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Since Joel is basically the equivalent or worse state of being fainted at the moment... I will most likely be controlling my Gible NPC a little more than usual until Joel gets better.
Okay! No problem. Weren't there name suggestions earlier? Maybe you could give Gible a name (GIBBAAAAY!) or something.

Also! I forgot to mention, cute art as always of everyone's favorite Fletchling! (And everyone's favorite letter of the alphabet.) I want to try and draw some characters when I get the chance.
I'm still trying to think of what name I should give to the Gible since he's been a bit nameless for a while...

I've always wanted to draw some characters and especially my Fakemon... but my ability to do art is like trying to have Joel speak normally to others...

*Krynio gets angry at an Alpavros that took his cookie as he tries to hit the Alpavros but ends up missing, as the Alpavros uses Counter: Chronopiso to put himself back at the position he was at five seconds ago along with having his current HP at that time*
It doesn't matter how good you think your art is, just go ahead and draw what you want. I'm entirely self taught so I'm clueless on actual art stuff like shading and perspective, but I'll keep going til I do!
*a baby Smeargle hides from everyone while silently crying*

I just don't know if I should really do it since I don't want to be chastised for something that I can't exactly do naturally...
No-one's born knowing how to draw, it's something you have to practice. Some people do get it faster than others, but to be honest, when I first started my art looked like a battle of two toddlers fighting over a pen. I keep my old sketchbooks around even though looking at them is embarrassing, because when I'm feeling bad about my art I can remind myself I worked hard to get where I am.

My point is, no one here is gonna criticize you when you're giving it your best, and you'll only get better with practice. If you want to try, go for it. :)
Well alright... thanks...

I guess I'll try at my own time when I'm ready then...

On another note for @IBELIEVEYOUDO, I would like to ask... is the Nurse going to do anything to Joel? (I.e. Any treatments, administration of medicine, etc.)
Also, I know I'm not in Ignite but I am curious; Are Pokémon gyms still a thing? (I remember there's a ghost type one in Hearthome)
And is there such a thing as like... A WWE of battling, so to speak? Like staged battles for the audience's entertainment?
Grumpy, I'm really glad you gave such words of encouragement. I couldn't agree more. So, I would like to use my good friend Mid's art as an example.

https://bluesunbeam1.deviantart.com/gallery/43075908/2011 (2011 by bluesunbeam1 on DeviantArt)

This is her folder from 2011. Some of her art uses bases, but she was still brave enough to post what wasn't. Now, I would like to show you her current art. (The comic has been part of an art trade between her and a friend.)

https://bluesunbeam1.deviantart.com/gallery/62786834/2017 (2017 by bluesunbeam1 on DeviantArt)

This girl has made tremendous leaps; the improvement was only possible from years of practice and effort. The thing is though, to learn and improve as an artist, it doesn't require you post anything. The only reason some post their art is that it is an expression of one's self. I couldn't be prouder of my friend.

For Joel's sake, by the way (now that I'm off my soapbox) Rosid will probably be using a combination of Heal Pulse and Aromatherapy to calm him down and try and bring him back to consciousness. No actual medication or anything; just moves.

Now, concerning gyms, yup! Gym challenges certainly still exist. The Pokémon League challenge is the typical sporting event as far as battles are concerned. (This applies for the trials in Alola as well.) There are other challenges as well, such as the Battle Frontier in Hoenn and the Pokémon World Tournament in Unova. The fun thing about these though is... well, do you guys know who the Harlem Globetrotters are? They pull pranks during basketball games and such. There are silly teams that compete and host events to raise hype for the tournaments in competitions like the PWT. The tournament akin to the WWE (staged battles) would be the Battle Royal in Alola. It's televised, and a new, super popular thing for tourists to attend, but Battle Royals are mostly native to Alola. Other regions are starting to build their own facilities for Battle Royals, but not a single one has exactly completed construction yet. (Perhaps famous Battle Royal champions will go on tour once they do!)

Now, this part is more specific to our school's curriculum: like others before Capelle's School was constructed, you do not have to be in House Ignite to challenge any gym, nor do you have to challenge the gyms in any order. Gyms are all relatively the same as far as difficulty goes, each with different strategies for battling. However, Ignite's purpose is to equip students for any form of battling they choose, and most certainly WILL put an emphasis on teaching battle styles, other tournaments, and most importantly, teaching about the individual gyms located across Sinnoh. Gyms have six Pokémon that you have to fight back to back (almost Elite Four style.) At the Elite Four, you have to defeat FOUR teams of six and the Champion's team of six. The true gym leader/elite/champ will be the last of the six you fight. This style makes it as similar to the games as possible without humans, and, in my opinion, makes the battles more worthy of the title "gym challenge."

Enjoy my PSA.
Well... umm... as a confession... most of my life is pretty much cyber... (Reality sucks since I'm constantly under dictatorship with my mother that I can't exactly argue with since she's a bit close minded unfortunately...)

Also, the epipen that Joel dropped was prescribed to him by his former Nurse in his previous school before he would go over to this academy. (And well... he doesn't exactly like using it so yeah...)
Same here my dude... Dreading the start of College in a month. Fun times.

I admire your friend, Believe. I keep my sketchbooks and all, but I'd rather fling myself into the sun rather than show my deviantart to the world ever again.
Aw! Your improvement is just as inspiring. Is that little Valour there?

...Also, for Joel's epi... is it realistic that he would get super angry or something? I know shaking and anxiety can be side effects, but I'm not sure about to that degree.
The anger is mostly from the pain since he hates needles like he hates his vegetables... (Yeah call him a baby if you want, but he's not exactly the type of person that's meant to be tough to everything like his mother wants him to be...)

Also, he's not going to get SUPER angry to where he'll be like the incredible hulk unless if he was given an overdose that is about triple the amount of the directed dosage.
Valour's giving a lot'a thought about his image.

I think anger might be a possible side effect, if the medicine causes a spike in hormones?*
*I did poorly in Science take that with a grain of salt.
Well, Believe did say that the Nurse was not going to use meds... or at least from what I read.

I'm going to have to probably wait still since Joel is still a bit knocked out, which means that he can't exactly do much still. (And I don't wanna get spanked for accidentally controlling the Nurse again!)

*Krynio stuffs himself with cookies to avoid having to take his insulin shots, or at least that's how he thinks it works apparently*
Let's all have a little time zone meeting shall we? (It'll be a nice addition to icebreakers hehe, and also since it'll allow us to know when we're avaliable at general times and stuff.)

I'm in the Pacific area and the time for me right now is 20:52; for those that still like to use AM/PM, 8:52 PM.

*baby Smeargle can be seen painting a picture of his crush, though he doesn't realize that other people can see him doing it*
Well, it'll mostly help him calm him down if enough is applied since he's getting a bit feisty now... (The epipen/insulin thing is NOT recommended to use on him since it'll do the opposite of what the other medicine did...)
Well, Joel is trying to make a run for it since he now knows he's at a place where he doesn't exactly want to be... despite having very low energy to the point where he can't even pull off a Dragon Breath haha...
Yeah Joel should be a bit more healed up, but I will have him eat the sitrus berry to help him further and make him obey the Nurse for now since he should be calm at the moment hopefully...

And well, he wasn't going to attack the Nurse or at least try to haha... (He was trying to use it in his own creative way by making himself propel out of the room using the force from the energy launched.)
Well, Joel should be kinda fine... though I'm assuming he'll be going back to icebreakers then if he's all good to go... (Even though he may behave like a zombie sometimes, he still has his thoughts and stuff. c:)
Well umm... I kinda hate to break this to you... but umm... uhh...

Joel is probably going to sneak out of icebreakers if he's going to be forced to go back since well.... I'm sure he doesn't want to talk in front of the entire school now does he?

(He's going to melt away with the crowd as if nothing happened hehe...)
Oh, well see, I took advanced English when I was a freshman back in high school, right? Turns out, that was English II. So now that I want to go into English IV, they're like, "You can't until you take all the prerequisites!" So here I am trying to test out of English I. It's stupid and the tests are harder than the actual state testing itself. Plus, apparently, they won't even be able to work English IV into my schedule, so it's kinda pointless to take the test. I guess they didn't want me sitting in a room with freshman?
Yeah... kinda sucks, sometimes. ESPECIALLY in certain states. (*cough Texas cough*)


EDIT: Plus, an extra surprise! Off-Campus Locations! Guys, I swear, I promise I'm working on a map.

EDIT VERSION 2.0: I thought it would be a good idea to draw up a rough sketch of the layout of everything for you guys while I continue to work on the final map. There are some extra tidbits in of info located there as well. Enjoy! https://sta.sh/02b3m4lm6t91 (Ms. Capelle's School for Higher Education Map) I ain't gonna make a Hearthome map. You guys can suffer with my crude descriptions and the Diamond-Pearl-Platinum layout. Mwahahaha! I added links for the Off-Campus sections under the Locations tab anyways because I don't want to hurt you all my sweet precious children.

I'm still editing this at 4:40 in the morning... please help me Lord, or I will fail this test due to lack of sleep. xD
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