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"Ralts! Use confusion on Eevee! And Eevee use tackle on Ralts!"

Eevee started to run, but got hit by Ralts's confusion. "Great job Ralts!" Ava said. "Now Eevee Swift!" Eevee did a double backflip then sent shooting stars at Ralts. Without command Ralts dodged. She got hit by one star though. "Ralts! Use confusion! But this time aim it where you think Eevee will go!" Ava said to Ralts. "Eevee! Use Double Edge!"

Eevee ran as fast as she could toward Ralts, but Ralts new exactly where Eevee was going to be next, so Ralts hit a Eevee with confusion. "Now Eevee!" Ava yelled, "Use shadow ball!" The shadow ball hit Ralts, knocking her out.

Ava pulled out a potion and a revive, she used the potion on Eevee and the revive on Ralts.

(Ralts is lv 16 so pretty close to evolving.)
Hydreigon, Dragon Pulse now, but watch that hammer arm!" Hydreigon Jetted out another lazer as Chesnaught's defenses were down. Hydreigon the readied himself to dodge the hammer arm, by flying out of Chesnaught's reach.
Without time to change his plan much, Carius took out his shield and used the Hammer Arm on Hydreigon's Dragon Pulse, making an explosion. He hid behind his shield to block most of the damage, waiting for his trainer to come up with a plan.
Hydreigon was in raged by this attack so he proceeded to fire Dragon Pulses at Chesnaught. Not hesitating at all. I is considered the savage Pokémon after all. But, the more he used Dragon Pulse, The weaker it got.
Ava had been watching the battle for a while now, so she decided she was gonna explore a bit. "I'll be back soon!" She said to the others. "She picked up Ralts and put her in the bag.

Ava wandered off the path through the forest. She saw a bunch of new Pokemon.
"Good job, buddy. He's getting weaker, keep going." Carius kept the shield up for a short time, then ran between a couple more Dragon Pulses and tried to hit Hydreigon with Grass Pledge.
Mokuba's Poketch Radar had detected a Pokemon in the distance. "N-No way! Cresselia is nearby!" He exclaimed as he rushed into the forest to look for the Lunar Pokemon.
Marina wasn't fazed by Mokuba running off to wherever, or the other trainers leaving. She was totally focused on the battle, as was Carius, who was still trying to use Grass Pledge on Hydreigon.
(OOC: Aw man.)

He was searching for the Pokemon that showed on the radar, when suddenly... A Mimikyu appeared! "Mimi~" It said. Mokuba smiled and let Raichu out so that the Mimikyu could talk to it. Raichu smiled and greeted it, "Rai!~" It said with a cute face. Mimikyu stood there for a minute, before it walked up to Raichu and... Hugged it? The Dark Blue-Haired Pokemon Trainer was confused, because Mimikyu and Pikachu weren't meant to be friends, but it seemed that it was attached to Raichu. "This is... surprising." Mokuba said as Mimikyu approached it. The Mimikyu also hugged the trainer. He smiled a bit, looking down at the Mimikyu. "So you just want a friend, I suppose?" He asked. The Mimikyu nodded in agreement. "Well sure, I could be your friend, and so can the rest of my Pokemon, but I also know a trainer who would absolutely love you." Mokuba continued. Mimikyu let out a soft cry in happiness as it once again hugged him, and as Mokuba walked through the forest with Raichu, the Mimikyu followed.
As Jay and Ava walked through the forest, they could hear odd noises. They could hear something whimpering.

"Do you hear that?" Ava said to Jay
"Yeah. It sound like a pokemon we never heard of." he said pointed the direction of the noise. Jay and ava hope is an extremely rare Pokemon.
Elio was watching from a distance anything that would happen, on his Salamence. Right after his Pokemon finished lunch, he called them back, and flew away. There were too many people for him to handle because of the uncomfortableness and what had happened earlier. But he would stay near them, just not approach them.
"...This Jay. He feels things. If I didn't hide, he would have spotted me. Though, he isn't a menace to my plan." Elio thought, scratching his Salamence's neck. He wasn't sure what to do next. Maybe he would follow Jay.
"I can feel it too..." Ava muttered. She kept hearing the cry of a Pokemon coming from somewhere in the Forest, the cry sounded like the creature was injured."We need to find that Pokemon, Now." Ava said to Jay
"Poor Ava. If I was an enemy, and had to take her down, she wouldn't stand a chance. Jay on the other hand seems to be a lot more... Spiritually flexible. Let's see if I can get his mind of me... Remilia, use Dragon Breath onto these trees over there."
Ava heard a noise coming from a couple of trees away. She could hear a couple of Pokemon cries as the dragon breath hit. She looked up and saw Elio flying on his Salamence. "I'll take care of the Pokemon over there!" Ava told Jay.

Ava ran towards where the dragon breath hit. She could see a one Pokemon lying on the ground and one in the air. It was odd, as a both of them were not from this area. She could see a Togetic and a Gible. "The Togetic was fine, as the dragon move had no effect on it. But the Gible wasn't as good. The dragon breath was super effective on Gible, even if it didn't hit the Gible, it still damaged it. She picked up the Gible and told the Togetic to fly after her. She wanted to take them both back to the others to make sure they're OK.
"Okay" Ava said to Jay.

She kept running with the Gible in her arms and Eevee and Togetic close behind.

As soon as she got to the others, she sat down and pulled out some potions and a revive. She slowly brought the Gible back to perfect health. As Ava was giving Gible the last potion, Togetic flew over and helped Ava spray the potion on Gible.
"Friend." Elio had showed up, cloaked on his black coat as usual. His right eye was flashing under the hoodie. Elio said: "What's wrong? You look like you've s e e n a g h o s t."
Elio smirked. He then noticed Jay's left eye. "Hmph. You're a Cursed as well I see. That explains how you sensed me, am I right?" Elio's smile disappeared. He didn't think he'd be a Cursed as well.
Ava could see Jay through the trees, he looked like he was in pain. She looked at Elio and scowled. Togetic was nursing Gible back to health. Gible woke up, and said "Gib! Gib!" And then ran off. Ava looked at Togetic, but it didn't fly away. Ava looked at it... she was puzzled.

The Togetic flew down to her bag and searched in the front pocket. She pulled out a pokeball. She gave it to Ava.
Ava put it back in and pulled out a luxury ball. Togetic nodded it's head and got ready.

Ava threw the luxury ball at Togetic. It wobbled once, twice, and on the third time, sparks flew out of the ball.

"Alright!" Ava cried.
She sent out Togetic. "Let's see what's going on..."
Ava decided it might be better to let the boys deal with it themselves, but one thing that infuriated Ava. Was that she knew that Elio thought she was weak. Ava knew that her Ralts Eevee and Togetic were not the strongest, but Dragonite had defeated several trainers before.

She walked around the forest thinking about how strong she really was. But it didn't matter that much, she was a Pokemon Breeder that battled for fun. Sure she had some strong Pokemon, like her Dragonite, Lycanroc and Altaria. Most of which were at home in Alola with her parents. At least she was a better breeder than them, or she would be soon.
(Aww why no garchomp sweep flashback?)

"Well, that's a curse if I look by your point. I mean, you always hid it, so I only sensed it. This is why I thought Marina was the one at first. I never tried to hide it. I hated it at first, but then saw it as a gift... Though this power must be fed. For me, I have to " eat" dust or ashes made from combustion. Now, I see you are in a great pain. And now I'll answer your question. I'm here..." Elio smiled. "To help you."
"Let's get you out of here first. Remilia, take him to my mansion."
The colossal Dragon flew, carrying the unconscious Trainer.
"Now... I know you saw us, Ava. Come out."
"I too have a question... Have you heard anything we said?" Elio's red eye was analysing Ava, searching into her very soul, but it remained staring right into hers.
"I heard something about Jay being cursed, that's all. I don't know anything else." Ava said. She was begginning to become a little creeped out.
"Is that so? I see. Sorry if I creeped you out, Ava. Also... He isn't "cursed" per say. It's more of a dark benediction. The thing with special eyes like ours..." Elio then wispered to Ava's ear. "But, enough of that. I sent Jay to my mansion on Fullmoon Island, so don't worry. Should I get you back to the others?"
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