Splashkit's blue eyes were full of fear as she padded to Duskpaw with cobwebs in her mouth, Pondpelt right behind her.
As Splashkit tried to put the cobwebs on her mother's shoulder Pondpelt nodded to Duskpaw, asking a silent request to allow him to teach the young kit.
"Hmm, why dont the cobwebs seem to be working Splashkit."
"I dont know! You're the medicine cat!"
"I know, but I'm asking you."
"But Mellowheart..... Its raining. The cobwebs dont want to stick to the wet fur." Splashkit noted. "We should take her to camp and dry her off." She finished, putting the cobwebs down. The small kit then looked at Duskpaw, almost expectantly like she wanted him to carry the she-cat. Pondpelt took a step forward to assist with carrying the queen, but stopped for the sake of the Shadowclan cat's pride.
As Splashkit tried to put the cobwebs on her mother's shoulder Pondpelt nodded to Duskpaw, asking a silent request to allow him to teach the young kit.
"Hmm, why dont the cobwebs seem to be working Splashkit."
"I dont know! You're the medicine cat!"
"I know, but I'm asking you."
"But Mellowheart..... Its raining. The cobwebs dont want to stick to the wet fur." Splashkit noted. "We should take her to camp and dry her off." She finished, putting the cobwebs down. The small kit then looked at Duskpaw, almost expectantly like she wanted him to carry the she-cat. Pondpelt took a step forward to assist with carrying the queen, but stopped for the sake of the Shadowclan cat's pride.