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Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

After returning her Starmie Misty sent out her Goldeen, "this is gonna be easy, Angel use aerial ace" Asteria commanded and her beloved Togetic swiftly flew down from above before hitting Goldeen head on which caused the fish like pokemon to fly back, "Goldeen use water pulse" Misty ordered but Goldeen was already having a hard time staying afloat on the water, the red headed gym leader sighed before raising her hand and stating she forfieted.

Angel happily flew into her trainers arms as Asteria have her pokemon a kiss on its forehead, then the gym leader approached them with a smile on her face "you and your pokemon have a strong bond" Misty stated as she handed Asteria the Cascade Badge, after saying thank you to Misty, Asteria walked over to where Brian was sitting before sitting down right next to him and showing him her newly evolved Togetic.
Brian took the buds out of his ears and gave Asteria a slow clap. "Congrats Asteria, on both your victory and your newly evolved Angel. I guess that means it's my turn to go and battle, wish me luck." He said as he got up and began to make his way to Misty.

Misty was busy healing her Pokémon just in time for Brian's arrival. "Another challenger huh? That was fast." Misty said. "I'm with her." Brian replied and lightly gestured to Asteria. "The name's Brian by the way." He said as he tipped his hat to her. "Ladies first." He added with a smile.

"Quite the gentleman, aren't you?" She said in a somewhat joking tone. "Go, Staryu!" She shouted as she threw her Poké ball to get Staryu out. Brian threw his Poké ball upward. "Let's do this Ralts." He said as the latter came out of his Poké ball, clearly ready to battle.
Asteria took Lunar out and have both of her pokemon little pompoms from her bag as the two pokemon started to cheer Brian on while Asteria sat down and went on her poketch to see that her dad had sent her a video of her mom becoming a Grand Dutchess which caused the blonde to smile at how awesome her mother was.

Lunar and Angel looked at each other before both jumping into Asteria should lap to watch the video of their trainers mother, once the pair saw Asteria should mom's Pokemons they were in awe at how powerful they all looked especially the Metagross and Gyrados, "Angel, Lunar, you two were supposed to cheer Brian on" Asteria reminded as she turned of her poketch before gently putting both of the Pokemon on the railings where both the Fairy types sat and cheered on for Brian and Ralts
Brian looked at Asteria and her Pokémon as they cheered for him. "Cute." He thought. "Alright Ralts, Double Team!" Brian commanded, Ralts ran forward and another Ralts decoy appeared with every step. "That won't stop us." Misty replied. "Staryu, use Water gun on all of them!" She shouted. "Dodge it, now!" Brian shouted, all of the Ralts front flipped over the beam of water except for a few fakes which disappeared on impact. "Now use Magical Leaf." Ralts let out a few sharp leaves toward Staryu almost like ninja stars. Staryu fell backward after the Grass type attack and was unable to battle. Misty scoffed and returned Staryu to his Poké ball.

Misty threw another Poké ball that contained Starmie. "Use Bubble Beam!" Misty commanded. "Counter it with Disarming voice!" Brian shouted. Starmie let out a stream of bubbles whilst Ralts let out an odd wave which seeming locked together only for Ralts to succumb to the Bubble Beam and get sent backward slightly. "Are you okay?" Brian asked, Ralts responded with a nod. "He won't be for much longer!" Misty shouted "Use Psychic and old him up, then use Bubble Beam!" Staryu did as he was told. "Block it with Magical Leaf!" Brian cried. before Ralts was hit by Bubble Beam, a small tornado of leaf like projectiles orbited around him like a shield.

During the moment, Ralts began to glow brightly and his shape began to change. He evolved into a more powerful Kirlia that sent both his Magical Leaf and Starmie's Bubble Beam back to the latter. Starmie fell backward after the bombardment he had received. "We did it! We won." Brian cheered whilst his newly evolved Kirlia landed, ran toward his trainer and hugged him tightly. Brian returned the hug while Misty returned her Starmie and walked up to Brian. "Great job on that battle, clearly your Pokémon must be really close to you." She said as she held out the Cascade Badge. Brian took it happily and tipped his hat once more to Misty. "Thank you for the battle, Misty." He said with a smile and made his way back to Asteria.
Asteria smiled at Brian as her pokemon gave back their pompoms to their trainer who put the back in her bag, She then put her pokemon back inside their pokeballs except Angel sense she wouldn't have to carry her anymore, "well let's head out, sense I really wanna catch a new Pokemon" Asteria suggested. The female then walked out of the gym with her Togetic flying right behind her.


Previously m1h4jl0
Mickey was laying on his bed trying to get what happend. He didnt knew what to do.
"I could go for him but now it is too late. And what kind of ball was that'' Mickey thought
Brian chuckled lightly while letting Kirlia sit on his shoulder. "Alright, let' see what the next route as in store for us!" He said confidently as he followed Asteria out and began to get his earbuds out and listen to some smooth jazz. Kirlia lightly waved at Togetic as they walked out.
OOC @MihajloJedi not mad at you i was away for a few hours.

Validus woke up in an unfamiliar bed. "I guess I was half-asleep when I came here." He said. He walked out of his room and out into the town. It was night, but it wasn't as cold as it had been at Mt. Moon. He saw a light inside the tower and figured he would check what was going on, he didn't believe in ghosts, just pokemon who seemed supernatural. Just in case though, he left a note for each of his companion slipped under their doors. Then, he walked briskly through the town to the Pokemon Tower. He walked up several floors, battling pokemon and training with sandygast along the way. He was only halfway up to where he saw the light when it started to get foggy, and he started to get tired. So, he sat down, ate some snack, and drank some water.
Asteria moved closer to Brian, "alright so if we head down route 5 we will be able to reach route 6 which will take us to Vermilion City" Asteria stated even though she knew the male had his earbuds in.

Asteria sped up so that she was much further away from the male while Angel still followed closely, as she entered route 5 Asteria heard a cry somewhere off the trail and being the curious person she followed the sound until she saw a Granbull being a attack by a pack of Zangoose, she could tell the Pokemons was putting up a fight but with the amount of enemy's it was bound to lose so Asterua signalled for Angel to help, the Togetic flew in and waited for Asterias command, "Angel use Solar Beam near them as a warning shot" Asteria instructed and Angel complied as she gathered sunglight and shot out a beam of light near the pack of Zangoose to scare them off which worked....thankfully. Asterias approached the Granbull carefully before gently placing a hand on his head, "I'm going to use a portion to heal you alright!" Asteria asked as the Pokemon slowly noded his head. The blonde then slowly reached into her bag and pulled out a portion she then carefully sprayed the substance on to the injuries.

After healing him, the Granbull gave Asteria a hug "um Grabdbull how would you feel about traveling with us?" The girl asked the Pokemon the immediately nod his head which caused the blonde trainer to giggle before reaching into her bag to pull out another love Ball because she mostly had love balls in her bag thanks to her mom who bought her a ton when she was still in Kalos, The Grabdbull nudged the pokeball with his head and was instantly caught.

Asteria then let the Pokemon out as she decided his nickname, "what should we call you? Do you have any ideas Angel?" Asteria asked as a response Angel pointed at her trainer poketch, the female was confused at first until she realized what the Togetic meant, "alright how about we call you Duke?" The girl question, the male pokemon noded his head eagerly with a big smile on his face, "well then welcome to the team, Duke" Asteria stated as she softly petted her new fairy type on the head.
Validus woke up for the second time that night. This time though, it was pitch black. As he was thinking of letting out stunfisk for light, a pokeball appeared in his hand, which he could have sworn wasn't there before. It was stunfisk's. Just then, a giant gengar came up to him and attacked! he wanted to send out sandygast, but he could only find stunfisk's pokeball, so he sent out stunfisk instead. However, gengar quickly put stunfisk to sleep with a hypnosis, and then, Validus fell asleep too.
Validus woke up again in the pitch black space, and gengar attacked again. And that is when he realized he was still asleep...
"Oh wow," Christopher said looking down at the sandshrew, "I would never guess that It`s a steel type," he added, "Wait check these out," he said throwing three pokeballs into the sky, out came togedemaru, honedge and lucario, "Riolu evolved and I caught these two on the way here," he said.
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Brian smiled at Asteria's new catch and gave her a thumbs up. "Nice one Asteria, you'll have a full team in no time." He said with a smile. As he looked around, he noticed an Eevee walking cautiously toward him. Brian smiled, turned to the Eevee and crouched down to her level. "Hey there lil' guy, what brings you out here?" He asked. Before Eevee responded, she was interrupted by her rumbling stomach. Brian tilted his head lightly before he got out and gave the Eevee an Oran Berry. "Are you hungry?" He asked. Eevee instantly pounced at the berry and devoured it as if her life depended on it. "I'll take that as a yes." Brian said with a chuckle.

The Eevee turned around after eating and bowed her head to Brian. "Your welcome lil' guy... you know, why don't you come with us?" He asked. Eevee paused briefly and thought on her answer, eventually she gave Brain a nod. "Awesome, welcome to the team, Eevee." He said as he got out a Poké ball and lightly tapped Eevee's forehead with it. Eevee went into the Poké ball in a flash of red and the latter shook three times before giving a ding for a successful capture.


Previously m1h4jl0
Mickey was still on his bed thinking about what happened earlier when he heared some weird noises coming from outside.
'' I am too lazy to check 'em'' thought Mickey
Validus was starting to get really tired now, and he figured that was bad sonce he was in a dream already. He had tried having stunfisk attack him to wake up, he had tried imagining gengar not existing, after all, he would be in control of his own dream, right? But none of it worked. "Ugh, I need to wake up soon," Validus said through a yawn, after waking up for 1 millionth time that night. "Gengar attacks me in 3, 2, 1! Wow! I can't believe I timed that right, heres the stupid ghost right now!"
And then Validus's vision went dark again.


Previously m1h4jl0
Noises didnt stoped so Mickey opened window and looked outside.
"I am pretty sure that this is coming from Pokemon Tower. Lets check that."
Mickey huried and for minute he was in Tower. He was climbing more and more up the stairs. Then he was on the last floor when he saw Gengar torching his friend Validus.
"Marshtomp Go,and use Mud-Shot"
Marshtomps attack flinched Gengar and there was Mickey's chanse
"Marshtomp,Water Gun now" and then Gengar escaped pretty fast.
Mickey came to Validus.
"Hey,hey,are you ok" said Mickey while he was shaking his friend
Validus woke up with a shudder, this time, while it was still dark, it wasn't pitch black. He heard his friend Mickey asking if he was okay.
"I guess I'm fine now," he said, "but I might not have been if you hadn't shown up. Guess there are dangerous ghosts after all. I came here because I saw a light coming from a few floors up, maybe someone who ended up like me, should we go check?"
Abbey made it back to Saffron City and headed to a park. He sat down on a bench and looked around at all the people and Pokemon live in harmony. "Alright, you two can come out." Abbey sent out Breloom and Nuzleaf. "You two don't get lost, ok?" He took the Shadowball out of his bag and tried to contain the aura. His hand started to burn as he finally managed to do it. He put the Shadowball back in his bag and got up to play with his Pokemon.
"You can go back, I want to make sure no one else is hurt. Its just one floor up, I'll just check and come down." Said Validus, while walking up the stairs. This time he had sandygast in hand and his finger on the release button.
On the next floor, there were several blue lights from Alolan Marowaks. Some tried to attack, but Sandygast easily defended, and others just kept dancing. In the corner was a shadowy looking normal marowak, but after blinking, it quickly disappeared. "Must've been an illusion," thought Validus, "or maybe I am too tired." He caught one of the alolan marowaks to store in box in case someone wanted it to trade, and went back down to the bottom of the tower.
Asteria ran over to Brain alongside her pokemon before hugging thd male trainer in happiness, but what she didn't know was that Duke was glaring at Brian as he cracked his knuckles in a menacing way while Angel was giggling in the air. Asteria pulled away before turning around to look at her two pokemon who were now looking suspiciously innocent, but she didn't care sense they say that a Pokemon slowly develops the same personality as their trainer which was okay with Asteria, "hey Brian, your your going after an all psychic team aren't you?" Asteria asked as she was thinking of a certain pokemon that could definitely prove to be a menace if Brian does choose to catch one
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Brian raised an eyebrow at Duke and raised a hand to him to show he meant no hostility as he took the hug. "Pretty much, why'd you ask?" He said as Kirlia got off his shoulder and went to introduce himself to the recently caught Granbull.
Validus went back to the hotel and took a long, and probably well-deserved nap. Meanwhile, while he was asleep, his sandygast began to illuminate the room and evolved into a large palossand. Of course Validus wouldn't know until morning.


Previously m1h4jl0
"If he got in trouble again,I wont save him" said Mickey when he got back in his room.
"I didnt forced him to stay there,he stayed there on his own"
Then he heared doors of next room closing.
"Ah,he is back. Now lets set prank for Gary" Mickey said and set his timer while he was putting his Gastly mask on face
"well you see I know about this psychic type Pokemon that could become your team's powerhouse" Asteria informed while Duke smiled down at the Kirlia before walking over to his trainer and hugging her, "awww does my little baby need attention" Asteria cooed as Duke looked up at her with adorable eyes she then slightly bent down and gave the Pokemon a kiss on his forehead, "okay so anyway we should go now sense I really want to beat that electric type gym leader" Asteria stated while Duke looked over to Brian with a smirk on his face.

Asteria then started walking towards their destination with Duke right next to her and Angel flying right behind her, while they were walking Asteria took her Pokedex from the Kalos region out and scanned Granbull only to find a big surprise which caused the girl to smirk, curious as to what her trainer was smirking at Angel looked at the Pokedex and smirked as well, "you didn't tell me you knew this move Duke, now that I know you know it were gonna dominate that gym" Asteria stated
Brian folded is arms. "So what's the Pokémon, is it a Metagross like your mother's or something else?" He asked. When Duke returned to Asteria, Kirlia went to Brian who returned Kirlia to his Poké ball in a flash of red. Brian then continued to walk with Asteria and wait for her answer.
"your right it is Metagross, what I've seen so far with the Kronos is that he deals alot of damage and has great defence and with the right training you can have a powerful pokemon just like my mommy" Asteria stated as she recalled how much fun she had as a little kid borrowing Metagross to win alot of battles with kids her age, "with my help you can have the perfect Metagross but the problem is Beldums or even Metangs are very hard to find and finding a fully evolved Metagross out here in the wild is nearly impossible" the female sadly stated
Validus didn't sleep well again, too many Gengar nightmares, so he left another note under the doors of his friends telling them where to find him if they needed him, and he left for Celedon, hoping to reach Saffron before morning, so he could challenge Erika at dawn. He got in a fight against a trainer, and was about to send out sandygast, when he noticed it was a palossand now. After winning that fight, he arrived at saffron and took a food break, as well as healed his team.
"Jeez Christopher your pretty powerful, Im going to Lavender town want to come?" Micheal suggested. When Micheal walked he went down to the beach to give Sammy "Here you go bud" Micheal told Sammy as he put him into the water. Sammy Happily splashed in the water.
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"Well I only got a small look at it so I would be happy to come, honedge will get to see it again," Christopher replied, "So why not?" he added, he then let out his lucario and honedge to get some fresh air, they began to talk between themselves "Luc," "Edge," they said as lucario sat on a small log with honedge floating next to him.
Brian smiled and shrugged. "Ah don't worry, even if I don't get one, it's not the end of the world. Let's get a move on, shall we?" He asked as he adjusted his hat.


Previously m1h4jl0
After a auick nap. Mickey got ready for prank. But when he left his room under his doors he found a letter from Validus.
"So he is already there ha? I gotta wake Gary" said Mickey and ran into his friends room without knocking.
"Gary,wake up" Mickey shaked his friend,he even forgot that he still was wearing a Gastly mask.
Validus went over to Mr. Psychic's house. Mr. Psychic gave him TM Psychic. Then he went to Copycat's house and got TM Mimic, impressed by copycat's skills. Finally, before leaving for Celedon, he went to the Pokemon Fan Club, and told stories about his Rhyhorn, while he listened to stories about their loving pokémon.
Gary woke up in an unfamiliar hotel room and he saw Mickey with a Gastly mask, scared out of his mind. "AAAAHHH! DEMON!" Gary acted on instinct, jumped out of bed and kicked Mickey in the face, his heart racing and his face as pale as a ghost.
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Validus arrived at Celedon, and went to the department store to buy potions and revives for his fight. "Hopefully I don't need to use these, but grass is super-effective on ground." Said Validus. While he was there, he bought a TM for Flamethrower.
When Validus walked into the gym, Erika was watering her plants. "You definitely came to battle. Go, Victreebell!" Said Erika.
Validus responded, "Go, Rhyhorn! Use Megahorn!" The super-effective bug type attack one-shot the grass type, but not before it set up a sunny day., causing the sunlight to spill into the room, almost blinding Validus.
"Keep fighting, Vileplume! Use Solar Beam!" Shouted Erika, as a beam of light shot into Rhyhorn, multiplied by 4, throwing it into a wall, and causing a crater the size of 10 Rhyhorn. Suddenly, light began to come out of the rubble, and a large armored horn pokemon came out, its tail crashing into the wall's remains, making the rest of the gym's wall fall down.
"Yes! Go, Oblivione! Here, take this!" Said Validus, as he threw the TM for Flamethrower to Rhydon. "Now, use flamethrower!"
This defeated Vileplume, but Erika still had Bellossom. Bellossom used Petal Dance and destroyed what little health Rhydon had left. "Go, Somnus! Use Ice Fang!" Yelled Validus, and the cold fangs of Piloswine closed on Bellossom, KOing it.
"Take this gym badge, your pokemon have earned it." Said Erika.
Validus ran to the PC and healed up Rhydon, then he let it out of its pokeball outside and played with it.


Previously m1h4jl0
"Dude,it is only me calm down! That hurts" said Mickey to his disturbed friend
"Why you punched me?'' asked Mickey confused and then he remembered that he put mask on his face
" Oh,sorry about this. But we gotta hurry up. Validus is already in Saffron"
Validus decided to head to the Cyclong Road to get to fuschia City, but it was closed down, so he went back to Saffron and took a break to eat at the pokemon center, with plans to head through Vermillion and along the fishing route to get to fuschia for his next badge, as well a short stop at the safari zone. “I wonder how Mickey and Gary are doing.” He said to Solus the Stunfisk, his only pokemon still small enough to travel outside its ball.
"I told you to not play any pranks on me! And I am getting a Machop before I leave this town, gimme a sec!" Gary grabbed his bag and Pokémon and ran outside to Rock Tunnel, still wearing his pyjamas.


Previously m1h4jl0
"This guy is crazy. Well I will pack our stuff and then I will train with Magikarp"said Mickey.
Mickey packed stuffs for few mins and then he found lake where he sent his Magikarp out. They trained little bit when Magikarp got atacked by a Tentacruel. Mickey didnt knew what to do. He only watched. Magikarp got few hits and in unexpected moment he evolved into Gyarados. Mickey couldnt belive.
" Gyarados Hydro Pump now."
And he fainted wild Tentacruel.
"Good job mate" said Mickey and returned his evolved Pokemon into Pokeball
Validus couldn’t resist the temptation to find out, so he went back to Lavender, just in time to see Mickey’s Magikarp evolve into a Gyrados. “Hey, Mickey! Congrats on the evolution! Where’s Gary?”
Gary soon regretted his decision to go into a cave without getting dressed as he soon was freezing. "It is just a way of training, just push forward." He said to himself to motivate himself. After a solid 10 minutes of searching, he came across a rather angry Onix which charged at him at an alarming speed. "Mankey, go!" Gary sent out Mankey who, despite the size difference, was eager to fight the Rock Snake. "Karate Chop!" Mankey delivered a swift yet powerful chop to the head of the Onix, knocking it out and causing Mankey to evolve into a Primeape.

"Alright! Nice job Primeape!" As Gary was celebrating, a Machop began to challenge Primeape and angered it, which is not the hardest thing in the world. Primeape started to chase the Machop and began to punch it into submission. Gary quickly returned his Primeape to keep it from doing more damage to the Machop and caught it. "Can I wake up before everything breaks loose? Thanks." As soon as Gary said those words, a group of Zubat came at him and he left the cave in record time. "I hate Zubats!" Gary exclaimed as he went back to the hotel to get dressed.