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Private/Closed Kyogre Lake Academy


Previously Night's Shadow
Super dope! Like, seriously cool, far out!” Reese shrilled, overcome with the sheer awesomeness of coming across a rare fossil Pokémon. “I thought for sure it would hafta take some craaaazy luck to ever see one up close before, but who’d a thunk it I’d see one so soon! Baaaad…” The girl shook her head quickly, slapping herself in the face with green-and-brown locks, then clapped her face between her hands. “We don’t have time for me to be geeking out like this— sorry—should we get going to the courtyard? Wherever that is…

Riot looped around in front of her, Rune close behind, and the two circled around each other as they scrambled to be the first to point out the right direction. The competition between the two Pokémon was palpable, but Reese knew it was in good humor… mostly. “That way?” She patted Rocket’s head lightly. “Alright, buddy, you know the drill.” The Golurk clanked onwards, following the Sigilyph and Galarian Yamask’s trail at a speed that would give plenty of time for Jason to catch up. “Coming?” Reese directed at the boy, grinning broadly.
"Huh?" Was all Charlie could say once Del snapped around to her and just as quickly snapped back to walking out the door. Following behind himz Charlie was still confused "um, its Rumble...whyy do ya ask Del?" She asked, catching back up to the trainer. All three of Charlie's pokemon were staring at dell, occasionally talking amongst themselves, it seemed to be questions about Del's hair and what rough and tough pokemon he could possibly have, as none of them were out of their pokeballs when Del showed off his own team.
“Oh! Wow, you also have a Z Ring?” Dom said, slightly happy to not be the only one, “sorry, I guess I’ll explain. At least you would understand.”

Dom explained how Lycanroc had trouble controlling the power of the Lycanium Z and how Hanzo was training him to use Z moves.

“Y’know, I could talk to Hanzo, he told me he adventured in the Alola region at one point, he’s gotta have something for you!” Dom said.
"On it, Aerodactyl, Return for now." Jason responded as he returned his Aerodactyl, and prepared for heading out.

"I'll lead, I figured out the way and if not, Metagross here can help." Jason patted below him.

The Steel and Psychic type went off, heading towards the Courtyard, prepared for anything as it moved, Jason had clipped Aerodactyl's pokeball as he prepared for anything while catching up to Reese. Jason had found this girl interesting, he was surprised that someone was interested in a Pokémon of his that wasn't Metagross or Scrafty.

"By the Way, Metagross was my Starter due to a set of circumstances that involved Professor Birch and having three traditional starters for eight Children." Jason called out to Reese.
"Rumble, huh? Yeah, thought as much. Neither of my parents bought into this whole Pokémon thing, but my dad was once a rebellious youth like me, he used to go to that gym before I was born. The Dewford Gym... I was too little to remember it clearly, but I can recall he went a few years after I was born, then quit entirely to focus on responsibilities." Del moved the toothpick around in his mouth uneasily. "Mr. Rumble was so cool. He and my dad weren't exactly close, but he taught me a boxing stance and it's stuck with me ever since. Never really relied on pokemon for fighting, never really-" he stopped mid sentence. "Hey! Who the hell're you to go asking me questions! I was just curious, that's all!" "... Sorry, my whole life has been... forget it. I think we're here." Del said at an opening. "I think."
Charlie's eyes widened "wait you and your father went to my dad's gym when you were younger." Shoe and Dune raised their heads, curious at the current conversation "maybe we met each other before..." Charlie was intrigued to know somebody who hung out with Brawly back when she was little. She flinched when Del suddenly changed tone and chewed at her "huh? Is that a sensitive topic?!" Without answer, and in reaction to Del, Charlie realized they had already made it to the bridge that went over the lake, leading to the school and the courtyard they were supposed to be meeting in. "We're here already, I guess I never noticed because we were ralking" Charlie looked up at the sun, pulling down her sunglasses for a moment to shield her eyes "the announcement said we have an hour before the ceremony starts right. Del what's your watch say, what time is it..." Charlie asked, before remembering what his watch looked like "Accctually don't bother, I'm sure we have enough time. Follow me...or don't, either way I'm going!" Charlie recalled her pokemon and began to run off the path and towards the direction of the woods. "I'm gonna check out these woods before the ceremony starts!" Charlie yelled to Del.


Previously QueOne
“Wow,” June said simply as Dom finished his story. “That’s intense. Hanzo must really see something in you if he’s giving you his personal attention like this.” She let him go on as she shoved a few coins into the vending machine, eager for a sugar fix. When he made his offer, June’s eyes lit up. “That would be amazing! I’ve always wanted to try Corkscrew Crash. I know the pose and everything.” She retrieved her soda from the vending machine and popped it open, just to watch it be plucked from her hands by a greedy pair of mandibles. “Durant, how on Earth do you always know when I have something sweet?” she sighed as she inserted another batch of coins.

She then turned back to Dom and asked, “Anyway, want to go do something while we wait for that opening ceremony?”
Hokori was surprised by Thomas's response, having not expected that, and almost felt a red blush rising to her face before she focused again, nodding her head to help; While getting compliments was no surprise given her upbringing, usually it was her family trying to get to do stuff, or tutors telling her she was doing well - even if she wasn't...

"Right, Cor has a pretty goo' sense of smell...He likes when other trainers have a really rare water type on hand." She explained to Thomas when he was wondering, shaking her head as Cor gladly took the pat before being brought onto Hokori's shoulder again. "Which isn't often." She quickly added, her smile beginning to widen a little in excitement even at this small talk. "The ol family likes flashy pokemon, and water types don't always fill that, ya know?"
Del didn't have much to say, thoughts were racing around in his head like a violent storm. Vars could tell he had something on his mind and flew out from his jacket. "Vars, what're you doing?" Arith knew what was going on, they both liked to train their poses and balance to impress Del whenever he was sad. Arith put his small purple hands on the ground and kicked up with back legs and Vars grabbing and holding onto to the legs in the air, making Arith perform a handstand but with the assistance of Vars. "You guys..." Del said with a laugh. Del slapped himself in the face with both hands. "That's right! I can't get shown up by some blue-haired punk. Oi! Charlie, wait up!"
"But...no, I...!" Jack jumped in shock after seeing Emma like this, and wanted to apologize. After all...he made her cry! But, he also knew that apologizing would just make things more awkward, and understood her wishes. "...I understand...but...if anything new comes up, you tell your family first, okay? They're your best asset. They understand you more than I ever could." He put on a fake smile.
"Understood," Emma responded, "Don't worry about it, thank you Dusclops."

Emma had kept herself calm, she knew they should get going.

"We should get going, Jack, as the ceremony is soon." Emma continued, "Don't worry about me, or Volcarona, here's a fun fact, the Dusclops is my Starter."

That fun fact was meant to cheer her up.. Dusclops handed Volcarona's pokeball back to Emma who clipped it on to her belt as Raboot hopped back on her shoulder. The bunny had hopped on to the other shoulder, and looked to Jack.

"Boot, Boot." Raboot responded.

The ghost type looked at Jack with a calm look, not intending to unnerve the boy.
Charlie ran into the forest, looking behind her to see Del chasing after her, Charlie gave a chuckle and then entered the woods, Charlie woukd jump over rocks, leapover fallen treez. Running in the wild was very fun to her. Especially when growing up all she really had was palm trees and a cave. Once Charlie was deep enough into the woods she stopped and started to sneak around. Trying not to alert any pokemon that may be behind her. She looked where she had came from to see if Del had kept up to her but didn't see a thing "hmm, maybe he'll catch up eventually...now...time to look for my next pokemon" Charlie whispered to herself...


Previously Night's Shadow
“Hmm, that’s interesting… this little guy—” Reese tapped Rocket’s head again. “—well, not little anymore, hehe, but back when he was a little guy, a Golett, I found him slumbering in an ancient ruin back in Unova. Which I… happened to be exploring without my dad’s permission, haha….Anyways! Long story short, I accidentally woke him up, then there was a craaazy cool underground battle between my dad and him and my dad caught him for me. That’s how he became my first buddy!” She grinned, then took a quizzical pose—however quizzical a pose one could take while riding on a ten foot robot, anyway. “When my dad ‘n’ his archaeology team carbon dated some of the rocks, they were a couple thousand years old. Meaning Rocket here’s kinda an old geezer,” she joked with a teasing grin directed at her Pokémon.
"I think a lotta people would come running when they see any rare Pokemon regardless of it's type, and thanks to my childhood, I've certainly gained a soft spot for water types, my family also likes Pokemon, they don't have to be extra flashy to be cool because to us Wilsons, all Pokemon are cool." Thomas said with a smile.

"As for the rare water type, she was gifted to me by my father when I was still in preschool. My first days with her were... mixed to say the least." Thomas said as his smile changed to a somewhat unsettled look as if he remembered something he didn't like.
"Oh, right, of course." Jack gave Dusclops a small wave as the two of them continued through the dorms and eventually exited the building. "Beautiful day, isn't it?" He asked, feeling the warm sun on his skin. Well, the skin that wasn't covered up by the uniform. Seeing the island like this reminded him of how thankful he was to be here, to be able to talk to Emma, and his other friends, too. It was a thought that's already gone through his head three days in the past 24 hours, but it was a nice thought regardless.
"Interesting, my Scrafty, was rescued as a Scraggy from poachers, I don't know where the Poachers are currently, so I try not to have Scrafty run off, or if he does, I follow to make sure he is fine." Jason explained, "I have fought an Archeops once with Metagross, I also have an Empoleon, a Kirlia and a Lurantis."

Jason had seen the most quizzical look that one could muster on a ten foot robot of a Pokémon, on the girl and it was an interesting look. Metagross had been keeping pace with the Golurk. A few random students, had looked up to see a Golurk and a Metagross.

"Wow, don't see too many of those Pokémon!" A couple random trainers called out.

Emma looked at Jack as he had asked his question.

"It certainly is, I may be able to bring out Volcarona for a bit on our walk there."

Emma opened up Volcarona's Pokeball. The Shiny Fire and Bug type flew above their heads, watching. Dusclops walked with Emma as Raboot kept on her shoulder. The Raboot understood Emma as she looked at the sky.

"You ready?"

Laura looked at Ivan as she held a specific Pokéball, and responded.

"Let's go, he's too big to release here."

Laura headed out the door and towards the steps.

People are going to be quite surprised when they see this one. Laura had been thinking that, and had heard the takeoff sounds of a Metagross as well as the rumble from James's Steelix.
Jack nodded and smiled. “Yeah, let’s go.” He continued walking towards the courtyard, before stopping. “Oh, hey, I almost forgot to let my Pokémon out.” He grabbed Justin and Empoleon’s Poké Balls, and let them out. “The sun is out, boys. I think you guys should be enjoying it.” Justin and Empoleon nodded, as they started to follow him and Emma.
Ivan followed close behind Laura wondering what type of pokemon was in the ball she was holding, she said it was two big to fit in the room they were in which got him curious.

I wonder if it's a tarous, no those can fit almost anywhere, maybe it's a dragonite.
Hokori tilted her head at Thomas' belief, before smiling wider hearing him talk of his family and giving a small giggle.
"Right, I 'uppose that makes sense. Glad to see some people have good families..." She let out a relieved sigh, before frowning as she saw the slight disquieted expression on his face.

"Lemme guess, no' the kinds of days to talk about?" She decided to say after a moment, "Fair enough, Tom, can't say I don't have those kinds of memories...." She added, putting a hand to the back of her neck with an awkward rub. "But, nice to know you've been with your Pokémon for so long~!" She pointed out, trying to change the subject to something more lighthearted.
Charlie was sitting down next toa clearing in the forest. Watching pokemon step by and move about the woods. "All these pokemon, but nothings catching my eye. I thought pokemon of all shapes and sizes were supposed to be here?" She put a hand to her chin. Not minutes later a large rustle came from one of the trees Charlie was under. Out from the rustling treetop a small purple figure fell, just as Charlie looked up to see what happened she got smacked across the face, a purple monkey being the cause of that. Charlie fell back but quickly sat back up "what the crap!?" She shouted, but to her surprise there was an aipom standing before her. It seemed docile enough, it didn't seem aggressive in the slightest. Actually it seemed afraid of something, looking past Charlie and back into the tree canopy. "My head....what's got ya spooked little guy..." Charlie reached out a hand to the aipom, noticing it was carrying something in it's tail hand....thing. "is that- " She was cut off, Down from the tree a pink and white creature fell, once again smacking Charlie, in the back of the head this time. Charlie fell forward, hitting her head against the ground "GAH! What the hell was that!?" Charlie raised her head once more to see a flaffy with a angry expression "huh, you mean the aipom is running from you? But you're so fluffy and cute.....how did you get into that tree?" She asked the electric sheep pokemon. The flaffy huffed with rage and started to jolt with electricity. The aipom scurried to the other end of the clearing. Charlie stood up and backed away as well. Getting into the center of the clearing "wh-whats gotten into you, why are YOU so aggressive?" Charlie felt the sunny opening grow darker, to her curiosity she looked up and noticed the small patch of sky visible from the forest clearing was beginning to shape into a black thunder cloud, swirling into almost a spiral shape above the treetop. It was certainly visible from outside the woods. "Oh jeez, I've gotta stop this guy before I'm turned into a lighting rod." With that Charlie reached to her belt to grab Dune's pokeball. After a moment of not feeling anything Charlie frantically looked to her waist "MY POKEBALLS ARE GONE!?!" She freaked out, her whole belt was missing. Charlie freaked out, she looked around her for where her belt might possibly be. Finally catching a look at the aipom from before, what it was holding in its tail was "My belt!!" Charlie shouted at the tiny monkey pokemon, pointing at it. Her focus was snapped back to the raging flaffy "Flaffffyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!' It cried. Charlie knew what the meant and without even looking at the sky she ran and dove into the ground. Lighting came crashing down in the centrr of the clearing. Thankfully Charlie was far enough away and so close to the ground she managed to dodgde most of the electricity that shot out from the impacting thunder attack.
Thomas was briefly surprised when Hokori mentioned how he may have had a bad past and merely nodded, when she mentioned how she may also have similar memories, he showed a look of concern before he heard her mention how he had his Pokemon with him for so long. "Oh, absolutely, but I feel like being at this academy might be an even greater chance to bond with both of my Pokemon. So, what kind of Pokemon do you have with you?" He asked and smiled at Hokori before he turned his head to hear the sound of thunder... which seemed rather unusual given how nice and clear the weather looked.
When Laura stepped outside, she threw the pokeball in the air as a large, blue draconic creature with a grey underside and red crescent wings appeared from the pokeball. The Dragon and Flying type roared in general as Laura gestured to the Pokémon.

"Ivan, meet my Starter!" Laura called out.

Greninja, who stood next to Laura, Fomantis jumped on Laura's shoulder, and Cacnea hopped on Laura's head, all were prepared. Cacnea looked at the form of the Salamence standing in front of him.

Volcarona looked over to the other Pokémon, recognizing the Empoleon somewhat, as her Trainer's brother had one as well.

"My brother has an Empoleon as well, I think he plans to evolve his Kirlia soon." Emma responded.

Raboot waved to the two Pokémon.

"Boot?" Raboot asked Emma.

"This is Jack's Empoleon, probably completely different from Jason's." Emma explained to her Pokémon.


Previously QueOne
“Sounds good,” June said as she tagged along. “My partner here could use some work too. She’s getting rusty, in more ways than one.” She laughed as Durant turned to her looking utterly betrayed. Of course, her comment was only half joking. It really had been a good deal of time since they had last battled, and they would certainly have to work hard not to fall behind the likes of Dom.
“Oh, you know someone with an Empoleon? I guess that means I should come up with a nickname for this one…” He put a hand to his chin, looking down to think for a moment. “This one will be…Monsoon. Empoleon aren’t exactly known for making it rain, but I think it has a nice sound to it.” He looked over to the newly-named Monsoon. “What do you think?”

Monsoon nodded approvingly. “Good. Now I just need a nickname for the Finneon I caught on the ship…”
Ivan and Ari looked at Laura's starter in amazement, Ivan was amazed that that her Starter pokemon was a power dragon type, Ari was just suprised that it was a big pokemon.

"Woah, you have a Salamence that's awesome. They're great at flying and extremely good in offense and defense and the moves they can learn are incredile I mea-"

Ivan stopped talking and looked away from Laura as he felt like he sounded like a pokemon nerd. He put his hands on his face to hide the fact he was blushing from the embarrassment he was feeling.
Charlie's face was planted in the dirt, finally after the lighting semmed to be over she lifted her head up. "Ahh am I alive!?" She stood up, patting up and down her body making sure she wasn't on fire or dead. The flaffy was still there, staring at the aipom and Charlie with the same angry glare "whats your damage!?" She turned to the aipom and Charlie's expression turned to that of the flaffy's "My pokeballs! Give them back you theif!" Charlie couldn't fight this flaffy without her pokemon, she reacjed out for the aipom but it got scared and hopped away, still carrying her belt in its tail "No!! Get back here!" She screamed out, chasing after the aipom into the brush of the woods, the flaffy had some sort of vandetta against that aipom, and gave chase as well. It began to shoot little strikes of electricity at Charlie and the aipom as it moved through the woods "come on!" Charlie groaned out, attempting to keep chase and avoid the lightning as well.
"Well, you've already met Cor, but..." She began, gesturing to the side as Taupe popped up. "This is Taupe, as well. Both've been with me since I got into battling, and they're really strong. I'd say strong enough to even give, say, a Salamance a run for it's money!" She told Thomas, getting somewhat pumped at that idea. Suddenly, she heard the sound of thunder, causing her eyes to widen and get a surprised gasp out of her as her eyes followed to try and find the source of the noise.
Thomas smiled and knelt down to give the Dugtrio a pat on each head before he laughed lightly when she bragged about their strength. "A Salamence eh? They must be tough if you believe they can take on such a strong Pokemon." He said before he looked back at where the lightning struck.

Thomas looked back at Hokori after a good minute of concern from the lightning. "Either the weather forecast missed out a sudden upcoming storm... or there's some angry Electric type Pokemon causing trouble, I dunno how much time we have until the headmaster's opening speech, but do you think we should check that out?


Previously Night's Shadow
Reese listened raptly to Jason’s account of his Pokémon, eyes glittering with excitability and a desire to spill more trivia when another ancient Pokémon was mentioned, Archeops. She held back her urge, though, confident that she’d already talked his ear off enough about history of Pokémon.

Voices coming from people other than her male companion came from the crowd of students they’d joined heading toward the courtyard, calling out their Pokémon. Reese grinned happily, unconcerned with the attention, smiling and waving at the people who called them out. “Looks like we’re close,” she said to Jason, shading her eyes with a hand as they began to slow.
"Give me back my stuff you ape!" Charlie was right behind the aipom, reaching out to grab a pokeball from the tail. "Aha!" She was sooo close, with a final leap Charlie reached out

With a sudden loud crack and bright flash of light a bolt of lightning shot at Charlie's hand. "Ahhh!!" A scream of pain echoed out of Charlie. The attack knocked her down against a tree trunk "ngh!" Charlie groaned, gripping her singed hand. The flaffy was clouded by anger, whatever could have caused, only arceus could know. The aipom continued to run. Once again the sky rumbled and crackled, black clouds swirling above the forest, flaffy's body crackled again with more rage than ever-
Another bright flash gleamed through the forest's trees. Through the light was Shoe and Dune, escaping their pokeballs without being commanded...
"Yeah, let's go check!" Hokori soon nodded in response to Thomas, prepared to go out already - The fact that Taupe should be capable of taking an electric type down easily also in mind affecting that decision. With Cor on her shoulder and Taupe not far behind, she decided to start running to check outside immeadiantly. Looking around, she heard the thunder coming from the forest area of the land.

"Over there!" She shouted back to Thomas, pointing towards the forest. "Hopefully whatever's going on isn't getting anyone hurt, but I can't see any lightning...It must be a Pokémon!"
Thomas immediately rushed after Hokori, one of his hands held a Poke ball, ready to let out his Pokemon should they need to assist, but hoped that the matter could be resolved more peacefully. As they rushed over to the situation, Thomas looked to where Hokori pointed and immediately began to make his way over to the trees. "Agreed, let's go!" He said as he made his way through the greenery and managed to see another student about to be attacked by an angry Flaaffy only for her Pokemon to emerge.

Upon a better inspection, he recognized the student from the boat. "Charlie?" Thomas said, hopefully loud enough to hear her and went to throw his Poke ball to let out one of his Pokemon, the Pokemon that emerged from the spherical capsule was his Steelix who's size rivaled the trees around him, ready to aid his Thomas and his friends.
Hokori went with Thomas, faltering as she saw the Flaaffy and the girl...and then heard Thomas call out. Looking closer, she realised he was right.
"Charlie!" She added, sending Taupe forward to join her Pokémon with wide eyes as she looked right at the Flaaffy, taking her own chance to try to reach Charlie to check on her roommate.

"Are you alright?!" She quickly asked, looking over her and going to help Charlie to her feet, sweat already dripping down Hokori's cheek from her mild fear over this wild Pokémon's anger and power.
Damn that spry punk! "Charlie!" Del cried out, "Where the hell didja run off to?!" A loud crash of thunder rang out theough the woods. "Charlie?" Just as he was about to start running again, an Aipom ran right into Arith, knocking them both over. "Arith! You-" he noticed the belt of pokeballs and quickly snatched it before the Aipom could stand back up. " Now, I'm no genius, but I don't think pokemon should catch other pokemon, that's immoral." He put the belt over his head and shoulder and was now wearing it like a bandolier. "Wait, could this belt belong to...Charlie! 2 of them are opened already, did she try to battle the Aipom and an uninvited guest showed up?" He took off deeper into the woods, recalling Arith back to his pokeball and letting Vars stay in his jacket. "Think, Del, Charlie ran into the woods, there was a crash of thunder, and an Aipom with a belt.... did Charlie transform into a monkey?! No, that's stupid, think harder, Del! Whatever, I'll just run around the whole damn woods until I find her, but I'll start at where that sound was coming from."
Charlie was huddled up into a ball, too in shock from the electrical attack to move. Suddenly she lifted her head up to see Thomas and Hokori, and 2 of her own pokemon as well as their own "g-guys!" She cried out, Hokori helped Charlie up, she was holding her head and looked at the raging flaffy "watch out for that thunder! Actually..Dune! " immediately Charlie's flygon took flight, rising up into the sky as the second thunder fired at the ground, Dune took the attack head on, blocking the others from it with its ground typing. "Hokori...Tom...thank you guys, do whatever you want with that flaffy, all I want is to catch it" she said, her eyes half closed. She was stood back up thanks to Hokori but it wasn't easy to keep standing. She leaned her head against Hokori's shoulder. Shoe was crowding around the two, ready to escort them if it was needed.
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huff huff "Seriously, when I catch Charlie I'll make her think twice about leaving her stuff so carelessly lying around the forest." Just as he finished his sentence, he looked up to see Dune getting struck by lightning! "Tch! This is extremely problematic, I have no idea what the hell is going on!"

Del caught up to see Charlie injured and 2 other students staring down a Flaffy who he could have sworn was foaming at the mouth, crazy. The aura alone was intense. "You 2, leave Charlie in my care, deal with that pokemon by any means necessary!"
"Alright, if you want it...!" Hokori nodded, before looking to Shoe and smiling in thanks. "But we'll get you a bit safer, first...! Taupe, use Sandstorm!" She shouted out to Dugtrio, who let out a small cry before sand began to kick up, surrounding the Pokémon battling - Mainly the Flaaffy - in a Sandstorm that would damage Pokémon who weren't ground or rock types. "That should make it easier," Before she could do anything else, someone else showed up.

"Well, excuse me, I'm not about to trust my roommate and friend's health with some strang-" She was about to protest, before pausing. "Actually, if you know her, I'm sure you're fine." She decided mid-sentence, attempting to lead Charlie over to Del.
Charlie opened her eyes to see a sandstorm forming around the woods, before hearing another one of her friends voices "Del?" As her and Hokiri made their way to Del Charlie noticed what he was holding "ah My belt!" She stood straight up off of Hokori with excitement, before immediately tipping forward and falling "owowow, this must be what paralysis feels like..." she said to her two friends in a forcedully optimistic tone.