• Welcome back to Pokécharms! We've recently launched a new site and upgraded forums, so there may be a few teething issues as everything settles in. Please see our Relaunch FAQs for more information.
Hi, my name is moonmist, also called moon.
My first pokemon game I ever played was pokemon blue mystery dungeon. I then got hooked and started buying each pokemon game as they came out. I am often quiet and keep to myself. I am working on opening up, but with no luck so far.
Well, hello there. I'm MegaAbsol, but you may call me Mega or whatever other abbreviation you can think of x3 I've been called Flame too due to a prior username; but mostly I'm known as Fluffy due to, well, find out the hard way? xD Nah, kidding, I just love fluff, and all things fluffy. Aaaand I'm fond of fluffing people too. Anyways, here's a little some of me:
First and foremost, I love animals, with a soft spot for cats, both big and small. My hobbies include reading, writing, drawing and playing games, mostly RPGs. I have some experience in roleplaying, but the site I frequent has recently become inactive, so I looked for roleplaying sites, and Pokecharms caught my eye. So, I'll be hanging around finding my way around the site. Nice to meet y'all and have a nice day!
Hey I don't know if im allowed to post in here but hi anyways I'm RareRose15 as my profile states but you just can call me Rose♥♥ my friend got me into pokemon a year ago even tho I'm not completely hopelessly crazy about it I think its awesome. My favorite pokemon is glacron and always has been I absolutely adore her and have to say I'm quite a gamer and beating anyone with my pokemon is quite easy and I hope to make more friends on here as well plus basically what I'm like is on my profile page! As well as I'm a pretty lit rper and love to basically rp anything but creature and other things are my specialty!♥♥♥♥ :-)
Hi, My name's Normal Petra. I'm kind of a fan of nintendo, ok big fan(Specifically Smash Bros), but pokemon pretty much started that love for me. Some of my favorite pokemon are Pidgeotto, Chatot, Charizard and Noivern, so you can tell that I love flying types.
Like many others, I think, I'm a roleplayer, though because of school, I'm not really active. I'll try and visit the site as often as I can though. How I found this site was kinda random when you think about it. I simply type pokemon rp on the address bar and I found this site. I looked around, thought it was good, and signed up. Anyways, I hope that I will be able to stay for a couple of years. Nice to meet cha!
Hello! I'm Limniris. I've been into pokemon since Platinum released, which I guess was a fair while ago now. Sinnoh confirmed, anyone?

Joking aside, I'm mostly a writer rather than a roleplayer (although I'll probably give it a shot at some point), and I'm definitely not an artist. I leave that to people with finer motor skills than I. :p I frequent various sites, from adoptables to fanfiction to forums like this. My favorite region is Unova, and my favorite pokemon would be the Klink line. My icon is low-resolution Colress because... I don't know, I thought it was funny at the time.

I'll get around to publishing works soon. Nice to meet everyone!
Here you can post an introduction and tell us a bit about yourself: what brought you to Pokecharms, your hobbies, and any other details you feel like sharing. By no means are new members required to post here, but it's available for those who want it.
Regular members are welcome to introduce themselves here too!

Hello Everyone! I'm new here.... (Obviously) I love playing pokemon and watching the anime. I especially love role playing too so i hope we have a lot of fun there! Eevee is my favourite pokemon. They are so cute and cuddly i just wish i could cuddle one for real! I feel like eevees personality fits me really well In real life which makes me love them even more ^-^ also why i like to be a Eevee in role playing a lot too. I love a lot of other pokemon too but eevee tops the chart :3 I hope i make a lot of friends here and have heaps of fun ^-^
Hello, I am Valin Summers. I tend to be on and off Pokemon, usually when they release a new game. But I'm a huge fan of the games nevertheless. I came on here because I wanted to work on a new Pokemon RP in the vein of the Mystery Dungeon Series. I just hope I have good success and meet new friends here.
Thanks for having me!
Hello,im DonutFanatic (Or DF to make it short) I have played some pokemon games and my favorite generation is the third,i like roleplaying,videogames and chemistry.The main reasons why i am here its because of the roleplaying and the Trainer Cards.I hope i can met new people here and have a good time.
Hey to all you forum goers! I'm Writer's Block, but my friends call me Hunter.

I've been a Pokémon fan for as long as I can remember, though I mostly play a variety of games. (Casually, of course.) My other interests include writing, roleplaying, and film. I'm also really into music; I mostly listen to indie pop and classic rock.

I can't wait to get to meet everyone and have some fun here!
Heyo, all! My name's Brungus (though other people call me a billion other names because I can never stay with just one) and I just joined this site literally an hour ago. Found it because of the Trainer Card Maker, then I lurked around and saw the forums and stuff so I just decided, why not?

I got into Pokemon during 2015 after playing Mystery Dungeon Darkness, been loving the franchise ever since! I'm currently playing through Sun and doing a blind randomizer nuzlocke of White 2. (Turns out this is a really bad idea so far)

I used to roleplay a ton back in the day, but the charm's gone now, though I might try doing it again. I also like writing a lot (I have a story that I've wanted to write for years but I never have the chance to do it), drawing for fun, taking walks and making music mashups.

I'm so excited to meet everyone as I've heard this is a very friendly community!

Trainer Hayley

Previously Sparkster
Hello! I'm Winters but peeps usually call me Wyn. Been invested in the world of Pokémon since childhood like a lot of other people. Randomly found this forum while looking up Pokémon related ones and decided to give it a look, liked the layout and stuff and decided to create an account. The first Pokémon game I ever played was FireRed on my brother's GameBoy back in the day but the first Pokémon I technically really got into was Pokémon Platinum. Initially never played the games but did research and looked up a lot about the franchise but I've gone back and played every main game ever since.

I mostly breed shinies, give them away, trading in general and battle for fun when I'm playing on my 3DS (Mostly play on Moon nowadays.)

Outside of the games? I draw, make music and play music, roleplay (I love roleplaying ^^), collect cassette bands and hang out with people online, usually through Discord.

Nice to meet you all here and I look forward to our encounters! Have a good one ♥
Hey hey hey! I'm Believe!

If you'd like more info about me, check out my About Me! However, for introductory's sake...

I'm a sucker for roleplaying, and joined Pokecharms just for that. However, I was first introduced to it because my friends and I were making Trainer Cards for a battling competition! I just joined today.

My favorite Pokemon is Chikorita, and you can find me messing around in the Little Cup division on Pokemon Showdown!

Other interests outside of Pokemon include cosplaying, acting, swimming, League of Legends, Hamilton, and the Persona franchise from Atlus.

Some unrelated traits are that I use they/them pronouns, am vegan, and live in the United States!

I'm working on a well thought-out roleplay over at https://pokecharms.com/threads/capelles-school-for-higher-education.17491/ and I would really appreciate if you checked it out.

Again, feel free to check my About Me! for more information, as well as all my contact info. I'm excited to make new friends, so by all means, please stop by and leave me a message!
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Hello, my handle here is Pretty Pichu, but you can call me Meds, or Pichu, or Chu... Or anything, I'm actually quite fine with any nickname, just as long as it's appropriate. XD (You'll also see me use that particular face a lot: XD I'm sorry... It's practically a sentence ending for me now. :/). Anyway, my love for Pokemon was so strong when I was 7 and got my first deck of cards, that I started to practically breathe the franchise. Live by it. Now, I'm shooting for a Ph. D. in Genetics (and hopefully using my knowledge for some unrelated fantasy topics of mine). I will be starting college fresh on September 25, 2017, so hopefully I don't get too bogged down to the point I can't do anything on this site. :/

My hobbies are making theories, making theories about Pokemon, studying mythologies of any kind, playing video games (specifically GameCube games, games from my childhood, and Team Fortress 2), drawing, writing/typing, splicing Pokemon, digital art (I try, but I'm not that great), roleplaying, and singing. I found this site by, not the Trainer Card Maker like many have come here before, but by the want and NEED to roleplay with others. I DESPERATELY NEEDED to roleplay, and I had lost my best friend to her own madness, and she was the only one I roleplayed with, who was actually good. Now, I roleplay with others on here and I don't feel so alone. I feel like I'm with equals. But before then, it was a dark time, trying to make stories and fanfictions, but so desperately wanting the interaction between another human and so wanting to roleplay, that I couldn't stand it. I've tried to find people online, but they... Didn't fit my standards of roleplaying. As rude as that sounds, it's true. But Pokecharms has now become a sanctuary for me, thank God.

So there you have it... About me. My About section has all the fandoms/universes I'm into and would gladly RP in, as well as maybe joining a few original ones (although, I need to figure out how to make characters in a universe I don't even know about... That's some trouble). I'm currently taking Pokemon fusion requests (shameless advertising :D), and I'm currently working at my first job, that I'm doing well in, thank goodness. :) I'm also one of dank memes, and would love to roleplay with someone. :)
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Previously Mecha Who
I'm pretty late...
Sorry, I just see the RP threads. Anyways, my name is Mecha Who, I'm a fan of various games, And I'm friendly. I'm always trying to make people laugh or feel better. I'm also in dank memes, and probably I'm going to talk random stuff. I'm really random. I'm in various fandoms too, like the fandom of Undertale and Sonic. I'm in the healthier part of the Undertale fandom, not the part that well... You know. I'm a really fan of Sonic, and you could say I'm a butt-hurt Shadow fanboy. But sometimes, I need to be one (Sadly). I'm also addicted in Minecraft and Pokecharms. I can't stop playing Minecraft and checking the site. I'm usually online and in a lot of RPs, but feel free to invite me to some RP. My hobbies are:
Arguing with salty people in youtube;
Playing Minecraft;
Hearing things about Sonic;
Hearing Sonic Mania Soundtrack;
Watching DanTDM (He is a good youtuber);
Creating things;
Drawing really random things;
Talking alone about deep things (I'm weird);
And I think this is it... I'm a guy who likes this site, I'm addicted to this site... And... Feel free to invite me to anything.
Please I'm lonely and people don't know about me
Ah... This is extremely awkward for me...

Anyways, I'm Aron the Aron; slap on another "a" somewhere and you get my actual name! As an avid gamer and professional Weeaboo, I enjoy a good game or manga read as much as anyone else! Hell, name an anime and I've probably heard of it if not outright watched it!

Having come all the way from Feralfront (formerly known as "Warrior Cats RPG") since the site was sadly dying off, I was wandering around the place looking for another RP site to reside in. Having found this site, I thought it'd be a great idea to sign in and have some fun here. Now bear with me if my writing/Roleplaying style seems completely foreign; this site's RPs are vastly different to the site I came from, and I'm still learning (even if its four years since I started Roleplay) how to improve.

So, that was a mouthful... All you need to know: I'm Aron, and I'm an Aron!
(I suggest reading a cheerful voice into my words to come. I'm smiling as I write this.)

Hi, everyone. I'm PFN, and kind of an old man approaching 30. I'm here to join a Pokemon RPG, in hopes of bonding with others over a mutual hobby. Let's be honest: we fans are all characters in a Where's Waldo picture, and nobody's looking for us. At best, we might be glimpsed at with momentary amusement, then forgotten in the sea of faces. That's how it is with the Internet . . . but in spite of that, I'd still like to meet a few interesting characters, and in turn, stand out to them.

I'm the type of person who finds joy in promoting others, if their ideas are good. It's why I read their novels aloud on YouTube. Here, if I join your RPG, it's pretty much a given that I won't quit before you do. But you gotta have a long-term plot in mind: worthy motivations for adventure, a good villain, a dynamic story formula- rise above the generic tropes. I'm a little rusty right now, but I'll prove myself worthy of joining your epic in time.

Thanks for having me on the site. It looks promising, and I'm gonna browse a bit now.
Hello everyone, I'm ThatNormalGuy, Being a roleplayer myself I was drawn to this site and also being it about pokemon made it a huge plus for me to come here. I have nothing really else to say so bye.
I want to introduce myself, My name is Ramose Yuhanna, I am a massive POKEMON fan, I used to work on POKEMON ROM hacks [Mostly FIRERED] but I was removed because new members came in and I was also inactive because they never wanted me to make a game. I still make ROM Hacks today but I don't publish them.
PokeCharms is a great place for me as it is full of POKEMON FANS. I really do hope I can get back to working on Rom hacks, but for now... I'm happy :)
Hello everyone! I am Necro165Mancer, Necro165, or simply even Necro, (and I have gone by Poochyena and Beedrill in previous role playing forums). I have been invited to this forum by a good friend of mine named Mega Absol, and seeing as I do plan on being here a while, I might as well explain a little about myself.

As a quick note, although English is the only language I know, my grammar isn't the best, I was more into math than English class, but that's one of the reason I like to RP, it helps me with getting better with grammar, which it has quite a bit. For Pokemon related facts my favorite typing is definitely poison type with Beedrill being my favorite, second being Venusaur, and third being Greninja. Unlike most, I'm not a big fan of legendaries, although some of them are cool (Jirachi, Victini, and Articuno to name a few), I don't like the idea of using them, I'd prefer probably catching them and trading them for something I would prefer to use.

That's just a small bit of me (sorry about the grammar mistakes if there are any), there definitely a few more not as interesting facts (like being pretty good with making trainer sprites) but this should do as an intro, I hope all of you have a wonderful week, See you all around!
Hello everyone! I'm DefyTheLimes (um, sort of a long story). I enjoy drawing, writing, reading, music and playing video games. I also love doing the occasional roleplay, although I tend to end up ruining any roleplays that get super serious/sad/dark. I've been a fan of Pokemon since I was about 7, when I got my first Pokemon game, being Pokemon HeartGold. I remember playing through it for the first time -- the instant I started playing, I was hooked. To this day, my favourite Pokemon game is probably HeartGold, although that's most likely just the nostalgia talking. But of course, that doesn't mean I don't love the newer games; I'm really enjoying my copy of Pokemon Moon, and I can't wait for the release of Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon!

As I mentioned before, I love basically everything in the arts, so you'll probably find me lurking in the Creative Corner most of the time. I'll try my best to not go TOO long without posting anything on Pokecharms, but if there ever does come a time where I just don't exist for a while, then I sincerely apologize in advance -- homework and projects aren't too bad yet, but I'm going into high school next year so I have no idea what may happen.

Anyway, I look forward to enjoying Pokecharms -- you all seem like a really nice community! I can be kind of shy sometimes and have a bit of trouble with approaching people and taking risks, but I'm generally pretty friendly. Well, at least, I hope I am. XD Please forgive me, I can be rather socially awkward. That, and I seriously suck at introductions.
So... uh, yeah. To anyone reading this, I hope you have a great day/night! *disappears*
Oh, just discovered this thread! XD I guess I'm kinda new to Pokecharms still, been on this website for 56 days, since August 9th, so I guess I'll introduce myself to those who don't know me =)

I'm SylvieThePokemonTrainer, (Jessica) and I'm a shy but friendly, humorous person who is normally thought as weird because I make silly jokes all the time regarding poop and unicorns farting rainbows. So yeah. I am shy in real life and keep myself to myself, don't talk to anybody else, but with my friends, I am silly, outgoing and quirky. I will confidently show you my non-shy side - the side which is very silly, always joking and giggling, friendly and honest.

I like to roleplay, because I am quite creative if I may say so myself, and I just love the thought of one single post turning into a huge story made by you and your friends, it's a cool idea! I regularly draw digital art on MS Paint, usually Pokemon drawings, and I am attempting @Aura 's 30 Day Pokemon Drawing Challenge, on Day Six currently. I also write stories literally all the time, and I just basically like writing, drawing and making jokes!

So, how was I introduced to Pokemon? Ah, the lovely year of 2015...When my dad bought me Pokemon Omega Ruby and forced me to play it while he played Alpha Sapphire XD Then, after a while, I got completely obsessed! I finished the game five times (Yes, I know) completed the National Dex, and then moved onto Pokemon Sun! Finished the game three times, completed the Alola Dex twice, shiny hunted a total of twenty two times, got a Shiny Eevee > Umbreon, Shiny Pikipek, Shiny Magikarp, Shiny Rockruff as well as a couple more. Then I began to love Fairy Types, and then adored Sylveon. So, I bought Pokemon X, my favourite Pokemon game! Finished the game eight times, completed the Dex, shiny hunted LOADS, got all the shiny Eeveelutions, got three Sylveons (Ikr! XD) and many other shinies and HA Pokemon and 6IV Pokemon =) And that has led to me today, obsessed with Pokemon and unable to wait for Pokemon USUM!

So, about how I found Pokecharms. I was trying to find an awesome website to make your own character in for my fanfiction because I couldn't remember what my characters looked like, and I found the Trainer Card Maker! So I went on it and made so many characters on it, like over 15, and a couple months later I went back on here and made another one...and I noticed the RP section. So I clicked on it, and I got attached to @Yellow.lol 's RP, The Life Of Highschoolers! I read every single post and went on to read more. Then I saw the News section! Looked through that, and then badly wanted to make an account for this website. I found an RP called Eeveelution Forest, so I made my account and made a character for that! Then the RP died ;-; But then I went on the website multiple times every day, and it led to this! Me with nearly 300 freaking likes and posting artwork nearly every day now! =D I LOVE POKECHARMS! ♥
Im not exactly new either, but here I go. I don't know how long I've been here, but alright.
My real name is Colton, but my friends call me Horse. It's a family joke, because I used to grow so fast, I never learned to run with my legs being long. I used to march run, due to the lack of knowledge about long legs. To put in retrospective, im in 9th grade, and am 6'3. I've played pokemon since Red, and beaten every game since. I started to do shiny hunts, but didn't exactly like it. (Tried again in sun, got mudbray) So I decided to become an ev and iv trainer. It became a long, gruelling task, but I have now in sun, about 50 somthin lv 100s, and 17 are Iv and Ev trained. My team is basically unbeatable, but I don't have good enough wifi for online battles. :( My favourite pokemon are Mudsdale, Infernape, and of course, Glaceon. I am half fluent in C++, Mods, you know about that. :) Steller, I'm able to counter you also. My life pretty much is one of those movies made to make you sad. I only had about one friend through half elementary, and all of middle school. And he left in 6th grade. I wear glasses, and my eyesight is bad enough, I cannot see the screen while typing if I take them off. Well, I was labeled as a 'Nerd' because of my knowledge, and my glasses. Also, my mom volunteered at the school, and even though I deny this, they think that she rats out on them because I tell her things, even though I don't. I started rping on a small, very low popular site called rolepages. (Would not recomend it though.) Being how im a pokenerd and theorist, I went looking for pokemon related rp sites, and found this.


Formerly Luxray901
guess i'll reintroduce myself since i havent really been active in 40 years hgfdjhgfdkj

wassup yall, i'm ari, i'm 13, and i never fuckin learned how to read

i do art sometimes

ive been here for a while surprisingly. i even have the "formerly x" tag which is a relic from the past. i think its been 3 years? or something like that. time is an illusion and the chupacabra is real

english is my first language but i'm tryin to learn russian, japanese, spanish, and asl

for some reason i cut the gs off of the ends of words and i never noticed i did that until like. 2 months ago

i really like bnha n homestuck. hmu if you wanna cry over the dead together

[glances over at the piles of art stacking up in my folders] its time
I'm really new but anyways, I got dragged into pokemon when I was in third grade and now pokemon is my life! As you can see I LOVE pokespe and my favorite pokemon is EEVEE! I really hope we can become friends and have lots of fun together!
Hi, my name is starlinks. I am very friendly and can make friends easily. I started playing Pokemon many years ago, and ended up getting hooked. I am looking forward to role playing and meeting everyone.
Hey. I'm a DM for a couple of D&D campaigns, used to be a player before the old DM had to step down. I spend a lot of time making characters but don't get a ton of opportunities to roleplay anymore, so I turned to forum roleplaying.

I'm a software engineer in the United States but take occasional trips to Canada. My replies will likely become less frequent if I'm on a business trip, but I'll be sure to indicate if that's going to happen.

I've been a pokemon fan for a long time. The Pokemon Trading Card Game for the Game Boy was technically my first Pokemon game. After that I played Crystal, and Ruby was when I got serious about it. Played up to Black 2. I've been out of the core games since Black 2, so I'm pretty out of the loop with stuff like Megas and all the new pokemon, but I enjoy the world still and want to get back into it.
hey!! i'm very new here and don't know how long i'll stay but i'm here for now at least. my fiance @bokuto_koutarou said i should join so i'm here now. my name is rae and i'm 18, almost 19, and i'm always tired. goodnight i'm sleepy
Hello everyone, I am from Spain and I have decided to join the forum to improve my English through the Pokemon role play, so I apologize in advance for the mistakes I'll make. I started playing with Blue and Yellow edition when I was a child and since then Pokemon has been an important part of my life, I even learned to read thanks to the game to be able to play it. I'm also a Warcraft player (a big fan of that universe) and addicted to TCGs (I recently started playing the Pokémon one). Mi favourite pokemon character is mah boi Guzma.
hey there!! : D

i'm choromatsu, but if you wanna call me by my actual name, it's alex! i originally found this website around 4-5 years ago while i was looking for cool pokemon-related stuff to put in my forum signatures on various other websites, however it wasn't until i recently rediscovered this that i actually decided to make an account and start using the forum! <:

i've been playing pokemon since around 2003-2004 i think. technically my first game was silver, however i was so young at the time that i don't remember my first playthrough, haha. the first game i remember playing though was emerald (which happens to be my favorite game ever!!), and i've played nearly every game since, including a majority of the spin-offs! my favorite pokemon is whimsicott, in case you were wondering!!

other than pokemon, i'm interested in things like osomatsu-san, eddsworld, overwatch, be more chill, team fortress 2, and a whole bunch of other stuff!! i'm also an artist who draws both traditionally and digitally, and i'm hoping to one day become a programmer! also, computer malware and video game glitches are really really cool and i love learning about them! and, i love cats, a lot.

uh, i really don't know what else to say honestly, but if you read all of this, you get a brownie and a hug!! ily and i hope you all have a wonderful day!!! <33


Previously MoonlightZero
I've been on Pokcharms for only a few weeks, and I can say that this web site has really caught my eye! This is my first post on the forum, because I felt that I first had to introduce myself and then begin to get familia with the members of this web site x).
Enough spoken, I go to the presentation! I have just 12 years ago, and wearing, many people tell me that I am very mature...Yet I am really angry and impatient. ^^" Otherwise, I am very, see too kind, affectionate and understanding :3 My nickname on Pokémon Showdown (for those who do the strategy) is Empoleon-san!
Eh, I'm a fan of yaoi and a finished pervers...
Happy to meet you, do not hesitate to come and talk to me, I will always be listening~
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Just call me Bread, or something else. I love sleeping. I haven't play newer pokemon games than B/W, still follow the news though, so i know about gen 6-7 stuff(i like the newer gen more).

I like roleplaying, even though my grammar isn't the best and my writing skill is very moody. I also play showdown sometimes.
Salutations! while in all likelihood I'll probably be one of the more silent members, or participants of these forums,
I feel as though to avoid any possible awkward social confrontations (god knows I hate those) that it would be prudent for me to list the following details.

My username is Pyjax. I wanted it to be Pyjak, my alias on all such fansites, but someone beat me to it. Whoever you are, I curse you.

I can name all the Pokémon from gen 1 off by heart, near enough with gens 2-3, and it trails off after there somewhat, due to growing responsibilities in real life (eww) and the fact that most people I knew have grown out of it, pfft..nerds amirite? (irony intended) and so I could not keep up with the sheer quantity of Japanese battling creatures that there were.

I'm old enough to remember the original trading card craze that sweeped the playgrounds, but young enough to have been born into a world where Pokémon had already been a thing for a year.

I like vidya games, and I probably will pretend to not like you, even if I do.

Heartfelt apologies in advance,

Pyjax (Pyjak)
Hey. Im Maluon...i havent done anything with pokemon in so long, i might as well have battled George Washington. Lol. Seriously though, its been a long time.
Hello, my name is Penumbra. It's a pleasure to be here.
My first Pokemon game was Red Version when I was 4 or 5 years old, but I did not come to appreciate them until I began playing Ruby & Sapphire. I enjoy competitive battling, Nuzlocking, and breeding. I love both the Mystery Dungeon and Pokemon Ranger spin-off games. Unfortunately, since both my DS and 3DS stopped functioning properly some time ago, the only Pokemon game I have played since the release of Sun & Moon is Pokemon Colosseum on the GameCube.
I'm not new to Pokemon forums, or discussion forums in general. I am very serious about roleplaying and I also like to share short stories I have written. I love argumentation in the proper setting. I enjoy studying biology, chemistry, and criminal justice. I'm an avid reader and I enjoy being outdoors swimming, hiking, and running. I'm also a brass musician. Feel free to strike up any kind of conversation with me - we're likely to find something in common!