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Would You Rather....(Anime Version)

pervy sage ery day! since I can only pick one that means I can't call Tsunade grandpa... guess I'll have to call her old hag instead...

would you rather call Lady Tsunade "old hag" or Sasuke "edgelord"


Previously Lily May
OH! NO! NOT edgelord! But I don't really wanna call her old hag, so I'll do it when she's not around.

Would you rather name a stuffed animal after Akamaru or Gamakichi? (Naruto)
Gamakichi! Easy! No contest...

The person below me would you rather go gambling and drinking with Lady Tsunade or do some "research" with Lord Jiraya




Previously Lily May
Gambling and drinking with Lady Tsunade...Theres no way I'm doing research!

Would you rather wear Obito's goggles or Naruto's?



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Why are you doing this to me Kasumi? ;_; Did I hurt you? :o You know this question is impossible to answer... I pick naruto... *glances over at obito goggles with a single tear as I put on the naruto goggles*

Would you rather attend a tae bo class with brock or play leapfrog with ash, gary. Professor oak, ash's mom, jessie, james, butch, Cassidy ,and giavonni (it's a very long leap from line)

Sasuke's parents. EASY! sasuke's parents weren't killed by a tailed beast ,and itachi is strong ,but nowhere near tailed beast bad***ery when he slaughtered the uchiha clan...

The person below me would you rather sing hallelujah with team plasma or pose and breakdance dressed as a team skill grunt with team skull...



Previously Lily May
Breakdance with team skull!

Would you rather name your kid after Sakura or Choji?
I'm choosing these names because If I had to choose, it be one of those. I like the names.
I know a lot of people like Choi ,and I think he's cool... in boruto and later on in shippuden too but not the original series... so sakura...

The person below me would you rather watch drowzee steal the dreams of your close friends or watch lampent steal souls of random strangers in the hospital...


Previously Lily May
Oh gosh...uh...Idk...
I guess watch Lampent steal souls..

Would you rather be siblings with Haku or Itachi? (Naruto)
I think I know who your gonna pick tho...
Itatchi... because nobody cares about the village hidden in the blood mist... [This comment is approved by the Village Hidden in the Leaf]

The person below me would you rather sing with jigglypuff or prank call people with chatot


Previously Lily May
(Thats what I thought...and I like Haku...)
Prank call! XD

Would you rather hang out with Tonton or Gamatatsu? (Naruto)
I think I know what your gonna pick this time too...
I like Haku too despite his very limited screen time...

as for your question Gamatatsu easy... he would treat you right.

the person below me would you rather turn eevee into a fur hat or shave two of your most favorite anime characters bald.


Previously PrincessPika~chan
Uh... um... well uh Eevee is flufty but one of my favourite anime characters has flufty hair...
...Eevee into a hat...

Would you rather play a board game with Homura Akemi (Puella Magia Madoka Magica) or pet Kyubey (Also from Puella Magia Madoka Magica)?
I don't know the show nor have I watched it before so I looked it up ,and all I have to say is... I will not pet kyubey... I will look kyubey straight in the eyes and tell it "no food for you today"... just kidding... I might pet it. I'm going to pick board games with the girl...

The person below me would you rather ride a weezing or electrode...
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Previously Lily May
Electrobe XD

Would you rather be the leader of a ninja team for a mission or be the back up?

I'm personally not the leader type so I'd be the back up...
I would rather not be the back up because the back up are usually the not important characters ,and the not important characters usually die ,and nobody cares when side/unimportant characters die... There might be a few tears and even an episode where they are mentioned again but aside from that after they have died nobody cares anymore... Chances are they probably cared very little when they were alive too... sorry side characters...

The person below me would you rather... walk through a long dark alleyway while shino watches you and follows you the entire time or get surprised by naruto jumping out and using sexy jutsu/reverse harem jutsu...

Village hidden in the stone... I've already seen the village hidden in the leaf plenty of times in the anime... The village hidden in the leaf gets a MAJOR upgrade in boruto... but I won't spoil that for you if you still havn't seen it yet... I chose the village hidden in the stone because I can't remember seeing it in the anime...

The person below me would you rather, sing "killing me softly" by Frank Sinatra with Pervy Sage or "that's life" by Frank Sinatra with Rock Lee...

Centuries with shikamaru! E Z! Wait... that's not a choice?... fine... on my own with ya boi shikamaru... I ain't singing with sasuke... sorry. Plus Shikamaru can hit all the notes no prob... and sasuke would try stealing the spotlight... clearly I'm the star of the show! Ya boi Shikamaru smart and kind enough to realize this. Two qualities sasuke just isn't...

A Magmortar and an Electivire just bursted into combat! Quick! Pick who your rooting for!

Would you rather bet on Magmortar or Electivire

good choice... I was hoping you'd pick him...

neither? Them two got problems... If I HAD to pick then id pick Ino... She's the more chill of the two... Theres a reason why everyone hates sakura... I don't hate sakura so technically I am contradicting myself ,but I do understand their reasons...

would you rather be a character in the fourth pokémon movie(pokémon 4ever) or the pokémon fifth movie(pokémon heroes)?

Team Guy...E Z. Best Team... Oh wait... okay fine... Team 8... their abilities are just much cooler... you got crazy eyes, a dog with a weird boi ,and a bug boi... while team 8 is just has a lazy boi, a big boi ,and sakura's loser friend...

Would you rather be considered naruto's loser friend or orochimaru's cool friend...


Previously Lily May
I've thought about this for awhile and choose orochimaru's cool friend. The song I was listening to made me choose this. Its called Freaks.

Would you rather be given a nickname by Sai or Naruto? XD
Sai! E Z! not even a competition! Sai curbstomps Naruto so hard that Minato comes back to life ,and feels it. He gets curbstomped sooooo hard that boruto and himawari(naruto's kids) poof out of existance. Sai curbstomps naruto SOOO hard that the nine tailed beast gets released and dies immediately after being released from all the pain that Sai has put Naruto through... Okay so I may be exaggerating a bit. Sai can't actually beat Naruto that badly all of this is fact. I chose sai because sai is also a type of martial arts weapon ,and makes more sense than naruto which is food...



Would you rather... be pale like Sai or have Shino's bug jutsu...


Previously Lily May
Bug Jutsu, not because I don't want to be pale, it's because it's cool!

Would you rather watch Shikamaru propose to Temari or watch Sasuke propose to Sakura?
Shikamaru be like: Proposing is such a drag....
What a deag... I was just about to make that joke, but then noticed it at the bottom of the post. Shikamaru and tamari no contest... in boruto theres a funny interaction between tamari, shikamaru ,and their son... not gonna spoil it any further if you haven't seen it...

Would you rather... gain dragon slayer abilities(fairy tail) or become a jinchuuriki(naruto)


Previously Lily May
Oh gosh....
I guess dragon slayer abilities.

Would you rather listen to Ino sing "Without Me" or listen to Sakura sing "Nothing Stopping Me"?

Sakura I guess... I can imagine Ino having a weird scratchy voice trying to hit them high notes... afterwards killer b jumps up on the stage ,and completely shows them up blowing them both out of the water...

Would you rather rap with killer b or draw with sai...



Previously Lily May
(Sorry I was dead XD)

Since I haven't watched Shippuden, but I know who both of them are...I'll pick Sai...as long as he don't call me four eyes or something like that.

Would you rather get a phone call from Sakura or Sasuke?

Sasuke... I'm a guy so I'm not concerned about sakura getting mad though to be fair sakura isn't threatening enough to be scary...

Would you rather be part of the original dragon ball crew or the dragon ball super crew...




Previously Night's Shadow
I don't watch Dragon Ball

Would you rather have to live with Ash Ketchum for the rest of your life, or live with Gary Oak for the rest of your life?
You don't neeeeed to watch a show to pick A or B ,but whatever...

Gary Oak because he's just a cooler character...



Would you rather train with saitama(one punch man) or whizz (dragon ball super)


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Previously Night's Shadow
Whiz is just plain creepy so I guess saitama.

Would you rather be a dark type Pokémon that’s scared of its own shadow or a psychic type Pokémon with Down syndrome? (not that I’m dissing disabled kids, it’s not their fault)