((I have been invited to join this RolePlay from Bolt as Mist the shiny Vaporeon, so if it is for any reason not ok for me to join, I'll leave. This is actually the first Eeveeloutions RP where I have not played the Espeon. XD))
The cool water was so tempting. So....close....so tempting.... Mist, the pink Vaporeon had water almost literally creating a waterfall down her sides. Mist's original plan was to simply walk into the shade of a nearby tree to take a nap so she didn't have to worry about the Basculin that hunted in her lake. However, in her nap she was laying in the sun meaning that the sun was evaporating her body of solidified water away. The Vaporeon weakly lashed her tail in desperation as she trudged through the tall grass to reach her lake. Finally, she made it and turned into the water itself to recover her body mass.
"Get away from me!" Mist hissed softly as a Red Basculin swam up to where her face was and eerily peeked through her; she was water. The Basculin had been a major problem since Mist had been born near this lake. From snapping up plants meant for dinner to attacking her family, the two Pokemon types just didn't get along. The shiny Vaporeon did a flip in the water and solidified to her normal body mass once again as she smacked the Basculin square on the head with her tail. "Ha. Take that fish." She pestered as the fish Pokemon swam away desperately.
All was well. At least, it would have been if Mist realized that the Basculin she attacked was a baby one. A horde of the piranha-like Pokemon dashed past Mist, cutting her badly on her sides. She cursed under her breath, but then turned her attention to the red stained water around her. 'The Gyrados. I'm an idiot.' She thought with a mental facepalm as the Vaporeon desperately followed the swarms of Basculin. Mist swam quickly and had honed her agility skills in the past, and boy was she glad for those skills now. The Vaporeon, as much as she was good at dodging, couldn't dodge the hyper beam that emerged from an under lake cavern where the Lake Gaurdian lived. The last thing she remembered was flying through the air...
Mist bolted upwards and groaned while doing so. Her body ached all over and her wounds were still open and bleeding profusely. The pink Vaporeon muttered her death wishes to the Lake Gaurdian before padding though the sea of grass, leaving a small red trail behind her. Mist's first thought was water. If she stayed in the sun too long she'll evaporate. Mist thought she saw more Eeveeloutions to her right, but her mind was set on water. Nothing else.