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Jay ring started to glow. "I get what it is a mega stone. Alright Swampert mega evolve." jay said. The ring and the stone glowed and Swampert transform mega.
(I don't think hydreigon is going to keep battling)

Marina looked around, seeing that the others had left. "Carius, do you know where everyone went?" Her partner shook his head in denial, looking around to try to find them. "Oh well, maybe Majora can track them down." Marina sent out her Mightyena and ordered her to try to find everyone. Majora began sniffing around, trying to smell her trainer's friends.
Majora couldn't find Elio or Jay, but she soon heard Mokuba not too far off. She ran back to Marina, barking loudly. "What is it, girl?" Marina saw the Mightyena running back to her. Majora pointed toward where she heard Mokuba with her nose, and Marina patted her head. "Good job, Majora. Let's go." They started walking toward Mokuba.
Ava flew back to Eterna forest. "Sorry" she said to Mokuba, "I just flew to Sunyshore City on my dragonite to look around."
Majora heard Ava and Dragonite land, and ran ahead of Marina. She was eager to meet them. "Majora, wait up!" Marina shouted, starting to run after Majora. The Mightyena obediently stopped for her trainer, then moved forward at a moderate pace. Marina jogged next to her, seeing Ava and Mokuba. "Hey guys, I'm back!"
Lana said with determination: "Charizard, Mega Evolution!" A sphere of light appeared, and a Mega Charizard Y appeared. Sunlight became harsh. Lana smirked and yelled: "Let's finish this quick! Use Solar Beam!" Light began to flow over the Megazard, and then it flew off at a great speed to the Swampert.

Back at Elio...
"Blood type... A-. Magical group... Dark Blue... pH... 6. Seems pretty good." Elio had finished his research.
"Either we find Elio and Jay, or we go to Sunyshore and look around some more. Your choice." Marina told Ava, and returned her pokemon.
"Swampert are you ok." he said,"Alright Swampert use ice punch.".Swampert was going toward the charizard and hit him good with the ice punch.
"Heh. Your weak attacks won't work on us. Use Fire Blast, and aim at the ground, stop it from moving!"
Lana was enjoying this battle, but right when she was getting pumped up...
"Use Hydro Pump, Carne." Elio's Wishiwashi's attack completely outpowered the Fire Blast.
"I have some news for you, Jay. We're going to Sunny Shore city. That way, you'll be able to see Volkner. Also, I'll tell you about you while we fly there. Lana, you're coming with me. I'm not leaving you this time." Elio then summoned his Salamence.
"About time we got back to them... Let's leave the mansion."
Lana got onto her Charizard.
Marina looked into the sky, thinking she could see a Charizard. She sent out all her pokemon to take a break, and Crest started talking to everyone except Meowstic, who just looked in their direction.
Elio said, monotonically: "Blood type A1-. Your magic is dark blue. Meaning you will have to absorb water vapor to survive... Yeah. Haven't told you about this. If we don't have enogh energy, we die, to put it simply. I'll show you how to absorb it later."
Lana was crying. She knew it had something to do with life, but her own brother didn't tell her, for her own good. Sunny shore city could be seen. "And so, we have to sin, absorb life from other people to live ourselves. That's it."
"No, we won't. Yet." Elio and Lana answered together. They were just above Sunny Shore. Elio could see Marina and her pokemon from the other side. They landed.
Crest stopped talking to his friends and stood next to Marina, frowning. Carius walked up to his trainer and went on the other side of her, while everyone else watched from a distance.
"..." Elio was watching from a distance what was happening. He saw Crest frowning. Elio sent out his Infernape, got his hoodie up, and jumped from the edge. Lana put on her hoodie too and followed him. They both had no Pokemon next to them. If they were attacked... They would probably stand no chance. "You know nothing. I don't care if you trust me or not. I want to see a friend, and so I will." They then walked towards where Marina was. Lana was smirking.
Marina watched Elio approach. "Who's that?" She inquired, looking at Lana. Carius stepped back as Mach took his place. Crest wasn't sure what was going on. He kept an eye on Infernape, watching for any threatening movements.
"She's my sister, Lana. She lived in my mansion on Fullmoon Island while I was training in Hoenn. How have you been?" Elio asked, with his hood still on. "Heya! As my brother said, I'm Lana! Nice to meet you!", she said with a big smile, uncovering the hoodie and revealing her blue hair and beautiful purple-blue eyes.
"I'm good. Nice to meet you too, Lana!" Marina responded, and Crest relaxed a little. Seeing this, Mach and Carius left to be with the other pokemon. Marina saw Jay looking a little on edge. "Oh, he just stopped battling, so I came to find you guys."
"Great!" She answered again with a smile. "You know, I just met you, but I already like you! Are you a Trainer?" She asked as she was looking at her Pokemon. "They seem powerful".
Elio then said: "Glad you lke my little sister. She's a bit energetic compared to me, heh."
"Yeah, I'm a trainer." Marina replied. "And Jay, you seem to be having a problem with your eye. Go fix it." Crest jumped into a tree, still watching the other trainers.
"Alright." Elio said, going with Jay into the forest. Lana said to Marina, starry eyed: "Oh my gosh! Really? I really want to battle you, then! Can we battle?" Lana was excited. Elio watched his sister from far, getting along quickly with Marina. He saw Crest in a tree, watching him. He then said to Jay: "I know. You don't want them to see the eye. Don't worry. I made it so only me and my sister would see it, as you control the eye." Elio then turned back and started walking.
"Look after you fed more energy there seem to be a little side effect in my left eye." he replied. He open is left eye and it a different eye color then his original brown color.
"A battle? Sure! Give me a moment, I have to go get my Blaziken." Marina said, running up to a tree and climbing it. "Oh Crest! We have a battle!" Crest jumped back and forth between the trees, returning to his trainer. "Good. Let's go." Marina walked back to Lana, the rest of her pokemon behind her.
"Tee hee hee... This will give me an opportunity to show Elio how strong I got! Look!" Lana waved her arm, revealing her Mega-Ring. "Elio gave it to me before he went to Hoenn. It was meant to be his, but... I discovered Mega Evolution. He told me to keep it." Lana got an Ultra Ball out of her bag. "Let's do this, Samehada!" Lana sent out a Garchomp, which roared discovering her opponents.
"Heh. You're not the only one who can Mega Evolve their pokemon." Marina returned, thinking of which pokemon to choose. "Hm... Mach, get over here." Her Blastoise stomped forward, grinning. This will be easy.
Elio didn't answer Jay, and was proudly looking over his sister. If she beat Marina, that would prove she had gotten strong. He saw her sent out her Garchomp.
Marina's Mega Band began reacting to Blastoise's stone, and Mach mega evolved with a burst of light. "Now Mach, use Hydro Pump!" Marina yelled, and Mach shot a blast of water at Garchomp.
"HAH! Samehada, use your tail to escape the Hydro Pump, and use Dual Chop while it's still busy!" The Garchomp, growled, escaped with great speed, and lunged at the Mega Evolved Blastoise with its claws glowing. Elio was silently cheering his sister. "Yeah. I am, Jay" he answered, smiling.
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