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With his attack and speed maxed out, Crest prepared a Blaze Kick to use against the Greninja's next move. He thought. I didn't come here to battle some random Greninja, I came here to avoid them! Why did Marina accept the challenge?
Greninja countered the Blaze kick with Night slash and threw more shuriken. Each exploded on contact. Greninja started thinking, this is the toughest battle i've ever had, No wonder Marina is the Champion.
From the sky, Elio looked at the two Pokemon battling far away. The intensity of the battle was just going up. Remilia lightly slowed down, so her Trainer could keep watching. "I know why these Trainers keep making me weird. This is because... My inner Trainer is getting pumped up. I want to battle them . I need to."
"So, what do you say, Remilia? Wanna have a threeway battle?" The Salamence roared with great intensity. Elio started grining. "Alright. I can't say no to you. Well, let's get down and battle them, k?" The Salamence roared even with even more energy. Together with its Trainer, she lept down the battlefield.
Crest used Sky Uppercut on Greninja, hitting him into the sky again. This time, he waited for him to come down, and used a Fire Pledge once he landed. Maybe if I faint him, the trainer will stop. After all, he is the starter pokemon. He couldn't wait to go explore, since he had never been here before.
Greninja could sense Blaziken's feelings. They only made him want to win more. He used Agility one last time, maxing out his speed. He charged and hit Blaziken with Water Shuriken. He then threw Blaziken into the air a kicked him back down with Acrobatics.
Crest growled to himself, displeased with the new trainer. Now that there was a pesky Salamence to deal with too, he had to change his entire plan. He used Fire Pledge on Salamence, then sprinted toward Greninja, using Sky Uppercut and Blaze Kick to knock him into another tree, then landed on the Salamence's back.
"Remilia, use DRAGON PULSE". A ray of intense light came out of the Salamence's mouth. It was aimed at both Pokemon. Elio jumped off his Salamence, grining. " You ready for this pals?"
Danny looked at the Salmence and said," Excuse me, but I'm challenging her to become Kalos Champion." Greninja jumped of of Blaziken onto Salamence. He Grabbed Salamence's Horns and used Acrobatics.
"Hey that not fair how about a team battle" Jay said to the group. "I team up with Marina" Jay said looking marina. "Here heal your pokemon with this" jay said while giving her full restores. Jay grab his pokeball while smiling "Lucario come on out" Jay said.
Imitating the same expression as the Greninja's Trainer, Elio replied: "well that's just greeeat. I don't care about you wanting to be Champion." Elio then looked at the Blaziken and its Trainer. "I'm watching an epic battle and you expect me to just stand there? No way. Now Remilia, get into the air and do some of these ACROBATICS AND SHAKE EM OFF, THEN USE DRAGON DANCE TO RAISE YOUR SPEED!"
"Well then, we got another trainer to deal with." Elio turned to the ally Trainer. "I suggest you send out another Pokemon, your Greninja's going to faint. By the way, I'm Elio."
"Thanks." Marina used two of them on Crest and Mach. "I'll choose Carius for this." She sent out Chesnaught, and returned the other two.
"Fine, but I want an offical battle with the Champion after this," Danny gestured for greninja to return to his side. Danny readied another Pokéball. He threw it into the air and said," Come on out Gallade!" Gallade stood and said telepathically," Gosh, why did yoo pick me!"
"Hey, if you wanted an official battle with her, you should've went to the Pokemon League. Also, you're not even going to tell me your names people? Anyway... Let's start off with a good DRAGON CLAW!" Elio shouted as he felt the battle's pressure and excitement.
"Hey, I find it funny how I use a Dragon and you use a " knight" pokemon. I'm offering you a ride, so you better set up while I protect your Gallade"
"Well, She wasn't at the DAMN Pokémon league, that's the only reason i'm here, and I'm Danny," Danny said as he looked at Gallade. He then loooked Elio and asked,"Gallade, Sceptile, or Charizard?"
Marina nodded, ready for business. Carius started off with a Hammer Arm on Salamence. Marina turned to Danny and said "Hey, champions have lives, we don't exactly stand around waiting for people to battle us."
"Huh. Didnt know about that. Sorry pal. Also, I've got a plan to use the best of Gallade's strengh." Elio looked at his opponents. "Welp. Let me tell you you're gonna have a bad time. Here we go."
Salamence took the Hammer Arm at a critical spot, but thanks to its Flying type and Intimidate ability, it was able to not get any real damage. Elio was completely trusting his Salamence. She got through a lot of tough battles. She is strong. "Great Remilia, use Dragon Tail and knock back that Chestnaught!"
"Danny, don't evolve it yet. Just keep seting up Swords Dances, and when it's strong enough, strike a good Psycho Cut. Think you can do it?"
"Alright, Gallade, Back Salamence up by using, Poison Jab!" Gallade coated his blade in Poison and slashed at Chesnaught's back. Gallade leapt back to Salamence and looked at Lucario.
"Jay, your Lucario can block the super effective moves on Carius. I'll help you with yours." Carius used a Grass Pledge on Gallade, ready to block a Fighting type move.
"Ugh... Damn spiky shield... But she can't keep using it forever... REMILIA. GET A HOLD OF THAT CHESTNAUGHT AND SOAR, SOAR IN THE RED SKY!" Elio said. He was passionate, something he hasn't been for a few years. His brother would be glad to see him.
"Carius, run!" He charged into Gallade with another Body Slam and ran behind Lucario, digging his claws into the ground to avoid being carried off.
"Gallade, Swords Dance and Psyco Cut!" Gallade sent out the telepathic slice and it cut through the Aura Sphere. "Hmph, You think we'll go down that easily,"
"Tsk. These guys just don't know what to do. But, I trust that Danny guy. I think he's strong enough to pull this off. And with his Gallade's psychic type, he's got type advantage". Elio was confident in their victory. But the problem at the moment was that Chestnaught.
"Hey, where do you think you're going pal? Dragon Tail, then Dragon Dance. Help Gallade by shooting off Chestnaught with Dragon Tail, or at least protect it." Elio looked at his Remilia. "...I trust you, partner."
"Gallade, Swords Dance and Power-Up Punch!" Gallade again Punched Lucario. The punch maxed out Gallade's attack. Danny looked at Salamence attacking Chesnaught and said," Keep Chesnaught at bay, I'll handle Lucario.
Marina commanded Carius to use another Grass Pledge, and it hit the Salamence. Carius yanked out his claws, and used Hammer Arm on Gallade. He then noticed the Salamence using Dragon Tail, and slid out of the way.
Gallade countered with a mighty Psyco Cut. Danny watched Salmence fight the Chesnaught with ferocity. Danny stood and looked at Gallade with determination.
"You know Gallade's attack is maxed, Gallade, Psyco Cut on Chesnaught,"Danny spouted. Gallade lept at Chesnaught and Sliced it in the face. He leot off and proceeded to stand next to Salamence and said telepathically to Elio," Any ideas?"
"Damn." Elio felt both his and Salamence's determination. "We can't fail here. We can't fail now. Running isn't an option either... What do I do... Wait, that's it. I know what to do." Elio smiled. "If we can't knock you back..."
Salamence immediatly understood and got moving. "We'll just have to one hit ko you. Remilia, AERIAL ACE."
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