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"Huh. Cool. Yeah, I'm fine." Marina watched Elio's pokemon going into the forest, and Crest narrowed his eyes. "Where's your Infernape going?"
"Dunno. He wanted to talk with... Crest, was it? Now... I didn't think I'd have to use Blast Burn but... I saw things. I made you go. Hope you understand with such little explanation. Now, let's wait for them...

Back with the starters...

Burst was quite pissed. That Crest Blaziken would be problematic. Though he needed to know one thing first.
"Alright. I brought you here because I want to know something. Answer me." Burst's feet was crippling.
Burst grined. He used blaze kick, hitting Crest in the stomach and knocking it back and down. "I don't think I've been clear enough. You will answer me. And don't think for a second that you're stronger than me, because you aren't." Burst then adopted a mixed fighting pose: both defensive and offensive.
Crest was careful to not show any pain as he replied. "Don't get cocky, buddy. Since you seem so eager to have me do this, I'll do it. Just for you. Now spit it out, before I get angry."
"Oh well. I thought I would have actually fought you for this answer, but this is better for both of us" Burst replied, getting his cool back. He continued: "It's just simple. Me and my partner... Have doubts about you. Ever since you met him, you have just been looking at him like... You noticed something. I'll get straight to the point. Do you see us as trouble? Actually, I have a better question, since I know you do. Just what. What do you think my partner is? A threat? Some random hobo that would kill for fun?" Burst asked this with precaution. Though he had more agility than this Crest, the Blaziken was stronger. It would prove pointless to fight. It would never end.
"No, my trainer has me and everyone else to take care of her if there's an issue. Although I am slightly concerned about the maniacal laughter that happened when the mansion was burning down. Care to explain that?" Crest retorted.
"...you will never know. Never. I have had my answer... And as a consequence..."
Burst suddenly "disappeared" and reappered, preparing to use Close Combat.
"I just have to make sure..."
Crest's eyes widened, and he countered the attack with a Blaze Kick before running back to Marina to check if she was okay. He trusted Elio and Infernape even less now, and made it his goal to always stay by Marina if he saw them nearby.
Burst ran after him, and was quickly approaching the fugitive. He wouldn't let that walking chicken hurt his partner. Even if they lost its trust, they couldn't tell the truth about Elio's red eye, and its meaning.

Back to Elio/Marina...

"They are taking too much time... I wonder if I was right..." Elio said, looking at the stary skies.
Crest found Marina, and stood in front of her, ready to fight Burst if his trainer was being threatened. The fire on his wrists flared up, almost covering his entire arms.
(Happy fucking new year, you beautiful bastards.)

"What's the matter bud?" Elio joined his fist to his Infernape's, to communicate.
"... I see. That's what happened."
Elio's red eye was focused on the Blaziken.
Crest nudged Marina, looking at Infernape with hostility. Marina tried calming the Blaziken down. "Elio, why is Crest so worried about your partner. He simply asked a question, and Infernape tried to attack. Why is that." Crest growled at Elio and shook his head.
"...heh. Probably just wanted to test off its strengh... Though, Burst, you didn't have to attack him like that." Elio knew perfectly what had happened, but, he wouldn't tell Marina about his eye... Not a trust matter, but more of a "time matter", if that makes sense. " Maybe your Blaziken is worried about my red feature..." Elio smiled at him, taunting him without her Trainer's knowledge of what happened. "You've got a trustworthy partner though."
Marina chose to put aside the subject for later, while Crest just stared angrily at the two. Then he turned to Marina and pointed to her bag, signaling to let everyone else out. "Oh, it's meal time again, isn't it. Well, guys, come on out. I've still got plenty of food."
"...don't mind us. I'll let every one of my partners out as well. I have food too so don't bother giving us any." As Elio said that as he let out his Roserade, his enormous Schooling Wishiwashi, his Electivire and his Salamence. They all cried happily as they learned it was lunch time. His Electivire met up with the Luxray, as Elio was still holding one Ultra Ball. He was saying... "Marina. You may want to get the others and yourself to safety. This one... Is particular." Elio was sincerely worried. Worried about his Pokemon and that fiery chicken.
Name: Craft
Age: 18
Appearance: Short brown hair with a longer tuft of blond on the top of their head that hangs over their left eye. They have pale skin and purple eyes.
Wears a wrinkled burgundy dress shirt with sleeves rolled up to the elbows, black pants that are tucked into roughed up brown boots. A belt where their pokeballs are kept hangs loosely around their hips and they carry a one strapped bag across their back.
Traits: Too friendly, excited easily and a little wierd. Extremely attached to ghost and fairy pokemon. Not a lot of human friends because they never stay long enough in one place to make them. However, travelling groups are usually pushed away by the creepy nature of their pokemon. Would risk their life to protect their pokemon.
Team: Whimsicott (Knittin), Shiny Pumpkaboo(Sweet Potato), Lampent (Waxford), Pumpkaboo (Spooks), Gengar (Eclipse) and Decidueye (Pueo)
Region: Kalos
Other: Craft is a traveller and a breeder, not to mention a bit of a ghost collecter, but their pokemon mean more to them than anything in the world. Sweet Potato, or, Sweets, is their shiny pumpkaboo which was also one of their first pokemon, given to them by their parents who were also breeders. They are currently on a mission to find a Mimikyu, while also continuing their travels. Also, they almost always have either Sweets and Spooks (their other Pumpkaboo) or Eclipse (their Gengar) out of their pokeballs to keep them company.

Craft had been napping in a dusty corner of the Mansion when they were thrown into the waking world by the sound of an explosion. Their Lampent, Waxford had been out keeping watch and was thrown into distress aswell, flying to Craft's side.
"Hey hey, it's okay buddy! I'm sure it's nothing," they paused and listened, the sure sound of human voices echoing in the distance reaching their ears. "we should probably get out of here for the time being though. Thanks for keeping watch bud, just... Try to keep a look out for everything next time, okay?" They gave the sheepish Lampent a familiar and appreciative fistbump to one of his limbs before calling him back into his pokeball.
Craft stood up in full and stretched, before selecting another pokeball off their belt and sending out Eclipse, their massive Gengar.
"Hey girl! How's my big spooky girl huh? Are you good?" Craft cooed tossing a couple pokebeans to the pokemon, whose red eyes stayed narrowed before enjoying the tasty treat and nearly toppling Craft over with an overenthusiastic lurch.
Craft laughed and shoved their pokemon off of them.
"Enough, enough! You're freezing! Come on, we have people to scout out."


Marching along with a Gengar generally made it pretty easy to avoid trouble, though Craft had long since forgotten what it was like to feel intimidated by the pokemon. She stood just under a foot shorter than her trainer and left cold air in her wake... Craft loved her so much!

The two continued on to finally see the two trainers and their pokemon. Their eyes lit up at the sight and they couldn't help but exclaim, dashing ahead of Eclipse to approach the trainers, though the Gengar's eerie gaze glowed from the distance.
"OH WOW! A Blaziken AND an Infernape! And they look powerful too, goodness! AND look at that Salamence- holy magikarp!" They moved their gaze from the pokemon to one of the trainers (Marina)
"Oh, Hello! Sorry to barge in!"
Marina looked over and saw the new trainer in the distance. "Hey! I'm gonna be in a tree if you wanna hang out! Okay. Team, we're eating in the trees today." Crest and Carius scrambled up, Meowstic floated up, and the rest had to be returned to get there. Marina found a thicker branch for the bulkier ones to sit on.
"You are freaking kidding me. There is no way for me to " hang out" with you. After all I'd be an IMPASTA IF YOU SEE WHAT I JUST DID HUEHUEHUEHUEEEE"
"Am I?" Craft blinked, looking themselves over.
"So I am!" They concluded before desperately attempting to brush themselves off. Eclipse had caught up and stood behind them, taking a breath before letting it out all over Craft in an attempt to blow the ash off them. Of course being a Gengar her breath was hot and smelt like toxins, causing Craft to flail in a coughing fit before shoving their Gengar in the other direction.
"You-" cough "Eat over there!" Cough cough.
They sighed and smiled at Elio and then at Marina.
"I'm Craft! Mind if I join you? I haven't seen another human in a few days!"
Elio was uncomfortable, but, he couldn't just say no. "Of course buddy. You can. The Infernape and Salamence are mine. But before that... Let me introduce one last mon. One of my strongest."
Marina watched the figure dust herself off, seeing a Gengar try to help. "Sure! Get over here!" She called, waving to the trainer.
"Come on out!"
Elio threw the Ultra Ball...
And an enormous Tyranitar came out, roaring with enough power to shake the trees.
"Berg. It's lunch time, buddy."
The Tyranitar just growled, and started munching on some Liechi Berry.
Marina held on tightly to the tree, while her pokemon gripped to the branches with their claws or hands, as the case may be. "Now let's eat." She said, tossing everyone a few pokebeans.
Craft smiled at Marina, starting to make their way over to the tree but was stopped at the shaking appearance of the Tyranitar. They stopped and stared in awe.
"Wooooah..." They had never actually seen one up close. Eclipse on the other hand, was not impressed. The Gengar rolled her red eyes and continued to waddle over to the tree, grinning up at the inhabitants.
"That's wicked! Eclipse here-" Craft moved to gesture to her before realizing she had walked away. "Uh, there, is one of my strongest pokemon!"
Mokuba investigated the Gengar with great interest. "... I do believe this is one of the many Pokemon that can mega evolve. So can my Gallade." He said. "I do have a Gengarite and Key Ring if you would like one."
Mightyena and Meowstic looked down at the Gengar. Meowstic waved, then went back to eating her lunch. "That's cool. My strongest are Chesnaught and Blastoise!" Marina said to Craft. "Hey, what's your name?"
Eclipse gave Mokuba a less than friend gaze before taking seat at the foot of the tree.
Craft looked over and retrained their focus on joining the trainer and her pokemon in the tree, addressing Mokuba while they walked.
"I've actually got one already, " They flashed the ring around their wrist to the trainer. It was given to me but I don't battle much so I don't use it much! The only battling I usually do is against wild pokemon so Eclipse here never really needs to go 'MEGA'" Craft emphasized 'mega' with jazz hands and a deeper voice.

They put their hands on their belt as they paused next to Eclipse at the base of the tree, hands on their hips as they addressed Marina.
"My name is Craft, by the way! I'm a ghost collecter! What's your name? And what brings you here!
(OOC: sorry for my occasional typos or missed punctuation, I'm on mobile and my phone likes to auto-UNcorrect what I type)
Ava sat with the others to eat, she pulled out a few petcha berries and gave them to Eevee, Ralts and Dragonite. "I can't believe you actually caught a Gengar!" Ava said to Elio
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