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Private/Closed Exploration of the Froena Region Sign Ups

Legendaries are tricky because, even for a cameo, I have to get permission from the admins of the site or the whole roleplay could be shut down. And @StormingCobra55 be careful with what looks you receive unless that person gave you said look in their own post. Assuming someone would give you a look and then saying they do when their own player hasn't posted such a thing can be viewed as godmodding. Godmodding is when you control or act as someone else's character in any degree and can get you in big trouble on most if not all role-playing websites, especially this one.
You're still learning. It's just something to keep in mind. I actually accedentaly committed the same sin myself when I was new player. Not on this website, but still. The people there weren't as kind; they were rather upset and only calmed somewhat when I explained that I didn't even know what I had done. Just be mindful of it so you don't get in trouble with anyone in the thread or with the website.
My iPad is going to die soon, unless i can get a charger. Im at my friends house, so if it dies, i wont be back until tomorrow, since im going to bed when i get home, and i have school again tomorrow.

Thanks to my sister, i managed to find a charger, so i can stay
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Think I'm gonna spend the next couple post just on interacting with Mienfoo until I catch it.

Ahh, now that you mention Zebstrika, I've been thinking of having one of my Pokemon being something rideable. I was thinking Arcanine or Rapidash, but I'm still considering my options, once I decide I'll probably replace the Salazzle, and although Volcrona can learn Fly, and should be large enough to use as aerial transport (Unlike say, Pidgey, which can learn fly but realistically speaking it's 1ft tall and certainly won't be carrying any humans with it.). I might end up using Braviery ... Still not decided on that one.
Do Charizard and Salamence count as a Pokémon i can ride? And do Pidgeot and Torterra count?
I believe all of those count as Pokemon you can ride, Charizard, Salamence, and Pidgeot are excellent air transport, and Torterra, although slow, is probably a pretty comfy ride too :)
Though Torterra can learn rock climb so you could ride it in the mountains~
Yeah, i wasnt gonna catch or evolve them for a while now, since i just got two new Pokémon and Pichu evolved.

At this point, i dont know if Charmander is going to be battling the recurring shiny Roggenrola or Darla's former Noivern, who is now a wild. I will sleep on it, and post in the morning, or the afternoon tomorrow.

Also, Finna's last dialogue takes place before Kaleb leaves the base, i just posted him leaving too early.
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Sounds like a plan. But be careful; that's a huge ice weakness on your team. Even Charizard doesn't resist ice hits and he would be your only counter to ice types. Let alone any random pokemon with ice beam... Just something to consider.
Yes. But Pangoro, Pikachu, Aggron, Pidgeot, Charizard, Torterra, Salamance, and Drapion equals to eight pokemon. Only six at once :)

And @kyuukestu What do you think of Finna? As a hobbyist writer, I always enjoy feedback on my characters :) I haven't asked about Asriel because he's a giant walking reference to an already great character so I won't take credit for that.
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And @kyuukestu What do you think of Finna? As a hobbyist writer, I always enjoy feedback on my characters :) I haven't asked about Asriel because he's a giant walking reference to an already great character so I won't take credit for that.

Well, so far she's got the aura of a tragic badass heroine or maybe even an Anti-hero, but since I've got no real backstory I can't really apply any other tropes as a reference.

Working with what I've got she seems to be a critical, no-nonsense type of girl. With only 3 or 4 posts to her name, I can't say that much about her >_<
Or at least not with certainty.

I feel like she might lean towards the sassy survivalist, which is quite close to Ender's character, but with more exploration of her backstory she could turn out to be quite different. Maybe a 'Silk Hiding Steel'? Alas I'm not that well versed in analyzing characters :'|
A water type with ice beam... funny thing about that... Darla has one on her championship team :3
I kept thinking Milotic since I swear it could learn Psychic and that'd take care of Pancham and Drapion, but not only can Milotic not learn Psychic I also completely forgot about Pancham and Drapion's second typing which protects them from it anyways.

Now that I've thought about it, @StormingCobra55 you might wanna fix a few fatal weaknesses, for example, Whiscash can learn moves that super-effective on every member of your team.

Muddy Water (Charizard, Aggron)
Earthquake (Drapion, Aggron, Pikachu)
Ice Beam (Pidgeot, Torterra, Salamence)
Bounce (Torterra, Pancham)

But even if we remove Bounce a water/ground type or even just a pure water type + Earthquake can deal some serious damage to your team.

We could replace Whiscash with Feraligatr and
Hydro Pump
Ice Punch
Super Power

You've got reasonable coverage against water types with Torterra and Pikachu but it's still something to consider.
No Ender, you are not alone! I am making this up as I go along XD all I know is I need a grass type next because I have no coverage for water pokemon at the moment >.>
And after the grass it's onto fire, rock, steel, or fighting pokemon to deal woth ice types because grass type is grass, Mudsdale is ground, and Nidoking is ground so ice wrecks me! Why does such an underused type wreck so many things?! XD
No Ender, you are not alone! I am making this up as I go along XD all I know is I need a grass type next because I have no coverage for water pokemon at the moment >.>
And after the grass it's onto fire, rock, steel, or fighting pokemon to deal woth ice types because grass type is grass, Mudsdale is ground, and Nidoking is ground so ice wrecks me! Why does such an underused type wreck so many things?! XD
My team wasn't made with coverage in mind, I actually just took some Pokemon I like, but don't use enough, and threw them into a team. Since this is more an anime style rp then battles are far more than just types, although Gliscor has the advantage over Lucario in both types, my counter for Glaceon's Lucario next time we battle is actually the Whimsicott lol.
Hehehehe, fair enough :) but here's a secret. I actually base the bad guys' pokemon off of Smogon records. Yeah, these could pass for pokemon generated specifically for competitive battling so I'm trying to make sure the bases are covered :p
Hmm, next its either ground, fire, or electric... Sneasel is very prone to fire attacks and most likely will be down with one shot, same with electric for Staravia but I don't know...
Hmm, next its either ground, fire, or electric... Sneasel is very prone to fire attacks and most likely will be down with one shot, same with electric for Staravia but I don't know...
You could always get something like Lanturn, which will resist both those things?

Edit: Depending on its ability of course.
That's true, I also need a water type XD

I kinda wanna see if I could get every typing, or at least close to it, I have a dark/ice and flying/normal so that's four out of the way
Hmmm, Question! @Melody-Jez

Since we've got people from the same Professors shouldn't there be some, I don't know, deeper relationship between them? Like having met each other beforehand? Or at least been aware of each other due to the professors.

Also since we were sent by the professors are we required to do any actual research? I might do so anyway, as part of my observing the lake and it's inhabitant Pokemon, but just asking.
Azure likes doing research but I have no idea about the others... Azure would be glad to do some. I'm posting in a moment if I can figure what to do.