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Private/Closed The Pruie Region


Previously 5DigitNeb
"Actually, I'm going to the gym right now, see ya," Harry said. He headed to the gym and saw Soren and Luke talking. "I'll just leave those two be," he said while continuing walking down the sidewalk. He entered the gym and said,"I'm back for my badge!"
"How wonderful! I was expecting you!" Flax said excitedly.
"What's with the new attitude?" Harry asked suspiciously.
"I just had an exciting battle that got me really pumped!" Flax answered.
"That's fantastic. Well, let's begin our match. Go Stella!" Harry said.
"Go Skiploom! Use sleep powder!" Flax said.
A Skiploom appeared out of Flax's Pokeball and began spreading a silver powder around the arena.
"Stella use Whirlwind, follow it up with Aerial Ace!" Harry said to his Pokemon.
Stella repelled the powder and began charging at Skiploom with intense speed. The attack hit its mark and caused Skiploom to move backwards.
"Try Mega Drain!" Flax said.
Skiploom began trying to absorb Stella's energy, but to no avail since Stella is a flying type.
"Wing Attack, now!" Harry shouted.
Stella's wings began glowing and Stella charged at Skiploom again, this time fainting it.
Flax grunted and said," Return Skiploom, go Lilligant!"
"Stella you did great out there, return! I choose you, MetalClasher!" Harry yelled.
"A Steel-Type huh? Alright use Giga Drain!" Flax shouted.
"Attack Lilligant with Metal Claw then keep on using Confusion," Harry said.
MetalClasher hit Lilligant with it's claws and then threw it up and down with confusion. Eventually, Lilligant fainted.
"Return, Lilligant," Flax said sadly. "You're done for, go Leavanny!" Flax shouted.
"Great job MetalClasher, take a rest. Now it's your turn, Ignis!" Harry said.
"X-Scissor!" the gym leader shouted.
"Just use Flame Charge," the challenger said with a smirk.
Combusken engulfed himself in flames and countered the X-Scissor. He repeated the move until he just became flashes of red and yellow. Shortly afterwards, Leavanny fainted.
Flax sighed. "Thanks for the great battle, here's your badge," Flax said with a smile and the badge in his hand.
Harry took the badge and said,"No problem and thank you for the badge. Hey maybe we can read together sometime?"
Flax's eyes were full of happiness and he said," That'd be great."
Harry left the gym and checked the time: 1:00 PM.
"I better get going to the tournament, just an hour left," he said. He healed his Pokemon and headed for Roserade Park.
Raina sighed.
"Okay, I don't like you, and you sure as hell don't like me. But we have a gym battle coming up, and we need all the strength we have," Raina spoke to her new Swadloon.
"Swad.." Swadloon muttered a probably swear word under her breath.

"Okay, how about a nickname?" Raina asked Swadloon.
Swadloon ran into her bag, pulling out a pad of paper and a pen before writing 'Ink' in crude handwriting.
Raina was shocked, as her Swadloon could write, but the Sewaddle line was known to be artistic.

"Okay.. Ink then." Raina responded, putting back the pad of paper.
"So, are you okay with traveling?"
In response to that, Ink made a hand gesture that looked fairly rude, so Raina did an equaly rude one back.

"Let's just go..." She said, walking with her three pokemon.
Ink and Azuru were making faces at each other, and Toast was oblivious to it all, sitting on Raina's shoulder.
It was clear the tournament would be starting in an hour, so Angel stood up. All three of her Pokemon were excited, and the four left the Pokemon Center. "Okay, Roserade Park, Roserade Park..." Angel murmured, looking around until she saw said park. Upon reaching the park, the girl and her three Pokemon all took in the stage that was there. It was a slightly elevated, wooden stage. Nothing to marvel at, but it worked. Angel decided to return her three Pokemon and wait.
Realizing Raina forgot to heal her Pokemon, she sped back, but noticed a sheet advertising a tournament.
The prize seemed good, so she asked her Pokemon.
"Wanna do it?" Raina asked them.
"Swad!" Ink shrugged.
"Marill! Rill!" Azuru nodded.
"Cynd." Toast seemed slightly nervous but was up for it.
Raina signed her name. Luckily there were 2 more slots.

Because it started in an hour, Raina decided to potpone the gym and train.
They went to the route and began grinding to about level 25, until it was about 15 minutes before the tournament. Raina and her Pokemon healed before going to the site of the tournament.
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Soren went to Roserade Park, 15 minutes before the tournament started. She leveled up Litwick to about level 29, by giving it a rare candy. He then started weaving flower chains to give to the winner of the tournament and started decorating. He healed his Pokemon he was gonna use-- Litwick, Arcanine, and Breloom. Then he waited for it to begin.
Raina entered Roserade Park, looking around until she saw Soren.
"You entered too?" Raina said.
She noticed him staring at her strangely, until she realized she probably looked ridiculous with a Swadloon and a Marill arguing, a sleeping magical fire breathing creature on her shoulder, and a crown made out of branches and flowers on her head.
She awkwardly popped a piece of special addition Swirlix Gum and began chewing it.
Hysan went to the Poke Center when he finished grinding and healed his Pokemon. "Hmmm, the tournament is at Roserade Park. That's a good 5 minute walk from here. It starts at 2:00. Crap! It's 1:30! I gotta run!" Hysan made it in time, and saw an elevated stage made of wood. "Well, not much, but it'll do," he thought to himself. He then saw Soren, Raina, and a girl he didn't know. 'Harry and Luke better get here soon,' he thought. "Raina! Soren! Hey! Also, what's your name?" He asked the inky-haired girl.
"Yeah, I entered." said Soren, "You know, it seems like the prize is worth it." Arcanine jumped on the bench Soren was sitting on. "I wonder if it has anything to do with this town's history?"
he said. He scratched his arm, and saw Hysan coming into the park.
Someone Angelina didn't know walked up to her, Soren, and Raina. After greeting them, he'd asked who she was. How many people did this make that she'd actually been properly introduced to? Four? She certainly was making progress in her social skills. "Oh, me? I'm Angelina, but you can just call me Angel, for short." Out of habit, the girl made sure her hair still covered her left eye. It was covering her eye. "And you are?"
Luke sauntered into Rosereade Garden, followed by Caesar, Aurus, and Ursa. He saw Hysan, Soren, Raina, and a girl he didn't recognize with a Zangoose. Caesar popped his knuckles, ready for the battles. Aurus went on a quick run. And Ursa? Well, Ursa just sat there. Looking adorable.
"Looks like almost everyone's here," Rain muttered.
Things were already kind of a disaster.
Toast was burning the flowers, Azuru was talking to Angel''s Zangoose, and Ink was already picking a fight with the other Pokemon.
"I should've expected this," Raina said to no one in particular.
"Well, Angel, I'm Hysan. Just moved to this region from Alola. I already have 5 Pokemon. I hope I can win this. Ooh look, Harry and Luke. Hey, Luke and Harry! Come over here!" Hysan had Bacon and Mercury, his Charmeleon, out for the occasion. He waited for Harry and Luke to get over. "Hey guys, I forgot, what is the prize?"
The tournament was going to start in 2-3 minutes, and Soren's Pokemon were getting along well with the other pokemon, and pokemon trainers. Suddenly, he had a sudden headache. He went behind the wooden stage, and started shouting to nobody. "Agh! I can do this! I CAN DO THIS." he shouted.
Soren suddenly left to go behind the wooden stage. Hysan followed him. He looked very stressed. "Soren, you OK? You look... pale. Headache?" Hysan decided to wait for Soren to reply to him. "Please, Soren, talk to me."
"I'm ok, It's just... when there's an event like this, it stresses me out and... um..." Soren stuttered. He felt weird. The thing he was going to say was on the tip of his tongue, and he just stayed quiet. He thought he heard an announcer say something, so he said "Let's go." while walking towards the front of the stage.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Harry continued walking down the sidewalk and heard somebody call his name. He made a turn to Roserade Park and saw Hysan and the others. He walked to where everybody else was. "Hey Hysan, Soren, Raina, Angel, and- wait who are you again?" Harry asks Luke.
Hysan followed Soren to the stadium. The announcer said, "You may have 3 Pokemon on your team. No more. Choose your Pokemon!" Hysan chose Rotom, Mercury and Bacon. "Well, guys, let's see what skills and Pokemon these trainers have."
Angel had to admit, she was at least a little nervous. However, her Pokemon seemed ready while they happily interacted with the other Pokemon. Rikki was interacting with Raina's Marill before the announcer called for the competition to start. Angel only had three Pokemon, so she just fit the criteria. Hopefully she wouldn't lose the first round. That would be bad.
Soren chose Arcanine, Litwick, and Breloom to fight in the Tourney. He was quite nervous, considering he just had a headache. He waited for everyone else to pick their Pokemon. While he was waiting, he read comics, and had some Soda Pop. He wondered what types the other pokemon had.
Hysan was in no way nervous. He had already beaten the Pokemon league in Alola, but no one knew. He was a skilled trainer. He was confident in his skills, but Luke was a skilled trainer as well, so Hysan had prepared for the worst.
The battle between Angel and Hysan had been a bit close for comfort. She lost her Vulpix to Hysan's Rotom, but Hysan lost his Rotom to Rikki's Rock Tomb. Charmeleon had taken down Rikki, and Croconaw had taken down Charmeleon. It came down to Poseidon and Bacon the Bagon. A quick Ice Fang from Poseidon landed and instantly froze Bacon. Two more followed it up, and KO'd Bacon the Bagon. Angel hugged Poseidon. "Hey, that was a great battle!"
Luke had an intense battle with Soren. The battle had begun with Luke sending out Caesar, and Soren sending out Arcanine. Caesar was quickly switched out with Ursa. Ursa only managed to get in one hit before Arcanine defeated her. Aurus was next for Luke. He used Toxic, but Arcanine damaged him badly. Aurus managed to use Thunder Punch before Arcanine defeated him as well. But that same turn, the poison knocked out Arcanine. Soren's Litwick faced off against Luke's Caesar. If Caesar fainted, Soren would win. And Soren had two more Pokemon left. Soren switched Litwick with Breloom, but Caesar's Fire Punch wiped it out. Then, Litwick and Caesar battled. It was intense. A back and forth battle. And Caesar was losing. Luckily, at the last moment, Litwick's attack missed, allowing for Caesar to throw a final Fire Punch and win the battle!
Luke shook hands with Soren, and walked off the podium, smiling.
Soren had to admit, he was kind of dissapointed in himself for losing in the first round. He walked offstage, walked out of Roserade Park, and to the Pokemon Center, where he healed the Pokémon he used in the tournament. He went into the bathroom to change, and that's when he noticed a tiny black mark, right to his right eye. He thought it was a result of being too unhappy, and then he remembered something that his mom had said; "See you soon, Soren! Have lots of fun! And remember to"--Soren was halfway through remembering what she said when he fatefully decided to punch the glass mirror, in a bit of anger. Soren wasn't angry at Luke. He changed, and started to go through the Honurk Hills to get to Honurk City.
Hysan was upset that he'd lost. Either way, he left the stadium, but not before having Mercury punch it with brick break. He wasn't mad at Angel, but he wished he had won. He went to the Honurk Forest after healing his Pokemon and decided to follow Soren, because he saw him in the forest.
Soren found a cliff in the middle in the middle of the forest, next a waterfall. Time had flied when he was in the stadium, and it was 4:00 pm. He let Litwick rest in his hands, while watching the sunset. Suddenly he heard footsteps. He looked behind him, and of course it was Hysan. "Oh, hey. How's it going?" he said, while Litwick rested in his hands, warmly.
Angel quickly made her way to the Pokemon Center in order to heal up her Pokemon. After a few minutes, her partners had been healed. Angel quickly made her way back to the park and found a bench to sit on. She let all three of her Pokemon out of their Pokeballs once more. Kitsune, Poseidon, and Rikki were all glad they had won. Although, Kitsune hadn't been as ecstatic as the others were. Angel reasoned that was because she'd went down without even taking down one of Hysan's Pokemon. Angel rubbed the Vulpix's head. "Hey, you did your best. And if it wasn't for you, I don't think Rikki would've been able to take down that Rotom otherwise, and we might've lost." said Angel in a comforting tone. Out of the corner of her eye, Angel could see Rikki nodding in agreement. That seemed to cheer up the Vulpix.
Raina went up to the stage, nervous for the battle to come.
Considering her most of her Pokemon were super-effective to his, Raina was nervous, but decided to be a good sport about it.
Besides, she joined this for fun, knowing she probably wouldn't win.

"Good luck!" Raina called out to Harry.
Raina decided to lead with Azuru, guessing he'd lead with Ignis.
Her guess was incorrect, as he lead with his Staravia, which was okay for Azuru.

What wasn't okay for Azuru was getting knocked out later on. Luckily, Harry used a recoil move, knocking both out.
Raina still had a chance.

Eventually, the battle ended though.
2 bulldozes from his Metang and 1 flamethrower was all it took to defeat Raina.

"I think we both did well," Raina said, before realizing she said the same thing to Luke after battling. Instead of kissing him, she simply walked off the stage in defeat.

After healing at a Pokecenter booth, she sent out her Pokemon and sighed.

"I'm sorry you guys have such a weak trainer... If you want, you-you don't have to- you don't have to travel with me," Raina told her Pokemon. 'It's my fault they keep losing," Raina thought.

But none of her Pokemon left. Not even salty Ink. They all stayed, following Raina.
Raina couldn't help but grin.
"Hey, we still did well. Let's go grab a bite. I saw Soren lose too. And Hysan. Let's invite them," Raina ran after the trainer, feeling better.

But a part of her still felt guilty and emptyless, as she'd lost 2 fights with trainers on the same level as her.

Raina eventually found him after wandering the forest for a few minutes. Luckily, Hysan was also there.
"Hey, heard you two also lost. I'm sorry. Wanna grab something to eat in the next town''s cafe? I've heard they have Miltank burgers to die for," Raina asked.
"No, It's fine. I'm kinda hungry too, you know." Soren said, confidently. He got up, totally ignoring that Hysan was there for some reason. He decided to release Castform, since they kinda didn't get along with each other. He grabbed some Fresh Water out of his backpack, and drank it, of course. "Welp, that's it for the fresh water." he said to himself.
"Why'd you release it? I mean, I know it kinda looked.... innapropriate but stll?" Raina asked. Her and Ink didn't get along, but she wouldn't release her. Besides, she needed a grass type and Ink had the chance to leave but didn't take it, so she figured Ink didn't mind her.
"I don't know. I guess I just felt like it? I need to make space in my team and catch a Psychic type Pokémon." he said, looking up at the sky. "Well, once we get there, we'll have food, any other thing we need to do will be there, long story short, there's no gym. Just a ton of pokemon trainers that have Fighting Type Pokemon. Plus they have a huge tower there, and I heard at the top, they have a ton of this one TM called Rock Smash. You do the math, we've beaten 2 gyms, there are 8, how many of them are left?" Soren explained.
"Gee, I'm unsure. I wonder how many are left?" Raina said sarcasticly.
"Well, let's go. You coming, Hysan?" She asked, putting all the free samples she'd collected from booths away.
"Yeah, hang on," Hysan replied. He found a wild Feebas and caught it after Rotom used Hex on it. It seemed at it's "Max Beauty" already, so a few battles and it would level up and evolve. "Yeah, let's get going." Hysan waited for the other trainers and drank a fresh water.
"Yeah, let's go." replied Soren. He quietly said to himself, "Cuz that's the way I like to live my life, and I know that everything's gonna be just fine." "I guess you're going to raise a Milotic in the future?" he asked Hysan, while something tapped his shoulder. 'What is it now?' thought Soren, as he was turning around. There was nothing there, but when he looked down at the waterfall, he saw the shadow of a Gardevoir. He went through the waterfall with an umbrella over his head, trying not to get wet. Next thing you know, he had caught it, even though ot was pretty mad at him. He climbed back up the ledge next to the waterfall, and said, "Alright, let's go!"
Luke took the stage for the second round in the Gardenberry Tourney. Nurse Joy had come by to heal everyone's Pokemon, so Luke was ready to go. His opponent was Lillian. Lillian was tall and slim, with mossy green eyes and long black hair. Luke hadn't seen her first battle, but remembered someone talking about a Nidorino.
Round Two begins, Luke thought. Aurus the Riolu looked up at Luke, wondering what strategy he had planned.
Lillian walked across the rickety stage, and shook Luke's hand.
"Good luck," Luke smiled.
"I won't need it," Lillian shrugged, grinning slyly. Luke took his place on one end of the stage, and Lillian stood opposite of him. The battle had begun.
"Go Ursa!" Luke called, sending out Ursa the Teddiursa.
"Go Machoke!" Lillian called. Machoke appeared on the battlefield, and cracked his knuckles.
"Use Fury Swipes Ursa!"
Ursa charged at Machoke, swinging her claws wildly. Machoke just held his hand out, and picked up Ursa by her head. He then used Karate Chop. A quick K.O.
"Return Ursa," Luke said, shocked at how quickly Machoke had taken down the small bear. He then sent out Caesar the Monferno. Caesar and Machoke sparred as if in a karate match. Machoke struck, but Caesar flipped over him, and kicked Machoke in the back. Machoke spun around and hook-punched Caesar. Caesar uppercut Machoke, then used Flame Wheel to defeat him. The small crowd viewing the tournament was excited.
Lillian sent out Zorua. Zorua used Night Daze, and a shockwave of shadows rippled through the area. Caesar roared, spewing flames from his mouth. He charged at Zorua, but Zorua dodged with grace. She turned around and used Foul Play on Caesar. Caesar's own raw power was turned against him. Zorua followed up with Dark Pulse, knocking Caesar down. Then, Zorua's claws took out Caesar.
"Return Caesar. Go Aurus!" Luke yelled. This was it. Aurus needed to pull through or they'd lose.
Zorua begun with Night Daze, but Aurus dashed over and used Force Palm before Zorua could unleash the dark shockwave. Zorua struggled to get up. Aurus ran over, using Quick Attack, to knock out Zorua.
"Zorua, return," Lillian said, "Go Nidorino! Use Poison Sting!"
Nidorino shot out purple spikes that zoomed towards Aurus. Aurus braced himself, but strangely didn't feel the spikes poking him. He looked around, and only saw bright lights. Then, he began to grow.
"He's-" Lillian began.
"-Evolving," Luke finished, amazed.
The lights faded, and Aurus was standing tall. A Lucario.
"LU-LUCAR!" Aurus roared. Nidorino stumbled backwards, terrified.
"Alright Aurus, let's finish this!" Luke grinned. Lillian's smirk had vanished. She was worried. Worried that she'd lose. Aurus spread his hands apart, and a blue orb erupted into existence between them.
"Nidorino, use Confusion!" Lillian yelled frantically. Nidorino closed his eyes, and a purple blast shot towards Aurus.
"Aurus, dodge!" Luke yelled. But Aurus was focused on creating the blue orb. The Confusion attack hit, doing massive damage to Aurus. Nidorino then used Poison Jab, poisoning Aurus. Another Confusion did the job. Aurus fainted.
Luke had lost.
"Return, Aurus."
"Ha! I knew I'd win!" Lillian beamed.
"Good game," Luke said, trying to keep his head high. He walked off the stage, and sat down, wanting to see how his friends would fare.
Angel watched Luke's battle with interest. In truth, she was shocked that he and his newly-evolved partner, Lucario, lost the battle. She'd thought for sure he would have won after his partner evolved into Lucario. She guessed that meant whoever won the next battle would face that girl, Lilian, in the finals. So it was either her or Harry. Harry was strong. She knew he had a Combusken and a Staravia before the tournament because of their battle before. That Metang would prove to be a problem, though. Well, she guessed there was only one way to find out who would win. Her Pokemon were in their Pokeballs and she was ready. She walked up to the stage once more and took out one of her Pokeballs and awaited Harry's arrival.
OOC: Should Soren have caught Kirlia or Gardevoir? I feel Gardevoir is really op.

Hysan heard Soren mutter, "Cuz that's the way I like to live my life." "Dude! You watched it too?" Hysan asked, excited. He then saw Soren go under the waterfall and return with a... Gardevoir? "Whoa, a Gardevoir. Aren't those like super rare and overpowered? Oh well, My Charmeleon is level 34, my Zigzagoon is a Linoone, My Rotom is in grass form, My Feebas evolved into Milotic, and my Bagon evolved into Shelgon already, So I can't be mad. Well, let's get going!
Trainer Card:
trainercard-Hysan (1).png
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Soren replied to Hysan, "Yeah, I did watch that. Oh, and my Gardevoir doesn't behave well, so... let's go." His Gardevoir tried to punch him, but it missed. "I think Gardevoir REALLY doesn't like me." he said to Hysan, "Let's go anyway. I heard walking with your pokemon improves friendship." He took out a Qualot berry, and gave it to Gardevoir. And then he started walking to Honurk City.
"Hey, good luck." Angel said as Harry stepped onto his side of the stage.
"Good luck." Harry echoed back. The battle started. Both trainers sent out their Pokemon. Angel opened up with her Vulpix, Kitsune. Meanwhile, Harry opened up with his Staravia, Stella. Angel decided to risk it and switch out into Rikki. His Rock Tomb would be effective, and she needed to save Kitsune for that Metang.
"Aerial Ace!" Harry had called out, right before Angel switched. The attack hit Rikki as he was released from the Pokeball.
"Rikki, Rock Tomb!" Angel ordered. As Rikki sent the barrage of large rocks at Stella, she was switched out, MetalClasher taking her place.
"Damn." Angel muttered. She decided to not risk switching out again, otherwise that could end the battle for her, badly.
"Close Combat, Ricky!" yelled Angel. Rikki's paws glowed a bright white as he charged at MetalClasher.
"Power-Up Punch!" Harry countered. The two Pokemon's attacks connected. While MetalClasher stood it's ground, Rikki was pushed back from the Power-Up Punch. Angel saw MetalClasher devour a Sitrus Berry. When she looked back to her own Pokemon, she saw him toss his own in the air and catch it back in his mouth. Both Pokemon were slightly better, but it was clear by Rikki's panting that the Power-Up Punch had still hit him hard.
"Again!" Both Angel and Harry called. Rikki, being the faster of the two, got off his Close Combat attack before being hit in the chest with another Power-Up Punch. It was clear that the Metang was heavily injured, but he still stood. The Zangoose, on the other hand, was down for the count. Angel gave a small smile as she returned the Normal-Type.
"You did your best, and you held out pretty good." Angel praised as the Pokemon turned into a red light and vanished inside the Pokeball. She took out another Pokeball and enlarged it, and out came Kitsune once more.
"Flamethrower!" Angel called. Kitsune let out a burst of flames, which quickly finished off MetalClasher. In haste, Harry sent out Ignis.
"Extrasensory!" Angel called. Quickly realizing his mistake, Harry retrieved Ignis and sent out Stella. The Flying-Type took a decent amount of damage, but stood strong against the Psychic attack.
"Aerial Ace!" Harry called. The Flying-Type quickly attacked the Vulpix, dealing significant damage to her.
"Flamethrower!" Angel countered. Withing moments after suffering the Aerial Ace, Kitsune quickly recovered and launched a Flamethrower attack. Stella hit the ground, fainted, and was returned by Harry.
'Alright, this is it.' Angel thought. This battle had definitely been tenser than the last, even though she had more Pokemon this time. 'His last Pokemon is a Fire/Fighting-Type. Kitsune has an adantage with Extrasensory, and Poseidon's Aqua Tail and Water Gun are also effective. But I shouldn't underesti-'
"I forfeit." Harry stated. Angel blinked.
"Wait, what?" She asked, confused.
"I forfeit. Even if Ignis could tank your Vulpix's Extrasensory, he wouldn't be able to counter your Croconaw." Harry replied.
"Oh." Angel said. Granted, she was a bit upset that the battle hadn't ended properly, but she understood Harry's reasoning. Fair enough. "Well, either way, it was a good battle." Angel said, giving him a smile.
Soren reached Honurk City, before Hysan and Raina. And it was a bustling city. The first thing he did was go to the Pokemon Centre, healed his Pokémon, and bought a Miltank Burger, because Raina said they were to die for. Soren said to himself, "Turns out she was right! Mmm..." He left 30 pokedollars on the table as a tip, and no one picked those pokedollars up.
Next, he went to the tower in the city to pick up the TM 26 for Rock Smash. There were a ton of Fighting type Pokémon Trainers, and he beat them all, with Litwick and Gardevoir. He only did battles with Gardevoir when Litwick had fainted, because Gardevoir wouldn't act very nice, and it would usually pretend not to notice when Soren asked it to use a move. He went upstairs, after beating the last trainer, and saw a stack of TMs for Rock Smash, so he grabbed one, knocked over the stack, and left the tower. He sat on a bench next to the Pokemon Centre, and then waited for Raina and Hysan.
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