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and honestly, Peni was the most useless character.
outside of remaking the goober, she was just there.
not saying Noir and Ham added any more contributions. they were all there as mostly fan service. you could remove those three and still get a pretty similar end result to the story.
First of all, BITCH YOU WHAT NOW
Second, Peni remaking the goober was actually extremely vital. It's thanks to SP//dr they got it remade in time whatsoever. So out of the three non-focal Spider-People, she was the one that the plot required. Could Peter and Gwen have done the same? Maybe, but CERTAINLY in not as short of a time, resulting in Kingpin winning because they didn't get there in time. And all the dimensions go bye-bye.
Third, she may not be one of the more popular Spider-People, but they had to get one not-well-known character in there for exposure's sake. And out of all of the Spider-People, Peni is one of the most unique due to SP//dr and her anime characteristics. Also, it's a very interesting visual style to play with for the movie, alongside the cartoony Spider-Ham and noir Spider-Man Noir.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
First of all, BITCH YOU WHAT NOW
Second, Peni remaking the goober was actually extremely vital. It's thanks to SP//dr they got it remade in time whatsoever. So out of the three non-focal Spider-People, she was the one that the plot required. Could Peter and Gwen have done the same? Maybe, but CERTAINLY in not as short of a time, resulting in Kingpin winning because they didn't get there in time. And all the dimensions go bye-bye.
Third, she may not be one of the more popular Spider-People, but they had to get one not-well-known character in there for exposure's sake. And out of all of the Spider-People, Peni is one of the most unique due to SP//dr and her anime characteristics. Also, it's a very interesting visual style to play with for the movie, alongside the cartoony Spider-Ham and noir Spider-Man Noir.
know who else is Noir?
Jack is Noir.
Jack Noir.
can't wait for some fights with this guy.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
...irrelevant to my point.
oh, i know. i'm not gonna bother with arguing on it, as a) it doesn't pertain to the rp, and b) we have differing opinions of the characters. you guys keep liking your anime spider-girl, and i'll keep liking other characters that aren't anime.
I picked up Bravely Second yesterday and it reminds me exactly why I liked Bravely Default. Good ass game, story is a little meh from what I've heard (and seen), but at least it's not Modern Sonic quality...yet...

Buuuut talking about Spiderverse
yeah the three others seemed fairly irrelevant to the story. And I kinda get Comic's point. Outside of Peni's 1 contribution with the goober, her only other significant scene was getting wrecked by Scorpion. Not that Noir and Ham did much either, but I felt very little for Peni when her mech was destroyed. That being said, it's almost definitely getting a sequel, so I'm sure we'll be seeing more interesting Spidermen(s) in time. Though I think Peni there for less for audience appeal as much as finding another interesting style to put in the movie. Because she had very little comic appearances prior to the RP. Not that the other two were very known outside of comic buffs...I knew enough about Ham to know he wasn't inspired by the Simpson's "Spider Pig" but I'd never heard of Noir before.

As for the RP, I think I realized why I don't like Specter. For once and for all. Because he's an incel, except replace "women" and "alpha males" with "humanity". Really, the "Intellectual plan" thing makes me wanna choke a monkey bout now. Alright last time I talk about Specter, for at least a month

Sorry Shen it's nothing against you, and I will truly stop harping on it. He's just an asshole. But not you. Your cool.

Anyways, Cecil is screwed. Like, 100%. His troops can't back him up, he pissed off the one person who can completely shut him down, has to deal with Spiderman...He's too prideful to step down and admit defeat however. He'll keep going to the last breath. In other words, that Scorpion guy will have to step in.

And finally, Storming I don't mean to rude, but they weren't ever in the base. Priscilla ran in to get the shotgun and came back out. No one else went in. All I'm saying is try to read and see the situation a little better? I mean, I suppose a portion of that is my fault for continuing to label it "base".

But now Sawyer needs a buddy. He's probably too far from Logan or the Zeliyis army fighters, maybe he gets sucked up by another portal? But then to where...

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
As for the RP, I think I realized why I don't like Specter. For once and for all. Because he's an incel, except replace "women" and "alpha males" with "humanity". Really, the "Intellectual plan" thing makes me wanna choke a monkey bout now. Alright last time I talk about Specter, for at least a month

Incel...unable to find a romantic partner despite desiring one?

Are you high Burble? XD
Incel...unable to find a romantic partner despite desiring one?

Are you high Burble? XD
Err..."Incels" are more popularly known on the internet as people who think that they deserve women. They are a sect of "nice guys" who look down on others because they perceive that others look down on them for being "lower" on the spectrum. Except no one looks down at them because of some perceived spectrum, they are looked down on for being misogynistic idiots who think they deserve women.

So yes, Specter is an incel, just replace the women and males who "look down" on them with humanity. Because there were a million better outcomes for Specter to take. He just lies and thinks that everyone puts him down. Which they do, because he's a tyrant using humanity's shortcomings as an excuse. And I know, he treats his own people nice. But that doesn't excuse an entire species being mass enslaved.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Err..."Incels" are more popularly known on the internet as people who think that they deserve women. They are a sect of "nice guys" who look down on others because they perceive that others look down on them for being "lower" on the spectrum. Except no one looks down at them because of some perceived spectrum, they are looked down on for being misogynistic idiots who think they deserve women.

So yes, Specter is an incel, just replace the women and males who "look down" on them with humanity. Because there were a million better outcomes for Specter to take. He just lies and thinks that everyone puts him down. Which they do, because he's a tyrant using humanity's shortcomings as an excuse. And I know, he treats his own people nice. But that doesn't excuse an entire species being mass enslaved.

Well there’s a reason he’s a villain XD. He’s not meant to be loved. Take Thanos. While you can where he is coming from with his goal and philosophy, you can’t agree with his actions on many things. Same case here with Specter

I’d consider him more as a weaponized Victim. He thinks he is always the victim in the situation, which automatically puts himself on the high road, justifying his actions no matter how Inhumane for the ‘greater good’., almost like a type of megalomaniac. Maybe even dashes of an inferiority complex to humanity, and the constant need to prove himself and show how his race is superior
Maybe, but Thanos is compelling as a character because you can fully empathize with his plight in Infinity War and he seems really human. You want the characters you know to win, but at the same time, Thanos is compelling enough that you can truly consider his philosophy and question who's really in the right in that situation. Specter, meanwhile, is kind of just a hypocritical prick with a stick up his hairy ass.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Maybe, but Thanos is compelling as a character because you can fully empathize with his plight in Infinity War and he seems really human. You want the characters you know to win, but at the same time, Thanos is compelling enough that you can truly consider his philosophy and question who's really in the right in that situation. Specter, meanwhile, is kind of just a hypocritical prick with a stick up his hairy ass.

Well In fact he explained his plight to Kale rather detailed. While perhaps paradoxical reasoning, those events did happen and his reasoning is sound, as irrational as it can be on occasions. A Hunger Games lesson almost like becoming your enemies.

And has specter actually shown that he has a stick? I mean, he hasn’t exactly yelled at anyone or even shown anger in much capacity. He’s just been going about his business. Only Kale has actually had much dialogue with him at all
Ah yes, because being an unapologetic smug prick 24/7 isn't having a stick up your ass whatsoever. And personally, all his so-called "reasoning" was was excuses for a drawn-out quest for misguided revenge. Most of the things we do for animalkind is to help them out. Specter just didn't want to see that.

On a different topic, I and a friend are actually working on formulating a new RP at the moment. I was wondering who might be interested. It's going to be medieval-fantasy, sort of based on Fire Emblem and Dungeons & Dragons. OCs exclusive, since it's an original universe. Some dark fantasy elements. Lots of medieval politics that I hope to god I might be able to pull off. Various races - most common are humans, but there's also at least elves, fairies and dragons. Bit of steampunk stuff as well, courtesy of the elves. Also, macguffins that make effective weapons! (C'mon, an axe that can create fissures is pretty useful :p) RP discussion thread isn't up yet since we just started working on this, plot's still in development, but who here would be interested in that?

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Ah yes, because being an unapologetic smug prick 24/7
That’s primarily during his proclamation of domination. With Kale he was shown to be more of a benevolent ruler

And personally, all his so-called "reasoning" was was excuses for a drawn-out quest for misguided revenge.
Hey your not wrong. That’s a major influence there as well. Thanks for that catch

but who here would be interested in that?
Oh I have my hands full already with two massive RP’s XD I’m forced to decline

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Terrific post overall Comic, that was pretty solid.

I’m starting to live that Negan and Belowski’s dynamic more than I originally thought XD

One small nit pick though:
shields had been taken down due to the ship's collision
Specter’s ship’s shields never budged. They are at a full 100% despite the fighter ramming into it. The window however Timeman made to walk through the shields of Specter’s ship and into safety


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Terrific post overall Comic, that was pretty solid.

I’m starting to live that Negan and Belowski’s dynamic more than I originally thought XD

One small nit pick though:

Specter’s ship’s shields never budged. They are at a full 100% despite the fighter ramming into it. The window however Timeman made to walk through the shields of Specter’s ship and into safety
i musta misread one of the other posts then. there was some mention about the shields being temporarily down where the warship had struck.

Funny Sans Rat

Previously The Bog Hog
Damn, Jamie and Shaynuh are almost the same character, but Jamie becomes the thing instead of summoning it... Well, I guess any shapeshifing characters are pretty much the same.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
i highly suggest ya'll read my Aradia vs Jack fight.
that was a lot of fun to write and i tried my best to make it not repetitive.
seriously, it's awesome. with the added music, it's so far (in my opinion, at least) the best fight in the rp.
so far.
there's plenty more to come.
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