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The Dark Tournament

Should the NPC have shown Nightmares

  • yes- more depth and environment

    Votes: 8 100.0%
  • no-takes away from the pcs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
@Loziana Whoa. Well damn. I got nothing...that's a scary nightmare, mate, short as it was.

I have my nightmare idea formulated, it's just I want to finish what Gerald was doing, like, before that. Unless I don't have to, in which case hallelujah because I don't know what June will do to keep the light from escaping.
I have my nightmare idea formulated, it's just I want to finish what Gerald was doing, like, before that. Unless I don't have to, in which case hallelujah because I don't know what June will do to keep the light from escaping.
Ehm... You could just use wide leaves to cover the holes with as to not have their camp be a literal lighthouse.
The main downside to having a deep fire pit generally means a poor oxygen supply which in turn means more smoke.
Cassie was bluffing her reasons for wanting a deep fire pit. She just didn't want to be able to see the fire. Otherwise, she'd be sleeping outside regardless of the rabid pokemon.
Wow Curvykitten, that was an amazing read. I feel like a single 'like' really isn't enough.
I love your writing style, it just flows so smoothly and feels very fluffy, or maybe that's just Lily's influence. You've picked a great character and do a wonderful job bringing her to life. I can't wait to see more of her, the poor girl. I really feel like just offering her a hand to stand back up, so she can keep going.

I like your Panda as well, and imagine that he and Ajax would be great rival buddies. I can easily imagine them having a competition in whoever can find the most relaxing position to nap in. :p

All in all, a very good job and I'm glad you've decided to join us. Looking forward to interacting with Lily.
OH MY GOSH....hehe you have no idea how happy it makes me to know you enjoyed reading the post. I worked very hard on it and am always worry about the outcome. I keep going back and worrying if I should tweak or edit it hehe.

And yeah Lily adds the bit of fluffy. I hope to see her grow into a strong, confident young woman as the game goes on. I have no doubt our GM will challange her, so I look forward to seeing how she may handle it all.

Also Dynami so wins best napper...~he nods firmly~ And best pillow! LOL I can see the two getting along as well. Should be fun to see those two pushing each other hehe.
OH MY GOSH....hehe you have no idea how happy it makes me to know you enjoyed reading the post. I worked very hard on it and am always worry about the outcome. I keep going back and worrying if I should tweak or edit it hehe.
Ah, I completely share this sentiment. But your writing is a lot more solid than mine. It flows better. It's clear you have a good grasp on the language and know how to tell a story. I never felt like you were just listing facts as I sometimes see with others.

And yeah Lily adds the bit of fluffy. I hope to see her grow into a strong, confident young woman as the game goes on. I have no doubt our GM will challange her, so I look forward to seeing how she may handle it all.
Lily feels so light and fluffy despite having a strong resolve. I hope she gets to keep that airy feeling. She'll add a nice new perspective to the story, I'm sure.
Ah, I completely share this sentiment. But your writing is a lot more solid than mine. It flows better. It's clear you have a good grasp on the language and know how to tell a story. I never felt like you were just listing facts as I sometimes see with others.

Lily feels so light and fluffy despite having a strong resolve. I hope she gets to keep that airy feeling. She'll add a nice new perspective to the story, I'm sure.

It has taken several years to get where I am now, specially considering I'm dyslexic. It was a lot harder to get to where I am now. And I know I still have a lot to learn. Action posts still tend to be tough for me and I know I can ramble sometimes. hehe Trust me everyone gets better if they keep trying. I know I have enjoyed reading your posts, we have some really great writers here actually.

Nods~ I'm hoping always holds onto some of that light. I think she has some growing to do, and a some time to discover how strong she really is. It will be tough balancing that with her inner fluffy, but I hope to pull it off nicely. Music helps with that, its my muse juice.

Plus, Lily's theme song! I totally saw her getting back up at that pivotal moment as I listened to this song. Total muse juice!
I have an idea. Maybe the nightmares are caused by the virus the Pokemon got. What if as soon as you kill the Pokemon the virus is realeased into the air? Then inhaled and causes hallucinations and memory distortion.
His focus was shifted almost forcefully to the sea, on the coast, two figures, a boy with white hair and a girl, a stunning blonde, stood tossing stones that skipped over the water, he could hear their playful laughter as it rang almost tauntingly at him. As the smoke began to shift again, moments before the figures faded away, the girl rested her head on the boy's shoulder.
Ha! Mega Gallade X is shipping Salem and Lily! :\=|:


I wonder what it is with characters appearing in each others dreams and messing things up.
Salem rapes Aidinia, Lily gets pushed off a cliff by Lin, Cassie gets thrown into the fire by Salem...
I just realized Salem is actually causing a lot of grief apparently. :'|
Looks like I'm behind by quite a bit. I'll take the liberty of speeding things along a little bit.

Can people dream when unconscious in the way Floyd is? If you can then I'll just make that his dream sequence.

Also, amazing post Curvy! Keep it up.
I'm gonna post another response just to get in Delilah's morning scene since I never expanded on that. I have sort of an event planned, so just let me know after I post if it steps on anyone's toes and I'll edit it xD
I find it very interesting to see what sort of nightmares these characters are getting. I guess it shows a bit of their inner nature when considering their fears. So far I can put them in two categories. The ones who's fear is for themselves, shown in bad things happening to their own person. The other, who's greater fear is for what they do onto others rather than what's done to them. And then there is Damian, who gets tormented by happy dreams of what 'could have been.'

Good stuff people.

Also, while reading Delilah's Nightmare I knew the perfect music to fit too the scene. In my head I heard 'this' play during the glitching news broadcast. The song also applies well to some of the other nightmares, but Delilah's in particular in my opinion.