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Ava stood back as the Roserade cut through the trees. "There's gonna be ALOT of ghosts in there" Ava said. As Ralts was in her shoulder bag, she picked Eevee up.

"Vee vee vee..." Eevee said

"Don't be scared, be brave." Ava said to Eevee.

"Are we ready to go into the mansion Elio?"
"Mmm... I can sense something in the mansion... Vegetation destroyed it, yet I can sense spiritual energy coming from it. It's a mess. But first... Fiore, use Shadow Ball!" The Roserade charged an enormous Shadow Ball, and the result of launching it caused an explosion. Murkrows came out of the mansion, yelling. "I had to make sure nothing dangerous was ahead. We can go. Good job, Fiore."
"Okay." Marina replied, heading forward to the mansion's entrance. "Meowstic, it's your turn." Meowstic leapt out of the pokeball, staring into the mansion with interest.
Ava approached the mansion. She was frightened but also very excited. It was like one of those haunted houses at the Alola fairs. Both Eevee and Ralts were scared, but Ava
"Now, I will use a special feature of my Switchdex... Scan, go!" A blue light emerged, gobbling up the forest. The Switchdex then showed what lied in the forest, and a few Ghost Pokemon. "Let's see... We have Gastlys, Haunters and Murkrow in that mansion, principaly. In the forest, some Ninjasks and Shedinjas, as well as Budews, Bunearies and Lopunnies... That is the majority of Pokemon here. My Switchdex can't get the exact species of EVERY pokemon living in a said place. Let's get going in the Mansion."
Darnit, sorry...

But Ava wasn't, much... As they went up to the door of the mansion they could here Pokemon voices.

"Awesome" Ava said
Elio opened the large, sturdy door in an horrible creaking sound. This place was very dusty, as well as a couple furnitures broken. "Creepy", he said in a monotone voice. "Let's get... Ghostbusting, shall we?" Elio then went upstairs, with the stairs creaking every step.
As they walked up the creeky stairs, Ava saw something out of the corner of her eye. "Guys, did you just see something move?"
"Okay. Meowstic, return. I guess I'll use Luxray instead, he could use the training." Hearing his name, Luxray jumped out. "Ready buddy? We're gonna be fighting ghosts." He pawed the ground, ready to start.
Elio didn't answer that question. Though: "Might be a Ghost Pokemon."

Elio then opened another door, leading to a corridor. "Girls, I'm upstairs, if you need me. I'll be off searching Ghosts there."
"Hmmm... 7 doors in this corridor. Let's save the 4th for the last." Elio walked through the corridor... And suddenly shuddered. It was getting cold... Elio then heard a giggle, so he turned backwards, nobody in sight... As he turned again, he saw a purple figure getting out of his shadow, scaring him. He screamed: "GAAAAAH?"
It was a Gengar that appeared. It had a sinister grin. But Elio was ready. He shouted as he picked a Great Ball: "GO, TUONO!" An Electivire appeared before the Ghost Pokemon. Electricity began filling the air. Elio then said: "Tuono, we don't want to knock it out. Use Discharge and try to inflict Paralysis!"
A great flash of thunder rose from Electicire's tails. The floor blew up where Discharge connected the most, but didnt make Elio fall.
Marina looked up, hearing a battle above her. She moved out of the way in case something fell, and started looking for any interesting pokemon, having Luxray use Discharge on any that attacked.
The thunder roared through the corridor. Electivire was trying to connect an Ice Punch on that Gengar, but it was fast. It then opened its mouth, firing a Shadow Ball. Elio quickly reacted: "Tuono, deflect it using a Thunder Punch!" The Electivire hit the Shadow Ball at a shocking speed, but right when it started going back, it exploded. Both pokemon got harmed, but were still standing. Elio then had an idea: "Tuono, use Thunder Wave! We have to slow it down, and it'll help capturing it! Now!" The Pokemon obeyed, and Thunder Wave connected. The Gengar couldn't move. "Alright! It's time for a Dusk Ball! Ay-yah!" Elio launched the dusk ball with great strengh, and touched the Gengar's head. Elio watched as it got absorbed in it... The Dusk Ball shook one time... A second time... Then a third time... After that, a few sparks appeared, and Elio understood that he had caught that Gengar! "Yes! Victory! Great job, partner. Go back to your ball now, you need to rest." Elio kept the Dusk Ball containing Gengar in his bag, so he could later transfer it to Poke Pelago.
Marina heard thundering noises, and covered her ears. Most of the ghost pokemon were surprised and hid. She was curious about what Elio caught, so she climbed up the stairs. "Hey, what did you catch?"
"I caught a Gengar, Marina! I was just walking through, and BAM BATTLE TIME. Tough one actually. Its speed gave me trouble. Also..." Elio looked at the broken floor. "I guessss that I went a bit overboard lol. Maybe you can find another one, or, like, a Shedinja, as I said they live here!"
"I caught a Gengar, Marina! I was just walking through, and BAM BATTLE TIME. Tough one actually. Its speed gave me trouble. Also..." Elio looked at the broken floor. "I guessss that I went a bit overboard lol. Maybe you can find another one, or, like, a Shedinja, as I said they live here!"
"Good idea. I'll go look for a Shedinja." She went back downstairs and looked around, spotting one in the corner. "Luxray, go up to it, but don't attack." Marina whispered, digging in her bag for a dusk ball. She tossed it at Shedinja, and it clicked closed. She put it in the bag to train later.
"Alright. Time to go into that last room." Elio opened a door, slowly, to be quiet. The room was very dusty, Ariados webs were covering the room. There was a TV in the corner of the room, seemingly on. Elio approached it, carefully. There was just static. But, when Elio looked closer... There were... Eyes in the TV? Elio mumbled: "if there is a Pokemon here... Inside the TV... Might as well try to shake it off." When Elio started to put his hands on the dusty TV, the floor opened wide beneath him and his Electivire, and they obviously fell.
"AHHHHHHHHH". A scream, followed by a loud crashing noise resulted. When Elio got up, his Electivire was near him. He returned it to its Poke Ball, so it wouldn't be hurt anymore. Giggles could be heard. When Elio looked around, he was in what was seemingly a kitchen.
"Marina! Over here! I fell while trying to shake off this TV..." Elio screamed, while trying to figure out where he was. He then realized something: "Wait, Marina, watch out where you step! The floor is unstable!" Elio could hear creaking noises, and was worrying about his friend/rival.
(Luxray is pretty cool, you gotta admit that.)

"Got it!" Marina shouted to Elio. "Hm... Crest, come on out, but be careful. The floor's unstable." Crest understood and walked over to the room where Marina heard yelling. "There's a hole in the floor... Elio, are you down there?"
(Whenever I play Diamond or Platinum (Diamond was my first ever game) I catch a Lixy. Also, the first one I caught was a Shiny female with intimidate. Still got her, at level 100. Good times)

"Huh... Yeah. I think so? I feel a bit dizzy... Yeah. I am down. Though, I can't find any exit yet. Care to come down? Watch out to not fall before you jump. The TV is broken and eversince it is I have this weird feeling of being watched"
"So it was a pokemon. There was static on this TV, but when I looked closer, eyes would be seen. I thought it was a Pokemon at first, and then decided to shake off the TV to get it out... But now... The TV is broken... And I think you saw what I just saw..." Elio prepared a Poke Ball. "Let's do this. Burst, you're in charge, buddy."
Elio then looked at Marina, smiling. "Just you watch. Our Fire and Fighting starters are going to wipe all of them out. I'll try to catch one of these... 10 Rotoms? Anyway, just watch my Burst's power. Let's rock."
"I know. Burst, let's use Shadow Claw, and chase another one with a Blaze Kick!" The Infernape got pumped up, and with its incredible agility, managed to move so fast it seemed like Teleportation. The Shadow Claw connected, instantly knocking out the poor Rotom. And the Blaze Kick hit another one, due to the Fire typing, and knocked back the other Rotom. Elio then saw two Shadow Ball aimed at the Blaziken and Marina. Elio shouted, his red eye bursting: "Watch out Marina! Burst, use Flamethrower to counter one Shadow Ball!" Elio said that as he lunged to protect Marina by knocking her down.
Crest took the hit, then sprang into action. He Blaze Kicked two of the Rotom, then hit another with Fire Pledge. Then he rushed back to Marina to help her back up, and stared at Elio. Then he turned back to the battle, grabbing a Rotom he weakened earlier and giving it to Marina, who touched a dusk ball to it, successfully capturing it.
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"Sorry. You ok?" Elio asked Marina, but his red eye was flickering. Why was that Blaziken staring at him that way? He just saved its Trainer, as a good friend, so why did Elio have the feeling that he was being like, judged... But another Fire Pledge from the ally pokémon got him back on track. He synchronized again with his own pokemon, and said: "Burst, use Flamethrower again, but weaken it so I can catch that Rotom!" The Infernape looked at his Trainer, grined, and obeyed his Trainer's order. The two weren't even partners anymore. They didn't need words and cries to understand what the other was thinking. The Flamethrower hit, burning the Rotom, but not knocking it out. Elio felt it was the perfect time for a Poke Ball. "Hah!". The pokeball closed on the Rotom, and stayed like this. " Gotcha." Elio got the Poke Ball back, and as he was fighting back, he had an idea. "Marina, get out of here. I'll blow this place up with Blast Burn."
"Crest, you know what to do." Crest nodded and grabbed Marina by the arm, jumping back through the hole. They ran back outside, and waited to see what Elio's plan was.
"Man, I didn't want to admit it, but... These Rotoms are really pissing me off... And they weren't 10 as I said at all. There are 60 of them just in this room. Not to mention the other Ghost Pokemon... And the fact that this mansion is sliding onto itself makes it even more sinister... These Rotoms were here to keep us here. If I hadn't realized that..." Elio's red eye became darker. "But anyway... Nothing can fall onto me..." His red eye was now sinister looking, widened and yet lacking the light it normally has. "IF THERE ISN'T ANYTHING TO FALL LEFT! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!" Elio was laughing like a crazy murderer, and you could feel the forest itself silence itself. He shouted: "BURST! YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS! BLAAAAAAAAAAAST..." Elio punched his fist. "BURRRRRRN BABY! BUUUUUUUUURRRRRN!". The Infernape thrusted its arms onto the floor, releasing sinister light from the ground. Flames began to appear, and a purple flame came out of the Infernape's mouth, destroying and burning to ashes everything. A gigantic explosion blew.
Marina heard insane laughter coming from the tower, and wasn't sure what to think. "Maybe there's a crazy ghost pokemon... what do you think, Crest?" Crest shrugged. He thought. It better not be anything threatening, or I'll beat it up. The flames on his wrists flared as he thought of the possibilities.
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"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahaha..." Elio was laughing through his coat, covered in ashes. There was practically nothing left from the mansion, with the practically being a boulder, only half burned, and the flames were still consuming it. A whole lot of fog was made from the burned wood and such. Elio was still standing in the middle of... Nothing, his red eye going grey for a bit, and then turning back to red. Elio then smiled, thinking: "Simply delicious. It has been a long time since I had this kind of meal... I'm charged up, now. Charged and calmed down... And we're all safe I guess. I got lucky there was a forest and a mansion near me when I arrived... I was almost out of Dust Power. Though... That Blaziken may have seen something in me... Though, saving Marina actually got me a bit of power, through the Linking. But if I can't find a solution to that soon..." Elio shuddered. "No matter. My friend is safe, and that's that. I should return to her now." Elio said that, as he took off his hoodie. His Infernape was looking at him, worried. "Don't worry, partner. When I find a solution about this... We won't have to do this anymore." Elio looked at all the Ghost pokemon lying from the terrible attack, and started walking.

(Ps: character development intensifies, Elio is a crazy yandere like human confirmed.)
(Also, how am I doing in this RP so far? I wanna know cuz it's the first I do, this is also why i refused the key stone, i have to earn it.)
(Pretty good. Better than me, in my opinion.)

Marina watched the smoke fade away, seeing all the ghost pokemon recovering from the explosion and Elio in the distance. She waved to him, and Crest frowned. Somehow Elio seemed different to him, but he didn't want to worry his trainer. He decided to keep his suspicions to himself for now, and waved to the Infernape, trying to look cheerful.
"Hey. I'm - back..." Elio seemed a lot less cheerful, and yet energetic from the recent thing he did. He looked at his Infernape, that nodded. "You know what to do." Elio then faced back at Marina, his red eye fiercely burning. "You see that? That's the power we accumulated through our many hardships. The fire that burns within our souls can never be extinguished. Anyway, you ok?"

The Infernape just growled: "follow me. I have to... Talk with you." The Infernape went deeper into the forest...

(Thanks for the feedback, glad you like it sis. I'm getting a liking to this)
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