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Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

"Well done Hitmonchan, return!" Gary returned Hitmonchan and extended his hand for Validus to shake. "That was an amazing match. I am certain that you will make an amazing gym leader." Gary said whilst smiling.
"Mickey is really eager to take on Sabrina, but I want to take on Celadon first as you saw the struggle I had with Palossand. What about this? I go challenge Celadon and Mickey can get his butt handed to him by Sabrina?"
"Sounds good to me, I can't wait until I can control Primeape and Hitmonchan has the Elemental Punches. That would be amazing." Gary said whilst heading off to Celadon, eager to leave Lavender far behind him.


Previously m1h4jl0
"Well I went exploring when I met really weird guy. His name was Abbey. Then we went on Tower. He done some weird things to a dead Pokemon and then caught him in weird ball. I wanted to ask him what he done but he escaped." explained Mickey to his friends
“I said Celedon, because Gary is fighting, and psychic is powerful against that, so I figured maybe he should practice some more first. Mickey can try to take Sabrina on, but she is really good, not that Erika isn’t good, she KOed one of my pokemon and Sabrina couldn’t.” Said Validus, “Of course, Erika is also super-effective on me.”
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Previously m1h4jl0
"Here we are guys. We finally made to Saffron. Now you two keep going and I will beat Sabrina. See you later guys. "
Mickey left his friends and went straight to Gym
“Hey, Gary! Maybe it would be wise to train in the fighting dojo before heading off to Celedon, you could get an extra Hitmonlee so you could have both, even if you do just deposit it in the PC later. Can’t hurt to have an extra pokémon, right?” Suggested Validus.
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Previously m1h4jl0
Mickey got right into Gym. Guards wanted to stop him but they saw that there is nothing they can do so they let him.
"Sabrina,I am Mickey,trainer of Water Pokemons from Slateport City and I am here to challenge you"
"Very well,lets battle than"
"Gyarados Hydro Pump now"
"Teleport Kadabra"
Kadabra escaped Gyarados's Pump
"Now counter attack Psychic"
Kadabra done a pretty big amount of damage to Gyarados
"Gyarados Bite"
Gyarados biten Kadabra and attack was very effective and Kadabra flinched
"Now Gyarados,Hydro Pump now"
This time Kadabra couldnt escape and Gyarados's Pump didnt missed and he fainted Kadabra
"I lost,it is unbelivible. Ok you deserve this"
Mickey recived Marsh Badge
"Thank you and bye" said Mickey

After battle Mickey went into hotel to rest so tommorow he can catch up his friends
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“While you do that, I need to go check something out.”
Validus went over to the Sylph Co. Building and walked in. He said to the man behind the front desk that he needed to speak with either the head scientist or the CEO of the Sylph Co. He could not. He had no appointment, so he scheduled an appointment for a few days later and went out. Next Validus went to Copycat’s house to enlist her assistance. He asked her if she could disguise herself as several people, including Abbey and the Leader of Team Orbit, so he would know what they looked like. Then, Validus walked back over to the fighting dojo to meet Gary.

OOC: Validus saw Team Orbit at Mt. Moon. Also, I combined two of my posts to fix one-liner.
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StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Deities this RP is absolutely lousy with one-liners.

Remember: according to our RP forum rules, posts must be at least one paragraph (not line) long, third person, past tense, story format. Some posts here occasionally slip, so please be more mindful of this.
Asteria continued walking as her pokemon played together at the front, "Angel sweetie be more gentle" the blonde suggested when she saw her Togetic try and pick Lunar up from the ground. But what really caught Asterias attention was that Duke was actually a bit more timid timid than he looked so the female trainer walked up to her pokemon and placed a gentle hand oh his head, "Duke, is everything alright?" The girl asked and all the Pokemon did was nod his head, but instead of just leaving her pokemon alone the female decided to hold his paw to make him feel more comfortable
Brian smiled and nodded "Yeah, I could eat." He said. His Pokémon all went to talk with Asteria's. "Is that so? And yes, I do plan on getting Espeon; My mother has one as well." He looked around to see where they were and were very close to Vermillion city. "I just hope I find what I'm looking for here..." He said, Kirlia gave his trainer a concerned look after he said that, as if he knew what he meant.


Previously m1h4jl0
Mickey got up,packed his stuff and went to Celedon. Only problem was that hid friends wasnt there. But he didnt knew that.

"Poliwag,you are today walking with me" said Mickey and released his Poliwag

While trainer and his Pokemon was walking they saw many different Pokemons,but they saw no Pokemons Mickey wanted. Then when they went in grass they finnaly found it.

"Oh my,it is Eevee.Poliwag use Water Gun now." Poliwag attacked wild Eevee and he done a big damage with his attack. Then Mickey throw Pokeball. It was swinging a lot but he finnaly caught it.
"Yes,Gotcha. Eevee welcome to team." said Mickey and then got back on his way to Celedon City
"Well sure," Christopher replied, "Guys return," he pointed two pokeballs at his pokemon to return them, "Ok go togedemaru!" he saaid throwing a pokeball, togedemaru jumped out, "This is gonna be togedemaru`s first battle," he said walking back as the togedemaru stared at it`s opponent, it then began to charge up electiricty, "Demaru!" it said.
Sammy use Ice beam. Sammy sucked in its body expanded a bit it then blew out shooting out a beam of Ice.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Uhh Vision a group individuals are thinking about becoming Gym leader" A random team orbit pokemon explained. "well well" The man known as vision repeated. "Lets send some pawns after them" Vision commanded crushing a white chess piece. "yes sir" The scientist responded.
Togedemaru got hit by the beam and was frozen in a thick layer of ice, "Come on, break out," Christopher said, after afew seconds togedemaru managed to spin it`s way out, "Spark!" he commanded, the damaged togedemaru charged up and dispersed it`s energy towards the spheal.
(Sorry Gtg)
Sammy body started to spasm on the ground after being hit by the electrical energy. "C'mon Sammys remember when I saved you from being of de-moistrization c'mon hang in there". Micheal encouraged. Sammys body started to glow, a flash of light shot out and Sammy evolved. "Sweet a Sealo" Micheal commented. Now Sammy use Ice tail. Sammys tail turned white Sammy flippedaround ready to smack Togedemaru.
Validus decided to go on to Celedon, and he told Gary he was going ahead. When Validus reached Celedon, he went to the Cycling Road to see if it was repaired, which it was. Then he went to the PokeCenter, and on the way over, he saw a certain water trainer entering the city. “Hey, Mickey! Why are you here so soon already? I left Gary at the fighting dojo to get a new team member before he comes here.”
Name: Nathan
Type: Ghost
Appearance: Colored (Yellow-Purple) hair, black pants, purple (A little yellow) t-shirt
Home town: Heahea City, (Alola)
Pokemon: Mimikyu
Nathan walked into Pewter City with his Mimikyu behind. "Wasn't that easy?" The Mimikyu slowly nodded in response to his question. "Well, now we're ready for an amazing journey." And Nathan walked in front of the Pokemon Center and his journey started.
Abbey turned around and looked at the pair. "Oh um hey." He felt a little awkward being singled out like this in a huge city. He slowly walked toward them with him feeling a little bad for ditching Mickey back in Lavender Town. "So, um how was your journey?" He asked awkwardly.
Gary entered the Fighting Dojo, feeling at ease due to the familiar surroundings. He greeted the Karate Master. "Ah, young master Gary. Here to test your skill?" The Karate Master asked. "Indeed, now get ready!" "Hmm, spoken like a true warrior. Have at you!"

"Go Heracross!" "Hitmonlee!" The two Fighting types stood face to face, both determined to win. "Hitmonlee, High Jump Kick!" Hitmonlee jumped into the sky and tried to kick Heracross. "Return Heracross, go Machop!" Machop was way smaller than Heracross and Hitmonlee was unable to adjust his attack, crashing into the floor. "Machop, Karate Chop!" The crash coupled with the surprising power behind the Karate Chop took the Hitmonlee out.

"Hitmonchan!" The Karate Master returned his Hitmonlee and sent out a Hitmonchan, to which Gary responded with his own Hitmonchan. "Fake Out!" Hitmonchan used the move from his Tyrogue days to surprise the obviously more disciplined Hitmonchan and causing it to flinch. "Mach Punch!" Both the martial artists shouted the same move, causing the two Punching Pokémon to punch each other in the face with flaming determination in their eyes. "Sky Uppercut!" The Hitmonchan that the Karate Master used attempted an uppercut that launched Gary's Hitmonchan into the sky. "Mach Punch!" Gary's Hitmonchan launched forward and took out the opposing Hitmonchan and won the battle. "Good fight, take one of these prized Fighting type Pokémon." Gary chose Hitmonlee and left the Dojo, content with his victory.
“I was told what you did to that dead Ghourgeist, and I want to know how it worked. First, though, I want to fight your Ghourgeist! My Occultatum against your Ghourgeist! 1 pokemon each!” Challenged Validus.
"Uh what, I um, I'm not...uh." He started to stutter on his words. Abbey didn't know what to do as he was never challenged by anyone but a gym leader before and he wanted to keep the Shadowball shut for as long as possible and only take it out when necessary. "So um, can we not, please?"
“Ha! I bet you can’t control it! That’s what happens when you resurrect a dead pokemon.” Said Validus. “In fact, due to the danger of undead pokemon, it should be illegal, and you’re lucky it isn’t! Anyway, I forgot to introduce myself, I’m Validus, future Ground Type Gym Leader!”
Abbey started to get annoyed and he blushed embarrassed. "The name is Abbey, future Grass Type Gym Leader. Look, I'll tell you everything, but are you sure you want to battle my Gourgeist? It isn't going to end well."
“It’ll be good training for my Palossand, but if you don’t want to then you don’t have to.” Said Validus, noticing the annoyance in Abbey. “I wonder how many trainers are trying to become gym leaders, anyway, I’ll just challenge one of them.”
"Fine, if you want to battle, lets battle! I'll use my Gourgeist like you wanted! Dammit now pull out your whatever!" His face was all flustered and red. "So, do you accept?!"