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Private/Closed Kyogre Lake Academy

Thomas smiled and turned around, he turned his head to give the ocean view one more look before he looked back at Hokori and nodded. "Alrighty then, let's get a move on." He said more confidently than before and began to make his way off of the beach and walk down the path to where the forest was, when they were off the beach, Thomas lightly stomped his feet to get the sand off his shoes before he proceeded. When Thomas arrived at the woods, he looked back at Hokori before he pressed on into the green wilderness, already he could see several Pokemon go about their lives from the bird Pokemon that rested in the tree branches to the rodent Pokemon that scurried past him, none of which seemed to interest Thomas. "Hopefully we don't run into another angry Pokemon like Charlie's newly acquired Flaaffy." He joked.
"A Shieldon, this is going to be interesting-." Jason had seen Reese freak out when she found something, "A Dome Fossil, this one I was told about when I got Aerodactyl, if my memory serves me right, yours will revive to a Kabuto."

Jason's mind was running on almost all cylinders, as he had been looking at Reese freaking out about his own and her fossils, he knew he wasn't that knowledgeable with Fossils, but more so than average, after getting Aerodactyl, and now he's about to get a Shieldon. Metagross had managed to dislodge the Armor Fossil, and gave it to Jason.

"Reese, I do have one question, is there a Revival facility around here?" Jason asked, "That's where we should go next."


Larvitar looked at Jack and Emma, and tilted it's head at Jack. The Larvitar then used Iron Head on a Nearby rock. Emma dropped behind the bushes.

"You may want to get down," Emma whispered into Jack's ear.

When Emma dropped, she whispered, "Iron Head?"


Laura looked at Ivan as he walked over, the ditto popped around the Corner this time as a Shiny Salamence.

"Hello, there, you like turning into other Pokémon?" Laura responded, "I think I can help, with my work, you will meet a lot of Pokémon."

The ditto transformed into its true form as it popped into a Pokéball. The ball shook once, twice, and three times. Then an Audible click signaled its capture. Laura looked at Ivan.

"A ditto just captured itself!" Laura called out excitedly, "I've always wanted a Ditto, it would help figure out more information about Pokémon, since it can transform into any known Pokémon."
Jack did as he was told and crouched further. Justin did as well. “Iron Head is only available to Larvitar through TM’s or breeding, correct?” Jack whispered. “That means that either this Larvitar was released from a trainer, or one of its parents is in the Aron line…”
As Jack had said his question, an Aggron walked over to Tyranitar.

"Well, there's your answer." Emma responded, "if you think Tyranitars are territorial, there's a new one coming, Aggrons are more territorial, and if a disaster occurs, it will rebuild the area, also this one seemed to get back from its patrol."

The Aggron looked at the Larvitar, and was happy. The Larvitar ran off towards Tyranitar, as Aggron went on patrol. It then saw the Pokémon from Earlier, the large black and white bear. Aggron was pissed, as the Bear charged at Aggron, not caring about anything, even a Stone Edge that had whacked the bear. The bear went for a Hammer Arm only for it not to do much of anything.

"That's a Pangoro," Emma whispered.
“What do we do?” Jack asked. “Do we keep going, or do we step in? If we step in, it’s possible we could get on good terms with that Larvitar’s family, but…maybe we shouldn’t intervene in Pokémon business…” He whispered.
“Yeah, I have. Thank you.” Dom said calmly.

Dom stood back up and brushed the dust from the ground off his pants.

“Thank you a lot for that Alex. We should talk again later, but I have somewhere I need to be.” Dom said.

Dom made his way from the arena, all the way back to the Charmeleon group. He saw the charmander he was working with earlier. It has still been practicing it’s Dragon Rage. Dom looked down at his wrist and thought for a moment.

I’ve got a lot of growing to do myself.
Ivan chuckled when he saw Laura get excited over catching a pokemon, especially a ditto. He felt a tug on his leg and looked down to see the Spheal wanting Ivan to pick him up again. Ivan picked up the Spheal, Once he picked up the seal pokemon from the ground it immediately started getting excited. Ivan gave a slight grin to the pokemon and looked at Laura before smiling.

"You and this Spheal are kinda the same, you both get really excited. It's kinda... cute."

Ivan's face got tomato red as he began to try and laugh it off, the Spheal began to laugh at what Ivan was doing and began to as well Copy him.
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Previously Night's Shadow
Reese fumbled with the rocks as she stood, then realized the skirt had pockets in it and started shoving the rocks in. It looked like she had strange, misshapen growths on her thighs beneath the fabric, but hey— if it worked, it worked. She kept the Dome fossil in her hand and nodded with almost comical conviction. “Yeah!” she agreed fervently. “But… I wasn’t paying attention during the presentation,” she admitted unapologetically. “Dunno where the Lab is, or if there even is one.” She grinned. “Oh, well! Guess we’re going on another exploration!”
Charlie and the two students walking her home had finally made it to the Dormatory. Entering the lobby they immediately headed for the pokemon center. Handing the pokeballs containing Charlie's victorious team to the nurse "feel free to take a seat and relax ma'am." The nurse said with a warm smile. Charlie and company took a seat at one of the tables in the pokemon center, glass bordering the walls that allowed people to see outside the center into the lobby, and even to the outside of the building "oh Charlie. Actually some of the students are gonna get together and have this unofficial tournament in like a month from today, I've heard there is gonna be a super awesome rare pokemon as the prize for the winner, you should enter it." Charlie raised an eyebrow and looked at hands on the table "I think I might enter it then. It's always good to go into a tournament, I get to fight many different trainers with many different strategies. And I'm curious what could possibly be a rare pokemon considering some of the pokemon I've seen on this island already."
The three sit and conversating while Charlie's pokemon rested. It came to her attention these two were some second year students, Cody and Zack was their names.
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Hokori was soon following behind Thomas, stopping for a moment to take off her boots for a second to dust them off - Feeling the need to do one at a time, hopping when doing so - in order to get the sand out after leaving the beach.
When Thomas gave her a look before they entered the forest again, she nodded to him, before following him in.

Instantly, the feeling from the beach was different - While the feelings there was a calm, but mostly empty area that had few wild pokémon of note and allowed relaxing, the forest in this area was vibrant and full of life, from the pokémon who scurried the ground for food to the birds atop who looked down to all. Of course, she giggled somewhat at Thomas's joke, smiling wide.
"Hah, doubt you'll ge' lucky with a powerhouse like that Flaaffy," She joked back, beginning to go slightly ahead.
"If Pangoro goes for Larvitar, then Interfere." Emma responded, "For now, watch."

Emma watched this standoff, Pangoro didn't notice Larvitar yet, as Aggron was keeping it busy as Tyranitar looked towards something past Emma and Jack. Emma followed Tyranitar's Gaze to find Panchams, which went after Larvitar. Tyranitar used Bulldoze towards some of the Panchams. The Panchams started using Arm Thrust on Larvitar.

"We're going to have to interfere, Pangoro's buddies showed up!" Emma called out, "Dusclops, Shadow Punch!"

Dusclops popped out of his Pokéball, and disappeared, reappearing behind two Panchams and sent them flying.


Laura had been excited about the new catch, but she heard Ivan, and turned beet red. As she listened, she turned even redder. Laura had thoughts racing in her head, mainly how was she this cute to him. Her love life usually never ended well, unlike Jason's, which didn't exist.


That was all Laura could get out of her mouth as her mind decided not to work for a moment.


Jason had listened to the Headmaster's speech, and just remembered that there was a lab with Revival capacity somewhere near the main building, particularly near the spire.

"Something about the Science wing might have an idea!" Jason called out, "Let's head there!"

Metagross let Jason on, as he looked towards the main building. He then started flying towards said building.
“Oh, no!” Jack stood up and pointed his arm towards the Pancham. “Justin, Confusion!” In response, Justin leapt out from behind Jack as its eyes glowed pink. He pointed his arms forward and a psychic circle appeared between them. Then another circle appeared in front of one of the Pancham, doing damage and causing confusion for the bear.


Previously Night's Shadow
“Science wing? Oh yeah, there is a Science wing!” Reese thought aloud, remembering. “I keep forgetting how massive this place is, that they need to have things named like wings and spires and sectors and whatever else… hey, wait up!” she called, grinning, as she vaulted onto Rocket’s shoulder. The mechanical Pokémon made its way after the Metagross, retracting its legs and flying at a steady pace with the rockets the Golurk was named for. Riot and Rune trailed after them, racing each other in the air.

(OOC: hahahahahhahaha I came up with another R nickname for the Kabuto to be * evil laughter * good luck tryna keep em all straight)
Ivan put the Spheal in front of his face and tried to compose himself, he shook his head and started to speak, but he began to stutter.

"W-well you called me cute e-earlier when I was being n-nerdy and I t-thought you looked c-cute when you got e-excited. I mean n-not that you aren't n-normally cute-."

He immediately stopped talked and began to scream to himself in frustration at how awkward and weird he is being, but he stopped once he got a text message on his phone from his uncle to visit him at his store.

"O-oh, look at that, I-I gotta go L-Laura I hope you have a g-good rest of your day!"

Ivan set the Spheal on the ground and began to run away with his face still beet red. The Spheal looked upset at how Ivan left him alone and began to roll after him as fast as possible.

Why would you say that you absolute moron!
Del and Connor split off halfway to the Headmistress's, and Del made it perfectly in time and caught her entering into the large building. "First year Quentin Del making your acquaintance, sir! Er, ma'am!" Del put his hands behind his and straightened his back and looked straight ahead, like a soldier during inspection. "Hello there, Del. I assume you're here to accept the offer?" "Yes sir! Ma'am!" "Alright. I know it's a little odd making a first year cheer captain, and especially as early as the school year is, but you really inspired those boys to work their butts off. Speaking of work, how's your mother? Still neck deep in her medicine?" "Yeah... er, Yes ma'am!" Del was trying to focus, but his mother was a touchy subject. "Well, I'm sure she's doing fine, you on the other hand, look like you've dived head first into studying and haven't stopped." Del began to sweat as he realized something. "Ma'am, when does the pokemon medical training class start?" "Hm, well I'd say about 10 minutes ago, if you plan on attending, I wouldn't want to make a worse impression by being even later than you already are. I'll excuse you this time, since you have an actual reason for being here, but next time I won't be so lenient." "O-of course, ma'am!" Del said saluting and running off. "Aw hell, I need to remember why I'm here in the first place, it wasn't to force these creatures to fight, it was to help them so they can help me learn about medicine. That's the only reason mom let me come in the first place..." "Whimsy..." Algo popped out of his pokeball and could barely muster saying that with excruciating agony holding his arm. "The soul is willing, but the body needs mending, perchance the clinic has some aide." "Yeah, I know, I'm sorry for having your arm essentially get crushed, but I'll say that officially makes us even for Vars." Del said crouching down and sticking out his fist. "Whimsicott?" "Come on, you can't be on the cheer team and not know how to fist bump." Algo slowly raised his arm and touched Del's hand. Del closed his eyes and smiled, "That's the spirit! The school spirit! Everyone, formation-" "Whimsy!" "Oh yeah, clinic, let's continue."
James walked to the Pokémon Center at the Dorms, at least that was the goal. When he arrived at the Dorm Building, he went to talk with the Receptionist.

"Hello, do you know where Jason Argentston is staying, I'm his brother, James," James responded, "I have a delivery from Mr. Hanzo."

"I'll hold onto these until he gets back." The receptionist responded.

"Thank you," James called out.

He then walked into the Pokémon Center, and Dropped off Steelix and Sceptile, Vulpix popped out of her pokeball and looked at Charlie.


James walked over to see Charlie from Dinner and Vulpix. James picked up Vulpix and sat down next to Charlie.

"Hey, you okay." James responded, "I'm James, you may or may not have seen my Kingdra on the Ferry, it was acting like a Trained Wailmer, I'm also the one riding around on a Steelix."


Emma knew she had to hurry with rescuing the Larvitar. Dusclops kept his Shadow Punches up, as he hit the injured one from Justin's Confusion, as Togetic got off Emma's head and Waved a finger. A Pancham got picked up and thrown into Pangoro. Pangoro then turned around towards them when Aggron literally bowled into Pangoro, pulling Pangoro away from Larvitar and the Panchams. The two Pupitars noted Emma and Jack trying trying Help Larvitar. They ran over and used Iron Head on the Panchams as well as what Emma, Dusclops and Togetic were doing. All of a sudden, a bipedal white bear with and Icicle Beard attacked Tyranitar. That was a mistake, as Tyranitar promptly tore through Beartic.

"Aggron's got Pangoro," Emma called out, "and Tyranitar got The Beartic, Let the Pupitars handle the Panchams further away, we handle the Closer ones."

Dusclops shadow punched two more, as Pangoro looked at Aggron, going for a Hammer Arm as Aggron landed a Body Press.


Jason had slowed down to let Reese and Rocket catch up. He then looked to Reese.

"Metagross, guide."

The Iron Leg Pokémon noted Jason's command, while he was looking through his pokeballs, he had a few of mixed kinds. He then grabbed

"I've got three pokeballs, a great ball, an Ultra ball, and a Heavy Ball," Jason responded, "What pokeball should I use when Shieldon is Revived?"

Jason was slightly nervous, as he never had to pick the pokeball for his Fossil before.


Laura looked at Ivan, blushing intensely.

"See you at Dinner!" Laura called out now that she had calmed down.

Laura opened her Salamence's Pokeball, and Flew off towards Battle Strategies class.
Charlie and her classmates talked for a bit in the pokemon center, before ultimately heading off on their own "see ya Charlie. Best of luck with the tournament!" Cody said with a smile and a wave as he and Zack excited the center and shortly after the building entirely.

Charlie sat for a bit, twidling with her fingers as staring down at the table. Suddenly a little fox pokemon appeared as sat next to her "o-oh hello there buddy" she held out a hand to the vulpix, a trainer sat down at the other side of the table and Charlie swiftly returned her hands back to a neutral position. the boy introduced himself as James Argenston "I-Im doing good, just thinking is all" Charlie was feeling better than before thanks to Cody and Zack but she was still feeling strange "oh sorry, its nice to meet ya James, I'm Charlie....and I don't believe I met you on the boat, but I have met your sister, and if I remember she said the same thing about your kingra during the boat ride. Charlie sat quietly for a second before speaking back up "what brings you here- well thats stupid its a pokemon center duh, I uh mean what brings you to the acadamy, like what did you and your siblings do to get invited? If you don't mind me asking James" Charlie felt embarrassed but she doesn't know why any of her same year classmates got invited, she hadn't bothered to ask so may as well start now...
"Well, Emma was behind the Arrests of at least Thirteen people, mostly poachers, she's here on investigation skills, I Nearly won a Grand Festival, Laura managed to get a Magmortar and a Cacturne to breed without Magmortar lighting The Cacturne on fire, and Jason, Jason won the Hoenn League's Junior Division a few months ago." James responded.

He was a bit nervous about revealing Jason's invitation, normally he would let Jason do the explaining on that one. He then looked at Vulpix, who looked at him, then looked back at Charlie, preparing for a reaction.
Jack nodded. "Alright Justin, use Air Slash!" As he said that, Justin slashed his arms through the air, unleashing a flurry of air waves that hit two Pancham to the ground. "How many of these are there?" Jack called out.
Charlie sat and listened with open ears at how all of the Argenston kids were invited, as soon as James mentioned how Jason got in, Charlie stood up holding both her hands against the table "WHAT!" She shouted, Charlie quickly calmed herself down and sat back down "wait so you mean to tell me that Jason beat the pokemon league?" Thoughts were racing through her head "how am I gonna beat somebody like that" sweat starting to slide down her face *"if he's in the same class as me and he's a champion.....how impressive could some of the other students be..."
Charlie was frozen, caught stuck in her own head thinking. Finally she was brough back to reality by a cute "yip" from James's vulpix "oh s-sorry" Charlie wiped the sweat from her eyes and gave a nervous smile "sorry for gettinf so nervous, I guess its only fair I tell you how I got here. Well I'm from Dewford in Hoenn, I work as a gym trainer under my dad Brawly, and its becauseof his recommendation that I am here...not because of my battle prowess..." her head lowered, before promptly raising back up as if everything was fine
"Sooo you won a grand festival and thats how you got invited right, what region are the four of you guys from?"
"I was a finalist for the Grand Festival, we come from Oldale Town, Hoenn, our dad is The Maze Guardian of the Battle Frontier, he did win by tie breaker, due to the Sweep in the Semifinals," James explained, "Your Battle Prowess is pretty good, Emma and Jason had watched your battle with Dom, he was the guy flying around on a Metagross. Jason is scary, even I don't want to piss him off, he has a Metagross for a starter, his Aerodactyl swept a team in a six on six, and Lurantis is a nightmare with Superpower and Leaf Storm, something about Lurantis's ability, he's actually been told to learn experiences of a typical teenager, Steven Stone said that to Jason himself."

James nearly had his ear blown off at first, but it was completely explainable, she was just told a classmate had won a league. Several random second and third years looked at James with bewildered looks. James looked at his ribbon case, which had a picture of when he took second in the Grand Festival and a picture of Jason's Victory was also there.

"He's the one in the cloak in this picture, I think he has his cloak amongst his stuff here, he did some training with Metagross early this morning, I would join him for bulk training for my Battlers, Sceptile, Kingdra and Steelix."


Emma had been finishing up with those Panchams that had been annoying Larvitar, when Aggron literally threw the Pangoro out of the area. The Panchams scattered after Pangoro got thrown out. Aggron approached Emma and Jack, was trying to attack when Larvitar explained the situation. Aggron nodded to Emma and Jack as Tyranitar looked over, she saw that Larvitar and the Pupitars were fine. Beartic stumbled away due to the fight with Tyranitar.

"Thank you, Larvitar." Emma told the little Rock and Ground type.

Aggron walked back over to Tyranitar as Pupitars followed, Larvitar gave a wave as he ran off.

"You okay, Jack," Emma asked.
Charlie reached for thr photo and took a good look at it "so Jason in the cloak won that festival as well Never knew I would be in the same class as somebody like him.." Charlie thought about what James had said to her about her battle prowess "thanks, honestly. Your dad is a frontier brain? Maybe our parents hav met before, Brawly visits the battle frontier from time to time." Charlie looked over at the counter, seeing the nurse was placing her unique orange-capped pokeballs on a container "you and Jason seem like you guys have powerhouses for teams" she placed a hand on top of James's vulpix and scratched its head gently "my team is important to me, and I know we're strong, just not strong enough..."
"Yes, I'm alright." Jack dusted himself off, and Justin did the same. "So, I guess that's only a taste of what's to come, huh?" He stood up and pulled a potion out of his bag to heal Justin. “Do you know how close we are?”
"I almost won the festival, he won the league." James responded, "My friend Rosemarie won the whole thing, I was second, my remaining members are Vulpix, Fomantis, and Scyther, all of which still need to evolve, and Jason's Lurantis swept half my team in my last Six on Six with him, my dad took over for Pyramid King Brandon after he retired, the Facility is built into a mountain, its easy to get lost, as it is a Five level Maze, one piece of trivia for it was that it opened two weeks later than it should have, Emma was born that night, Jason definitely faced Brawly, that was actually when Beldum evolved into Metang."

James had been explaining, he hoped that Charlie heard that James had nearly won the Grand Festival.


Emma looked to Jack, "It's over, Pangoro shouldn't bother them again, and hopefully Tyranitar doesn't have to deal with that again and we're here."

Tyranitar looked at Larvitar, with a relieved look, as she looked over to them. A want to kill you, but truly relieved look. Aggron started working on restoring the area, as Tyranitar then approached Emma and Jack. Larvitar looked over to its siblings, several more Larvitars and three Pupitars. Tyranitar nodded, giving a wave to them as she went to help Aggron.

"Dusclops is fine, they were using Arm Thrust, so Dusclops was unaffected." Emma told Jack, "Togetic knows Rest so the only thing I have to worry about is usage of Rest."

Togetic landed on Emma's head at the end of everything.
Ivan walked into a store filled with equipment and training gear for pokemon, he looked towards the desk to see a man with a beard, blue shirt, black jeans, brown boots, black bangs and had a slightly muscular build. He was counting the money he made for the day before closing up the store.Ivan smiled and walked over to him, the man looked up from what he was doing and began to chuckle before speaking.

"Well I'll be damned if it ain't Ivan, how you been kiddo?"

The man said as he patted Ivan on the back with intense force, Ivan stumbled a bit and felt like he was just hit by a car.

"I'm good Uncle Wallace, how has work been?

"Same old, same old, I really need to order some new things for the store, can't have my customers getting unhappy with their options.

"That makes sense, did you get what my dad sent over seas from hoenn?"

Wallace walked into the back room for a few minutes and came out with a cardboard box, he places it on the table for Ivan to open. Ivan opened the box and quickly closed it before turning to his uncle.

"Did he really have to get me three of them? I don't really need that many and I'm sure I can find them somewhere on the island."

"It's what he sent so just be happy with what you got and make sure to try those clothes your mom got for you. She said she spent a while picking them out for you. Also is that Spheal your's?"

Ivan looked confused and turned his head to see the spheal hiding behind one of the shelves. Ivan walked over to the pokemon and kneeled down.

"You followed me all the way here? You... wanna be my pokemon?"

Spheal excitedly bounced up and down. Ivan pulled out a pokemon from his belt and pushed it against Spheals head, as the Seal pokemon got sucked inside the ball instantly clicked. Ivan stood up and smiled at the ball, before sending the spheal back out and placing it on his head. Ivan picked up the box and was about to leave but his Uncle said something before he left.

"When you come back you won't get anything for free, you know that right?"

Ivan rolled his eyes and nodded before leaving the store and heading back to his dorm.
"I guess we found out the rumors were true then, huh?" Jack looked at Emma as he smiled slightly. "You know, I've heard some rumors myself we could check out. It might require a bit of a trip, though." Jack chuckled. Justin sighed. "Something about some sort of Eevee Grove in the forest areas of this island. And I've always wanted an Eevee. A Pokémon that has limitless potential, being able to evolve into eight different forms, each with their own type..." He went on, "One that can only be determined by fate, I guess. Sounds like a fun experience. Perhaps you could get one, too."
As Hokori began to take the lead, Thomas slowed his pace as he began to look around from where he was, when he looked at a pair of trees, he saw something dart from one to the other, this made him stop to focus on whatever zoomed by, the same strange figure suddenly flew into a nearby bush almost like a bullet.

"Hey, Hokori...?" Thomas asked with concern as he slowly walked towards the bush, one hand reached for a Poke ball while his other hand slowly reached for the bush to part some of it. Before his hand could touch one of the leaves, a little head poked out from the bush close to his hand, it's head looked almost arrowhead shaped with yellow eyes, Thomas turned his head lightly at the creature who responded with the same gesture, he decided to move his hand a bit closer to pet the Pokemon's head, the Pokemon closed it's eyes with a look of enjoyment.

"I wonder what kind of Pokemon this is..." Thomas said as the hand that reached for his Poke ball instread reached for his Rotom phone who scanned the Pokemon and made a little ping noise. "Dreepy: The lingering Pokemon. Dreepy is a Dragon and Ghost type. After being reborn as a ghost Pokémon, Dreepy wanders the areas it used to inhabit back when it was alive in prehistoric seas. If this weak Pokémon is by itself, a mere child could defeat it. But if Dreepy has friends to help it train, it can evolve and become much stronger."

Thomas put his phone away and gave a little whistle with amazement. "Dreepy, huh? You're certainly a cutie, that's for sure." Thomas said with a friendly tone of voice and went to tickle under the Pokemon's chin, his other hand went back to reach for a Poke ball and held it out to the Dreepy. "Do you wanna be a part of my team? I'd be happy to help you become strong." He asked calmly. The Dreepy tilted her head once again before she let out a cheerful chirp and began to fly around Thomas, Thomas laughed lightly at the creature's playful behavior before he threw his Poke ball up, the Dreepy flew up to the Poke ball and bumped her nose against it, this made the Poke ball open and Dreepy was sucked inside.

Thomas caught the Poke ball as it landed and felt it shake once... then twice... then a third time, then it made a little ring sound with a few sparkles emitted from it, this made Thomas smile and raised the Poke ball to the sky. "Alright! I caught myself a Dreepy!"
Charlie lifted her hand off of the vulpix and put it to her chin "so you almost one the grand festival but lost to your friend, not Jason... do you think your friend Rosemarie could beat Jason?" She asked curiously. Perhaps it would be in her best interest to learn more about these Argenston siblings since they seem like formidable opponents if they were to meet in battle.

"Excuse me ma'am your pokemon are all fully recovered" The nurse held out a pallete that held Charlie's four pokeballs "oh thank you miss" Charlie got up from the table and collected her pokemon, looking down at each ball before placing them back onto her belt. Charlie's legs were still a little wobbly, but they definitely seem better than they were a few hours ago. "From what you say I don't think I could beat you or Jason in a battle as I am noe, but don't expect me to not try and overtake you guys" Charlie sat down at the table seeming more confident "If the time comes when I have to face either of you in battle, I'll put up the best fight I can. You got that."


Previously Night's Shadow
“Shieldons are about a hundred thirty pounds or so,” Reese mused. “A heavy ball would take advantage of that… Personally, I would save the Ultra Ball just in case, ya’know? Like, maybe you get in a really heated battle with a wild ‘mon, and ya need to catch ‘em fast!” She grinned. “I’ve only got some regular ol’ Pokeballs, but I find it usually works well enough. Takes a few tries sometimes but eh. Try try again, right?”
"It would be far easier to fight Me or Rosemarie than Jason." James responded, "I'd probably have to use Kingdra if I come across you, Jason though, is a completely different level, also are you okay?"

He had noticed the wobbly legs. James had gotten an Alert from the Pokémon Center Nurse.

"James, your Pokémon are ready!"

Nurse Joy left a tray that had Steelix's and Sceptile's Pokéballs. He put the Pokéballs back on his belt. Vulpix looked at Charlie, and walked over, sitting on the table.


Emma listened to Jack as she said something about an Eevee Grove.

"Let's go!" Emma called out to Jack, her face having a tinge of red.

She then headed off, Togetic still on her head, and waited for Jack when she realized that she had no idea where the Grove was. Togetic woke up, as Dusclops was returned.

"Hey, Jack, I have no idea where this Grove may be."


Jason had listened to Reese say about using the Heavy Ball.

"Thank you, Reese," Jason responded, blushing a bit, then looking out towards the buildings for a moment, then back to Reese, "This was a gift from my Dad, I will use it for this."

Jason had been flying down towards the main campus when he passed Laura returning to the Dorms on Salamence, he waved hi as she flew along. When he arrived at the Science wing, he parked Metagross and hopped off with the Armor Fossil. He then Returned Metagross as he let Scrafty out.
"Haha, no worries. I might have an idea." Jack started heading west. "Justin and I would run into the woods, back when we were younger. Just to find adventure. And each day brought a new one. We'd find Kricketot, Shinx, that sort of thing...until we started spreading honey on trees. Then we started finding Pokémon from regions other than this one, like Heracross and Aipom. It was one of the things that made me realize the world was so much bigger than I had previously thought." Then he paused. "Ah, sorry. I'm getting sidetracked. I said all of that just to say I'd recognize a grove when I see one."
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Charlie frowned a bit at the comment about Jason, but that was to be expected of a champion. "Oh my legs, yeaahh its kind of a long story. But to sum it all up at once..." Charlie reached for a ball and gently tossed it out, out came Joule who began to immediately look around the room, a agitated expression on her face while she was looking for the heracross that knocked her out earlier "this little guy right here gave me a shock, and believe it or not standing up while you're paralyzed for a good hour or so sorta makes you sore" Charlie could tell Joule was irritated and gave a smile, before recalling her. Charlie lifted up one of her hands revealing the bandage given by the nurse "and I got this too. Joule has some anger problem but she has power unlike any electric type I've ever seen."


Previously Night's Shadow
“Glad I could help!” Reese responded earnestly, flashing a thumbs-up. As the science wing came into view, she straightened on Rocket’s back, eyes sparkling. The Golurk landed, legs and hands revealing themselves again. When they were steady, Reese tapped his head with his Pokeball, returning him. She fell the ten feet without a problem, landing like an acrobat and straightening up.

As Rune and Riot caught up to them, they hovered above Reese’s shoulders as she approached the door. Her lips twisted in momentary indecision before she grabbed the door handle with her free hand, turned it, and threw the door open. “Helloooo~” she sang as she burst through. She looked around, blinking and trying to determine where to go and who to talk to to revive the fossils they had found. “We found some fossils out in the rocks—”
Ivan opened the room to his dorm and walked inside the room, ace was carrying the box and looked proud while doing it. Ivan took the box from Ace's hand and placed it on the bed, he patted Ace's head and began to open the box. Ivan pulled out the clothes his mom bought him, he also pulled out a white Mega Ring that was empty and put it in his drawer.

"Can't believe he sent me that, It would've been fine if I just went off and found one myself. I don't need to be treated like a baby."

Ivan sat on his bed and look at Ace who was looking around the room in wonder, Ivan sent out Ari, Koji, Skid and Spheal which he named Gobi.

"Okay, you guys we have the room all to ourselves let's play!" Ivan said as he pulled out a pack of cards from his backpack, they all sat down and began to play blackjack.
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Cheer captain... responsibilities of the cheer captain... representation of the entire school... having to impress the Headmistress...
Del was in the middle of pokemon clinicals when the teacher caught him daydreaming. "Del, would you like to come up to the board and draw a demonstration of how to properly treat a pokemon suffering from heat stroke?" He said. "Huh, oh, nah, I'm good, I'm listening." Del responded, half lying. "Well good, because your end of the semster exam is in 5 months, and as you all will recall, the exam will be nursing a pokemon back to full health. Each pokemon will have a different condition that I want you to work on, so no buddying up on the exam." The bell rung and class was dismissed. "Jeez, the academy really hits you left and right with the studying, huh." Del was on his way back to the dorm, as his day was finished. "Yo, Captain!" A group of kids yelled out. "Huh? HUH?!" Del turned to see the same 3 kids playing hookey while he was training. "Scraggly, Scrawny, Skinny!" the 3 kids said one after the other. Del's face began to sink as they were copying his every move, right down to the way he walked with his hands in his pockets. "eh, right..." "Yo yo yo, Cap'n! We gots some-" "Stop, not another word from you- any of you. I don't want to see you act like a bunch of hooligans, trying to tarnish the school's name." "Yo yo yo... we was just trying to cheer you up, you looked down in a funk, yo..." "Cheer me up? I guess there's more than one way to cheer, and I don't want to discourage them and have them not train because I've become a square." Scraggly, Scrawny, and Skinny began to look down at their shoes, and kicked up some dust, not sure of what to do next. "Hey, why're ya all moping about? That ain't the spirit of Kyogre now is it?!" The 3 kids stepped back, startled by Del's question. "N-no, sir!" "That sounded like a stutter, I said, THAT AIN'T THE SPIRIT OF KYOGRE, NOW IS IT?" "NO SIR!" "Then what's the spirit, huh?!" "Lean, mean, and so obscene!" The boys began to jump up and down and pump their fists in the air. "One more thing, ya rascals, I don't wantcha imitatin' me none, you're each your own person, and I wantcha to respect yaself, ya dig?" "Yes sir! Come on guys, let's go change our duds!" The 3 boys turned and began walking away from Del as he made his way back towards the dorms again. "What the hell have I done." was all that escaped his lips.
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A young, but not student young, red-haired man turned to see Jason and Reese after he heard what Reese had said.

"Mr. Dogwood, by the way, and you came to the right place."

"You're a history teacher as well, she's got a Dome Fossil, I've got an Armor Fossil." Jason was not confident, not knowing much about fossils, "I do know about Reviving a Fossil, as I have an-!"

"I've read your file, Junior Hoenn Champion, Jason Argentston, and I know you have an Aerodactyl." Mr. Dogwood, "this will be a good learning opportunity for you, Reese, was it, you got here on your Archeology and Geology, Let's get these Revived, do you have the Pokéball intended for catching."

Jason handed over the Heavy Ball, placing this in Mr. Dogwood's hand as a Beheeyem floated over to them.

"Beheeyem will be assisting as well." Mr. Dogwood responded, "I also have a Porygon2, Claydol, Sigilyph, Omastar, and a Galarian Slowking assisting around the lab."

Jason left the Fossil on the Desk as he sat down, motioning Reese to do the same.


Emma had heard some words, particularly Honey, and was confused.

"Honey?" Emma asked, "What was that for?"

Emma looked at Jack with Curiosity, unsure of what Jack meant. Togetic sat on her head, looking around as Emma waited, hopefully, but still unsure of what he had said.


James had looked at the Flaafy that had appeared. Vulpix hopped off of James's lap and approached the Flaafy. James had been fiddling with his necklace, trying to make sure it didn't touch Vulpix for now. He knew the pendant was a fire stone.

"Vulpix, be careful," James had Fomantis's pokeball on hand as he watched, "I caught Vulpix today after healing up his status conditions, I also saw a Shiny Ninetales while I was up there, I didn't want to challenge the Ninetales, as it was probably stronger than one of Jason's Pokémon, also the Dex states it will curse you if you mess with one, if you need it, I've got Aromatherapy on my Fomantis."
“The sweet smell of honey attracted rarer Pokémon.” Jack explained, holding up his finger. “My brothers and I would always dare each other to gather some from Combee nests. Didn’t always lead to the most desirable results, but every run would last us a week or so.” He laughed, before sighing. “I can tell I’m gonna miss them while I’m here. I write to one of them while I’m on trips anyway, but it won’t be the same as seeing them in person.”
Charlie having returned Joule looked at the ball in her hand "I'll straighten her up, she'll learn to control anger. Your vulpix is definitely cute James." She held up her hands and gave an embarrassed smile when James offered to heal her "n-no I'm fine now, I've already been healed, all I can do now is rest my legs till they aren't sore anymore" Charlie sighed "the days only half over and I'm out of commission already, I would ride around on my partner Dune, but she's done enough today. I don't want to bring too much attention to it but earlier she saved my monferno's life, some student I was battling lashed out and broke the rules, he was planning to kill King- er my monferno, she deserves a rest." Charlie sat quietly for a moment, staring at the vulpix, she stood up and made her way to the other end of the table where James was and held out her hand "Actually I'm gonna head to the roof and let them out, give them a chance to relax in the sun without battling something. It was nice to meet you James, I would ask for you to join me but you're probably busy."
"Hm?" Hokori turned around as soon as Thomas's voice rose in concern, approaching that same bush not far behind him. "What is..." She stopped as she looked over his shoulder just barely, seeing the Dreepy.

"Aw..." She couldn't help but find the little lingering dragon cute. Soon after, she watched in fascination as Tom caught it almost instantly just by talking a little. "Shucks, if that was anything to go off of, you're fantastic at talking to pokémon like that!" She praised, interested and giggling a little at his enthusiasm at the catch. "Almost makes me a lil' jealous," She added, teasing a little.

"Still, though, that's a great pokémon to have. My gramps has it's evolved form, a Drakloak, I think it's called," She added. "Obviously, he doesn't use it for fighting, but it's certainly a far cry from what that Rotom said about Dreepy...Lil' mean, I think." She soon added.


Previously Night's Shadow
“Yup, I got it,” Reese said cheerfully, holding up her Pokeball and handing over her fossil. The lab was incredible with all sorts of perplexing gadgets almost from ceiling to floor. Reese couldn’t help but touch everything she could reach, earning her a few sidelong glances from the Beheeyem. But she was careful not to break anything or touch any chemicals in progress, so the glances were all she got. Reese blinked at the chair Jason motioned to, then grinned and hopped on, opting to squat like a monkey rather than sit like a normal person. She craned her neck to get a better look at the revival process, keeping her Pokeball close at hand while jotting down snippets in her battered notebook.