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Marina nodded. "I know what Charm does, Jay. Crest, use Sky Uppercut." Crest punched Sceptile, his Speed boost ability increasing his agility.
Before the beam came "evee use protect" jay said but it was to late. "Evee your alright. " jay said. Evee is still standing. "Alright evee use charm again " jay said.
"Sceptile, Grab him and slam him into the ground!" Danny shouted. Sceptile grabbed Blaziken's leg and threw him to the ground."Sceptile, now use earthquake and Dragon Pulse." Sceptile shook the ground again and fired a lazer at Blaziken.
(Okay, see ya)

Crest stood back up, and used Sky Uppercut again, following Sceptile into the sky and used the attack again, punching it higher. He landed right after the earthquake ended, but was unable to dodge the lasers.
"Sceptile, Dragon pulse it into the ground, and use earthquake," Danny said still blushing. Sceptile fired the lazer. Knocking Blaziken to the ground. He landed with a loud quake."Eevee sacrifices won't help you now,"
"Crest! Use Blaze Kick! Then Fire Pledge!" Heh, that other trainer must be distracted. I'll finish this fight now! Crest fired off his attacks, his speed much faster than Sceptile's.
"Sceptile!" Sceptile wss kicked clear across the field. Sceptile fired a dragon pulse as he fell to the ground fainting. Danny returned the fainted Sceptile. He walked over to Marina and congradulated her, blushing a little bit.
Marina returned Crest. "Thank you. If you'll excuse me, I have to go heal my pokemon now." She ran back to the center, healed her team, and let them all back out.
"Hey, I think I'll go to the Pokémon Center with you. My Remilia got beaten up real bad by you two. Though, I had fun battling you two, even with just one pokemon. Danny, you let your emotions get the better of you, and so Sceptile couldn't win. You both are powerful Trainers, but so am I. I hope to battle you with my full team anytime soon. Now, shall we get going?" Elio said that with a clear, happy voice. This encounter had changed him a bit. Putting his earphones up, he started walking.

(Ps: I feel like we are the strongest Trainers of this RP lol)
Marina laughed as Elio criticized Danny for his battling skill. She never let her emotions be in control during a battle, so the thought was funny to her. She got out her phone, started playing music and put in her ear buds, humming along with the tunes as she vaulted onto Luxray's back. She pulled Meowstic up with her and let Crest lead the way into the forest.

(and the most active.)
Name: Deko
Age: 12
Appearance: Brown hair, black scarf, dull eyes, in jacket
Traits: Funny,derpy, tactical, cringy, weird, smart, pretty intelligent.
Region: Unova.
Other: Can speak to pokemon

Real Team: Golisopod, Shedinja, Ivysaur, Shuckle, Murkrow, Larvitar
As Deko goes through the area he notices Marina on that Luxray, hehe. We all knew DEKO WANTS THAT BABY. Deko begins to stalk her, looking quite mischievous. Though he did wish Murkrow could fly, and growlithes GROWL. But hey a small bird can carry 100 pound people through the sky. -_-
Luxray began growling, sensing something was watching him. He used his x-ray vision to see it, and found a suspicious looking trainer in the bushes. Marina knew something was wrong, so she returned all her pokemon except Luxray, and signaled to him to run at top speed. He dashed away, scaring off all the wild pokemon nearby and leaving Elio in the dust.
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"Hey, I didn't ask ya your name, sis. I'm listening to a sick beat brah. You wanna hear a bit of it?" Elio asked the girl, smiling. His red eye was flickering.
"Wh-What's going on? Why are you suddenly- annnnd here she goes. Gawd. Let's follow her. Remilia, glide up to keep up with that Luxray." Elio was concerned. If the Champion Girl was running away or chasing something, must be quite important. Then it STRUCK Elio (hehehehe pun) . Luxrays can sense and see anything. "Let's take up the air, if we can find anything".
Luxray stopped to sniff the air. He didn't smell anyone near, so he began trying to tell Marina what happened. Meowstic was let out to translate, and Marina looked shocked when Luxray had finished. "I hope Elio was able to get out of there in time." She returned Luxray and Meowstic, and let out Crest. "Crest, carry us into a tree, the best you can find." He nodded, and swung Marina over his shoulders, leaping back and forth between treetops.
Elio was soaring above the forest, looking for anything suspicious. Then he saw someone, following the Champion. "A stalker huh. Let's give him a little fright :)"
Elio jumped off Remilia, sustained himself using a large tree branch and shouted: "SUP BRAH"

(I'm' going to bed, it's 1:00 am here)
Danny walked out of the Pokémon Center joyfullly. He plugged his earphones in and departed off to have an actual battle with the Kalos Champion. Greninja followed him joyful as ever.
"Thanks!" Ava said to Asro. "Look at this, I just found it in the forest!"
Ava pulls the Pokemon egg out of her bag and shows it to Asro.

(BTW what's the Jolteon for?)
Name: Mokuba
Age: 15
Appearance: Profile Picture
Traits: Calm, Quiet, Shy, Smart.
Team: Kingdra, Alolan Raichu, Braviary, Gallade, Slurpuff, Greninja
Region: Kalos and Alola
Other: Battle Frontier Son, Can Speak to Pokemon
Elio, from the skies above, looking for anything suspicious (as the person he scared wasn't the one he was looking for), was sitting on his Salamence, that was just gliding above the forest. Munching on a chocolate bar and wearing his signature red earphones, he was starting to get really bored. "Man, I wish something interesting would just happen, it's been like 3 hours I've been searching. Maybe that Champion girl's Luxray is a bit over stressed. Maybe there just isn't anyone around here."

Elio sighed, but then his Salamence just got him to notice something.

"You've seen something Remilia?" His Salamence pointed with its tail at a Trainer passing by.
This Trainer had blueish hair, and he was wearing a purple jacket, supported by a green belt. He was wearing grey jeans, and had purple boots.

"Maybe he is the one we're looking for. Or at least we could get more info. Remilia, get down to him."

Salamence flew to the new person.
Marina sat at the top of a tree with Crest, shivering a little bit. Heights were not something she enjoyed, so she had Crest take her back down. She started looking around for the person who Luxray saw, and saw Elio's Salamence landing somewhere not far off. She decided to approach, wary of the new arrival.
Black clouds started covering the sky. A bit after that display, thunder started roaring above the clouds. Bird Pokemon were flying away from the forest. Strong winds rose, and soon, a storm began. Elio was holding on tight to his Salamence. He quickly began to think: "As if this could get any worse. First a crazy Luxray, then explosions, then THIS. Sweet Arceus, it surely isn't my day today. The wind is crazy strong too... Let's get to safety at once." Elio mumbled as he and his Salamence started going away, but then he realized something: "Wait, that girl too is out there... And even with a Luxray she won't be able to make it back in time... Alright Remilia, let's search for them and get them back. This also could be the occasion to get her name. Quick Remilia!" Elio was worrying about the other Trainers, but he didn't know where they were. He decided, that if nobody else was around, he would get back the closest persons around and get them back, because, as he looked back to the newly arrived person, they weren't there anymore. Probably gone to the pokemon center.
(Sorry for double posting, but I wanted to say sorry about my bit of godmodding over the meteo and such. I just want to keep this RP alive and kicking =) )
Ava covered her face with her arms as the strong wind lashed at her and Asro. "We need to find somewhere inside!" She shouted to Asro, as the wind was blocking her out. She scooped Eevee off the ground and into her arms, Eevee didn't like the strong winds. Suddenly it started to rain. "I'm going to the Pokemon Center!" Ava yelled over the wind as she ran up the path to the Pokecenter. As she felt her bag containing the egg getting warmer and warmer. She wondered if Nurse Joy could help with the egg...

As Ava ran into the pokecenter, she saw that some other Unknown trainers were taking refuge in the Center as well. She didn't want to talk. She wanted to make sure the egg was safe. She pulled it out of her bag and saw that the dull glow had become brighter.
(Back) Jay lost Marina so he decide to look for here. He was to look for here due to the strong wind. So he decide to go the pokemon center, and he saw Ava. "Hey Ava" Jay said.
The wind grew harsher, and Marina felt raindrops pouring down. She sent out her starter. "Carius! A little help?" He looked at the sky, which was dark and cloudy, and nodded. He carried her to the pokemon center, trying to avoid the lightning and intense rain.
(Deko was dead asleep), he had been stalking that girl for far too long and was just knocked out, trying to relieve himself, he went to a waterfall, to reassure himself, he was hoping his boss wouldn't reprimand him. He like staying quiet. (Kinda)
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Carius rushed into the pokemon center with Marina. He shook himself off, spraying water everywhere. "Oh well, I was already soaking." Marina smiled.
"Meh, just went into the forest. Luxray saw a team rocket member and freaked out, then it started raining. Now I'm here." Crest's pokeball started wiggling, and he jumped out saying "Blaziken!" to Jay.
"Sure, go ahead." Marina sat down by a table, taking out some food and sending out the rest of her team. "Mach, you can be outside if you want, to keep watch." The Blastoise shook his head, he wanted to be with his friends.
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