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"Alright jay" said with a smile. He threw three pokeball and a Snorlax, Marshstomp, and a torterra appeared. "These guys are going to helps us in case he come." Jay said.
"Okay. Of course, I could handle him on my own, but since you want to help..." Luxray padded over to tell Jay's pokemon who they were looking for, and Marina stopped talking to let Luxray communicate clearer.
"Well i was from sinnoh so torterra was my first. Marshstomp was a gift from a friend." Jay explain. "But he gave me with this stone" jay said while showing the stone.
"Why'd you put your partner in the PC? And what's the stone for?" Marina asked. She only put Carius in the box rarely, and not without good cause.
"It long story" jay said sadly. He explain why Marshstomp and torterra couldnt battle for a while. "They got critically damaged when they were battling in the league." jay explain.
"Oh, okay." Marina petted Jay's Torterra, wondering why he had a random stone. Luxray nudged Marina, and Meowstic pulled on her shirt. "Sorry guys, guess I forgot what time it was. Hold on, Jay. I have to feed my pokemon."
Danny continuedvhis pursuit of the Kalos Champion. He rode his Charizard low to keep himself hidden. He patted Charizard on the head and said," were almost there buddy,"
"Thanks again." Marina took the pokepuff and got out her many pokebeans from Alola. "Eat up, guys." Her team crowded around the pile of food, picking their favorites. Marina took out some dinner for herself and began eating with them.
Jay is still wondering what does this stone do. Marshstomp saw that his trainer is distracted by the stone. Uh? What happening Marshstomp" jay asked and he saw the stone glowing.
"Huh. It's evolving. Yeah, he'll be fine." The rest of her team watched, as she turned back to her meal. They always liked watching other pokemon evolve.
"Damn it, where is she?" Elio was getting really pissed. If he couldnt find her, he would search for the other guy.
He saw a waterfall. He then had an idea. When he jumped off his Dragon, he ordered: "Dragon Pulse on that waterfall. There may be a hideout in it" The ray of light connected, and rocks and water were blowing up. Elio then entered the discovered path.
"Good choice. That might increase his power. The rain should have stopped by now." Marina went outside, wanting to go back into the forest.
"Alright let go" jay said. "Come back in guys." jay said when he got their pokeball. "Oh yeah i forgot to mention he gave me this ring. Before he left sinnoh." Jay said.

Mokuba, after training from the Battle Froniter's of Hoenn, Sinnoh and, of course, the Battle Maison of Kalos, had been traveling for a long time. He had heard the Dragon Pulse go off by the waterfall and went to check it out. Using Braviary to fly into the path, he continued into it.
Marina saw a Braviary and a trainer in the distance. Getting on Luxray's back, she said to Jay "Follow me!" before dashing off after it. She thought it was the grunt who wanted Luxray, and wanted to scare him off before he tried anything.
Elio sent out his Infernape, as his Salamence was too big to get through the path. As he was walking through the rocky corridors, Zubats came after him and his Infernape. Annoyed by the constant noise, he yelled: "BURST, USE BLAST BURN!" A great flame explosion resonated. As he continued, he eventually got onto a dead end.
He kept going deeper in the cave until he came to a stop. "Greninja... Dig here. This is the spot." He said after sending Greninja out. Greninja nodded his head yes and began to dig a hole, which he jumped down into, landing on Braviary.
Elio saw something digging above him. "Maybe a Dugtrio" he thought. But then, he saw a Greninja coming out of it, surprising him a little. The Greninja went up again, and a Braviary came out of the hole, with a Traîner on its back. Elio looked at the Trainer, and then said: "hey, I saw you near the forest during that storm, what are you doing here?" He said all that with a wary tone to the stranger, suspecting him to be the stalker the Luxray sensed earlier.
Elio saw something digging above him. "Maybe a Dugtrio" he thought. But then, he saw a Greninja coming out of it, surprising him a little. The Greninja went up again, and a Braviary came out of the hole, with a Traîner on its back. Elio looked at the Trainer, and then said: "hey, I saw you near the forest during that storm, what are you doing here?" He said all that with a wary tone to the stranger, suspecting him to be the stalker the Luxray sensed earlier.
"A cave? Let's go in, Luxray." Luxray gasped, surprised. "What did you see?" Marina asked, worried. He told her about the explosion, having Meowstic to translate. Marina urged Luxray forward, hoping it was Elio.
Elio thought as he was looking at the stranger: "Now that I think about it... That Luxray must have sensed Burst's Blast Burn. Maybe that Champion girl is on her way with it..." Elio was secptical about this. Who would even hide here? Because hidden grottos beneath waterfalls are so cliché.
Hi, would it be possible for me to RP as a wild shiny in this? It could add a bit of variation instead of all the wild Pokemon being NPCs
Luxray walked around for a while, trying to find anyone familiar. He heard Elio, and bolted in that direction. Marina was caught off guard, and held on tightly. Luxray found the hole in the ground, sniffing at it. Marina got off his back and said "Okay, let's go down. Luxray, you can jump. Meowstic, you know what to do." Meowstic began floating down, bringing Marina with her.
"Looking for something... And I believe I saw you too, if I'm not mistaken." Mokuba said to him. "Name's Mokuba, Pokemon Trainer and the son of Battle Brain Spencer of the Hoenn region. He and my mother moved to Kalos with me to live in relaxation with him.... Oh, I'm dragging on again. Sorry about that."
"Heh. Name's Elio, I'm no one of interest really. My partner as you can see is an Infernape, Burst. I think you must be a pretty amazing trainer. But, let's keep it to that for now..." Elio looked back. "After all, somebody else is coming."
Luxray landed, Meowstic and Marina beside him. "Luxray, you recognize him?" He shook his head, growling. "Oh hey, Elio, who's this guy?" Marina asked, returning Meowstic.
"Greetings Champ. I saw this guy a while I was searching for what that Luxray sensed. Also you could've said me that some guy was sensed, you left me hangging with my questions in the dust. Anyway... I found this grotto using a Dragon Pulse and then blasted everything with Burst over here" Elio said with a grin, proud of his partner's power. "Though we had to restrain a bit, we could have caused a rock slide. I think someone's in there, but I got to a dead end. How about we stop for today?" Elio was tired, and needed rest, as he thought the others were. He was also hungry. "I could prepare something quick to eat. I'm starving."
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