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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros: Brawl


Previously Manu456Alola
Copen - Field of Hopes and Dreams

Quick reaction times... Copen's pistol met Dark Matter's sword, causing them to clash briefly before the former bounced backwards, entering a hover. His Flashfield wouldn't block the shadow bullets, forcing him to shoot some of them down and block the rest with his arms. Getting a tag in would prove more difficult than he anticipated, but it wouldn't be impossible. He managed to land a hit on Shadow Link with Stellar Spark, which seemed to deal significant damage to him. Was electricity a weakness of his? Best to keep that in mind. Shadow Link suddenly dashed forwards at the rest of the group, likely thinking they would be easier targets.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Lola quickly reacted, switching EX Weapons and becoming a brighter pink, two small ribbons appearing on her back. The P-Bits gathered behind her, building up energy shaped like... Lola? After a moment of charging, the pink energy was shaped like her Idol Mode. "Muse's Kiss!" The P-Bits fired the energy projectile at Shadow Link, hoping to interrupt his attack or at least cancel out the energy wave that would follow.

Meanwhile, Copen launched his next attack on Dark Matter. Blue was coming in for an attack of his own, giving the teen an idea.
He suddenly turned around, using a Bullit Dash in a different way. He used the propulsion to perform a flashkick, aiming to land an overhead hit on the dark being. He hoped to knock Dark Matter downwards due the kick's sheer force, setting him up for a well timed hammer swing from Blue!

@Shen: King of the Mist @Gamingfan @Captain Pokémon @DarkHydraT
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Geo had pressed his body against the rooftop, not taking any risks in this town of horror. The sirens were unnerving, as if they were to be feared just as much as what they warned people for. As the ninja informed him and Bennett about the situation, Geo had to hold back a gag at the sight of the mutilated corpses of what presumably were Scorpion's allies. Even Omega-Xis had to take a moment to digest the visual stimulus. "Oh, that is messed up." He'd seen his home planet get obliterated and multiple FM-ians get killed by Geo's and his hands, but they just exploded. None of them had a death like these folks. When the sirens died down, the boy got up to a kneeling position and took a moment to catch his breath. "Oh, I knew this place was trouble. I hate it here!" He muttered to himself as his knees were shaking.

"Bennett, I cannot scan anything. My visor only protects my eyes and allows me to see EM-waves, and there are none in this world. Let's just get out of here as fast as we can, this place is clearly bad news." Megaman said as he forced himself onto two feet, though maintaining a crouching position as he was ready to follow Scorpion.

"Stay on guard kid, there's gotta be a reason why he survived. Maybe he's one of those monsters."

Mega's whispers didn't do anything to ease his nerves, but the alien did bring up a good argument. It was quite suspicious that Scorpion survived and the others didn't, but they had no other lead. For now, they were on the same side.

@Shen: King of the Mist @comic


"Green!" Hunter readied his pickaxe as his friend got viciously attacked by his presumed shadow, only for the assailant to get struck hard by Copen. "Nice shot!" The boy cried out as he cheered on the teenager. Shadow Link seemed to have taken quite a bit of damage from the attack, but sadly none of Hunter's Vivosaurs had any electric powers. Even so, Carchar had a nasty bite and the highest attack on his team, surely he could do some damage?

As Shadow Link created another gust of wind, Carchar sniffed the air and growled. It had caught Shadow Link's scent and it never let its prey escape. Turning around at a surprising speed for such a large creature, the theropod swung its tail around to smack the attacker before attempting to bite down on them. Meanwhile, Hunter prepared to protect himself with his pickaxe. It was nothing flashy like the stuff that Copen could do, but he was just a regular kid after all. He could only do so much and dying was not on that list.

@ArmedBlue @Gamingfan @Captain Pokémon


Blanka saw his old fighting buddy Knight again, but something was off. First of all, he wore a helmet which was the same as a mask in his book. Second, there was this weird man next to him that attacked the green man and his new friend. Growling at the fact that he was getting attacked and that the Knight covered his face, the Brazillian fighter quickly climbed a tree and leapt over the barrage of projectiles before pounding his chest and uttering a primal roar. How dare they attack him?! Electricity crackled as the man built up more and more of it before he curled up into a ball and launched himself at Jevil.



The fight was over, ending as the electric boy and his little group retreated at the sight of the large ship of this so-called 'Eggman'. So they had cognitive thought to not mess with a surplus of enemies, interesting. Prometheus kept that information tucked inside his memory and came out of hiding, planting his scythe next to him. "Alright, you walking gearboxes. You were made by someone and I want to meet them. I have a stabilizer that is messed up and a timer that is ticking, fix my stabilizer and get rid of the timer. In return, I'll be on your side. After all, this little group sounds a lot more fun than just walking around aimlessly."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Shadow Link, Green
Field of Hopes and Dreams

Before Shadow link could impact his target, Carchar interrupted the attack by leaping in the way. While this wouldn't stop him from continuing his attack, it did give enough surprise for his foe to move out of the way, the energy wave releasing from his sword. Thankfully for them, Lola had sliced through the attack using the P-bits.

Annoying as the interruption was, it proved that Copen did care about these 'friends' of his. That's when he got a sinister looking expression on his face. Phasing right through Carchar's mouth, since he had no light source in him, he was inches from Hunter's face.

"Interesting friend you got. He seems to follow your commands." He stated. "You'll make a great distraction!"

His left arm would become rubbery and elongated, aiming to wrap around Hunter's arms and chest and hold him there. Meanwhile his right arm would try and jab him in the stomach, attempting to release a abysmal black aura that would taint his soul, forcing Hunter to his side!

"Not good..." Green said out loud. "Guys! Shadow can only be damaged by light! Try using that to your advantage!"

Seeing as Green had no light on him, he decided to focus on Dark Matter, readying his sword to attack him from the opposite direction of Blue

@DarkHydraT @ArmedBlue @Gamingfan


Previously mallard
Psyduck- Ice Cap Zone
Psyduck ran forth to the fighting. Only humans had armies as large as this. As he dashed forward, from the corner of his eye, he spotted an ice chasm. He stopped, his webbed feet skidding and shoving snow over the lip and into the waters below. The chasm was about 2 feet wide. Psyduck's eyes trailed the canyon's path both ways, and found no bridge he could cross. He would have to jump. He let out a sigh and rubbed his hands together, did a few hops in place, then assumed a power stance. From there, he swung his arms back and forth, squatting as his arms swung behind him and straightening out as they came forward. After several moments of this, he jumped.
This was not as far as he hoped to reach. The Duck's midsection slammed into the cliff face as his arms struggled to get a grip on the icy ground before him. He scrambled up the ledge, collapsing onto his rear and letting out a sigh, but quickly swapped that out with a victorious pose.
Remembering his objective, the duck pokemon dashed back towards the battle. It was not long before he spotted two humans and a Buzzwole running towards him. He's seen a Buzzwole before, and 'beaten' it. Psyduck once again skid to a halt, brought out a wide stance, and put one hand on his hip and the other one palm forward, trying to get the trio to stop.
@ArmedBlue @Fraseandchico @Gamingfan


Napstablook 'rolled' over, shifting his face to look at the creature. "Oh, sorry. I don't have hands. Let's pretend that you helped me up though." He turned himself upright and looked down at The Knight. "Thanks for helping me up. If you're trying to get out of here like me, the exit is down the tunnel, I think. I'm just gonna lie back down for a bit. I can meet you outside... If that's alright with you." He laid back down, face down.

Kragg/Abyss Guile

The Power Slash caught the Abyss clone off guard, and it was cut cleanly in half, disappearing into a dark mist. Kragg rolled into a ball and quickly back to normal, now on his feet. He's seen these things before, and they were not a good sign. Their creator, the Gatekeepers, would infect this world with its wide-reaching roots of darkness. He motioned for the others to follow, curling up into a ball and rolling deeper into the castle.
@Gamingfan @ThAtGuY101

The Knight

Seeing that Jevil hadn't the intent to give him a scythe, The Knight let it be. Both the green man and the white rodent leapt at the pair. The green one looked to be focusing on Jevil, much to The Knight's luck, so he could focus on the rat he wasn't finished exterminating. He rushed up as the creature came down in a ball of light, using the flat side of his sword to block the descent. He tried shoving back, black tendrils creeping up his arms to amplify his strength.
@Captain Pokémon @Gamingfan @DarkHydraT


Tabby was soaring through space- ready to finish this with Lemonkus. All of a sudden, over communications, the chief shouted. "Tabby! We are picking up some kind of strange energy! Be careful up there!" All of a sudden, a wormhole tore open in front of him, swallowing him and his rocket mech into another world.

He appeared above a city- angled downwards. The mech plowed through a couple buildings until it came to a halt. Tabby, shook by the crash, climbed back up on top of the mech's head, looking out at the battle-torn city. It seemed like a human city, but teddy bear robots were stomping throughout. If it wasn't too late, he would save the human race.
Location- Urban District!
Hunter was caught by surprise as Shadow Link phased through Carchar's mouth and grabbed him. The boy tried to struggle and escape, but it was no use. Shadow's hand jabbed him in his stomach, causing him to cough as the wind was knocked out of his lungs. It hurt, it hurt so much. The pain lasted longer than expected, and it started to spread. What was going on? What did Shadow do to him? The pain was getting to his head, causing him to close his eyes as he winced. The last thing he saw was Lola headed his way. "Lola, help! I'm scared....". That was the last thing Hunter would remember before closing his eyes for a last time and letting out a shout, changing his clothes to a dark purple and removing the pupils from his eyes. There was nothing left of the cheerful boy, only a controlled husk.

"Carchar Combo." Hunter ordered his Vivosaur to attack, though it was not aimed at Shadow Link. Instead, it was aimed at Lola! The Carcharodontosaurus was hesitant, looking back at Hunter with worry in its eyes. This was not normal behaviour for its fighter, what happened to him? Where was the boy that hugged all of his Vivosaurs and washed them by himself? Where was the boy that played tag with them? Where was he?

Hunter didn't seem to care what Carchar thought, baring his teeth as he glared at the carnivore from the corner of his eyes. "Carchar Combo, now." Letting out a whimper, the dinosaur turned away from its owner and charged at Lola, mouth open wide and ready to bite down on the AI. If the first bite would hit, they'd shake their prey around before biting down again. Its serrated teeth would inflict massive damage, though it was unknown if Lola could bleed due to being an AI.

@Shen: King of the Mist @ArmedBlue @Gamingfan
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It was time for Guile to finish this fight. The clone rushed in with a reverse spinning kick. Guile blocked it, but felt the impact of the kick. He pushed the clone off, then used a double flash, and kicking the false Guile in the air. For a moment, it looked like the Guile clone was falling back in slow motion. "K.O!" Guile said. "Gaaaaah!" The clone went before hitting the ground. It slowly began to fade away.

Guile saw the stag beetle make its way further into the the castle. No way Guile was gonna stand back and watch, "Hang on roly poly! Guile said running after him. Guile was now just a few steps behind him, "Keep your guard up. No telling what we'll see further into the castle" Guile said.


After an explosion, Slowking hid under a pile of rubble. Slowking used his telekinesis to form a small hut out of the debris so he wouldn't be hurt by it. Once the threat level seemed to drop, he made a little exit, and crawled out. He looked around and couldn't find the boomerang kid, but he saw the skeleton under a boulder, "That looks painful. I'm guessing you need a hand" Slowking said with a grin. He used his hydro pump to blow the boulder off him. Slowking walked up to papyrus, and extended a hand.
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Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Urban District
Taking a step back, Undyne readjusted herself, baring her yellow fangs as she glared defiantly back at the army. A true hero never gives up. Never backs down. Never surrenders. Balling her claws into tight fists, she grit her teeth before stamping her bad leg down. A crack sounded, which she hissed at, before her smile returned. "All I can do?" She repeated. "I'm just getting started!"
A marble-white spear appeared above her head, which she grabbed with her free hand before flinging it into the approaching army with a laugh. It lodged into a single Monokuma, before the spear burst apart in an explosion. More accurately, an explosion of blue arrows that tore apart any more Monokuma in proximity.
"BRING IT ON!" The monster challenged, a few dozen more golden arrows appearing around her as her golden eye flashed dangerously. If she would go down, she'd go down swinging- but that was a huge 'if'. She was feeling pretty damn DETERMINED.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Captain Pokémon

The Jungle
An echo barreled its way through the forest. The sound of a shout, belonging to a being barreling through the forest equally as noticeable. Knuckles slamming against the ground, brown hair rustling against the wind at his speed, before one of his massive hands grabbed onto the side of one of the many giant trees the Jungle could offer. He grasped onto it, before using a foot to spring off. Now airborne, he began to swing off of the lower hanging branches, his massive form busting through just about anything that blocked his path, his legs kicking off of more trees, adding to his accumulating momentum. Letting out a hoot, Donkey Kong tucked his legs in before landing on the ground with a roll, rolling for a few moments before springing up to find a drop to a lower section of the Jungle, a place he didn't hesitate to spring down without losing a step of his momentum.

Again, his knuckles pounded the ground as he grew closer and closer to his destination. Grasping onto a vine, he used it to swing himself high into the air, before crashing against the ground, spraying dirt around him- and quite possibly those he'd landed around. A small human wearing strange purple fur, and a familiar pink ball carrying a trophy and consuming a part of the forest. Beating his chest like a drum for a moment, Donkey Kong began to vocalize himself with grunts and hoots directed at Kirby. Any being fluent in the art of Kong speech would know that he was asking for help to find not only his missing family members, but also his hoard of bananas, as they'd seemingly disappeared when he'd awoken in his tree house that morning. If Kirby could understand was anyone's guess, but Donkey Kong was trying his best, completely disregarding the implications that Kirby was probably trying to consume the human for whatever reason.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Gamingfan

Silent Hill
It was decided. Scorpion rubbed at his forearms for a moment, which had been tingling ever since he'd run-in against that being with the pyramid instead of a head. It had nearly killed him, and Scorpion hadn't even left a scratch. He was glad there weren't more like it. This town already had enough monsters to throw at him, at least most of those he could kill.
The perceptive Shirai Ryu warrior didn't need any fancy gadgets to overhear Geo's words of caution to his companion. Scorpion didn't bother to intervene with that. He had no reason to, as they had no reason to believe otherwise if actions spoke louder than words, and all he'd really done so far was deliver them exposition.

Just as long as their lower perception didn't cost any lives, he would let it slide. For now. "Follow me." He nodded to them, before leaping down from the building. The bodies within the houses were no longer visible, having faded away with the Otherworld when it had drawn back. It was like two coinciding realms clashing against one another at the sound of a siren. The school in question wasn't very far from where they were. He led them back onto Finney St, all the way down to Midwich St. There, they continued along its length, encountering no terrors along the road in the fog to hinder their progress, before they finally could make out the dark shape of the school ahead, nearing it. A sign outside the front read 'Midwich Elementary'. They had arrived.
To possibly nobody's surprise, the school was just as ruined and dilapidated as the rest of the town, but it remained standing. However, the front door was open, and when Scorpion saw this, he froze. "Someone else is here." He warned, glancing at the two. "Did you two come with anybody else?"

@DarkHydraT @Shen: King of the Mist

Rivet Ravine
The old Sangheili general, adorned in his flashy golden armor and his lethal-advanced energy shielding, carried the hilt of an energy sword on his hip, arms folded across his chest as he looked on. Several Sangeili and Jiralhanae had set-up barricades at this entrance to the Ravine, as the other side had grown unstable. Unstable enough that he couldn't afford to position troops there, even if it would have been hilarious to see a group of these dumb Jiralhanae brutes fall into a pit to their deaths. No, he was an expert strategist. Decimus may have been good with his tech, but he would never have achieved all he had without Bri 'Filkom offering guidance behind the scenes, making sure Decimus didn't screw everything up. His position in the Banished may have been an official title, but it was Bri 'Filkom's unofficial title.

Two Banished Wraiths sat at either end of the canyon as a few Banshees screamed overhead, a single Phantom lying in wait at the unstable end of the Ravine. This is where the Gift was, as Decimus referred to it. His beliefs remained far too ingrained in the Covenant's Great Journey, a fact that the Sangheili kept to himself. He had no reason to expose Decimus, and here he didn't have anyone to expose it to. Just let the great idiot lead himself to death. He would be replaced.
Patiently, Bri 'Filkom glared at the exit of the tunnel, a few Unggoy yipping and yapping around him as they waited with far less patience, which was understandable. Their life spans were pathetic in comparison to the Sangheili. Most of his troops here were well-equipped. A kill team had to be, they were meant for delicate situations. Absolute discretion. Whatever stepped out of that tunnel would die at the hands of the Banished.

This was the Will of Atriox.

"WOWIE!" Papyrus' attitude changed the moment the danger had passed, with the boulder of rubble rolling off to crush another part of the building and not him. Before Slowking had even offered a hand to help the skeleton up, Papyrus had already sprung to his feet. "THANKS, PINK HUMAN KING! I ASSUME YOU'RE HUMAN, OF COURSE, BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW ANY PINK MONSTERS! OR... DO I?" Papyrus pondered on this thought for an entire second before shrugging. "REGARDLESS, I AM IN YOUR DEBT, PINK HUMAN! BUT DO YOU KNOW WHERE THE OTHER HUMAN IS? WE HAVE TO MAKE SURE HE'S OKAY! I WOULDN'T WANT ANYTHING ACTUALLY BAD TO HAPPEN TO HIM!"


"Human? I think you have me mistaken for somebody else. I'm definitely not one of those. Ho ho... I haven't seen any humans, aside from. That one human. I haven't seen any other pokémon around either. Hmmm... Do you by any chance have a trainer or are you trainerless as well?" Slowking asked as he assumed Papyrus might have been a strange pokémon. Slowking looked around, "Where to next? I'm assuming we can probably find some humans, or something" Slowking said as he looked in the direction of the explosion.
"We were following someone who looked like a Grim Reaper when we came here, but we lost track of them really fast. The second we set foot in this place, we lost them. It could be them, they have a scythe and can summon skeletons. Be careful, what if that siren goes off again?" Geo whispered, forcing himself to raise his left arm as he charged a shot. He'd be able to fire it at a moment's notice, though he hoped that he didn't have to. "A-Are we going in or are we not? B-Because I'm totally fine with the latter." The young hero's knees were shaking, being far past the point of trying to act like he was tough. It simply was not worth the effort anymore.

@comic @Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Kotoko Utsugi
Urban District

As Monokuma that we're going to reach Undyne popped off one by one, those first responders were quickly rushed past by other Monokuma, and more and more after that. Soon enough, the distant reinforcements weren't so distant anymore, their attacks getting a foot between her...then an inch, before-


A Monokuma had open's it's both, razor blade like teeth sinking into Undyne's left shoulder blade. As it sunk in and locked it's jaw, more and more began to take advantage of this, rushing to dogpile her in a frenzy of claws and Teeth. It was the beginning of the end. Kotoko laughed aloud as she orbited around the attack sight as more and more Monokuma rushed in.

"Hohoho! What did I tell you? Ugly girls like you have no place in this world! Now Mr.Monokuma will have a tasty treat for the road! Cant wait to rub in to Masaru that I hunter the demon he failed to! He'll tots be jealous!"

@comic @Psymallard


Lich Yard

"Uhhhh...yeah, like Geo said, we were chasing somebody. That Specter Knight guy."

Bennett looked up at the rustic, worn down school ahead. It definitely gave a creepy ambiance...a perfect example of a domain to explore! No expiration was going to be easy, but he was ready for any danger ahead! The same couldn't be said about his companion Geo, who had begun to stutter and tremble slightly. Bennett put a hand on his shoulder, pointing to himself and grinning.

"It's okay guy, we got this! We can do it together, you'll see! After this we can laugh it off over some grub! What do you say??"

@comic @DarkHydraT


Previously mallard
Kilton was safely outside the range of the explosion, but he worried for his specimens. He came out of hiding and slunk through the rubble, mop in one hand and journal in the other. Preparing to flee, he revealed himself. "Stalian, are you perhaps ready for an- err- interview?" He glanced over to the Slowking, and questions flared up in his mind, bringing forth a slight smile. His face quickly went back to that of nervousness as he looked back to Papyrus, since he was in the prescence of dangerous monsters.
@comic @ThAtGuY101

The small robot dashed forward, one hand wielding a submachine gun and the other a red katana. He made his way through the city, turning robots into swiss cheeses and shredding them into bite-sized pieces when they were close enough. He skid to a halt at an intersection- a couple blocks down there was a- human? With his limited knowledge, that's all it could be. He swapped out his current weapons for a rocket launcher and kunai, and the former started charging by pulling red globules of energy from the air. He rushed forward to save that 'human' from a demise at robot hand, something he wish he could've said before. iPad-face flicked his arm upwards, flinging the kunai at one of the top floors of a nearby building, momentum making the line taut and swinging him high into the air. Tabby did a couple backflips for show- until the rocket launcher let out a satisfying 'ding' and a small wave of red energy. The robot let the barrage loose, and several homing rockets rained down upon the black and white teddy bears, forming a ring around where Undyne was entombed. As he fell, his weapons disappeared into his blue cloak and he brought out his trusty katana. A falling slice to the outside of the large mountain of Monokuma, and then his blade dancing through the robots with enough intentionality and control to avoid cutting the flesh beneath. As the evil stuffed beasts fell, he saw the roughed-up but still living body beneath. She didn't seem to be fearful, which was strange for someone so hurt. Either way, they had bigger fish to fry. He looked up at the sky to find a girl flying around and laughing at the plight before her. He knew this type well. She was one of the bad types. He drew an electric shuriken and threw it directly at her, repeated that action, and then the third he just held in his hand.
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Kotoko Utsugi
Urban District

"Hahaha!! ...Huh? What the-"

Kotoko raised the Axe of Highlander the Great, blocking the shuriken attacks from impacting her. His attacks however were enough to free the dog piled undyne, the warrior looking worse for wear.

"What are with all these weirdos showing up all of a sudden?? Seriously! It's like, totally a bummer! But...who cares! If the Monokuma won't kill you fast enough, then the fighter will head in the scene!"

As the monokuma continued to pour in, Kotoko's mech jetted down, thrusters activating behind the axe blade, sending the weapon hurtling towards the pair, cleaving a stray monokuma that was unfortunate enough to get in the way.


"...What does she think she's doing??"

Nagisa watched in discontent as Kotoko commanded an army and cared little about what happened to them. He growled, crossing his arms in disapproval.

"The foundry isn't fully up and running yet...how can she be so careless to throw so many forces in one place? It's simply asking for an area of effect counter. Hmph! Jataro better pick up his pace, or else we will have to consider giving concessions to areas in this forsaken place."

@Psymallard @comic


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
So... it wasn't a human? It didn't look like any monster he'd encountered before, and he was certain he knew EVERY monster Underground... perhaps this was one of Onionsan's friends from underwater! Yes, that had to be it. There was no other logical explanation. Leave it to The Great Papyrus to figure it out! Master Chef, Master Sentry, and Master Detective!

"TRAINER?" He asked, appearing puzzled before his face lit up. "OH! YOU MEAN UNDYNE! SHE'S BEEN TRAINING ME FOR A LONG TIME, EVEN IF SHE ONLY STARTED A FEW DAYS AGO!" He proclaimed proudly, puffing out his chest and placing his hand on his front, before he paused, appearing concerned as he looked down at his battle body to find his chest piece had been cracked, a hole to the left. "OH MY..." He shook his head at the sight sadly. "I ONLY JUST MADE MY BATTLE BODY AND IT'S ALREADY RUINED! MY BROTHER SANS HELPED ME MAKE IT, AND HE ISN'T AROUND TO HELP REPAIR IT." He seemed to be mostly talking out loud at this point.
However, a stranger approached them with an odd question, one that delighted the skeleton and he leaped up. "DID YOU SAY INTERVIEW? THIS IS MY CHANCE! MY MOMENT TO SHINE! POPULAR! PRESTIGIOUS! THAT'S PAPYRUS! I'M READY FOR THE INTERVIEW!"

@ThAtGuY101 @Psymallard

Grim Reaper? Scorpion could vaguely recall a figure he'd seen not too long ago fitting that description, but it had long disappeared by the time he'd tried to find it. The Geo kid seemed to be very fearful, something Scorpion could actually envy a little. He had seen a lot, but this place worked hard to deteriorate one's mind into insanity. He'd only held out this long for being simply that resilient. Or maybe he had gone crazy and these individuals were just a figment of his imagination.

"Stay behind me." The ninja ordered, pulling his blade from its sheathe, narrowing his dead eyes down the path while Bennett attempted to cheer up Geo. "It may or may not be the individual you were pursuing. It could be another lost soul like us. Or it could be Him." He put the emphasis on 'him', having no name to call it by. He didn't want to encounter that creature again, less it may finally kill him.

@DarkHydraT @Shen: King of the Mist

Invigoration. Undyne wasn't spurred by something external, no... this was internal. Something deep down. A powerful sensation that forced her to stand her ground. She prevailed through sheer willpower as her spears hacked and slashed through more and more of the Monokumas swarming her, their bodies beginning to pile high all around, her movements growing faster and faster, coming back to form- but it wasn't enough. Even THIS power wasn't working, and she was failing, beginning to suffer damage as the Monokumas swarmed her, beginning to latch on with their claws and teeth, trying to tear her apart, breaking her flesh as she grit her teeth so tightly together she thought they'd shatter from the force of it as she continued to fight, even as they started to pin her limbs and tried to immobilize her. She tossed one Monokuma back into the crowd, ripping the head off of another and slamming into the skull of a third, but it was a fruitless effort as they piled on top of her, blocking out the light of day. The sun she never thought she'd get to see was being blotted out, and for a moment, she sensed fear.
Not fear of the Monokumas, of Kotoko, or even of dying. Her fear was of the dark. Of being trapped again, without a chance of escape. Her fear was that she'd never get to see that sky again...

Then, something interesting happened. Something fortunate, more accurately. The weight began to lighten. The sound of tearing metal could be heard, and it didn't take a genius to piece together that she had help. Her fears faded immediately as the burning sensation grew, her hand finding one of the Monokumas trying to gnaw it off. She ripped its jaw off before the robot was sliced apart by a katana, the pile falling away as she pushed it off of her to find... something. It was like a cat wearing blue robes, but its head was like a television screen. It registered her staring back, before it took off, seemingly now focused on Kotoko. A good amount of the Monokumas had been dispatched. Enough that Undyne was given the time to shove off the remaining parts and rise to her feet, huffing as her arms shook with a feeling she couldn't describe.
"It'll take a little more than THAT!" Her words were mostly for herself. A reassurance that she was still kicking. Blocking out any of the pain she felt, Undyne's golden eyes flashed, a hint of crimson behind their glare as an array of cyan spears appeared around her, one of which she took into her hand. As for the tv-head cat thing... yeah, she was keeping that. She'd always wanted a cat anyway. The giant axe swung their way, but all Undyne had to do was take a few steps back and the axe crushed a Monokuma that had lunged for the monster. So much for that.

Spears began to hurl toward the army as Kotoko dealt with Undyne's new ally, the spears far more reliable at dispatching Monokumas than her arrows. As one spear shot off like a bullet, another appeared to takes its place, launching into the sea of Monokumas. She wasn't ready to quit now, not while the going was so good.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Psymallard
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Slowking looked over at the goblinoid creature, "Interview? What do you mean?" Slowking asked. He turned towards Papyrus. he was slightly surprised to think Papyrus was a trainer owned pokémon. Slowking looked at the damage on Papyrus's battle body. He wasn't sure what to do, maybe a heal pulse would help, but Slowking wasn't sure if it would work. Papyrus seemed really interested in an interview, but Slowking wasn't entirely sure what it was. He turned towards the goblinoid creature in confusion.


Previously mallard
The small purple man breathed with a sigh of relief, his face then morphing into excitement. "An interview, my- hmm, what should I call you? How about a Royalblin? Yes... An interview is a questionnaire usually towards a very important person!" He whipped back over to Papyrus. "So firstly, are there more like you? You alone are such a great discovery, since you could be the one to win the war!" He dropped his mop, and jotted down a few notes about things he observed now that he was close. "Also, how were you born? Do you have an appetite? What special abilities do you have? Where do you come from? How do you fare so well at daytime?" He stared at the skeleton wide-eyed, ready to learn more about this creature.
@comic @ThAtGuY101

Tabby quickly dodged the large mech, still grasping the shuriken tightly. He paused for a moment, tendrils of electricity licking his fingertips, until he raised it up in the air, calling lightning down onto the weapon. Now with bolts of electricity flooding out of the metal projectile, Tabby threw the shuriken into the mech's chest, and when it connected it would let out massive electical energy that would go through the mech and zap several Monokumas around it. The voltage wasn't enough to harm a mech much, but he could take damage where he could get it. He rushed into the Monokuma crowd, tearing them to pieces. Once he realized he was in a little too deep, reminder courtesy of a Monokuma slashing at his back, he took out his rocket launcher to aim at his feet, the resulting explosion sending him flying in the air. For maximum wreckage as he traveled back to his battle buddy, tablet face wielded his SMGs, raining down bullets on the evil robots, the recoil keeping his altitude steady. His ammunition ran out, and he put them away for them to automatically reload. Now in free fall the robot aimed for the middle and landed next to the fishwoman. These robots didn't have much more to offer than most other robots back where and when he was from, but the mech would be a little tougher.
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Urban District

Piles of Monokuma corpses began to mount up to the point where it was hard to not step on scrap metal. It was almost as dangerous to move around, accidentally stepping on a razor sharp claw or tooth then the oncoming army, which dwindled more and more, breaks becoming more and more common between quantities of them. Riot control Monokuma came out, slamming their riot shields on the ground, allowing other Monokuma to jump over them and attack with great momentum, namely at this Tabby person, while few leaped at the injured Undyne.

The electricity from Kunai appeared to zap across the mech's chest, seeming to fry something inside. Suddenly, a spring loaded chest piece popped open, revealing a pulsating pink core radiating with light. Kotoko wobbled to get her balance back on the mech's shoulder, thankfully not falling off.

"Stop! You know this could be seen as a hate crime against girls! Don't think a girl can be a fighter, huh??"

Kotoko was oblivious to the fact that she was fighting two female characters, but something felt as if she wouldn't care anyway. The mech's arms began to work again and the core's covering began to vibrate as if it would shut back down in any second. Raising her axe, she would preform a jet boosted 'X' cut with it in an attempt cut through them both.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
The creature returned to Undyne's side as the both of them hacked apart their enemies. The Monokumas were dwindling now, and it was clear that they were being forced to resort to more defensive tactics to even stand a chance against the pair now. Filled with Determination, Undyne held back her greatest weapon, for now. She'd noticed the cat-thing's attack against the great mech had clearly dealt some damage, the electricity forcing it to reveal its hidden core, no doubt to let out the excess energy to keep the core from overloading. At least, that's the explanation Undyne could imagine Alphys telling her.
As more Monokumas began to rush in, Undyne glanced to her right at Tabby, grinning. "Saw that too, right? If you can expose the core again, we can really deal some damage to that thing."

But as she turned back around, Kotoko was yelling something, though she was too high up to actually make sense. Undyne was about to ask 'what' in response to not hearing a word the girl said, before the mech began to move, undoubtedly readying an attack. Her new ally was fast, she didn't doubt it could simply dodge the blow, but nonetheless, the monster moved defensively, a wall of cyan spears erupting as she dove backward. The first diagonal swing to form the '/' of the 'X' managed to pulverize the spears, but easily slowed down in momentum, leading Undyne to try again, this time with more of the spears in a longer line as it went to finish with the '\', stopping almost toward the end. "OPEN THE CORE!" Undyne shouted to her companion, now rushing forward and jamming her own spear into the side of the axe as it began to pull back, pulling the fish monster closer.
She had a plan, and she was counting on Kotoko to do the most obvious response to this.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Psymallard
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Previously Manu456Alola
Gunvolt - Ice Cap Zone


The trio hadn't gotten too far away from Eggman's robot army when a small figure stood in their way. A yellow duck. It had three strands of black hair on top of its head, stubby arms and legs, three claws on each hand and cream colored feet and beak.
Gunvolt stopped at the sight of the small creature, who seemed to be trying to get their attention. It didn't stand out too much, but it seemed... familiar. Where had he seen it before?

"Are you lost or something?"

@Psymallard @Fraseandchico @Gamingfan

The Knight - Rivet Ravine (Collapsing Cave)

The ghost seemed to be alright, though it decided to lay down again after a moment. It was strange how it was able to be so calm with the cave collapsing around them, but the Knight wasn't one to judge. What was important was that it knew a way out, a tunnel right next to them that would lead outside. The bug began walking through the tunnel, Slash and the ghost would hopefully follow it. It took the chance to switch its Charm loadout, aiming for a more movement based fighting style in the future. Getting thrown around by the metal beast earlier wasn't fun.

@Psymallard @Captain Pokémon


Previously mallard
The Duck looked up and down each one of them. The one with the white hair he recognized from somewhere- he probably whooped his butt somewhere along the lines. That one was respecting the Psyduck's order to stop, so he assumed he was going to be a servant to the great Psyduck, as the pokemon was now sure that the human before him beheld the great power of Psyduck. The Duck also assumed that the others were there to please him as well. Buzzwole would provide with greatly helpful power, that's for sure. The duck pokemon waddled forward, and began trying to climb up Gunvolt's leg, hopefully reaching the shoulders and using the human as a mount.
@ArmedBlue @Fraseandchico @Gamingfan

Tabby slashed through the Monokuma soaring through the air, whose energy he sapped to heal the slash one of the 'kumas doing. As the large mech rushed forwards, he threw out two kunais at a building, yanking on them to avoid the attack. He landed on the side of the building, when Undyne shouted orders at him. He dropped one of the ropes and pulled out a shuriken. At that point, he just waited for a few seconds. Then, when the satisfying ding sounded, he leapt off the wall as lightning came down to meet him. Arcing through the air, and bolts of electricity trailing behind him, he spun himself. One, two, three times- then releasing the supercharged projectile at the heart of the mech. He then fell down onto the Monokuma Mountain, and whipped out the SMGs. He aimed them at either side of himself and started spinning as he pulled the triggers. Stuffing and sparks rained down like snowfall all around him as he became a tornado of bullets.
@comic @Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Urban District

"Just stop that! Stop talking to each other! I don't like it!"

Kotoko didn't like demons. Female demons were even worse, and crafty female demons were the worst! Just like how spoiled milk is the worst, and dolphins without fins are the worst, and-....where was she going with that? Oh! This was the worst!

As the attacks of tabby's landed, the core was suspended open and exposed, the remaining shots ringing in at the core. While not enough to destroy the robot in it's entirety, the arms went limp and the jets began to fritz. The thruster on the axe had already been activated however, forcing the limo worst of the mech to snap right off!

"Kyaaaaa! Oh noes! What a cruel unforgiving wooooorld!"

The axe swung like a boomerang, spiraling in a crescent formation to sweep both Tabby and Undyne while 'lil ultimate drama put the back of her hand to her forehead dramatically.

The monokuma around Tabby began to lessen up, a large quantity of melee ones having been destroyed, if not, then behind the Riot shield Monokumas. From the tops of the buildings, Monokumas carrying large oil drums filled to the brim with grenades chucked several of the explosive devices, attempting to bust the tablet once and for all.

@Psymallard @comic


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Okay, well, not exactly what she'd been hoping for, but it still worked in Undyne's favor, allowing her to follow up. Gaining the close in distance, as well as granted inertia from the blade, Undyne launched off of it with enough force to knock if off-course, managing to miss Tabby if he'd failed to notice it coming for him. Now airborne just like before, Undyne decided to shift her original tactic that she used against Mark Guyver. Using the panels of energy, she propelled herself higher and higher, arrows launching down at both Kotoko and her mech, but also the scattered Monokumas, who could only die, dodge, or block the attacks.

Another white spear materialized in her hand, and she knew she'd need just one good shot at this. One successful hit, and the mech would go down for sure. Now, she let herself fall. Okay, that's what she would have liked viewers of her heroics to believe, but really, she'd lost her footing in a momentary lapse in concentration, enough to make her begin tumbling down. Her opportunity was dwindling as Tabby continued his tactic. She aimed, barring her fangs, and the moment that core would appear, she'd hurl the white spear with all the strength she could muster in a throw. If it managed to strike the core, it would erupt into an explosion of smaller arrows that would tear the insides of the metal beast apart. All she needed was for Tabby to get that core open one more time.

@Shen: King of the Mist @Psymallard


Previously mallard
The robot noticed the something falling from above- those were probably not a good sign. Sure enough, when he shot the last magazine of his SMG into the metal rain, they exploded. Since his attention was drawn, a Monokuma used this time to sneak up behind him, and take a CHOMP! out of his tablet head. In surprise, he thrust his blade into the Monokuma long-ways and sliced its dorsal side open from there. The absorbed energy healed the bite a little, but not much. He shoved his blade into his sheath and paused, while more black and white demon bears started to surround and jump at him while the grenades fell. As the Monokuma and explosives were inches away from falling down onto him, a ding went off. In a blur, he rocketed to each bomb almost like teleportation, and when he traveled to each one his momentum carried him into the air as he twirled his blade and resheathed it. The explosives beneath him exploded, and as he fell he took out his guns to take out a couple of the rooftop 'Kumas. He knew how stuff like this typically went. He had to do something that worked three times in a row to beat the big bad. He took out a shuriken and began to charge that as he landed. The tablet wasn't grounded for long, he leapt the Monokuma heap towards the mech. In his non-shuriken hand he wielded the katana that he used to bounce off the heads of the teddy bears with downwards slashes while simultaneously healing his head wound. The bot dove into the crowd when he got right in front of the bot- the demon bears able to get some shallow cuts in as lightning streaked down to where Tabby stood. He fired the rocket launcher at his feet which launched him upwards. Tablet used the momentum of his ascent to throw his supercharged shuriken into the chest of the larger robot, and as he continued up he pointed to the chest to Undyne. If the plan succeded and the pair destroyed the mech Tabby would fall down upon the girl riding it and kick her off towards his fishwoman friend. Afterwards he would land in her current position and pose- hands on his hips and screen flashing to show sunglasses over his eyes.
@comic @Shen: King of the Mist


Previously Gamingfan2
Kirby began inhaling with more force as Vio came into view. That is, until he had let loose a few arrows which, caught in Kirby's vortex, flew into his mouth. The arrows briefly pulled at the star warrior from inside his mouth, casing him to close it, but were swallowed anyway. The ingested arrows resulted in Kirby flashing briefly as he changed forms, ditching the water hat for a purple Tyrolean hat and a new bow. The previous water ability formed into an energy star which bounced away.
Kirby pulled the string back, an arrow spawning in from nowhere as he aimed at Vi-Donkey Kong.
Donkey Kong?! Kirby canceled his attack, overjoyed to see a familiar face. He didn't understand the hooting in the slightest, but he assumed it must be some greeting as he waved back.
@comic @Shen: King of the Mist

Dark Matter-Field of Hopes and Dreams
Dark Matter stared at Copen, putting little focus on the two other links. Shadow Link seemed to be able to dominate them with little effort anyway. Dark Matter responded to the advance by flipping over, his bottom half suddenly swelling and splitting, taking the shape of a maw lined with sharp fangs that snapped as they flew towa to crunch the life out of Copen. Even if they missed, Dark Matter would escape the excuse of a pincer attack the links tried.
@ArmedBlue @DarkHydraT

Amaterasu-Garreg Mach
While Amaterasu could not understand the bug, it appeared to be affiliated with this darkness she sensed. Luckily, they appeared to be against it. They may look strange, but it appeared the bug was trustworthy. Now sure of her teammates, Amaterasu ran after Kragg as they led, plants flourishing behind her.
@Psymallard @ThAtGuY101

Buzzwole-Ice Cap Zone
Buzzwole stared at the psyduck in surprise. Normally smaller pokemon would flee at the sight of him, not stand in front of the Ultra Beast. Still, it was just a psyduck. A brave one, but nonetheless an uninteresting pokemon, so Buzzwole simply crossed his arms as he impatiently waited for everyone to move forward again, paying little mind to the new arrival.


Previously Manu456Alola
Gunvolt - Ice Cap Zone

"Looks like he wants a ride!" Joule commented, giggling as Psyduck tried to climb Gunvolt's leg. Shrugging, the Azure Striker picked the duck up by its head with one hand, placing it on his shoulder.

"...sure, why not?" He muttered. "Maybe he actually is lost." Giving the duck a slight smile, he brought his attention back to the jungle. "We're headed to that jungle over there. Looking for a key-like item." He gave Psyduck a brief explanation of their objective before he began walking again, easily clearing the 'chasm' the duck had almost fallen into. They were almost at the rock wall.

"I'm giving this guy a name too," Joule spoke. "I'm calling him Daffy!"

@Psymallard @Fraseandchico @Gamingfan

Copen & Lola- Field of Hopes and Dreams

"Don't worry Hunter, it's gonna be alright!" Lola told the kid as she flew toward him, trying to ready Stellar Spark again. Unfortunately, the EX Weapon was on cooldown, allowing Shadow Link to turn Hunter to his side. His clothes had become a dark purple, while his eyes lacked pupils. She hovered right in front of him, witnessing this sudden change in appearance.


"Carchar Combo."

"C'mon Hunter, snap out of it!" There was worry in her tone, the A.I. beginning to float backwards.

"Carchar Combo, now."


Carchar lunged at the A.I. as she tried to pick up the pace, its first bite barely reaching her. A section of her body was caught by its serrated teeth, the dinosaur shaking her around.

Copen couldn't avoid Dark Matter's attack properly due to his momentum, causing his right foot to be caught by its maw, biting down on him. He kept calm and performed a Bullit Dash again, managing to break free and shoot off towards the ground, though not without firing more laser shots at the dark being with his pistol.

The teen noticed the change Hunter had underwent, frowning. This Shadow had several tricks up his sleeve. As Carchar was about to bite down on Lola again, Copen bounced off the ground right in front of the dinosaur, aiming to place a tag on it. Stellar Spark would activate again as soon as he did so, giving him a chance to bounce away from Carchar and grab his A.I. companion. Hunter's been forced to Shadow's side... there must be a way to free him.

"Green! How do we get Hunter back on our side?"

@DarkHydraT @Shen: King of the Mist @Gamingfan @Captain Pokémon

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Urban District

The mech began to look worse for wear...the electricity constantly keeping it from
moving as Undyne took advantage of it, thrusting a powerful arrow into the center core. A flame erupted from the mech as it teetered. The thrusters glitched and sputtered, the steam rising higher and higher before suddenly...


The head popped right off, flying up into the air, exploding in a vibrant pink color right before the rest of the mech collapsed down to the ground, exploding wildly! Kotoko was thrust from the concussion of the explosion, tumbling across the ground opposite of the demons, soot and dirt fouling her clothes. As soon as the mech failed, the Monokuma all freezes their current actions. Completely frozen.

Their eyes all pulsated red as they creepily shuddered, taking robotic steps back in unison. Kotoko couldn't get her senses back as the Monokuma retreated without her consent, one of the Monokuma signaling back to the HQ...


"She has been secured? Good. We'll have to talk later about this...but for now these demons need to experience fear. They need to PAY for what they've done...meddling in our affairs like this."


A red dot appeared on a nearby pillar supporting a building with a sizeable hole in it, making up the boundary of the fight with Kotoko.

"Death Onto Demons." Nagisa stated Coldly.


A railgun was fired from the Warriors of Hope airship, obliterating the remaining foundation of the building next to them. It's pillars began to cave in on themselves, the entire structure leaning over to crush them all, and take the parking garage down with it!

"Huh...what's..." Kotoko blinked awake, just to see the massive buildings coming down to crush them. "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!"

@Psymallard @comic

Shadow Link, Blue, & Green
Field of Hopes and Dreams

Shadow Link howled in laughter as Hunter turned on his compatriots, the dangerous Dinos becoming astounding allies. Formed fighting friend was downright salivating. The entertainment value was bar none.

"Hahahaha! That's right, beat down your foes! Show them what fear looks like!"

Floating in place, the phantom appeared to be having the time of his life. The same couldn't be said of the young warriors of Hyrule, as Blue and Green nearly struck each other with their weapons upon Dark Matter floating up. They however couldn't stop their momentum, stumbling and crashing into each other.


Both falling to the ground, Blue growled in heavy annoyance, getting back to hide feet in a fit.

"Get outta my way Green! Leave it to a real man to take it out. Go knit a sweater or something!"

Blue stormed off to Dark Matter once more, prepared to leap a hammer strike yet again into him. All the While, green blinked in response, giving a baffled 'Real man?' Before Copen called out to him.

"Get hunter back? It's not that easy!" Green responded. "We'd have to douse hunter himself with a heavy amount of light, but we shouldn't aim to kill him!"

While the chaos distracted everyone, Shadow Link turned to Knuckles who had yet to throw his punches. Slinking down to him he whispered a few words in his ear.

"...And I've got plans for you."

Shadow link then leered, quickly darting his body to Knuckle's front. His eyes became pupil-less, becoming a crescent shape, as if happy. Then, his mouth stretch open with wide, pirhanna like teeth, aiming to snap down on Knuckles's wrist.

@Gamingfan @Captain Pokémon @ArmedBlue



Vio had no words for the primate with a necktie that had suddenly entered the scene. Vio facepalmed. He had absolutely no time for this. Sighing, he put his hands together and gestured to Kirby.

"Look, I have no foul intent. I just wish to find the rest of my team. So if it's all the same to you, I'd much like to get back to that goal."

Lich Yard

"Huh? Who's...'him'?"

He had only taken a step forward when he heard Scorpion's fearful voice. This him sounded like a big deal. Was it some type of ruin guard? Maybe a ghost of some kind. Either way, they had better avoid it unless they had a plan to take it down.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Undyne - Urban District
The attack landed successfully. Undyne pumped her fist in a short-lived victory as she realized she still had to deal with the issue of potentially splatting on the ground. While everything else happened around her, she summoned more of the small platforms to grasp onto, slipping and falling from one to another, misjudging how much weaker she was growing now that all this adrenaline was beginning to fade.
However, she managed to slow her descent enough so that when she did hit the ground, she wasn't trophied, instead landing on her back with a groan. It was crazy how comfortable Monokuma bits and rubble were when one could be this... tired...

As Undyne succumbed to the unconscious realm, passing out, Tabby's attempts had been thwarted, the explosion preventing him from reaching Kotoko, who sailed out of reach. The sky was illuminated tenfold by the brilliant explosion of fire and flames, and the Monokumas began to retreat, leaving Tabby and Undyne alone.
Then the railgun blast slugged the land, barreling through buildings, ripping apart steel and concrete as it went. Undyne, it seemed, was far too tired to be bothered with any of this, and would be crushed if she were to be left here, having passed out cold.
Speaking of cold...

Kotoko was undoubtedly about to meet an untimely demise as the buildings were coming down around them, until a beam of bright blues blasted into the portion above her, a wall of ice beginning to form. Only feet from her, a man clad in azure and ebony robes with silver armor stood, both of his arms raised, the beam firing from his palms, his face clearly screwed in deep concentration as the wall grew, but it was clearly not enough, merely delaying the inevitable as the building began to crash down all around them.
Sub-Zero dropped to a knee, a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead, before he removed one of his hands and placed it on the ground. More ice began to appear, forming a cocoon around both he and the hateful girl. In mere seconds, the ice began to crack as they were enveloped, but the building did not succeed in crushing either of them, its assault ended by the wall of hard, durable ice. Sub-Zero let out a breath, which cast out as mist before him.

Now, his eyes turned to Kotoko. Hardened eyes that displayed no outward emotion. Old eyes that had seen many, many trials and hardships. The girl he stared at appeared to be relatively fine, save for scrapes and bruises from her fall. She'd fared better from that than most probably would have, but the rubble would have been her end had the cryomancer not saved her.
He had indeed known who she was. Not by name, but by reputation, a member of the Warriors of Hope. They were, however, just children. Minds malleable and easy to manipulate. It would be unfair for them to suffer a fate they possibly didn't quite deserve. He too, had once been led down a much darker path. The Elites he had come here with had all retreated, waiting for the bombing combination between Decimus and Eggman. Sub-Zero had been the only one foolish enough to enter the bombing radius. Or perhaps, foolish was the incorrect term. Compassionate fit far more accurately. Human. Something he doubted Decimus or the Elites could possibly comprehend.
"We have little time. The ice will not hold forever." He offered her a cold hand, brow furrowing, his nose and mouth hidden behind his mask. "I beg you take my hand, if you wish to survive. I can teleport us to safety."

@Shen: King of the Mist @Psymallard

Donkey Kong - The Jungle
And so came the truth. Kirby could in fact not speak Kong. This wasn't much of an issue for the ape, he had grown accustomed to communicating with individuals who didn't share his language of hoots, howls, grunts, and coos. Scratching at his chest for a moment, Donkey Kong decided a new tactic, butting right into the human's sentence before he could even fully finish it.
With another hoot, Donkey Kong revealed his teeth with a smile, then pulled out a spare banana peel he'd stashed somewhere. Hopefully his fur, as there was nowhere else... external.
He pointed at the banana, then mimed eating one before he tossed the peel aside and put a hand over his eyes like a shade, mimicking searching for something. He then pulled out a red baseball cap that said 'Nintendo' on it, placed it on his head, and did a short dance like a monkey, clearly trying to let Kirby know this was meant to be Diddy Kong. Once again, Donkey Kong made the searching mime, indicating that both Diddy and the bananas were missing.

The hat disappeared. Where? Who knew. Who wanted to know? Kong really didn't care about that part. He then pointed at Kirby, then to himself, made the searching mime again, before offering a thumbs up and flashing his signature smile, attempting to indicate to Kirby that the two of them should band together to search for Diddy Kong and the bananas.
Obviously it had to be bananas. That was Donkey Kong's primary source of motivation. And if you happened to steal his bananas, he'd pound you into the ground like one.

@Gamingfan @Shen: King of the Mist

Scorpion - Lich Yard (Silent Hill)
Scorpion glanced back at Bennett, pausing for a moment. "Have you heard the scraping of metal and stone? That's Him." He stated. "The Unkillable. He's the primary reason why so many of those I entered with are now dead and skinned. He will do the same to you, if he catches you." With that, Scorpion began to move forward toward the entrance of Midwich, straining his ears, but hearing nothing. "I don't believe it is Him in there. Normally you can tell by sound alone."
So Scorpion continued his approach, reaching the open doorway and peering inside. The fog had affected the interior just as much as the rest of the town. Broken windows, open doors, obviously the fog would have seeped in. The front entrance led to another pair of doors that led to the main hall, and a balcony above signified the second floor, though this room had no way up there. Scorpion motioned for the other two to follow him inside.


"That's them."
John stared down at the form of Scorpion slowly entering through the front entrance. The Spartan was leaned against the wall on the second floor balcony directly above the ninja, who's back was now to the Chief. He was mostly cloaked in shadow, though he had no real intentions of hiding. His external speakers were currently off as he surveyed Scorpion, then the other two individuals. "You're sure?" He asked.
"Unless you want to find the creepy ghost girl again," Cortana suggested. "They're the only humans we've seen here. Well... I assume human. The lead one doesn't have a heartbeat I can find." John stared down at them for a few more moments, deciding to either let them figure out he was there, or allowing them to get their bearings before announcing himself. They clearly seemed on-edge, and he didn't blame them one bit. This entire place was... awful.

@Shen: King of the Mist @DarkHydraT

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Kotoko & Nagisa
Urban District

Expecting the cruel world to take her life away, Kotoko had braced for impact, an impact that never came. Opening her eyes, she saw her own breath, the cold biting the air around her. A man had taken root around her, offering a hand as he struggled to keep the cocoon of ice around her. Had this demon actually...saved her? Or was that just her mind being carried away?

"Well...while you look like a demon that does like, Uber perverted stuff to little girls...ok- But don't t-try anything you'll regret okay!?"

She tried to hide the fact she was internally freaking out about a man being this close to her. The pink girl's breaths began to get more and more frequent. Was she hyperventilating?

"J-Just don't...not again...."


"Don't think ice will save you demon. There shall be no lifeline for you to cling onto."


The railgun fired again, aiming to smash clean through the pillar of ice, and to have it collapse and crush the intended targets beneath

@Psymallard @comic @Captain pokemon



His patience began to wear then. A gorilla and a weird monster, none could be reasoned with. He just decided to quietly turn around on them, hoping they'd be so loud together they wouldn't notice him slipping out.

@comic @Gamingfan

Lich Yard

"Well...sounds to me like all we gotta do is go in there, get whatever we came here for, and leave! And if we meet that guy your talkin' about...we just gotta run is all! Sounds easy! We got this guys!"

Bennett thrust a fist into the air, flashing a smile. This had him stoked! Sure the place was creepy...but this was his first dungeon in such a long time! And no one judged him for his bad luck!

"Let's go, Benny's adventure team!"

@DarkHydraT @comic


Previously mallard
The Duck had his arms crossed as he was picked up and placed onto the shoulder of the boy. He was a big boy, almost falling off the shoulder. To keep from falling to a cold discomfort on the icy ground Psyduck hugged the head of the human. At the mention of 'naming,' the Pokémon's face darkened. He pounded on his mount's head while screaming, "PSYDUCK PSYDUCK PSYDUCK, PSYDUCK PSYDUCK PSYDUCK PSYDUCK!" To Buzzwole, this could be understood as "THE GREAT PSYDUCK DOESN'T NEED TO BE RENAMED, YOU HUMANS ARE ALL THE SAME WITH THIS STUPID 'NAMING' POKEMON STUFF!"
@Gamingfan @ArmedBlue @Fraseandchico

Kragg zoomed into a cathedral- its roof seemingly blown open from inside. All around were dark tentacles swimming through the ground and clinging to walls. The bug skid to a halt, seeing in the epicenter of the tendril-like disease two orbs at the top of thin stalks. Kragg braced for a fight and clenched his fists just in time for the eyes to fly open, releasing two small energy fields around both. As this happened, a dark liquid began to seep from the Gatekeepers, which then morphed into an orca-wolf. From a tentacle, a dark bubble formed and floated a couple feet in the air, before popping and presenting a frog-person. As soon as the rest of Kragg's team made it through the doorway, there would rise an ice wall to prevent exit, followed by a dark polar bear falling from the ceiling to guard it.

A wave of hot force washed over Tabby from the explosion, negating both his momentum and more importantly, his victory pose. He fell less gracefully to the ground now and crashed on top of the robotic wreckage. The robot rose to his feet to almost me knocked back down as the ground shuddered from a RAILGUN shot. The building had no hope for staying upright, and it began to fall with his unconscious comrade in its path. He couldn't see the girl but it seemed pretty likely that she was safe inside some kind of shield over there. He scooped up Undyne's broken body with both arms and ran like hell. Due to his size, he was as careful as he could be in that moment to not have her hit any rubble or shrapnel. Running wasn't Tabby's preferred method of transport, of course. He jumped and then jumped again in midair, and now that his altitude allowed for it, he let go of her with one hand, hugging her top half as the fishwoman's legs trailed behind. Now with a hand free he flicked out a kunai into the building that now almost resembled a ceiling and swung to safety. He crashed through a window (NOT using his ally as a battering ram), and gently set the body down.
@comic @Shen: King of the Mist


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Sub-Zero - Urban District
She reached timidly for his hand, a gesture he recognized accompanied with her words, it wasn't hard to piece together a massive chunk of her character in those first few seconds they interacted. He elected to ignore her comment about his appearance. That was territory he wasn't even going to attempt to go near.
Then the ice began to shatter as another rail blast struck it, and he accepted her hand in his. What happened next was dangerous, even for the Lin Kuei warrior, but he was out of time. He pulled her toward him before they both sank into the earth, disappearing as the ice and rubble crushed down where they had just been.

They were gone from the location now, however, rising out of the ground several blocks away. Kotoko had experienced something typically forbidden among cryomancers, but she was still alive. Many others would have frozen to death on contact with that type of ice. Undoubtedly, however, she was probably freezing, something Sub-Zero couldn't exactly help her with.
They were currently concealed from view in an alley, which he quickly looked down on either side of, seeing nothing for the moment. He was reminded of Kotoko, and her obvious trauma, electing to take a step back to grant her more space. "I apologize for the cold, but there was no simpler way out." He stated. This was the part where he expected her to flee, though if she elected to remain he had a few questions that needed answering. However, if her choice was the former, he would not stop her. He had done his deed of compassion, even for one who appeared so twisted on the surface... if anybody understood the necessity to look beneath the surface of an individual, it was Sub-Zero. That was one of the things that made him such an accurate lie detector most of the time. He was adept at studying others, picking apart who they were in mere seconds.

@Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Kotoko & Tails
Urban District

The building came crashing down, after the piller busted apart, colliding with the parking garage and competition collapsing upon everything in the clearing. The parking garage was directly impacted, the entire ceiling starting to come down.

"Waaah! Sonic! Help!"

Tails hadn't the momentum on the typhoon to ride the entire parking garage out yet. The exit came into view, but the ceiling was coming closer and closer, debris beginning to fall alll around.


*chitter chitter chitter*

Kotoko's teeth made chittering sounds from the cold her body was experiencing. What I'm earth was that?? Did he somehow turn on him and trying to freeze her body? quickly escaping his grasp and inching away, he rubbed her shoulders, trying to generate some kind of heat.

"I apologize for the cold, but there was no simpler way out."

"W-Well! I d-d-didn't need your h-h-help! I'm not fueling your icky gross damsel fetish!"

Unable to get up due to her legs feeling numbs, she was stuck sitting here, at least for a minute or two. All the while, he turned her back to Sub-Zero, trying to pretend he didn't save her.

@comic @Captain Pokémon


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Sub-Zero - Urban District
Once again, he elected to ignore her 'interesting' comments. He didn't have time to try and convince her otherwise, even if he could. He doubted it very much, she was clearly stubborn. His cold, stern gaze softened slightly at the form of her scared, shivering body, but hardened back to their usual seriousness just as quickly as it had come. Since she clearly wasn't able to move anywhere soon, he folded his arms across his chest, once again glancing down either side of the alley.

"The Warriors of Hope." He began. "What is your goal. Your purpose. Why do children like yourselves indulge in such dark fantasies?" He was sure he could guess her own personal reasoning, if it hadn't already been made so blatantly clear. Before she could answer, he decided to elaborate. "And I don't mean your personal reasons. Clearly you've been abused and misused. Unfortunate, but not unknown. I have no intent to harm you, I simply want to understand the motives of your organization. Convince me why I shouldn't allow you and your friends to perish at the lack of mercy possessed by others. I can assure you, anyone else would be far harsher than I."

@Shen: King of the Mist

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
"What's this? S-Some kind of interrogation?" She huffed. "You think you would have heard our announcement... *ahem* The Warriors of Hope will exterminate all demons and make the world a paradise for kids! No adults allowed. That means no Uber mean adults get to exist in the world, and for a bonus, 100% of all creepy kid lovers and rapists also die out, what's more noble that that?"

She seemed to earnestly believe she was doing the right thing, eliminating those that did her and many of her peers wrong. Her fire seemed to have fought off the cold, at least for her speech. She put up a finger with a wink.

"And nobody else can match the warrior's strength, that for sure! We got a lot of power and a big load of it! Just like oh elephants are big, trees are big, and oh! The ice cream shop is big too! ...what was I saying? Right, we don't fear anything you guys have to dish out. ...The fact I failed 'miraculously' against some whackjobs doesn't mean anything!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Sub-Zero - Urban District
The Lin Kuei Grandmaster listened to her words attentively, narrowing his eyes as she spoke. By the time she finished, he was stroking his chin, by now having lowered his mask to reveal his scarred, scruffy face and thick, growing facial hair. "You have valid points." He informed. "I can understand the intolerance for such evil individuals. But your logic is flawed. Children grow. Become adults. Yet even then, children are capable of those same evils. The issue here isn't age. It is species. Humans." Sub-Zero stated. "All are the same, in one way or another."
He was assuming she and the others were human, but they looked human enough. It was presumably a safe assumption.
"Your intent against those evils is indeed noble, I will not deny you that. Just understand that there are many who are innocent. Many who are kind. Even some... misguided." He paused, lowering his arm to place his hands behind his back.

"I am unsure if your peers are the same as you in regards to your hastening of judgement. You labelled me the moment you laid eyes on me. You made assumptions. You believed you knew what to expect out of someone you did not know, based simply on a misguided demeanor, and a terrible experience. I do not need a history lesson on you to understand you have been hurt by others. Possibly even those that should have been trustworthy. With that in mind, I cannot say that your judgement of me is misplaced. You are right to be hesitant and mistrustful. If there is a chance that you and your friends can live, I want to take that chance. You are all young, with lives and dreams ahead of you. The enemies you face grow more powerful the longer they fester, and will snuff you out if you are not careful. I would suggest you take to reserving judgement. You may make a few allies. Even friends." With that, Kuai Liang turned his back to her, beginning to walk away. "You are on your own from here."

@Shen: King of the Mist
Carchar shook Lola around and threw her into the air, attempting to chomp down onto the A.I. once again when it got hit with Copen's attack. The dinosaur let out a roar of pain as electricity coursed through its body, making it take a step back as a field of electricity encased it. It could not reach Lola, or could it?

"Don't you dare let your prey escape."

The carcharodontosaurus exhaled through its nose and began bashing against the field, attempting to escape whilst inflicting pain upon itself. Since it was not a skill, it didn't cost FP which allowed for it to build up. Hunter normally would be appalled by how Carchar was getting treated right now, he always treated his Vivosaurs as friends instead of weapons. But now? Whilst being controlled? The boy had not a grain of sympathy for the dinosaur, it was merely a tool to get these fools out of the way. Should it go down, he still had four others ready to replace it at a moment's notice.

@Shen: King of the Mist @ArmedBlue @Gamingfan @Captain Pokémon


"Where do you wanna get food from? This is like a haunted town, not some kind of fast food restaurant." Geo stayed close behind Scorpion, his charged buster casting a pale green light on the surrounding area. As Scorpion informed the boys about Him, the boy couldn't help but clatter his teeth. "A-Are we sure this place is safe? What if He is here, waiting? What if we're walking into an ambush? Oh god, we're dead! We're dead, we're dead, we're dead!" The hero sure didn't live up to his title at the moment and as much as Mega wanted to berate the kid, he couldn't talk with the projectile in his mouth.


Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Lich Yard


After his declaration to go inside Naming their team triumphantly, Geo seemed to break down completely, saying 'we're dead' over and over again. Bennett didn't know what to do, the team was already having morale issues. Looking around what was on him that could help soothe the situation, it became apparent no tool would help, nor would words.

Instead Bennett reached out to huh Geo, trying to calm him down. He knew that only actions would get through to Geo at this point, so he closed his eyes to embrace him, attempting to wrangle his nerves.

@DarkHydraT @comic
Bennett's sudden hug made Geo jump, causing him to release the charged shot and shooting the floor. "AHHHHHH!" As the shot hit the floor, Geo stood still and took a couple of quick breaths. "D-don't do that without warning, please! I could've hit someone!" Megaman was incredibly on-edge, not sharing the excitement that Bennett felt.

"Get yourself together Geo! My god, you're acting like a baby. Is this the almighty Megaman that the world admires?"

"You know I don't like being in scary situations, let alone be in the spotlight of things. I just want to stay on the sidelines."

"As a hero, you don't get that luxury. Suck it up and keep moving."

@Shen: King of the Mist @comic


Previously Manu456Alola
Gunvolt - Ice Cap Zone (Jungle Wall)

Joule burst into laughter as Psyduck hit Gunvolt's head repeatedly, screaming at them in whatever language he spoke. Nobody (except for Swole) really knew what he was saying, but it was clear he didn't like the name Joule gave him. Gunvolt simply closed his eyes in slight annoyance as he kept walking. You didn't have to take it out on me...

"Fiiine, Daffy wasn't that good of a name anyway..." Joule told the duck, her laughter ceasing. "You said 'Psyduck' a whole lot, so that's what I'm calling you! Donald would've been good though..."

Trying his best to ignore Psyduck, Gunvolt opened his eyes to find the group was right in front of the rock wall. A large hole was present on it, signaling someone had already been through there. With a leap, the Azure Striker got through the hole and to the other side. It seemed to be a regular jungle, though there were a few charred trees spread throughout the area. Some sort of forest fire must've broken out...

"Joule, tell me if you sense something odd. Everyone keep an eye out for that key."

@Psymallard @Fraseandchico @Gamingfan

Copen & Lola - Field of Hopes and Dreams

Copen managed to snatch Lola out of the air, listening to Green carefully. Douse him with heavy light but not kill him... easier said than done. He thought as he landed, letting go of his A.I. companion, who had a couple cut wires on her back. She was able to move though, albeit with some slight difficulty. "How are you holding up, Lola?"

"I'm fine... that might have hurt, but it'll take more than that to defeat me!" She told her creator. Even when damaged, she maintained her usual energy. "EX Weapons might fire a bit slower, but I bet that won't be an issue for you, Boss!"

"Right... Be careful." The teen replied, slight worry in his tone. He rarely showed emotion, but seeing his partner in a damaged state was something he hated seeing. He would definitely fix her as soon as possible. Bringing his attention to Carchar, it seemed the dino was trying to break free from Stellar Spark. The electric field would go down any second, something both he and Lola knew. They needed to act fast.

"So using light is the key here, huh?" The A.I. quipped. "I got just the thing for you!" She changed EX Weapons and became orange, signaling she had selected Photon Detonator. Copen dashed away from the dinosaur as Stellar Spark's field disappeared, Lola firing two balls of light at the dinosaur before following her creator. The projectiles would cause large explosions on contact with Carchar, and would home in on him as long as he was tagged. She didn't know how much light it would take to free Hunter from Shadow Link's control, but this weapon would definitely help them!

@DarkHydraT @Shen: King of the Mist @Gamingfan @Captain Pokémon


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Silent Hill
Numbers were nice and all, but this pair yammered loudly on with no regard for any who may be listening. Okay, it was more the armored boy than the white-haired one. It wasn't until the blast fired at the ground that Scorpion whirled about on his heel. "Silence!" He hissed, pale eyes darting about- and that's when he saw it. On the floor above them on the balcony stood a towering figure that was staring down at them. The dark shrouded it enough so that various lights were glowing dimly on its armored body, and a blood-colored visor glared angrily back.

It wasn't Him... but Scorpion wasn't taking any chances. "GET OVER HERE!" His voice boomed as he thrust his arm forward. From his wrist, his signature kunai lunged forward, attached to his body by a rope. His opponent, however, was faster. It grasped the kunai just before it could make contact with its visor.
Scorpion was prepared for a fight- until it spoke, its voice deep, scratched, and well-worn. "I'm not here for a fight." It stated, letting go of the kunai as it zipped back up Scorpion's wrist, who glared. "Who are you?" He demanded. "Why hide in the dark?"
"Master Chief Petty Officer John-117." The towering figure replied as it stepped off of the balcony, and landed before the trio, the concrete cracking under its weight, the earth shaking as it landed... enough to remind Scorpion that the terrible man with the pyramid head seemed to have a similar effect on his environment. "Just... call me Chief. Everyone does." John offered, sticking out a hand to Scorpion.
The ninja narrowed his eyes, not shaking the Spartan's hand. "Answer my second question." He demanded.

"I was directed here. Told I could find others stuck here like me." Chief answered simply. Scorpion stared at him for a moment, before turning away and stalking inside of the building fully, entering the hallway. If this 'Master Chief' had been waiting here for them, then surely He wasn't here right now. No need for caution. Any other fog monsters were simple enough to deal with.
John watched as Scorpion retreated to the hall, before he turned his attention on Geo and Bennett, who hadn't been allowed a word in the exchange up until now. He offered them a simple nod of acknowledgment. "Do you know anything about this place?" He asked.

@Shen: King of the Mist @DarkHydraT

Ice Cap Zone
Quite the predicament. Stranded in some foreign place with no clue as to where to go, or even where to turn. The skeleton found himself resting against a pine tree, skeletal hands shoved into the pockets of his jacket, unzipped down the middle, splayed open to reveal the old, moth-eaten white shirt beneath, stained with old blotches of ketchup that appeared more pink than anything now. Basketball shorts covered his lower half, black in color with a single white stripe going up either side. A pair of pink slippers covered his feet, which were concealed by a pair of thick, wooly socks.
His eye sockets were shut for the moment as he breathed lightly. Best not to question the physics or anatomy of a magic skeleton and just roll with it. He'd been wandering somewhat aimlessly for a few hours, stopping with frequent breaks to indulge in the quickly draining ketchup bottle he had stored in his hoodie. He had no idea what he'd do if it ran out. Probably go on a quest for more. That seemed to be the most reasonable decision and outcome. Quite the story, too.

Mist drifted from the hole where his nose should have been had he not been a skeleton. Slowly, his left eye socket began to open. A noise was being carried over the chilly breeze. A familiar chill, of course, and it wasn't as though he could actually feel the cold. The ice and snow was where he felt most at home. In a sense, it was a comfort. Why? The thought hadn't really crossed his mind. Maybe it's because it felt so empty and desolate, yet was associated with such cheer and togetherness. Something so barren shouldn't be loved, yet it was. Many people often associated snow with the holidays, and he guessed so did he.
The skeleton tuned himself to the noise. A shrill quacking growing steadily nearer. No, it was weird, repetitive at best, but a word nonetheless. This was followed by laughter, then a distant voice.
So there were others here. Like him? He didn't know. Better to follow and find out than sit here forever and run out of ketchup and joke material. Each pun that crossed his mind since he'd arrived got steadily worse and worse. He blamed it on the cold. Pushing himself gently from the tree, his 'chillin' session over, the skeleton began to make his way through the forest in the direction of the voices, taking note that the temperature seemed to be rising as he moved, evident by the less and less snow covering the ground, as well as the distant sound of critters. The ice and snow was usually so silent. Undoubtedly, he was following these people into a livelier biome. Of course, this particular portion of the icy zone he'd been occupying hadn't spread the girth of the current biome by any means. There had been plenty of glaciers and empty pockets of pure, untouched snow that stretched for quite a ways.

@ArmedBlue @Psymallard @Fraseandchico @Gamingfan
Carchar finally managed to break through Stellar Spark, taking a moment to recalibrate before going after Lola and Copen again. Its FP had raised enough to unleash its most powerful move, but would it be enough? "Carchar Fury, tear them to shreds." The dinosaur let out a roar as it once again attempted to bite down on either Lola or Copen before exhaling a powerful sandstorm, though its attack was interrupted by two balls of light that exploded upon contact. Carchar cried out in pain, hoping that Hunter would stop this senseless fight, but to no avail. Hunter covered his eyes from the bright light of the explosions, only looking back at the battle when the light was gone. Carchar was lying on the ground, its muscles tensing and relaxing at random intervals due to the electricity it was exposed to. The theropod was down for the count, but it wasn't out just yet. Raising its head, it opened its jaw and let out the sandstorm blast before vanishing into a medal, flying back towards Hunter.

"Hmph, despicable. You're not even capable of beating them? Maybe you're not worth my attention." The boy criticized his Vivosaur's performance before grabbing a green bordered medal. "Coatlus. Show Carchar how it's done." The Quetzalcoatlus came out, surprised as to why she was fighting the people they worked alongside with. Letting out a chirp, she turned to Hunter who scoffed at the behaviour. "I decide who you fight, not you. I don't care that you are tired, you will obey. Great Vortex."

Coatlus turned her head away from Hunter and looked at Lola and Copen, something akin to remorse in her eyes as she took to the skies. Spinning around, she sent a horizontal blast of air at the duo with a large chance to enrage them. Back on Vivosaur Island, Enrage would lower accuracy and increase attack of those afflicted with it. Coatlus could inflict something called Super Enrage, which would lower accuracy by 35 and increase attack by 20. Given that Copen and Lola seemed to be pretty accurate, or Carchar was just way too big, Hunter attempted to blow so much dust in their eyes that they could not hit their target. After all, it worked around 80% of the time. What could go wrong?

@ArmedBlue @Shen: King of the Mist @Gamingfan @Captain Pokémon


Geo looked down as Scorpion berated him. "S-Sorry sir, I'm just scared." When the ninja noticed Master Chief, the boy flinched in anticipation, though there was no fight. After an exchange of words, Scorpion went into a hallway and left the children alone with this intimidating man. When Chief asked them a question, Geo fumbled over his words. "N-No sir, I d-don't know anything about this place. It is creepy and there's a siren that means bad things happen, but that is all that I know."


Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Lich Yard

His 'clever' idea didn't work as Geo flipped out on him, attacking at seemingly random in his panic spell. This startled Bennett, sending him off the boy and down on His rump. It seemed like nothing could calm him down. No words or action. Man this was hard.

He hadn't time to stay on the ground, as a new figure had introduced themselves into the fold: Petty officer Master Chief. If he was correct, wasn't that a rather low ranking? But he did serve under a ranking...so he couldn't be some monster.

"Bennett, adventure team captain!" He introduced himself to Chief. "They say it's creepy here and monsters are around, I haven't seen any myself. We were gonna follow this guy into this abandoned building here. Oh! Are you here to join us??

@comic @DarkHydraT