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"... Listen. I don't know what your Luxray's problem is with me, but if he or she thinks I have a history with it, I don't ever recall seeing Luxray before, not since my last day in the Sinnoh Championships against Volkner." Mokuba explained to her.
"Hey hey hey! You two cut it out with the angering crap and just get to the pokémon center with me." Elio said that annoyed by Mokuba's personnality, but he won't interfere with violence. " Also... Nice name, Marina. Now I don't have to call you Champion... Or do I?" Elio was smiling, these people were powerful Trainers and good companions, maybe even friends. Elio grinned as he said: "Imma make you my specialty: the Solgaleo Spaghetti! Yeah I know: pasta. But at the moment I have nothing else okay?" Elio then plugged in his earphones into his Switchdex (mix between a phone and a pokedex. Inspired of the nintendo switch.)
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"Yeah, Luxray hasn't seen you before." Marina lazily stretched, yawning. "Hey Luxray, mind if I call you Draconian?" Luxray growled and pawed the ground. "Yeah, okay. I'll think of something else. Let's go, we got spaghetti to eat." She vaulted onto Luxray's back, ready to follow Elio out of the cave.
"Now to add the spice... And tomato... Carot... There. Now we let the pasta boil. " Great flavors were swaying in the air. The aroma of the pasta was refreshing. "Now, let me introduce myself properly. I am Elio Sans Salvatore Andrea. Just call me Elio. I wish to be the strongest Trainer in the world, and help everyone understand their Pokemon's true potential. Nice to meet you."
Elio looked at the newly arrived. "Who the heck are you? And how do you know my name? Also, I'm cooking pasta. You can join us, there's plenty of it."
"A random dude's joining us for pasta. Elio, that's Jay. Hey, how much pasta is there?" Marina relaxed on Luxray's back, humming to her music.
"Well, just one kilo, heh. I like to make GRAND things. Anyway... Nice to meetcha, Jay." Elio got some bowls off his backpack and put them on the pokemon center's table. He then said in a soft voice: "there. I told you about me. Well... What you should know anyway. So now... Care to me tell me more about you?"
Elio then put on a jazzy music, to put up a mood. "Might as well put an ambiance here. Nights are too lonely usually, so its been a while since I got to talk with people."
Ava watched from the other side of the room as the other trainers talked. She looked down at her egg, the glow was rapidly brightening. She ran up to the front desk, other trainers were begginning to stare at her. She was soaking wet, hair a mess, holding a Pokemon egg and calling for nurse joy. She understood why they were staring. As nurse joy walked to the front desk, Ava frantically put the egg on the front desk and said, "Nurse Joy! My egg is about to hatch!" She cried frantically. Nurse Joy looked down at the egg, then called her helper
(Sorry for double posting, I accidently pressed post)

Then called her helper, Chansey. "Chansey come quickly!" Nurse Joy called. "We have an egg situation!"
Ava felt the egg and saw that it was hotter than it should be. Ava grabbed a cloth and rushed over to the sink. She dampened it and ran back to the egg. She lay it over the egg, and it started to cool down. Then the dulling flow turned into a blinding glow. Then the egg started to turn into a pokemon.
Marina looked over at the panicked looking trainer with the egg, wondering what the egg would hatch into. Nurse Joy and Chansey looked interested too.
As the glow began to fade, Ava gasped as from. From the egg emerged, an adorable Ralts.

"Ra? Ral?" The Ralts said
"Hey,I had an experiance like this," Danny reached in his bag and pulled out a Pokéball. He released the Pokémon inside to reveal Gallade. Gallade looked at the little Ralts and smiled.

(Ooc: I accidently put lick instead of look)
"Ralts... the pre-evolution of Kirlia and Gardevoir, which can evolve into Gallade from Kirlia if it's a male and is given a Dawn Stone." Mokuba said.
Ava scooped up the baby Ralts in her arms and slowly rocked it to sleep. "I think I know who Ralts might be friends with..." Ava said as she pulled a pokeball out of her bag. She threw and Dragonite came out. Ava showed Dragonite the Ralts and then gave it to him. Dragonite looked down at the Ralts and smiled. He was a very gentle dragon. Ava and Dragonite walked over to the couch, where Eevee was waiting. "My first Sinnoh Pokemon" Ava thought.
"Thanks!" Ava said taking the pokepuff. She broke it into pieces and then slowly have the pieces to Ralts. Ralts smiled and said to Jay, "Ra!"

Ava smiled and looked out the window. She saw that the storm had started to clear "I'm going outside" Ava said, "I can't stand being stuck in here"

Ava walked out into the fresh air and with Eevee in her arms and Dragonite by her side carrying Ralts.
She decided she wanted to stay in Sinnoh to catch more Pokemon and focus on her new goal, becoming a Pokemon breeder.
Wait Ava. There a grunt so it will be stalking anyone" jay said to ava. "So we should all stay here for while in case to protect ralt." he explain.
Oh! She out Eevee down on the ground and returned Dragonite she took the Ralts and put it on her shoulder bag. "Ralts should be safe in here."

"Ra? Ralts?" Ralts asked.
"You'll be fine, don't worry" Ava said to Ralts.

She put her hand in the front pocket of her bag and pulled out 3 Petcha berries. She gave one to Ralts, one for Eevee and one for Jay.

"Here" She said as she gave the petcha berry to Jay, "In return for the pokepuff"
Ava's eyes widened as she heard the word ditto. She could breed pretty much ANYTHING with a ditto. "Th- Thankyou" Ava said to Jay.
Ava looked in her bag and found something to give to Jay. She pulled out a master ball. "I got this in Alola, you can have it." Ava told Jay as she out the masterball in his hands. She took the pokeball containing ditto and threw it, Out came a ditto. "It's amazing..." Ava said

(BTW I'm going off now, thanks for the ditto!)
"Oh. Congrats for hatching that Ralts. I do have a Gardevoir resting in Poke Pelago, because before going back here in Sinnoh, I had some battles at this Battle Maison or something... Easy. But I'm dragging on about myself and didnt even ask you your name. So, I'm Elio. I just finished a trip to Hoenn and came back to Sinnoh, because I heard some pretty powerful Trainers were out there. And lucky me just found some of those Trainers," Elio said while pointing at Marina, Mokuba and Jay. He continued: "there is some potential in you. You'll become strong, no doubt about it." Elio then looked at an Ultra Ball, containing his traded Tyranitar, Berg. "You should have hatched with me, it would be easier to gain your trust..." Elio mumbled to himself as he finished cleaning the plates.

He then had an idea. He said with a taunting tone: "Hey! Mokuba. You told me you were from a Battle Brain's family, right? But you could just be a weak, skillless Trainer with powerful Pokemon. Let me cut straight to the point. Battle me. 3 vs 3 pokemon, no healing items allowed. Is that fine by you?" Elio then looked at Mokuba and thought: "With your indirect help, I will forge a bond with Berg... And prove to the Sinnoh region that I have power, thanks to my partners."
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Ava put Ralts down on the couch and picked up the ditto. The ditto was amazing. She could breed all of her Pokemon now! she put ditto into her shoulder bag and picked up Ralts. Ralts felt safer in Ava's arms. "I wonder if the grunt is still out there" Ava muttered.

"Ral..." Ralts said sadly, before it went to sleep.
"Hmm? A grunt? Is a team still out there? I thought Team Galactic got dismanteled years ago." Elio was surprised to hear about a possible new team. Nothing to worry about anyway.
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