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Name:Malcolm Findes
Age: 15
Appearance:brown hair hazel eyes tall and pale
Traits:lonely best friend is a Pokémon hasn't got over dark past
Team:honchkrow/ Duskull/ Gengar/ Hitmonlee
Region:Was born and spent childhood in Johto the moved to alola to train then decided to settle in sinnoh
Other:will one day return to alola to give complete trail and maybe give back the z-ring


My info
Malcolm never got over his past his parents died when they where on vacation in alola so he trained there taking on the island trail but failed when he visited Ula ula island and so he stole a z-ring from a old kahuna there and then took the first ship off of the island he put the z-stone he got darkium-z on his best Pokémon honchkrow and hopes everything will be ok
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"So Marina what are going to do" Jay question her. While feeding his evee he seem to notice something familiar to Marina. " Hey how did you get to Sinnoh"
"Oh by the way are you the champion of Kalos" Jay asked Marina. " I used to be Sinnoh champion but I give up and gave it to Cynthia." Jay said.
"Maybe. Just don't tell everybody, you know. I'm here to relax, not go looking for more battles." Luxray was sniffing around, since he liked finding things too.
Name: Danny Ibuki
Age: 15
Appearance: He wears a white long sleeved shirt with a black fabric jacket. he has a blue and black backpack and a blue and black hat. blonde hair and blue eyes
Traits: Funny,kind,quick tempered, believes in his Pokémon, and loves Pokémon battles.
Region: Kalos( currently in Sinnoh to find the Kalos Champion.)
Team: Gerninja, Charizard, Sceptile, Hydreigon, Aegislash, and Gallade.
Other: Hey has a keystone pin attached to his hat.

Danny came running towards MArina. He pointed at her and said," I'm Danny from Lumiose city, and I challenge you to become the champion of Kalos," HIS greninja followed him closely. Greninja looked egar to battle.
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"Really? Now?" Marina was mad that people knew specifically where she was. "Okay, everyone return! Pick your first pokemon, trainer, I don't have all day. Jay, I'll visit there later."
"Alright, C'mon out Aegislash!" Danny shouted as threw the Ultra ball into the air. The sword pokemon looked at his trainer with trust as it readied itself for battle.
"Some guy who wants to challenge me, and that's good enough." Marina replied, prepared for the battle about to happen. "An Aegislash, well then, I choose Mach (Blastoise)!"
"Aegislash, use sacred sword on Blastoise!" Aegislash removed the shield from it's body. The sword Pokémon's blade glowed blue and extended. Aegislash hovered quickly to Blastoise and slashed at it.
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(I chose a Blastoise, not Luxray.)

"Mach, let's Mega Evolve!" He growled fiercely, the bright lights surrounding him, then bursted, revealing his more powerful form. "Use Dark Pulse!" His Mega Launcher ability boosted the attack, speeding it towards the ghostly sword.
"Aegislash, King's sheild!" Aegislash looked at the Mega Blastoise and placed his shield back on it's cold metal blade. The dark pulse made contact with the shield and Exploded. Aegislash hovered, perfectly unharmed.
"Okay, Mach, save your Dark Pulses for when it's not defending itself. In the meantime, use Water Pledge!" Marina continued to analyze the opponent's moves.
" Aegislash, Slash the water pledge in half with Night Slash!" Aegislash lunged at the water and sliced it in half." Wait, to attack Blastoise, Keep it at bay, That Dark pulse will do some hefty damage."
"Hm... Mach, use your Hydro Pump." Mach shot water from the cannon on his back, ready to use the ones on his hands if Aegeslash tried to move out of the way. "And, use the-" Marina stomped twice, and Mach was ready to move.
"Aegislash you know what to do..." Danny said as he looked at Marina. Aegislash looked at the jet of water and raised his shield in defense to block it. "Aegislash, prepare yourself for whatever comes next!"
"Aegislash, Keep your shield up, I sense trouble!" Aegislash continued to block with it's shield. Danny looked at the Blastoise intently. He couldn't believe he was fighting the Champion of Kalos.
This trainer liked to play defensively, Marina knew that much. Mach used his hand cannons to distract the Aegaslash, then used Dark Pulse, following close behind it with a Skull Bash. He hoped this would work, since this was one of the tougher opponents he had encountered.
Aegislash looked intently at Blastoise. The dark pulse crashed into it's shield and stopped his defensive stance. Aegislash was still In defense from though. THe skull bash knocked aegislash to the ground. Aegislash hovered back up to his postioning. Danny looked at blastoise and said," Clever, but can you handle this, Aegislash, use Night Slash and Sacred sword consecutively!"
"Sacred slash... Mach, counter with another Dark Rush!" Mach lowered his head, charging forward and covering his head with the dark pulse.
Aegislash's Sacred Sword was contered, but the Night slash still remained. Danny looked at Aegislash and sad," C'mon, buddy, If you win this, It will give us a huge advantage." Danny set his foot down firmly and said," No, We won't loose Aegislash, Proceed with your attack!"
Aegislash slammed into Blastoise's hard shell with it's thick metal blade. Aegislash readied itself to block Blastoise's next attack. Aegislash cried," Aegislash ( We can do this!)"
"Mach, use Skull Bash, but keep raising defense until there's a place you can attack. Then bring it home." Mach tucked in his head, increasing his defense more with each second, watching for an opening.
"Aegislash, Hit him with another Night Slash Sacred Sword Combo!" Aegislash again slashed into Blastoise's shell. " we can't get hit with one of those Dark Pulses, So dodge his next attack!"
Mach used a water pledge attack, surrounding the Aegislash with water jets, then shot a dark pulse into the center. "All right, Mach! You're doing great!"
" Aegislash, counter it with Night Slash!" Danny shouted. He looked at Aegislash. This battle put a lot of strain on him. Danny looked at Aegislash hopefully and whispered," Please," Aegislash swung it's blade around in circle, slicing through the water. He then sliced through the Drak pulse, sending it into nearby trees, causing explosions.
"I'm originally from Kalos as well" Ava said to Jay and Marina. "I'm going to Hoenn in a couple of days, although I might stay here for a while..."
Ava walked away from Marina and Jay. She wanted to find some travelling companions, as she had decided she wanted to stay in Sinnoh for a while. She didn't know I Marina and Jay would want her to come with them... She was a bit shy in things like this. As she was walking she could see a faint glow coming from the forest. She ran into the forest and there lying in the grass was a Pokemon egg.

Ava picked it up and felt that it was warm. That would mean it could hatch soon! There were no Pokemon near the egg so Ava put it in her bag and continued to walk down the path. Ava was super excited about what it would hatch into.
"Mach, use a dark pulse from three different directions." He charged it from all his cannons, then used Hydro Pump and another Water Pledge.
"c´mere mimmikyu" he said picking the mimmikyu pokeball, amking the miimikyu return "great battle out there!" he said to Luna,the mimmikyu quited of the pokeball yelling "kyu!"
Ava kept walking before she realised. Maybe the girl with the Flaaffy and the boy with the mimikyu might want to travel with her! She rushed over to them, "I know you guys were planning on exploring Sinnoh and I was wondering if maybe I could join one of you, or even both of you." She asked blushing.
"to me is okay" Asro said to Ava, the mimikyu jumped in the Asro shoulder and tryed take off Asro glasses but Asro picked the mimikyu and said "not so easily buddy!, just one pokemon know how I am without my glasses" Asro said to the mimikyu


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