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That’s right, another Superpower High School Romance (ETC) Roleplay Discussion


Previously Gamingfan2
“As for you. I kinda think I have an idea for your situation.” Marcel told Loufe as he thought of what to say. “A spirit meets a human. Enters the body. Boom. Now they preside in you."

an ancient wolf spirit possession gone wrong and resulting in a coexistence of two souls in one body...?!

God, I know Loufe is transparent but I wasn't aware he was THAT transparent. Found out like THAT. XD
ooo, sure! i had to skim through your bio to get a general idea, but i don't see why not! basically, the closer to nature, the better; the only reason the fae distrust humans are because humans have famously deviated from nature in favor of technology and greed, and also tried to capture fairies to make use of their magic >:"3
but! if the enerdapts are closely linked to nature, and are generally peaceful to the fae, then sure, i can totally see a small alliance of the two!~

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
ooo, sure! i had to skim through your bio to get a general idea, but i don't see why not! basically, the closer to nature, the better; the only reason the fae distrust humans are because humans have famously deviated from nature in favor of technology and greed, and also tried to capture fairies to make use of their magic >:"3
but! if the enerdapts are closely linked to nature, and are generally peaceful to the fae, then sure, i can totally see a small alliance of the two!~
Enerdapts are definitely in favor of nature, though they tend to bring their own plants around, it rarely leads to any kind of outbreak due to their nature. They leave nature alone for both selfish and environmental reasons.

Do you think they would just be on good terms or actively have some kind of alliance or trade?
ooo! i dont think they would be actively on good terms, like. they certainly wouldn't know each other, as faes are extremely secluded, but i think they could quickly come to an understanding of each other. maia is sort of just instantly more comfortable with anyone with a connection to nature, which is why she is so drawn to loufe, for example, who is literally being possessed by a crazy animal spirit. i think an alliance or trade of services could be cool, but use your imagination, im cool with anything :'3


Previously Gamingfan2
okay so
just out of curiosity, 'cos im too lazy to really read the entire roleplay up until now (ive skimmed)
but whose got their eyes on who >:"3 i wanna know if there are any crushes already (roleplay romance moves so fubkin quick dude), or pairings yall are thinkin about kehehe

So far the only confirmed crush would be the not-crush Seth has on the unfortunately straight Marcel, I think.
Then again I don't know what other people are planning, so maybe there's already eighty pre-planned pairs. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Was planning on Seth getting with Nero 99% because he's the only boy who's into other boys in any way also cus i'm unoriginal Here's a Seth


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Can I have an answer?
The teachers can be a certain deal stronger than the students, as they are expected to be. However, they will generally play a smaller role in the story, not just in the main villain story but also the main schooling aspect anyway. However, the same rules apply, all powers must have at least one weakness or limit in order to balance them, either that or they need to be weaker powers. But generally, it's okay to give teachers higher power levels than students, such as Arthur.