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Private/Closed Kyogre Lake Academy

Once Jack found his school uniform, he took a couple of minutes to get dressed, and looked at himself in the mirror. "Hey, this isn't too bad. I think I like this uniform." He said to himself. He turned around. "Okay...this can't be too bad. After all, I've already made some friends..." He said to himself. Taking a deep breath, he walked outside and headed to the second floor to eat.

And the dining room, much like the rest of the hotel, was a dream come true. There were loads of tables that already had some students at them, and two incredibly large lines of tables with food buffets on top of them. "Well, I'm definitely eating tonight." He muttered to himself as he went to grab a plate.

After gathering his food (some asparagus, some slices of steak, and mashed potatoes), he sat down at a remote table. Given the vastness of the dining room, considering that it looked more like a ballroom than it did a dining room, and that so many students were already in the room and conversing with each other, he had already given up hope at finding his friends. Which was fine, since he didn't mind eating alone, anyway.
Ivan watched as Laura left and then grabbed two pokeballs from his waist and sent out two pokemon, a Treecko and a Banette. Ivan kneeled down and began to talk to his pokemon.

"Okay, guys we gotta hurry up put away my stuff so we can get to eating dinner, let's get moving!"

The all three of his pokemon nodded their heads and began to grab this out of Ivan's luggage. The Treecko took out all off Ivan's computer and small lamp and places it on his desk. While both Ivan and Banette began to put his clothes on his bed and Ari simply got Ivan's notebooks and pens.

"Oh, greninja help Skid with my clothes, I gotta change into my uniform."
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"I think I can speak for most of the crowd when I say I agree..." Horoki calmed down enough to respond to Charlie's last statement, before pausing as she saw Taupe resurface. "Oh! Right!" Lifting Cor off of her head and into her arms, she began to introduce them. "This is Cor, my partner! And that's Taupe. These two have got me quite far, I'd say they'd even give the powerhouses you have a run for their money~" She explained with a slight giggle.

Looking around, Horoki noticed the time. "Well, I have plenty of questions, but I bet your Pokémon need a rest and so do you, so I'll meet you down at dinner, 'kay?" Not waiting for an answer, Horoki cheerfully went to leave the room, Cor moving to her shoulder and Taupe not far behind on the ground.


Previously QueOne
June turned as the sound of the door opening indicated the return of her roommate, who turned out to be a blond haired boy. “Oh, hello,” she told him. “I guess we’ll be living with each other, huh?” She suddenly realized that she was quite hungry, so she nudged her suitcase into the closet and adjusted her skirt in preparation to leave. “I’m going to grab a bite, wanna come with? I’m June by the way.”
Thomas smiled as the girl introduced herself. "Seems like we are, I hope we can get along well. The name's Thomas." He said and held the door open for her to leave their dorm and go to get dinner. "Would you like to eat together with me? It might help us get along better, and I dunno about you, but it might make school life easier if the two that lived together got along with each other, don;t you think?" Thomas asked with a smile.
Charlie turned her attention to the dugtrio and corphish, giving them a smile and a little peace sign. "Yeah I could definitely use a quick rest before I head down for dinner. I'll meet up with you when I get down there, we could go sit with some of the people I met on the ferry here, I want to know more about you, we've gotta be close as can be if we are expected to live each other." Charlie explained to her new roomate. Partially exaggerating. She watched as Hokori and her team left the room. Charlie's first action was to hop onto her bed and release her pokemon. Despite the small room there was enough room to fit all 3 of her teammates. King and Shoe both sat down in the floor, slightly disappointed at how they performed in the match. Her flygon Dune however was standing up, flapping her wings and scoffing "hey guys. I'm proud of all of you today, don't beat yourself for not winning, it was only a draw, and Dom was easily one of the toughest opponents we've fought." She sighed, sitting up and placing a hand on Dune's head. The flygon calmed down and gave a light wimper "I love you guys, once school gets started we'll train our hearts. No fight here is going to be a cakewalk, I've only seen a handful of students here and I can assure you none of them look like pushovers." She smiled at her team" I'm gonna head to dinner, you guys are welcome to join me if you want" she stood up and stretched a bit. All 3 of her pokemon gave a supportive chirp and decided they would sit together in the bedroom. "I'll see you guys tonight, stay inside and try not to destroy the room...at least Hokori's side" with a chuckle and a honest smile. Charlie closed the door.

She made her way to the second floor, entering the huge dining hall "hah! This is like what you would see in a castle!" Charlie yelled in awe. She gazed at the many tables and chairs and the large amount of food, stacked onto sais tables. Now that she was looking right at food, Charlie hasn't eaten since this morning. And her stomach knew it too "o-okay so lets get food, then I gotta find Hokori and the others..." she was off to make her plate.
"Gren." The Greninja nodded as Ivan told him where to help.

Greninja went over to the Banette and started Assisting with Ivan's Shirts, folding them as they got placed where they needed to be.

Laura had been changing her uniform and finished up with the changing. She was wearing a white tunic with gold trimming on the edges of sleeves and button up area, a long red tie, a white belt, a white pencil skirt and black shoes. She then went back to her dorm as she prepared the final touches. She went back to see Ivan's Banette, The Swablu and a Treecko all racing with her Greninja to put Ivan's stuff away.
Ivan came back from the restroom wearing a white tunic with gold trimming on the edge of the sleeves and the button-up area. They have a white belt as well as white pants, with black shoes once he walked into the dorm room he noticed Laura had arrived before him.

"Hey, you look good in that."

Stop flipping talking you moron just get what you came for and leave her alone! Your acting like you've never talked to a girl before!

Ivan chuckled at his own stupidity and quickly made his way to his luggage and grabbed his to look for his black goggles with blue lens. Just as he started rummaging through his luggage Skid tapped Ivan on the shoulder and handed him his Goggles. Ivan patted Skid head which made Skid hummed happily.

"Okay you three who is ready to eat?"

Ari Landes on top of Ivan's head, Koji climbed onto his right shoulder while banette floated close behind Ivan.
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Laura blushed, not used to the compliments, as she was the sibling that usually had no interaction with boys outside of Jason or James.

"You too, thank you for the compliment," Laura responded.

She headed down with Greninja and Cacnea, as she knew releasing her starter in the building was a very bad idea. People would probably be shocked at the sight of a Salamence. She had her starter's pokeball alongside her other pokeballs, as a small insect like Pokémon that was mostly pink popped out.

"Fomantis?" Laura asked as Fomantis sat on her shoulder.

Fomantis knew there was food, as she returned Greninja and Cacnea for now.

"Stay with me, okay?" Laura asked her Pokémon, knowing the young Pokémon had a habit of running around.

"Greninja, find a Seat for us okay?"

The Black Ninja Frog Pokémon went looking for a seat.
"Charlie gathered her plate and looked around the room, searching for the familiar faces she had seen around the school and ferry that day. "Hmm, no sign of Hokori...where could Dom be?" She wasn't particularly keen given she was still exhausted, only having a few minutes of rest if even. "Oh! Theres sombody" she looks over to see Jack, sitting down at a table "Yo!" She called to him, walking over to the boy. As she walked she looked to the corner of her eye to see a black greninja walking around, pulling out chairs at another table "....butler frog?" She mumbled to herself before returning her focus to jack. She sat down and placed her food in front of her "Jack I haven't seen you since we got off the boat. Whats up bud." She said cheerfully.


Previously QueOne
“Of course!” June replied. “Let’s head to the dining hall.” She made her way to the stairs and went down to the second floor, where she was met with a wonderful sight: a huge, ornate dining hall already filled with eager classmates, and, most importantly, real food! Not the dreaded Tepig slop that less fortunate students in other schools were probably having forced down their gullets. June’s mouth watered a little from the sheer edibility of it all, and she drew the Pokeball containing her singular Pokemon from her belt. With a bright flash, Durant appeared at her feet.

”Looks like we’re going to be eating like kings from now on!” June said to her partner, who clicked excitedly in response. “I suppose you want to hit the deserts first?”
Dom finally arrived at his dorm, his Pokémon fully healed. Once he walked in, he noticed a somewhat familiar face in the room.

“Oh hey, you’re that girl Jack was talking to on the ferry, right? Um… Emma was it? Nice to meet you.” Dom said, sitting and laying down on his bed.

He knew he’d probably have to head down to dinner soon, but he wanted to relax for a moment before going down. The crowd that watched the battle got pretty big, he wondered if people would be talking about it.
Once Ivan and his pokemon got to the dining room, their jaws dropped at how big it was they had never seen anything like it before. Ivan mainly living in a small house was astonished by it all, but before he could acknowledge any of it he caught a whiff of food. His head turned to look at all the food that was placed, Ivan, Koji and Ari's mouths began to water, Ivan quickly wiped his mouth quickly wiped his mouth so that no one would think he was weird.

"Okay, lets grab ourselves a plate and get something to eat you guys!"
"Oh, hey Charlie. It's been a minute." He smiled. "How've you been? Have you run into Dom?" He asked. Clearly, he wasn't there for the battle. "Sorry, I was talking to my roommate for quite a while, so I wasn't able to see you guys." He chuckled.
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"Greninja, thank you," Laura called out to her Pokémon, "Fomantis, go with Greninja, I'm going to get Food while Greninja makes sure everything's good, if Greninja needs help, he'll send you to find Ivan, he's my roommate, he'll probably have a Swablu on his head or shoulder, Greninja knows what he looks like."

The small Insect like Pokémon ran off in the direction of the Greninja, as Greninja explained that Fomantis will be getting Silverware for the table. Laura had been putting food together, looking over her options. It was at that moment Laura heard a familiar voice. She turned to find Ivan ready to eat, finding food.

Emma had finished changing into her uniform, her Raboot had ran over to see who came into the room when he got Emma's attention, who was finishing up the final touches on her uniform, she turned around to see one of Jack's friends, Dom if she remembered.

"Likewise, You're Dom, correct, your friend was the one who made the first of three thunks on the boat, Charlie was her name, correct, I only got it in passing." Emma responded, "Amazing battle, by the way, who ever kicked up the sandstorm, I had to return most of my team so they wouldn't get caught up."

Emma's other pokeballs opened up in the Hallway revealing a Dusclops and a Golden winged, purple bodied Volcarona who looked at Dom with a little mistrust at first.

"Volcarona, he's my roommate," Emma responded, "These are my current Pokémon on hand, sorry about Volcarona, he's highly protective of me, Dusclops and Raboot, You should get ready to eat."
After hearing the instructions from their teacher, Matt looked skeptical. I mean, why didn’t this teacher ever talk to them before instead of randomly popping in to break up a battle. Despite his concerns, he made his way back up to Room 115. Once he opened the door, he seemed a bit startled to see Jason in the room. He saw Jason prior to this flying on a Metagross during the battle. A Metagross. How was he supposed to compete with that? Not knowing what to do, he maintained his composure, walking over to his side of the dorm room and began preparing for dinner. Although it may seem like he was ignoring Jason, he didn’t really know how to open a conversation at all.
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Charlie conversed with Jack, all the while examining her plate, trying to decide what to dig into first "Have I!" She turned over to Jack as the sentence "have you seen Dom" left his mouth. "Dude it was awesome. Me and him had this battle and it was awesome. We were giving it our all, it was all evened out and we had a crowed cheering us on! There were people flying above us to watch!" Charlie ranted on, its almost impossible to tell she was exhausted now "oh! But then at the last moment Mr. Hanzo interuppted us and fainted BOTH of our last pokemon. Honestly kind of lame, he could have let us finish..." she realized how much she was talking and toned herself down, taking a deep breath "sorry hehe, it was probably the best match I've had in a long time. So to answer your question, yes I did see Dom" now done with her rant she started to eat, chowing down a bowl of soup, and eating plenty of butter rolls "scho" she swallow a mouthful of food "I mean so. You said you talked with your roomate right, how are they?" Charlie asked curiously.
Ivan and Skid began walking around looking for a place to sit, Ivan knew the dining room was big but looking for a place to sit made it seem enormous. Ivan looked at his plate to make sure he got everything he wanted . His plate consisted of two hunks of steak, mac and cheese, asparagus and mash potatoes, Ivan looked at the plate that Skid was holding which had asparagus for Ari and Koji and some roast duck for banette, Koji had their silverware with him.

"Now we just have to find a place to sit down and start eating." Ivan said as he began to look around the huge room.


Previously Night's Shadow
Reese came screeching to a halt in the doorway to the dining hall. “It’s huuuuuge!!!” she exclaimed, spreading her arms wide in excitement. “It’s ginormous!! We get to eat in here?! This is amazing!! I bet Rocket could fit in here no problem!” Feeling no qualms whatsoever about releasing a ten-foot robot in the room, Reese threw down the Golurk’s Pokeball. Rocket burst forth in a shimmer of greenish light, and Reese scrambled up his metallic plates to cross her legs around his head. Riot and Rune floated up to her level, and Reese gave both of them what equivocated to scratches behind the ears— not that either of them had ears. “Now that I’m up high enough to see over all these tall folks’ heads— let’s eat!” She giggled as she pointed Rocket in the direction of the food tables.
Jack looked at Reese from across the room, and sighed with a hint of a laugh. "Well...she's definitely eccentric. Her name is Reese. She let me have everything in our dorm room as long as I gave her a place to crash. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal." He explained. "Oh, um, by the way..." His voice got much quieter. "Have you seen Emma lately? I ran into her in the dorms, but we didn't say anything to each other..."
“Right, yeah.” Dom said, a bit overwhelmed by the somewhat crowded room.

Before he left, he opened his drawer and dug around at the bottom for a bit, and quickly pulled out his Z-Power ring before Emma could notice he was holding it.

“We should catch up during dinner, hopefully I can find Charlie and Jack, you should join us if you want. See ya.” Dom said, rushing out the door.

Dom walked down the hallway, and got onto the elevator, alone this time. He let Lycanroc out of its pokeball.

“Hey Lycanroc… would you want to try practicing… y’know. The move again?” Dom asked it.

Lycanroc looked a bit scared, worried it would hurt it’s trainer again.

“Don’t worry Lycanroc, I’m a lot stronger now, plus we won’t be training alone. I trust you, you’re one of my partners. So please, trust me on this. Tonight, just you and me. We’ll sneak out.” He said.

Lycanroc still had a bit of fear on its face, but shook it off to hold on to the bit of resolve it’s trainer had. Once they arrived in the dining room, Dom quickly scanned the room. The bit of worry that tugged at his heart quickly disappeared as he saw Jack and Charlie, and he promptly walked over to the two. He had to pause for a moment, as a Fomantis passed by, carrying a fork.

“Mantis butler?” Dom mumbled to himself, but then shook it off.

He walked over to the table where Charlie and Jack were sitting and eating.

“Mind if I save one of these spots?” Dom asked.

Just as he got there, he heard Jack mumble something about Emma.

“Oh her? I invited her to eat with us. Don’t know if she’ll actually eat with us though. Her Volcorona seemed to hate me.” Dom laughed.
Charlie at first didn't notice the hulking metal golem at the other end of the room "she sounds fun. And pretty easy to please if all she wanted was the bed." Her eyebrow raised a bit once Jack brough up emma "Emma? I haven't had a chance to talk to her yet besides the first introduction. From me dashing away on the boat, I haven't seen her...actually she may have been watching the battle. I noticed a pokemon flying overhead but I couldn't quite recognize it or the trainer on top during the battle with Dom" as she said that none other than Dom appeared beside them, Charlie turned to him "oh hey Dom. Oh!we gotta have a rematch at some point, but I didn't get much of a chance to talk to you about that battle before we split up so what was with tha-" she paused, looking over at the Golurk standing at the corner of the room. Charlie was frozen for a moment "..." when it hit her who that golurk belonged to "wait thats the girl that I saw on the boats pokemon! She was hanging around its neck!" She pointed at the golem, shouting it out. Perhaps a bit too, loud, gathering a few confused looks by surrounding trainer of unimportance (npcs lol).
Jason had finished his uniform preparation and turned around to find someone at the door getting ready similar to him. He then decided to strike up a conversation.

"Hello, I guess we're roommates," Jason responded, "I'm Jason Argentston, you may have seen me watching the battle."

Jason's Scrafty had popped out, sitting on Jason's bed as he finished up getting dressed. Scrafty waited for Jason to finish his final touches, as Jason put his belt on and clipped his Pokéballs, Scrafty's, Metagross's, Aerodactyl's, Lurantis's, Empoleon's and Kirlia's Pokeballs. He let out Empoleon in the hall.

"It's also Dinner time," Jason gave the heads up as well.

Laura had been finishing up her plates as a Golurk appeared almost right in front of her. Greninja had managed to get back to his trainer to catch the plates that tried to fall out of her hands as Fomantis opened a pokeball on Laura's belt and a Fearow appeared to catch her.

"Good thinking, Fomantis," Laura got up off Fearow and returned the bird.

Fomantis then walked back to the table that Greninja had set up. Laura took a seat as Greninja and Fomantis were both returned.

Emma had eventually got down there after Volcarona was returned in worries he would burn the place down, Raboot stayed on her shoulder as Dusclops was returned. She then heard Charlie say something about a flying Pokémon during the battle.

"That was a Metagross, and my brother, Jason." Emma responded, "Hey, Charlie, Jack, Dom, and sorry about Volcarona, he is highly protective of me, Dusclops and Raboot, a Tauros herd can do things."

Emma took a Seat next to Jack as she did so, she had Raboot hop off her shoulder.


Previously QueOne
After loading up her plate with four bowls of pudding, June figured it was time to find a place to sit. Her roommate, wherever he was at this point, would probably be able to find her. It seemed like all the tables were already at least partially occupied, so she decided to sit down at one where four other students were already engaged in conversation—it was as good a place as any. She gave them a polite wave as Durant scuttled to her usual spot under the table.
"Yes, I remember you telling me on the boat." Jack said. "I'm assuming you've met Dom and Charlie proper now?" He asked. "In that case, it's good we all met each other now, instead of an awkward occurrence later." He chuckled nervously.
"Of course. There's plenty of seats to go around. Feel free." Jack gestured towards an open seat at the table. He stared at the table after realizing he forgot to feed Justin and Empoleon, and it would be awkward to bring them out now, so he would have to remember to do so later.
“Right… I’m gonna go get food.” Dom said.

He let all his Pokémon out of their pokeballs and they walked over to the food tables.

Dom grabbed just about everything he could find, as most of this food would definitely be a first for him. He even grabbed a second plate just to get as many desserts he could before anyone else could grab them, but he ended up trusting his comfort and just piled a bunch of malasadas on the plate, before returning back. Dom finally got back to the table, to see someone new sitting at the table.

“Who’s this?” Dom asked, sitting down
"Hello, I'm Emma Argentston," Emma responded.

Raboot looked at Ivan, giving off a wave that meant Hello, as he jumped at the Sight of a Durant at the table. Emma immediately grabbed hold of a Pokéball, knowing full well this particular Pokémon could torch the entire dining room in a matter of seconds. She then waved over to Laura, seeing she was eating, decided not to bother her. It was at that point an Empoleon had entered and started getting stuff set up at a table. Emma raised an eyebrow at the Empoleon as the Empoleon waved to Raboot.

"Sorry about that, something scared Raboot, and the place almost burnt down if I didn't get a hold of this pokeball." Emma explained, "Any of you seen a Shiny Greninja?"
Charlie's attention shifted from the golem on one side of the room to the many new people sat down at their table "ohh so many new people, formal broad greeting, I'm Charlie Rumble, just to get it out of the way hehe" one person in particular was Emma, who Charlie was just talking about " a shiny greninja? Wait like the one I saw carrying around chairs like a butler?" She asked once Emma mentioned the easy to identify pokemon.
Ivan gave nervouse chuckle and sat down before introducing himself, he cleared his throat and this time he spoke with confidence.

"My name is Ivan Magne this Treecko is Koji the Swablu is Ari and the Banette is Skid."

Ari and Koji waved to everyone before eating their asparagus, while Bantte sat on the table unzipped it's zipper and dropped the duck in his mouth before closing his mouth again. Ivan sliced a chuck out of the steak and ate it before humming in pure joy out of how the food tasted.
"Both of those are Laura's Pokémon, they were assisting her since she had the plates." Emma responded, "She may not look it, but she can be up there with Jason, particularly with that Salamence of hers, even Volcarona doesn't want to anger that Pokémon of hers, Salamence and Metagross were Laura's and Jason's starters respectively."

Emma was telling the truth, Laura's Salamence nearly one hit koed Volcarona a while ago.

"Hi Ivan," Emma responded then turned to Jack, Dom, Charlie, and June, "I'm going to get some food and see if Laura wants to join us."
Tap... tap... tap... "This is getting ridiculous. It's been literal hours and my roommate hasn't shown up. I've been dressed in the school uniform waiting to give a proper greeting to my future rival. I couldn't even sleep on the way over to the island I was wanting to meet new people. Fine, I'll come to them!" Del stood up from the bed and walked over to the door. "Arith (the Toxel), Vars (the Ribombee), I want you two to... yawn stay here, I'll be back soon." He opened the door to his room and just before walking out looked back into it. "... Did... this room always have one bed?" He thought back to what the person at the front desk had told him. "Room 99? That's practically just a furbished closet, I'm almost positive you-" "Room 99, got it, thanks!" he remembered answering before speeding down the hallway to the end. "Ahhhh blast it all." He looked at his watch which had a large crack down the right side which split into another big crack through the middle and was missing the seconds hand. "Huh. I wonder when that... thing was, and if this yawn place has any grub." He headed to what he could only assume was the cafeteria since he ended dropping the map off the side on the boat ride over. He eventually found where everyone was gathered and found a table where literally everyone was gathered. "Huh. That table looks... comfortable." Pointing at the one behind where eveyone was talking. He walked right past the food and everyone talking to the table behind them and sat down. "What a... a nice... place to rest..." He slumped down in the chair with his legs outstretched under another chair making it impossible for anyone to pull out the chair and sit there and fell asleep.


Previously QueOne
As June slid one of the bowls of pudding under the table for her Pokemon to eat, she noticed her partner’s eyes fixated on someone’s Raboot. Durant clicked her mandibles together defensively, backing away slightly. June knew that Durant was deathly scared of fire types; she had never seen her partner take a fire move and remain standing. In any case, Durant’s display seemed to make the Raboot jump a little as well, forcing its trainer to restrain it. Durant seemed satisfied, and began to eat, while June let out small giggle. “Looks like our Pokemon don’t like each other much, huh?” she said, addressing Raboot’s trainer affably.
Charlie listened to Emma's explanation and comparison between her siblings pokemon "Oh I guess that explains it, so you guys must all be siblings then. Given you look similar enough to each other, as far as I could tell" Charlie smiled before returning to her meal, the table now becoming a beacon for the students of the school. One of which caught her attention. A boy with a strange manor of wearing his uniform passed by Charlie and took a seat at the table across from her. table. Who almost immediately fell asleep in said table.. "who...is that? I don't remember seeing anyone looking like that, not even on the boat over here" Charlie stood up and went over the sleeping trainer "how could you possibly fall asleep with all the talking?" She asked, standing over Del. "Hello?" She asked, seeing if he was truly asleep or simply playing an act.


Previously Night's Shadow
Reese blinked over at the cyan-haired boy? Girl? Person, who had suddenly exclaimed, pointing her way. She recognized the person from the boat before, and beamed over at them with a wave of her own. She caught sight of Jack next to the person as well as a few other recognizable faces, and her grin grew wider. She pointed down at the food table as if to mime that she’d be over once she grabbed some grub, and hopped off of Rocket’s head.

Reese began to pile her plate high with food she’d never seen before in her life, each with a different mouthwatering scent. It took willpower for her not to start drooling all over the food. She remembered to grab some extra for Rune and Riot— Rocket didn’t need to eat much, and even then it wasn’t normal food. Now balancing two plates precariously on one arm, Reese grabbed onto Rocket’s arm and allowed herself to be lifted onto his shoulder. When she was settled, she cried “Onward!” feeling like the captain of a pirate ship in a sea of people, directing the huge golem towards the table with the blue-haired person in the girl’s uniform.

(OOC: aight that’s it for tonight haha, gn yall!)
Emma had heard June, and stopped.

"Raboot was spooked, I had to restrain a pokeball to prevent this building from burning down." Emma responded seriously, not intending to scare Durant's trainer, "Dom and Jack have both met the Pokémon that could do it."

Emma went off to get some food and get Laura. She grabbed some sort of fish, and some vegetable mix, and some things for the Pokémon, and then Swung by Laura.

"Hey, we've got a spot at the table I'm at, so you don't have to eat alone." Emma told her sister.

Laura nodded, joining Emma with her plates as they returned to the table.

"Hello everyone, this Is Laura."

"Hi, I'm Laura Argentston, and you may have seen my Fomantis and Greninja." Laura responded.

They took seats as a pokeball opened on Laura's belt, revealing Greninja. Who kept an eye on Raboot.