly. Caesar struggled to get to his feet. Leavanny was charging. Caesar powered up his fist, and hit Leavanny with a flaming punch moments before Leavanny used Leaf Blade. Leavanny was blasted across the green house, and vanished into a patch of bushes.
"Caesar, be careful. Leavanny might strike any moment."
Caesar had an idea. He used Flame Wheel on the bushes, forcing Leavanny out. Then, Ember defeated Leavanny.
"Return Leavanny," Flax said, "Go Skiploom!"
"Ski-loo!" Skiploom cried.
"Caesar, use Flame Wheel!"
Caesar shot a wheel of fire at Skiploom, but Skiploom hopped above it. Caesar jumped up, and used Fire Punch on Skiploom. However, Skiploom used Poison Powder. Caesar coughed, and his fur took on a dark purple tint. Skiploom turned to face Caesar, and fired away with Bullet Seed. Caesar made one last effort before he fainted, charging through the storms of seeds, and using Fire Punch to defeat Skiploom. Caesar collapsed seconds after.
"Return Caesar."
"Return Skiploom."
"Go Lilligant!" Flax called. There was a trace of a smile on his face. This battle was exhilirating.
"Go Aurus!" Luke yelled. He wanted to win. Maybe then Aurus would evolve.
Aurus and Lilligant stared each other down, not moving until Lilligant used Petal Blizzard. Aurus used his speed to dodge the razor sharp leaves, then used Force Palm to shoot Lilligant back into Flax. Flax picked her up, and placed her back on her feet. By the time Lilligant regained her bearings, Aurus was charging at her, using Quick Attack. Aurus went around the back of Lilligant, and tackled her from behind before using Force Palm to end the battle.
"Wow. That was more exciting than the climax of the book!" Flax smiled, "Thank you so much for that battle."
"You're welcome Flax. Now, time to finish our deal."
Luke handed over Flax's book in exchange for a Gym Badge. Luke thanked him, smiled, walking out of the Gym. But inside, he was concerned. Aurus still hadn't evolved.
Soren walked out of the Pokemon Center, and towards the entrance of the gym. He watched Luke walk out of the door. "Hmm.. it's 12:00 PM. That means the tournament's in two hours."
he muttered to himself. He knew Litwick was at a pretty good level, along with Shroomish and Arcanine. He flipped the pages of the comic book he had in his hand, and asked Luke, "Do you know where the tournament is being hosted?"
"Yeah. On the sign-up sheet it said it would be held in Roserade Park," Luke answered. Aurus tapped at his feet, impatiently waiting for the tournament to begin. Caesar swung around in the trees, and Ursa just sat, looking adorable.
Angel didn't care that the gum was burnt. She gladly accepted it and tossed it in her mouth. Despite the fact that it was burnt, it wasn't half bad. She still had about two hours until the tournament started up, so that meant she had plenty of time. She looked at the three Pokemon before her. Kitsune had gotten up, and she seemed anxious to be in her first battle. Poseidon was hyper as always, perhaps even more so due to the tournament. Rikki was calm, but he held a smile on his face. They were ready to take on the tournament.