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Private/Closed Kanto: The New Gym Leaders

"Ok go Lucario!" Christopher said throwing lucario`s pokeball forward, the lucario before battling looked around him quickly, his appanedages then began to rise and an aura surrounded him "What is it?" Christopher said stepping towards it, the lucario quickly pounced his hands into Christopher right in the chest but he didn`t flinch, then the aura flowed through him like blood, he saw the world pass through his eyes over hundreds of years in an instant, and then he saw them, the lucario quickly pulled his hands off him and the aura left, "Someone`s watching us." he said almost instantly once the aura left both of them.
"Yeah, he is. I like how you treat your Pokémon." He said with a smile as he returned Eevee to her Poké ball. "So any thoughts on who your last two will be?" He asked as they walked. "I'm still wondering on what to have on my team, but I know Metagross will be a good choice provided I find a Beldum or Metang." He added as they arrived at the gym.
"well while you go battle I can call my mom and ask her where are good places to find Beldums or Metangs but I'm not gonna ask about where to find a Metagross because they are super rare and even if we do find find them they have really bad attitudes" Asteria stated as she sat in the stands with Duke sitting next to her and Satin in her lap, Asteria then sent out the rest of her team who excitedly ran over to Duke and the box of cakes, she was bit surprised when Satin casually joined her team and ate cakes with them
Brian smiled warmly and nodded. "That's so nice, thank you. Wish me luck." He said as he headed into the gym and raised an arm for a 'see you around' kind of gesture. As he made is way to the gym's battlefield, he was met with a strange voice. "Welcome!" the person said as the lights began to turn on and reveal that the voice was from none other than Lt. Surge. "I'm the Electric type Gym leader, Lieutenant Surge. Who are you." Brian smirked and tipped his hat. "The name's Brian, from Opelucid city." He responded.

"Alright Brian, with that outta the way, let's battle!" Surge said as he threw a Poké ball to reveal a Voltorb. "Gladly!" He said as he too grabbed and threw a Poké ball. "Eevee, let's do this!" The latter came out of the Poké ball with the same determined look in her eyes as Brian's.
“Ok.” Validus said through a yawn as he went to the hotel. ‘I wonder if he will be OK, even if he is a weirdo who broke the laws of nature,’ thought Validus. Then he went to sleep.
When Brian sent Eevee out Satins eyes were instantly on the battle as he cheered for his little crush, "geez Satin you just met Eevee and your already head over heels for her" Asteria stated with a smirk on her face. The Sylveons rolled his eyes at his new trainer but in the inside he was actually happy that Asteria caught him.

"Okay let's call mom" Asteria muttered as she turned on her poketch and finding her mom's contact, it took a few seconds but her mom's face soon appeared in the screen "hi Mom, so I was wondering how did you find Kronos when he was just a Beldum?" The girl asked "well I spotted Kronos in a meadow but he ran away and I had Ember track him down we then found him deep in a large cave" her mom answered but at the mention of his name a houndoom tackled her mother to the floor and then Kronos entered the room before attempting to separate Ember from her mother, Asteria sighed before thanking her mom and bidding them goodbye. "Alright we got that sorted out for Brian now time to plan for my battle" the blondes mumbled as she took out her Kalos Pokedex she then scanned Satin, "okay, thanks to his trainer from before that move is gonna be very useful in this gym"
"I am not asleep yet, I need to beat Erika first." Gary said he left the Pokécenter and went to the Celadon City Gym. "Oh dear, a challenger at this time? Eager aren't you?" Erika said to Gary.

"Go Victreebel!" "Go Heracross!" Gary had no moves to hit Grass types super effectively and Poison resisted Fighting, forcing Gary to rely on Normal moves.
"Stun Spore!" Victreebel sprayed yellow spores over Heracross, paralysing it. "Horn Attack!" The Guts boosted Horn Attack managed to take out Victreebel and Erika switched it for a Tangela. "Wrap!" Tangea wrapped vines around Heracross, squeezing the life out of it. "Horn Attack!" Heracross attempted a Horn Attack but got paralysed. "Giga Drain!" Tangela sucked the life out of Heracross before a critical hit Horn Attack took it out.

"Damn weeds, this is tougher than expected." Gary said to himself. "Vileplume, go!" Erika sent out a Vileplume which eventually went down along with Heracross after a long, grueling fight. "I concede defeat, here is the Rainbow Badge." Along with his badge, Gary got a TM for Giga Drain and he went back to a hotel in Saffron, tired after the day.
"Alright Eevee, Quick Attack!" Brian commanded, the second he stopped speaking, Eevee zig-zagged rapidly toward Voltorb in an attempt to confuse him. "Tackle!" Surge responded. Voltorb charged toward Eevee, only for the attacks to collide with even power. "Sonic Boom!" Surge shouted as Voltorb shot a small wave of sonic energy. "Dodge it and use Swift!" Brian responded. Eevee successfully front flipped over the Sonic Boom and threw a range of stars toward the Voltorb. "Don't give him a chance to recover, Quick Attack!" Brain shouted. The second Eevee landed on the ground, she rushed toward Voltorb once more and hit the latter dead in his tracks, causing him to faint. "Well done Eevee!" Brian praised.

Lt. Surge returned Voltorb and smiled. "Not bad kid, but don't get cocky, this is only the beginning." Surge said as he threw another Poké ball which revealed a Pikachu. "Alright, let's be careful, Pikachu might have static. Swift!" Brian commanded. Eevee threw another range of stars. "Block them and use Thunder Wave." Pikachu assumed a defensive stance and took the Swift attack which caused a cloud of smoke around Pikachu. The latter then let out a Thunder Wave which Eevee didn't react in time to, causing her paralysis. "Use Thunder Shock!" Surge commanded. From the cloud, Pikachu jumped out and shot bolts of lightning to Eevee, causing her to faint.

Brian returned Eevee to her Poké ball and looked at it. "Great work Eevee, take a rest for now." He put the ball in his pocket and got another one out. "Go, Gothita!" The latter emerged from the Poké ball. "Use Psybeam!" Brian commanded, Gothita shot a beam of odd energy toward Pikachu who took a lot of damage from the hit. "Are you okay?" Surge asked is Pikachu, the latter got up only for severe confusion to answer his question. "Nice one Gothita, Double Slap!" Brian commanded. Gothita charged toward Pikachu and slapped him twice which caused him to faint.
After their snack Asterias whole team started cheering Brian and his pokemon on, "make sure you cheer really loudly so that Brian and his pokemon can hear our support" the girl stated as Lunar and Duke used the pompoms to cheer for Brian while Angel was in the air cheering and Satin was using his bows to make a heart
Surge smiled as he returned Pikachu. "You got lucky with that Psybeam, but this is where your luck runs out." Surge said as he threw his last Poké ball which revealed Raichu. Brian was about to return Gothita, but the latter stopped him and gave him a confident look. "You sure Gothita? Alright, you got it. Have at him with Psybeam!" Brian shouted, Gothita let out another Psybeam. "Thunderbolt!" Surge responded. Raichu let out a devastating Thunderbolt which went through the Psybeam and directly to Gothita. The latter struggled to get up.

"Are you okay Gothita?" Brian asked. Gothita responded with a confident nod despite her clear injuries. "Alright, use Double Slap!" Gothita ran forward to use said move. "Intercept with Thunderbolt!" Surge said, Raichu started to shoot bolts of lightning toward Gothita, but the latter dodged them and successfully Double Slapped Raichu who shot one last bolt of lightning directly at Gothita and caused her to faint.

Brian shook his fist in slight anger. Before he returned Gothita, Kirlia came out of his Poké ball and ran to Gothita, clearly concerned for her health. "She'll be fine Kirlia, Gothita, thank you so much for your hard work, take a good rest." Brian said before he returned the latter to her ball. "It's all up to you now Kirlia, let's do this!" Kirlia responded with a determined look and pounded his chest twice. "Your Pokémon are a determined bunch, I like it." Surge said with a smile. "But this is the end of the line. Thunder Wave." Raichu let out a shocking Thunder Wave (no pun intended) toward Kirlia. "Dodge it and use Magical Leaf!" Kirlia back flipped away from the Thunder Wave and threw a series of leaf like projectiles directly at Raichu. "Now, use Confusion!" Brian shouted. "Thunderbolt!" Lt. Surge shouted in response.

Both Pokémon used their commanded attacks which caused a huge cloud of smoke upon impact with each other. Kirlia looked back at Brian who nodded to him as he knew what to do, Kirlia then jumped into the smoke and seeming vanished. Raichu however tried to search for his target. Brian eventually held his hand out and snapped his fingers. Kirlia appeared right behind Raichu and prepared a Magical Leaf attack, by the time Raichu found Kirlia, the latter had already swarmed him with leaf like projectiles and defeated Raichu.

Once the smoke cleared, it was clear that victory was Kirlia's. As such, Brian had won the battle. "Yes! We did it, well done Kirlia." Kirlia ran back to his trainer, jumped up and hugged him. Brian hugged back as Lt. Surge returned his Raichu and walked toward Brian. "You have a spark of determination within you, that's what helped you win the battle and the Thunder Badge." He said as he gave the latter to Brian who he took with a smile.
Asterias and her pokemon screamed in excitement when they saw Brian get the badge, "alright! Good job Brian" Asterias cheered as her pokemons cheers turned into a dance but the blonde didn't care sense everybody celebrated in their own special way. "Okay team, now that you've seen how Brian battled we need to make sure we beat the gym leader faster sense Satin and Duke have moves that have a type advantage" Asterias whispered to her Pokemon who all noded their head
Abbey's eyes open and he looks around him seeing himself in a hospital bed and with Mickey right next to him. The last thing he remembered was attempting to stop his Gourgeist from killing the Palossand and it's trainer. He felt so guilty for even agreeing to the battle. His Breloom and Nuzleaf came up to him to comfort him. "Thanks guys." He looked back at Mickey. "Um, how long have I been out for?"
"Quick Sammy while he's distracted use water pulse" Micheal commanded. Sammy blew itself up and shout out water.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Crap the Lucario saw us" a grunt told his partner. "Calm down in the middle of their battle we knock with the Ice pokemon out and steal his pokemon." his partner calmed him.
Lucario instantly turned around sensing the opponent`s attack and braced itself for the hit, the water hit into his face making a large splash in his face, "Let`s go, now use metal claw!" Christopher commanded pointing forward, claws came out from his hands and he jumped at the Sealeo slashing.
Brian put the Thunder Badge in his badge case and put the latter in his bag, afterward he hugged Kirlia once more and returned the latter to his Poké ball "Thank you so much Kirlia, take a good rest and I'll heal you later" He said to Kirlia's ball before he put it in his pocket. He gave Asteria a bright smile and a thumbs up. As he headed out and over to the seats to watch the battle. He held his and out to high five Asteria upon passing her as if to tag her in.


Previously m1h4jl0
"Good morning Abbey. I ve been here for few hours I think. When I cane here you already was here" said Mivkey when Abbey woke up
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Validus woke up and walked downstairs. He saw Mickey talking, and he figured Mickey was speaking to Abbey. He didn’t want to deal with that, so he went back upstairs and out the window. He sent a message to Mickey on his PSS, got on his bike, and set off for Fuschia.
Gary woke up and checked the Town Map. Saffron is still too strong for him and Fuschia either required him to have a bike or to take the long road across the Silence Bridge. He wrote a note and sticked it to Mickey's door, he was nice but Gary wanted to make some progress as Saffron was a bit too big for him. He grabbed his stuff and prepared for a long walk with nice scenery.
“Validus grabbed some food at Fuschia. He then stepped into the safari zone to catch his 6th pokemon. Upon entering he was kind of disappointed. There weren’t really any good Pokémon in the zone, and no good ground types. Then he saw a trapinch alone in a desert-like area. ‘Trapinch usually live in groups, poor guy,’ he thought. He threw his ball and caught it.
Gary finally made his way to Fuschia City after a long trek and made a bee-line towards the Safari Zone, interested to see which Pokémon lived in the Kanto Safari Zone. After making his way to a marshy area, he saw a Croagunk and in his excitement nearly missed every ball that he threw although most of them failed. Eventually he caught it along with a Pancham and a Scraggy, still uncertain about which one to use.
(OOC @TJ0206 are you sure you want to start from the begginig I suggest you at least start with 2 badges because your way behind everyone.)
Lucarios metal claw knocked out Sammy. "Good job Sammy return, go sneasel use bite" sneasel realed itesl up and its teeth grew to a void like black sneasel ran towards ljucario ready to bite down on him with its new set of chompers.
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Validus ran back to the PC, and then he decided he would fight the gym next.
After defeating several gym trainers and making it through an annoying invisible wall maze, Validus was especially eager to get to the fun part.
“Have you come to challenge me?” Said a voice from someone Validus could not see.
“I have come for my badge! Go Piloswine, Trapinch!” Validus Said.
“Go Arbok, Muk!” I look forward to double battling you!” Janine said as she dropped from the ceiling.
“Piloswine, use blizzard! Trapinch, dodge blizzard with dig!” Commanded Validus.
“Arbok, go for Piloswine!” Janine said, “Muk, wait for Trapinch!”
“Now, Trapinch! Use dig on Arbok!” Said Validus, KOing Arbok, and causing Trapinch to evolve into Vibrava. “Great Job, Vibrava! Now, Piloswine, Fury attack on Muk!”
Muk was KOed, so Janine conceded and handed over the badge to Validus. Then, Validus went back to the PC to heal. He called his friends on the PSS. It was time to speak with them.
(OOC @MihajloJedi You know that you can't train in the Safari Zone right?)
Gary swapped out his Hitmonlee and Primeape for his newly caught Pokémon, he settled on Pangoro and Toxicroak but to get Pangoro you need a Dark type in your party so he needed to train both Scraggy and Pancham to get Pangoro. He went to the small patch of grass outside of Fuschia and decided to train there.
Validus decided to find Gary first, so he ran around Fuschia searching, and gave up. He was about to go to Saffron on his own, when he saw battling just outside of Fuschia, and decided to investigate. “Hey Gary!” He said as he walked outside of the city and saw his friend. He explained to Gary everything about Team Orbit and the Sylph Co., excluding that he had the ball and serum, and he asked Gary to help him fight Vision and break into Sylph Tower, so that Validus could send Porygon into the computers and erase all the data on the Shadowball and shadow serum.
"Are you out of your mind?! We can't just break into the most heavily secured building of Kanto! However, you do have a solid point. No Pokémon should suffer because of Team Orbit. I need your help first though, I've trained my entire team to around the same strength and I have 5 out of my final 6 members. I need you to trade with me so I can evolve my Machoke. Machamp can bust us in with ease."
“Ok. I found a Protector for my Rhydon, do we can trade them both and both evolve.” Said Validus.
They traded the pokemon, evolving both to their final forms. “Is there anything else you need to do before we can leave?”
Asterias gave Brian a high five before returning her Pokemon to their respective pokeballs and walking over to the battlefield. Once the gym leader came back from healing his Pokemon he was a bit surprised that there was already another Challenger, "my my, what is a beautiful princess like you battling here?" He questioned as Asterias rolled her eyes "just because I may look like a princess doesn't mean I'll be as elegant and gentle as one" Asteria sneered sense she didn't like it when people instantly assumed she was all about being pretty and acting like a little princess, "ooh so your a feisty one" Surge commented which made Asteria scoff "you have no idea".

"Alright lets do a 3 vs 3 is that alright with you" the blonde gym leader questioned "that's perfect" the lighter blonde trainer replied. Then the battle started, Sgt. Surge sent out his Pikachu....the same Pikachu that knocked Eevee out, so Asterias sent Satin out. "Oh my what a pretty Pokemon for a pretty trainer, right Pikachu?" The blonde gym leader commented while the Pikachu winked at Asterias Sylveons but at that moment one thing was going through both Satin and Asterias head " I'm gonna murder this guy". "Alright ladies first" the gym leader stated and to which Asteria did not waste her time with attacking, "Satin use moonblast" Asterias commanded "Pikachu use Electro ball" Surge commanded as well. When both sphere like attacks collided dust englufed the whole battlefield, "Satin you know what to do now" the blonde female screamed. Once the smoke cleared up Satin was nowhere in sight the only thing in the battlefield was Pikachu and a hole in the ground. "Now Satin!" Asterias yelled, the suddenly the male Sylveons popped out of the ground and hit the Pikachu head on. "Ugh, Pikachu use thunderbolt" Surge ordered "Satin finish this off with another Moonblast" Asterias excitedly yelled, before the thunderbolt could hit Satin, the Sylveons had already sent his attack flying towards the Pikachu which caused the electric mouse to end up flying backwards and hitting his back on a wall.When both trainers looked over to the Pikachu they could both clearly see that he had fainted. The electric type gym leader returned his Pikachu before sending out his Voltorb
Brain went to his seat and silently watch Asteria's battle, as he did, his Pokémon all came out of their Poké balls to watch the battle. "You guys wanna watch? Alright, suit yourself." Kirlia and Gothita both cheered as loud as they could for Asteria while Eevee mainly cheered for Satin the Sylveon.
OOC Vibrava can learn fly. I had to check.

Validus had to pedal as fast as he could to keep up with Gary, but they reached Celedon quite quickly, especially Gary, since he was flying. “This is going to be dangerous,” Said Validus, “But at the same time, this will be epic. How do we plan on doing this, front door or sneaking in?”
"Alright Satin use Dazzling Gleam" Asteria commanded "Voltorb use Wild charge" Surge ordered, as Voltorb came charging at Satin the fairy type used Dazzling Gleam and Voltorb was instantly blinded by the light, "Satin now use Echoed voice" Asteria commanded as she covered her ears, while Satin took a deep breath before screaming as loud as he could but thanks to the Echoed voice his scream eachoed throughout the gym which caused it to become louder. "Voltorb us self destruct" Surge yelled as the Pokemon did as he commanded, the electric type then started to glow as if he was about to blow up while Asteria pointed towards the ground, Satin nodded his head before using dig and hiding underground. Surge was about to stop Voltorb but it was too late the electric used self destruct and in the process making himself faint while Satin was underground totally okay. The male Sylveons popped back up from the ground with a smirk present on his face, the male blonde then sent out his Raichu. "Alright Satin get ready to use Dazzling Gleam again" Asteria commanded, "Raichu use charge beam" Surge barked out. The Raichu stored some power before sending a ray of light towards Satin but before the Sylveons could even dodge he was hit directly which caused his body to get thrown back so that it layed right next to his trainer, Asteria knelt down and placed a delicate hand on Satins body as the Sylveons wrapped one of his ribbons on Asteria hand while the other was on Asterias cheek before fainting. "Geez Satin your such a drama queen" Asteria whispered as she returned him back into his Luxury Ball, then in anger she sent Duke out who instantly sent a glare at the Raichu who slightly backed away. "We're not playing around anymore, Duke use earthquake" the female trainer commanded, Duke noded his head as he stopped on the ground which caused the battlefield to start shaking in ways it shouldnt. Raichu couldn't really keep his balance while the floor was shaking which caused him to be thrown back and forth and Earthquake was a ground type move so the electric Pokemon was already taking alot of damage. "Raichu use thunderbolt" Surge yelled, the Raichu sent a thunderbolt crashing down on to Duke who took it like a champ, "my Granbulls ability is intimidate which means Raichus attacks got weaker" the girl stated with a smile but it wasn't her usual sweet smile it was more of a evil smile but the oddest part was that the same smile was present on Dukes face. "Duke use close combat" ths blonde beauty instructed, the Pokemon then ran over to Raichu and used close combat while Raichu attempted to land a hit on Duke, "alright enough messing around Raichu use iron tail" Sure commanded, the male Raichu then used his tail to hit the large fairy type, "Duke use Crunch" Asteria yelled and when Raichus tail was about to make contact with Duke the Grabdbull used Crunch on the tail before swinging the Raichu around and letting his tail go which caused the electric mouse to fly into a wall and make it faint. Duke ran over to Asteria and gave her a hug, "good job my little baby" Asteria cooed. Surge then walked over to the pair and handing Asteria her badge "you did well Princess, you strategized and used not only your Pokemons attacks but their stats and abilitys to win this battle" Surge happily stated before patting Asteria on the head and walking away to heal his Pokemon. The blonde trainer walked back to where Brian was and placed her new badge in her pink badge case. "Alright let's go heal our Pokemon so we can go to a cave and find you a Beldum or a Metang" Asteria happily exclaimed to Brian as she returned Duke to his pokeball
Brian took note of everything that happened in Asteria's battle, from her evil smile to her strategizing. He returned his Pokémon to their Poké balls and looked at Asteria as she approached. "Alright, also, great battling out there, very well done." He said with a warm grin as he briefly put his hand on her shoulder. "Let's get a move on." He stated with a smile as he made his way out of the gym and toward the Pokémon center.
"Let's see, I don't see a backdoor and you can bet your bike that it is impossible to not get caught." Gary released his Machamp. "Why not have a little fun while we're at it?" Machamp destroyed the door allowing for an easy entry.
While they were heading to the Pokemon center Duke thought it was a great idea to jump on his trainer back. So when Asteria walked into the Pokemon center Nurse Joy was surprised to to the blonde trainer lugging around a Granbull on her back. After giving the nurse all her pokemon Asteria sat on a chair and she swore she heard her back crack "Duke is so much heavier than he looks" Asteria muttered as she started to play with her poketch
The guards ran straight for Machamp, sending out Talonflames and Haunters. “Go Piloswine, Use Blizzard!” Commanded Validus, freezing several haunters, and then following up with a fury attack to some Talonflames. “We need to move on, we can’t fight every grunt in here! Go, Rhyperior! Stone Edge!” The stone edge blocked the grunts and their Pokémon off. “Should we go up the staircase or the elevator?”
"The staircase. If these grunts cut the wires that lift the elevator, we're done for!" Gary said as he quickly ran up the stairs. "Where is the boss?"