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Previously turnt3chGodh34d
you watch the vid?
once i get home, i'll make a lengthy post breaking down all the events shown in the video, rather than just covering every single detail.
for those who don't want heavy spoilers for TWD, don't watch the vid, and don't read my coming post.

Pro Hero Dekiru

Previously Battle Legend G.K.
Okay, three questions.
1. Like in Glitchtale, can Gaster's hands be destroyed?
2. Can Gaster feel what his hands experience?
3. If the answer to one of these questions is "yes," can I auto Gaster's hand?
Oh, and Comic, I watched the video. It's good. Rick's a great character. Just a bit confusing how he flip-flopped between "kill the living" and "don't kill the living". Though rip Carl.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Okay, three questions.
1. Like in Glitchtale, can Gaster's hands be destroyed?
2. Can Gaster feel what his hands experience?
3. If the answer to one of these questions is "yes," can I auto Gaster's hand?
1. No. This is NOT GT Gaster, who is a laughably weak version of Gaster. Probably the weakest Gaster of almost ANY AU.
2. No. He can re-create them, but they're his favorite source of producing attacks.
3. While my answers are "no", it's fine to auto the hand- though you'll find they're fairly durable. More-so than the purple barrier.
Oh, and Comic, I watched the video. It's good. Rick's a great character. Just a bit confusing how he flip-flopped between "kill the living" and "don't kill the living". Though rip Carl.
Yeah, Rick was forced to change a LOT through each of the big arcs.
Season 1 = Good Rick
Season 2 = "I'm not the good guy anymore" Rick
Season 3 = Hard-ass Rick
Season 4 = Redeemed Rick
Season 5 = Badass Beard Rick
Season 6 = Crazy Rick
Season 7 = Pussy Rick
Season 8 = Heartless Rick
Season 9 = Best Rick
anyone remember Turbo?
Flushed Away?
Meet the Robinsons?

Turbo sucked, Bolt was great, I’ve never heard of the third one, and Meet the Robinsons was decent, plotholes aside.

My favorite Disney movie was always the Lion King. It has an extremely well-rounded and fun soundtrack, a nice plot, and an amazingly likeable villain in Scar. The sequel was decent.

I also loved Aladdin and Tarzan. Both had great plots and soundtracks as well. Especially Friend Like Me, You’ll Be in My Heart, One Jump Ahead, and Son of Man. And man, the animation in Tarzan is amazing. Tarzan definitely was best animation of the three.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Turbo sucked, Bolt was great, I’ve never heard of the third one, and Meet the Robinsons was decent, plotholes aside.

My favorite Disney movie was always the Lion King. It has an extremely well-rounded and fun soundtrack, a nice plot, and an amazingly likeable villain in Scar. The sequel was decent.

I also loved Aladdin and Tarzan. Both had great plots and soundtracks as well. Especially Friend Like Me, You’ll Be in My Heart, One Jump Ahead, and Son of Man. And man, the animation in Tarzan is amazing. Tarzan definitely was best animation of the three.
Aladdin, you say!?


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Also uh... when should I expect this?
not entirely sure.
when i get the inspiration to make it.
i dunno.
there's seriously a LOT to cover.
legit, if i laid out every detail, and covered everything i could just to get everything across, i would be typing down more than the entire rp has so far.
so i'm trying to figure out how to simplify it all.

Pro Hero Dekiru

Previously Battle Legend G.K.
Okay, good. And yeah, I'm more into it than I thought I was. I initially wanted to look into it after you suggested the Tempo/Dex ship, and wanted some information on the character.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
This will mostly focus on Rick, but when Negan comes in, i'll focus a bit on him, as well.
Season 1
The video begins with showing Rick in Season 9 Episode 5, hallucinating a long-deceased Shane. They're sitting in the same Police Car shown in the first episode of the series, the car sitting in front of a field before a turned-over car. They discuss that there was a third suspect in the car they didn't know about. One that shot Rick when they let their guard down, putting Rick into a near-two month coma.
During this coma, the apocalypse happened, and when Rick woke up, the world was nothing like it used to be. He traveled home to find his wife Lori and his son Carl were gone. He then met Morgan Jones and Morgan's son; Duane Jones. Morgan revealed the circumstances to Rick, who eventually accepted this. They parted ways the next day after collecting what they could from the abandoned Police Station. Rick, with a family photo, a bag of guns, his sheriff hat, and his trusty colt python went on his way to Atlanta, Georgia, where Morgan said he'd heard there was a safe-zone there.
Rick eventually arrives in Atlanta on horse-back, the police cruiser having run out of fuel on the way. Walkers swarmed them, and the horse was eaten alive. Rick managed to get under a tank, and found the bottom open, making his way inside and into safety. On a radio, he met Glenn Rhee, who risked his neck getting Rick out of the tank and to his group.
The group then has a conflict with one of their members, Merle Dixon, who Rick hand-cuffed to the roof in order to halt the conflict. The group then make a daring escape of Atlanta, and due to inconvenience, Merle is left behind.
The group gets back to their bigger group in a camp outside of Atlanta, where Rick is reunited with Lori and Carl. Lori, meanwhile, had started an affair with Shane Walsh, Rick's partner and best friend, and has unknowingly become pregnant with his child. Rick then meets Merle's brother, Daryl Dixon, and Rick decides to head back to save Merle with Daryl, Glenn and T-Dog, despite the other members of the group (besides Daryl) telling Rick to not bother with Merle. During this, Daryl attacks T-Dog, who Rick had given the handcuff keys, and T-Dog had dropped them on accident during the escape. Rick stops Daryl, putting a gun to his head, stating; "We don't kill the living."
They find Merle's hand on the roof, the man having sawed it off to escape. They find more evidence that suggests Merle cauterized the wound and escaped the city. After a scuffle with a group in Atlanta, Rick and co return to camp just as it's being attacked by a large group of walkers. The group fights off the walkers, and a lot of people die, over half of the camp.
The group then decides to head to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), but Morales and his family leave the group to head elsewhere in search of other family. Once Rick's group arrives at the CDC, they find that there's no cure, and that they can't be saved. The only person alive at the CDC, Edwin Jenner, reveals more about the virus to the group, before revealing that the CDC is set to self-destruct.
The group gets out of the CDC except for one member of the group, Jacqui, who decided to commit suicide with Jenner.
Season 2
Rick's group moves on, and eventually come across an old traffic jam. They search the abandoned cars before a herd of walkers stumble up the highway. The group hides under the cars, but when one walker goes for a little girl; Sophia Peletier, she runs off into the woods. Rick takes off after her. He catches her, then hides her to kill the walkers pursuing them.
However, when he returns to her, she's missing. This results in the group having to stay at the highway to search for her, and take care of Sophia's emotionally distraught mother, Carol Peletier. While searching for Sophia- Rick, Shane and Carl branch off, resulting in a hunter accidentally shooting Carl through a deer. Otis, the hunter, hurriedly takes the three to a farm nearby to try and save Carl, where they meet Hershel Greene. He tends to Carl as he sends his daughter, Maggie Rhee out to collect the rest of the group.
Rick's group stays at the Greene farm, and tensions between Rick and Shane rise. Shane believes Lori belongs to him, and has had everything taken from him by Rick. Before Rick was, Shane was the leader of the group. Shane starts to harden faster than the others to the new world, and when searching for medical supplies with Otis, he shoots Otis in the leg to get away with the supplies as walkers chase them.
Carl recovers, and the group learns that the barn has walkers in it. Hershel reveals the walkers in the barn are family members, and other strangers. Hershel believes a cure will be found, so keeps the walkers in the barn, and feeds them weekly.
Shane, angered, opens the barn and kills the walkers that come out. The last walker to come out is Sophia. Rick is the one to put her down, and Hershel leaves for a bar to get drunk, distraught. Rick searches for him with Glenn, and finds him, before they're interrupted by two men. Rick grows suspicious of the men, and when the men get on either side of him, despite their friendly acts, Rick kills them both, marking them as his first human kills.
The men's group comes in search of them, leaving Rick, Glenn and Hershel to fight their way out. During this, one member of the men's group, Randall, falls off a building and impales his leg. Rick, Glenn and Hershel decide to save him, and take him back to the farm with a bag over his head.
A couple weeks pass as Randall's leg heals, and the group debates how to deal with him. Dale Horvath convinces the group not to kill Randall, so Rick and Shane take Randall 18 miles out to drop him off at a school. However, Rick and Shane get into a physical fight that attracts walkers, so they take Randall back to the farm.
Lori reveals to Rick that she's pregnant, and manipulates Rick into becoming angry and jealous of Shane. Rick and Shane's relationship falls apart further, until Shane decides to take action on the Randall situation. He believes Randall should be killed, so he takes Randall into the woods in the evening, and murders him, before breaking his own nose on a tree, and returning to the farm to trick the others that Randall escaped and broke his nose. Rick, Shane, Daryl and Glenn go out to search for Randall, and split up. Rick with Shane, Daryl with Glenn.
Shane then attempts to kill Rick, but Rick convinces him not to. During Shane's moment of weakness, Rick murders Shane. Carl comes out, and finds the scene. Shane reanimates, and Carl puts down Walker Shane. However, the gunshot attracts a passing herd that attacks the farm and kills a few lame characters nobody remembers or cares about. This splits up the group as they flee.
Some of the group regroups, and Rick reveals that he learned something from Jenner. No matter how you die, you come back as a walker, only as long as the brain isn't destroyed. Then, he ends the democracy of the group, making it a dictatorship, with him as the dictator. This is where the 'Ricktatorship', as the fans call it, begins.
Season 3
Rick and the group, after a seven month time jump, come across a prison. They clear out the yard, then they start clearing out the prison. They meet a group of prisoners who'd been hiding inside, trapped with a large supply of food and water, not knowing of the apocalypse. Rick and Daryl attempt to educate the prisoners, but one tries to take leadership from Rick. After a little while, the prisoner, Tomas, nearly kills Rick by sending a walker his way, saying; "Shit happens."
Rick then kills the prisoner with a machete, stating; "Shit happens."
The only other prisoner loyal to Tomas, Andrew, flees, and Rick traps him outside with a group of walkers. However, Andrew, in revenge, activates the prison security system, rilling up any and all walkers around. As Rick tries to deal with this, Lori goes into labor, but is unable to give birth and has to undergo C-Section. Nobody is around to do it, so Carl himself performs the operation on his own mother, and his little sister Judith Grimes is successfully born. Lori, however, dies from blood loss.
When Rick returns, he learns of this, and goes into a depression, in which he hallucinates Lori for a while, until he meets a newcomer to the prison; Michonne. She reveals a person known as 'The Governor', and the group learns that one of their original members, Andrea, is with him in a place called Woodbury. While on a supply run, Glenn and Maggie are captured by Merle Dixon, who is also with The Governor, and is one of his closest allies. Rick organizes a rescue party, and attacks Woodbury in the dead of night, successfully pulling out Glenn and Maggie while Daryl confronts his brother.
At some point, Rick goes searching for weapons with Carl and Michonne, and comes to their old hometown, where Rick encounters a delirious Morgan, who reveals that Duane turned into a walker. Morgan declines Rick's desire to join the group, so Rick takes what weapons he can, and heads back.
Eventually, Merle joins Rick's group, in which he notices just how cold and heartless Rick has become. The Governor then organizes an attack on the prison, killing several people, before he leaves. By this point, the Governor has mentally cracked, and murders almost all of his army, then burns down Woodbury. Merle also dies this season, as well as Andrea- and many many other characters.
Season 4
Another time jump of nearly 2 months, Rick's group managed to save and take in a large amount of survivors from Woodbury. Rick takes up farming, and harvests in the prison yard, where they have pigs and whatnot. Things are going well, until one day, the Governor returns with a new army. He takes Michonne and Hershel hostage. Rick, by this point, has redeemed himself, and come back from his hardened state thanks to Hershel. Rick tries to convince the Governor that they can work together and live side-by-side, but the Governor calls him a "liar", and kills Hershel. Angered, Rick fires his gun at the Governor, before taking cover. Also- the Governor has a tank this time, and he has his army attack the prison in full-force.
Rick's group flees as Rick fights the Governor. Just when the Governor is about to kill Rick, Michonne saves him by killing the Governor. Rick then takes off to search for Carl, and the two find Judith's baby stroller- though it's empty, and there is blood inside. They believe Judith is dead, and when they can't find anybody else, the two leave the prison behind.
Rick becomes dangerously ill while they're on the road, so the two hole-up in a house for a while, until Rick recovers, and the two reunite with Michonne.
A few days later, Michonne and Carl go in search of supplies, leaving Rick at home, who was still not fully recovered, before the house is raided by a group known as the 'Claimers'. Rick hides under his bed, and two Claimers come to his room, and get into a fight that leads to death. One noticed him- but was killed by another Claimer before he could reveal Rick to him.
Rick then kills the second Claimer, and escapes the house, finding Michonne and Carl, and leaving. Some time after, Daryl meets the Claimers, and joins them.
The Claimers track down Rick, and capture him. Daryl tries to stop Joe, the leader of the claimers, form killing Rick. Joe has his men beat Daryl, and tells Rick they'll kill Daryl, then rape and kill Michonne, then rape and kill Carl. Rick slams the back of his head into Joe's face, angering Joe. Rick is disoriented, however, as Joe fired his weapon next to Rick's ear.
Joe then captures Rick in a bear hug, so Rick proceeds to brutally rip Joe's throat out with his teeth. Rick then single-handedly kills the remaining Claimers, and tells Daryl that they're brothers, before they continue on.
They follow signs to a safe haven known as "Terminus", but too late, they learn that the people of Terminus are cannibals, and they capture Rick's group, and lock them up. Rick is reunited with other members of his group, and devises a plan to escape and kill the people of Terminus, stating;
"They're fucking with the wrong people."
Season 5
Rick and a few others are brought out to be killed, then cut apart for storage and later consumption. However, Carol, outside of Terminus, learns that the others are there, and launches an attack, blowing a few gas tanks, and attracting a herd of walkers. In the confusion, Rick attacks and kills several people, freeing himself, then freeing his group. He then leads his group out, killing people as they go, before they reunite with Carol, who has Tyreese Williams with her. Tyreese is holding baby Judith in his arms. Rick and Carl are reunited with her.
The group then move on past Terminus, coming to a church where they take refuge for a bit, and meet Father Gabriel. They aren't trusting of him at first, but he soon becomes a part of their group- until the last survivors of Terminus, lead by Gareth, attacks the group.
Rick lures Gareth into the church, and personally kills him. However, Daryl chases after a car going down the highway, so Rick and co. go with him, and discover Beth- Maggie's missing sister, who'd been with Daryl until she disappeared in the same car Daryl had chased weeks ago -is with a group of police officers back in Atlanta. Abraham Ford and his group split from Rick's to continue their journey to Washington DC.
Rick attacks and kills several Officers, before they eventually arrive at the hospital to save Beth. Beth, however, is killed by the leader- Dawn -when Beth attempts to kill Dawn with a pair of scissors. Daryl kills Dawn, Noah joins their group, and they all leave.
On the road again, the group come across several jugs of water on the road. They don't trust it, and think it's a trap. It starts to rain, then they hole up in a horse stable for the night, before they meet Aaron, who reveals he left the water out for them, and explains he recruits people from the outside and takes them to his community.
Rick eventually agrees to go to this community, but the group is hesitant with their past experiences. They arrive at Alexandria, a walled-off community with solar panels that give them electricity, and wells, giving them water. The group learns that the Alexandrians haven't had to face the conflicts outside the walls, and think of them as soft. Rick, however, becomes an officer at Alexandria, and gets a shave. He then begins to develop feelings for a woman named Jessie Anderson, who has a husband named Pete, and two sons named Sam and Ron. Rick and Pete develop a rivalry, as well as Carl and Ron, as Ron is jealous of Carl when his ex-girlfriend, Enid, begins to show feelings for Carl.
Eventually, Rick and Pete get into a big brawl when Rick learns Pete is abusive to his family. The community knows of this, but does nothing, as Pete is the only doctor they have in the community.
After nearly killing Pete, Rick tells the leader of Alexandria, Deanna Monroe, that her way has to end, and that he'll show them the way. Rick is stopped by Michonne, however, and the group eventually have a meeting over Rick, which Rick himself attends. However, a drunk and angered Pete arrives with Michonne's sword to try and kill Rick. Deanna's husband, Reg, tries to stop Pete, who accidentally slits Reg's throat with the sword.
Pete is quickly detained by Daryl, and a distraught Deanna gives Rick the order to kill Pete. Rick does so without a moment's hesitation, just as Morgan Jones arrives at the community to witness this.
Season 6
Some time passes, in which Rick's group fully melds with the Alexandrians, and they discover a massive herd of walkers. Worried that the walkers might storm the community, Rick organizes a team to distract and divert the walkers away to somewhere where they won't both Alexandria. However, everything goes to shit when a group known as 'The Wolves' led by a young man named Owen attack the group.
After a day's conflict, Owen is killed by Carol, but the Wolves' motives were to bring the herd to Alexandria, and this succeeds as Alexandria is stormed by the walker herd.
The residents hide in their houses, but in an attempt to get everyone together, Sam gets eaten by walkers. Distraught, Jessie allows herself to be eaten as well. Ron pulls a gun on Rick, but Michonne impales Ron with her sword. Ron fires a stray bullet that takes out Carl's eye, who passes out. Rick takes Carl to the infirmary, before he lets his rage loose on the walker herd. With help from the rest of the community, they slaughter the entire herd with only a few losses- Rick easily racking up the highest kill count.
They then clear out all the bodies, and Carl recovers in the infirmary. During this time, Rick and Michonne begin a romantic relationship.
While out on a supply run, Rick and Daryl meet a man who calls himself Jesus, and after some awkward encounters, Jesus secretly follows Rick and Daryl back to Alexandria. He then sneaks into Rick's house, and waits until morning to meet with him. Jesus reveals to Rick that there is a network of communities, and asks to take him to his own, known as 'The Hilltop'. Rick agrees, and takes a few Alexandrians to the Hilltop, where they meet Gregory, a politically corrupt, selfish old coward. However, outside, some Hilltop people return, and attempt to kill Gregory, leading to Rick and Daryl killing the two hostile men.
Jesus reveals that they were sent by a man named Negan, the leader of a group known as 'The Saviors', who was angered by something stupid Gregory did. Gregory asks Rick for his help in killing Negan. Rick instantly agrees, and heads to an outpost pointed out by Jesus. Rick believes this outpost to be Negan's base, but after killing everyone inside and raiding the place, he learns this isn't the case.
Throughout the remainder of the season, Rick and his group encounter more and more of Negan's men, but never the man himself. They begin to believe that Negan has hundreds of men working for him.
Finally, however, they draw out Negan, who has Rick's group cornered and surrounded. he meets with them personally, and sets down some ground rules, revealing they'll be working for him, but they need to pay for what they did to his men.
Cue the dumbest cliffhanger in the show's history.
Season 7
Negan brutally kills Abraham, bashing his head to a pulp. Abraham's last words; "Suck my nuts.", which seemed to humor Negan. He then taunts the group, provoking Daryl into attacking him. For that, Negan then kills Glenn, mentally breaking Daryl, who realized his actions caused Glenn's death.
Rick, however, threatens Negan, who is determined to mentally break Rick, so he takes Rick out in an RV, shows him who's boss, and they eventually return. Rick is still defiant, however, so gives Rick a hatchet, has Carl lay on the ground, and orders Rick to cut off Carl's arm. This breaks Rick, as he begins to bawl and cry over this, and just as Rick is about to finally do it, Negan stops him, happy that Rick is broken, and tells him they'll return in a week for half of Rick's stuff.
Rick returns to Alexandria, and reveals that Negan is now in charge. Negan soon arrives, and Rick questions his early arrival. Negan taunts Rick and the community, taking well over half of the stuff in Alexandria, before leaving. Rick continues to roll over for Negan, until eventually, he comes out of his stupor, and rallies Alexandria to war against Negan, then travels to the Hilltop to ask for their help. Gregory declines, but Jesus speaks for the people of Hilltop, and states they'll help. He then reveals there's another community, much larger than Alexandria or the Hilltop. Rick travels to this community known as 'The Kingdom', led by King Ezekiel and his pet Tiger, Shiva. Rick manages to recruit the Kingdom to his cause, and thus begins the march to war.
Rick then encounters another group, known as the Scavengers, and attempts to recruit them. They agree to, at the price of many guns. Rick's people also meet a group called 'Oceanside', who completely refuse to join the war, revealing that Negan's men killed all the men of their group when they didn't join. Really, this was actually Negan's right-hand man, Simon, who acted against Negan's orders in an overkill manner.
Negan learns of the war effort, however, and travels to Alexandria to confront Rick. The Scavengers are there, and they turn on Rick, revealing Negan's group gave them more. Negan is about to publicly execute Carl after Rick threatens Negan, before the Hilltop and the Kingdom arrive, and fight off the Saviors and the Scavengers. Negan escapes on a truck, flipping Rick off.
The war has begun.
Season 8
Rick launches an attack on Negan's base, known as 'The Sanctuary'. A firefight breaks out, but Negan lives as walkers bust in. Rick then escapes the Sanctuary, and travels to the Scavengers in an attempt to revert their allegiance. Jadis, the leader of the Scavengers, refuses this time. Rick then heads back to Alexandria just after Negan launches a devastating attack on it. Negan's men are equipped with grenade launchers, and are completely destroying Alexandria. Carl takes action, evacuating everyone to the sewers before Rick arrives. Rick and Negan have a brawl, in which Rick is almost killed, and escapes to the sewers and joins up with everybody. Negan returns to the Sanctuary as Carl reveals his bite to Rick, who weeps over his son.
In the morning, everyone leaves the sewers, and Carl shoots himself to keep himself from coming back. Distraught, Rick buries his son. Michonne reveals that Carl wrote letters before he died. One for her, one for him, and one for Negan. Rick reads Negan's instead of his, then uses a radio to contact the Saviors, and talks with Negan, revealing what Carl had said. Negan, who'd grown fond of Carl after several interactions, is visibly distraught over this, and apologizes to Rick over everything. Rick, however, tells Negan that the war isn't over until Negan's dead.
Carl, however, had shared his vision of peace with Rick, telling him that the war with Negan could end without Negan's death. Rick doesn't accept this, however, as the war continues. Negan, meanwhile, begins to get double-crossed by Simon, who turns a few Saviors to his side. Eventually, Negan confronts Simon, and offers a fair fight. The two brawl to the death- winner takes all. Negan manages to kill Simon, and strings him to the outside fence when he reanimates. Negan and Rick both prepare for an all-out brawl, but Negan learns he has a spy in his midst, and deduces it's Dwight, one of his lieutenants, who'd been working against Negan since near the beginning of the war. Negan creates a plan of attack that Dwight takes to Rick, but this is a decoy, as Negan creates the real plan with the rest of his Saviors, still a few hundred of them, and prepares for the final attack.
When Dwight returns, Negan captures him and reveals the true plans. Rick's group is falling into a trap.
Rick finally reads Carl's letter to him, and weeps over it, conflicted with sparing Negan or killing him.
The next day, the final day of the war begins. Rick follows the fake map given by Dwight, and his army falls into a trap by Negan's men. Negan taunts Rick, before ordering his men to fire. Every single weapon the Saviors have backfires, destroying the guns and making them useless. This was caused by Eugene, one of Rick's men who Negan had captured and forced to make bullets, as Eugene had made a bullet for Rosita back in Season 7 in an attempt to kill Negan.
Negan attacks Eugene, but is interrupted by Dwight, before Rick attacks him, as the rest of Rick's men round up the Saviors as hostages. Negan flees down the hill with Rick pursuing him, before the two fight another time, resulting in Negan about to win, before Rick talks about Carl, which halts Negan, allowing Rick to use a piece of glass to slit Negan's throat. Negan falls to the ground, stating; "Carl didn't know a damn thing.", reminding Rick of Carl's vision of the future. Rick ultimately decides to save Negan, ordering Siddiq to "save him". This angers and upsets Maggie, who wants justice for Glenn's death, whom she'd married back in Season 3, and was pregnant with his son.
The war ends, and after a speech from Rick, everyone returns home as Maggie and Daryl plot together to kill Negan.
Rick takes Negan back to Alexandria, and locks him up in a cell, telling Negan that he's the symbol of a future he won't get to be a part of. He's the symbol of a better way. An example.
Season 9
Skip ahead one and a half years to find Rick is a hero among the communities. "The man who ended the war. Rick Grimes.". Rick isn't comfortable with this title, however. He's married to Michonne, and Judith is growing up. He's trying to keep the communities calm, and keep roads good between them in order to maintain good relationships. However, a bridge leading to the Sanctuary is beginning to crumble, and Rick is desperate to have it repaired. He meets with Maggie to ask for her help on it, and she agrees, but states that the Saviors need to provide the bulk of the work force. Rick meets with the Saviors, who agree, and the Bridge goes under construction, led by Rick, who is determined to see it through.
Tensions rise, however, as Saviors start to disappear, as they're being picked off by victims of Oceanside. Rick and Daryl's relationship begins to fall apart, and Maggie learns of the Oceanside's doings. Inspired, she finally decides to kill Negan, and his Daryl distract Rick.
Rick quickly figures out Daryl's motives, and they get into a fight, resulting in them falling into a sinkhole. They try to make amends, and work together to get out of the hole. They find that a walker herd is headed straight for the bridge, so they split up. Rick tries to lead the herd away on Horseback as Daryl heads to Alexandria to stop Maggie.
Rick arrives at an intersection, and finds another walker herd heading for them. His horse freaks out, and rears, launching Rick off, who falls into some rubble, impaling himself on a rod of rebar. He passes out, and dreams of the day he woke up in the apocalypse. Day 59, before waking up quickly. He manages to pull himself out of the rebar and get to his horse, but starts bleeding out as the two walker herds merge into one massive herd.
On the way, he hallucinates Shane, then he hallucinates Hershel, and hallucinates Sasha- who died in Season 7 -the sister of Tyreese- who died in Season 6 -before reaching the bridge. During this whole time, he's delirious, and is searching for his family, much like in the first two episodes of the series. He believes the bridge still isn't strong enough, so he thinks it'll collapse and the walker herd will fall into the water and be swept away. He then hallucinates Michonne, Daryl, and everyone else coming to save him, and figures out that he doesn't need to look for his family, as they're right here.
During this, Negan is still locked up in his cell. Michonne confronts Maggie, who convinces Michonne to let her kill Negan. Maggie faces Negan, who taunts Maggie, trying to get her to kill him. However, Maggie realizes this, and demands Negan tell her why she should. Negan begins to break down in tears, and reveals he wants to die to be reunited with his wife- Lucille. Maggie decides Negan faces a fate worse than death in the cell, and leaves him to rot.
The group then learn of Rick's actions, and quickly travel to the bridge.
The bridge, meanwhile, holds, and Rick begins to panic, realizing the herd could arrive in Alexandria. However, he notices a few sticks of dynamite on the bridge. While he's still bleeding out, delusional, exhausted and weak, he raises his gun, aims through the walkers traveling across the bridge, and says "I found them." Referring to his search for his family before firing his gun. The bridge is completely destoryed in the explosion, which seems to kill Rick, who is thrown into the river. The herd continues on their way, walking through the fire to burn up and die, and fall into the water below. Rick managed to save the communities and get rid of the herd. Everyone else believes he's dead, but really, Rick finds himself on a helicopter, hooked to an IV, being flown away with Jadis before him, telling him he'll be okay, before passing out, and ending his run on the show.
Rick's story isn't over, however, as he's going to be appearing in a trilogy of Rick Grimes TWD movies to continue his epic.
To Be Continued...
jeez, that was a lot. i covered all the important stuff, but there's a LOT i left out, so if you read through and find plot holes... most of that is because of details i left out.
anyone remember Turbo?
Flushed Away?
Meet the Robinsons?
I've watched all of them, but I don't recall much about Flushed Away. It was about rats though. Sewer city?
I’m thinking Belowski would mistake every robot master to be the first part of their name. Like thinking Cutman would be ‘Cut’ and the ‘man’ part would be them just acting like dudes
Basically what the Hunter's doing with "Bolt", "Shears", and "Clock" :p

I think this next post is shaping up to be my favorite. Is it too early to introduce Lif as an antagonist set up? Or should I hold off on him?
But real talk- anyone remember Shark Tales?

...I wish I didn't either :?

For reference, when I say set up Lif, I mean he's approaching Keda's village. Of course, he almost immediately stops, because they don't understand his language nor do they understand how to even make weapons. Well, make weapons out of molten metal that is. Of course, that's as much set up as he gets. Literally just approaching.

Still, he's not exactly a nice looking fellow. Literally everything about him is edge and badness. So I don't think they'd exactly welcome him into the village :p
Jet drew his sword.
"I'm still alive, damn it," he muttered, his blade lighting up with Elemental Power, as well as his SOUL.

*Your stamina has reached the absolute. As such, your powers are at their current peak.

"Let's see what we can do here," he thought, placing his hand on the floor.
Spiking form his blade, eleven figures started to form around Gaster, floating around him. They were all obviously caricatures of people; but only people that Jet knew.
Each of them was made of crystal, though they appeared different.
The first was made of an orange crystal; It had no shape, but it was almost if it had hair; short hair curled around the "head". It wielded a cannon that could fire crystals like bullets. It seemed to be "eyeing" Gaster, though it didn't have a face.
The second was a deep navy blue, seeming to have sharp, spiky hair. It held two staves that had wicked blades on the ends. The being looked like it was ready to assault him like an animal.
The third was a bright silver, and appeared to be female; it appeared to have long hair that swept down behind the back and over the shoulders. It held two kunai throwing knives. The expression on the crystal's face looked like it didn't want to hurt him, but would.
The fourth and fifth also appeared to be female in stature; the fourth was a bright pink, with what appeared to be a pony tail, as did the fifth, which was purple. However, their body sizes, shapes, and weapons were different.
The fourth held a crossbow that fired crystal arrows back to back. It looked energetic, like it was prepared to pin Gaster down.
The purple one held a glowing khopesh, and looked experienced.
The sixth was green, and had no weapons. It looked like it had handsome hair that swept across and down the scalp. Its body language seemed to suggest that among the group, it was the most capable.
The seventh was red and seemed to have standing curly hair like fire. It wielded a large katana, and pointed it at Gaster like it was born to fight, which in fact, it was.
The eighth was a glimmering royal blue, and looked as if it had curling, frantic hair, as if it was struck by lightning. Body language suggested that it was underestimating the Doctor. If it was alive, it probably would have cracked a joke.
The ninth was a murky aqua color, and appeared as if it was female like the fourth and fifth. The shape of its head seemed to have hair that flowed like water, up to a ponytail at the upper back of the head. It held a spear and pointed it at Gaster. It seemed to be calm and collected, while analyzing the most efficient way to take him down.
The tenth was a deep black, and held a scythe. It's shape looked as if it had shaggy hair, a headband, and muscles, and appeared to want to tackle Gaster to the floor with pure brute strength.
The eleventh was pure white, and held two shurikens. It had an army haircut, and moved squarely, as if it was a robot. However, it seemed to be cold as ice when looking at its body language, like it could move in for the kill in less than a second.
None of the designs really mattered, however; what mattered was that they hovered around the Royal Scientist, their weapons drawn and ready to let hell loose.

*This probably won't do much; but it's worth a shot.

"You don't need to tell me that," Jet thought.
He closed his left eye, seeing through the faces of his creations.
Chains erupted from the floor, attempting to wrap around Gaster and put him in place.
With a push of his hand, the eleven figures then took action, seconds after they were made.
The orange, pink, silver, and white figures attacked from a distance, firing sharp crystals at rapid speeds.
The other nine rushed in, one after the other, each ready to deliver sharp blows, one after the other.
And behind them all?
Jet himself had made a move, rushing in as the last fighter among the statues taking a stand against Gaster, surrounded by hovering crystals that orbited him and would impale anything that got close.
If this didn't work, only one other thing might be able to.

And he wasn't even close to unlocking that yet...

Nice to see Ava making a cameo. Even if it is somewhat indirect. And speaking of Ava … *grins*
Yeah, I guess that could work. Thing is, though, Tau’s very much a community person and his fellow tribe leader does look super scary. So Lif might just get brought in for the winter.
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