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*Krynio uses his small mallet*


It doesn't say that it HAS to evolve does it? (Implying that they don't have to evolve even if they're capable of being able to.)

(And this case is Charlespark vs Satokuye now sooooo... yeah, I think that we should wait for believe to come back on to help us settle this.)

True.. However, I believe that if by pseudo-legendary the rules mean only the fully-evolved form, than stating in the rules that pseudo-legendaries can't be picked wouldn't make sense, as they are fully evolved and it was already said that you must pick a first-stage pokemon.
*Krynio uses Counter: Freezing Mist*
I think that it's best to wait for @IBELIEVEYOUDO to come assist us in this lovely case that might erupt into a bit of heat if this doesn't get resolved quick.

Yes, the rules are a bit contradicting since they wouldn't be able to be picked regardless. (Because of what you had stated.)

Pusedo-legendaries are ONLY the fully evolved forms according to the sources I have found. (Excluding wiki pages because those are not considered as valid sources due to the fact that they are subjective to change by anyone at any time.)
*Krynio uses Cryotherapy and falls asleep while encased in his nice block of ice that goes to at least 50 degrees Celsius below*

Well, now we're waiting for the icebreakers I suppose. (Joel's doing a little test of his here...)
*a Jigacho can be seen solving his rubik's cube in 0.78 seconds with only 8 moves*

I'm not sure if you want to know what Joel truly loves since he's a bit picky to be honest... (And also, if you try to give this guy anything iced, I'm sure that you're gonna have an ice time with him. :3)
Something I'm curious about - In this universe, where no trainers exist, do Pokémon know for sure legendaries exist? I assumed that the houses being in honor of the legendary dogs was more of a Zeus/Posideon/Hades thing, where they're never seen but believed in anyway, but I might be wrong. (Not that I want them to turn up in the actual RP ofc)
I've started to write a response to your question three times now and trail off every time. I think it's similar to religion where there are both devote believers, non-believers and everyone in between. As for this universe specifically I don't know if anyone has ever seen a legendary, so I wouldn't know. In the games, taking for example Ruby and Sapphire, the whole region knows, people and pokemon alike, due to the display of power of Groudon and Kyogre respectively.

My point is, I don't know if such 'events' occur within this universe so as far as I can tell Legendary Pokemon are exactly what they are called; legends. Tales passed along from Pokémon to Pokémon long enough for the origin to be forgotten.
Perhaps the main legendaries, like Kyogre and Groudon and the like, have more of a religious belief around them, while the 'lesser' ones like the dogs, birds, pixies ect. are more of a mythical creature thing (like unicorns and gryphons, which sometimes turn up in religion too if I remember right)?
and the mythical ones like celebi and mew are cryptids like mothman
That actually sounds remarkably plausible. I mean the 'bigger' Legendaries, Groundon, Palkia, Arceus to name a few, all rule over pretty significant concepts. Time, space, land, sea, existence as a whole. Seems like they are prime candidates for a religion to be based around as to where the dogs were, presumably, created by another 'god' and are thus more like servant of the gods? Much like Pegasus is viewed more as a servant of the greek gods, rather than a god themselves.
HEY HEY HEY. As always, I'm late! ;U;

-Satokuye you are of course welcome to join our lovely little school! Just have your 'mon sign up with Ms. Black and post your bio here.

-For the Psuedo rule, I've seen some valid arguments from both sides, and I think I'm going to remove that portion of the rule entirely. My idea was I didn't want you coming in and starting with a Salamence or something, but there's already a rule preventing that. Deino on, my good friend!

-Religion is perhaps similar to the real world... much like Christianity is the religion that spans much of our world, belief in Arceus is considered the main idea. Of course, there are other prominent religions as well that involve other legendaries. There are many branches to religion, for example: there is a general religion worshipping all three of the lake gods, Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf. However, some branches perhaps hold a specific Pokémon as most important. Plus, there is the division between those that worship Arceus as their sole god, and others that believe in multiple gods, or that Arceus created other gods and we should worship them, too. Each region also puts more emphasis on their specific native legendaries. In Sinnoh, Suicune, Raikou and Entei might be more like mythology, but in Johto they are worshipped more seriously. (Ms. Capelle specifically believes in Lugia and Ho-Oh as the primary gods, with the three featured as House deities as "prophets.") Hearthome City, as big as it is, has a lot of religious temples and churches, but they are primarily focus around Sinnoh legendaries. Legendaries have shown themselves to a few individuals, which most likely have written books about the encounters, but the deities do not overall show themselves to the public. I would prefer churches not be visited due to keeping this roleplay a friendly place, but depending on what you 'mon believes (or doesn't believe) they can have funny phrases such as "Oh my Arceus!" and the like, as well as a few other personal religious things. THIS HAS BEEN A PSA ON RELIGION IN THIS UNIVERSEEEEE--

//dies from effort

I'm gonna go try and post icebreakers. ;w;
"And there you have it folks, once again Believe comes at us with a remarkable PSA announcement, this time regarding the religious foundation of their well-crafted universe. This has been Key Bored from the Uproar News station, we hope to see you again for our late-night broadcast at 11pm this evening."

//Helps Believe recover from their premature, effort-based, death
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Lmao thanks... /dies again


I'm sad we don't have the forms over there, though. It made the job of registering students a lot easier. Time to get to work now that I've caught up on y'all's responses!
Well... I guess I'll wait for icebreakers since Joel is occupied with his little self-test thingy he's taking right now... (I'm just gonna hope that he doesn't turn the icebreaker to the literal terms...)

*Jigacho sits down showing off as he can be seen beating a robot at solving the rubik's cube by 0.314 seconds*
Fair enough. I like to do that with my characters, too. It's easier to write from the perspective of someone with a similar train of thought and personality. I'm probably going to end up doing the same with Naomi, lol. The only concrete thing I have now is that she's homosexual, she likes to sleep in, she likes music, and likes to experiment with clothes. So, about half of that is me. I'll leave you all to guess which two they are.
First one to get them both right gets an internet cookie and hug
Isabelle is barely like me. I'm not a female, first of all. The only things that are like me is that she loves dancing and takes revenge on some people.

I mean. Uh. I love you.

Wait that's not what I meant to-


I am very, very bad at this guessing game.

Let's have a few more 'mons pair up and we can get started! Either choose here or find someone random in the RP.

The only character I have that's similar to me is my fursona, Bea. Every other character I make is original, and I do my best to flesh out even the most unimportant NPCs so that they may be more than my little puppets.
I like to think Cliff is a lot like me, we both have past problems and irrational fear we worked through, bit distant in person. And I too have a habit of blowing water bubbles from my mouth, it's a great party-trick.