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Ask to Join ~My Class 1A - The Next Generation (MHA Rp)~

Miku kept pushing, ignoring the water-like sludge that Ru was shooting at the base of his palm, that for some reason wasn't sticking him to the ground. Was his strategy really that good? He looked around him, trying to see the crowd's reaction, some were cheering for him(which definitely boosted his morale), but most people's gazes were fixed on Ru, which made Miku wonder what he was planning. But his question was soon answered as his right hand just stopped in place. He must've stuck it with some other kind of ooze? Miku tried to pull it back, to push it forward, but it just wouldn't budge. Then, he felt something tickle his palm, like a big cockroach... It was Ru! He was trying to climb his hand like it was some sort of mountain, that sneaky rascal! But Miku was having none of that! When Ru got to his middle finger, he stuck it out and began shaking it, trying to send Minoru flying out of the arena, but he had a good grip on it. After just a moment, the boy stopped and felt Ru let go of his finger. The crowd was silent for a moment, before cheering. Miku looked around confused, he couldn't see what was happening because of the hand-wall.
"What's happening? Did I win?" He shouted, trying to get an answer from his opponent. After not hearing a response, he just stretched his neck and upon seeing Ru outside of the rectangle his mouth fell open. He won, he actually won! And it was so easy! He grinned from ear to ear as his neck retracted back, also pulling back and deflating his arm that wasn't stuck to the ground. After a couple more tries, he gave up on trying to break his hand free of Ru's purple gunk and instead rushed towards his friend. Without thinking that it might be a little awkward, he gave Minoru a one-armed hug.
"Thank you for the great... 3 minute fight!" He said, trying to comfort him. He didn't pull away or anything, he just stood there, his left arm wrapped around his friend.

Aika got the exact reaction that she wanted, Testuma got impatient and started running towards her. It was obvious what he wanted to do, change his direction at the last minute to try and juke her, but she wasn't going to let that happen. As she predicted, the boy blasted himself to the right and tried to hit her, and Aika had the perfect counter. She spun around and kicked him in the stomach, right after her foot morphed into the shape of a baseball bat, sending him flying backwards. That hit must've hurt quite a lot, which should teach him to stop using predictable strategies. After she set her foot down, her feet shapeshifted into roller skates as she elegantly skated away before Testuma could have time to get up and chase after her. She looked over her shoulder, there was now a good distance between them, but the boy was still in the field, struggling to get up. She smirked and turned around to face him. She was going to try and keep him at a few arms' lengths and make him come to her.
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Previously Shadow_Pup
Tsuya wasn't expecting the punch and stood breathing heavily before collapsing down to one knee and holding up a hand to say she was done before stepping out of the area and smiling to Kureiji "good fight" she called out sad that she had lost but over all she was happy with how the fight went.

Yuuki smiled widely, "Katie it is then, and that's a great idea. Sucks that we're starting this date with me in an infirmary with a burnt arm but hey, I should be fine in a bit so perhaps the first thing we should do is uh, watch the next round of matches together, right?" she said blushing furiously and getting a little shy.

@Cryronn the Mudkip
Kureiji pulled himself off the ground, rubbing his cheek where there was a slightly scratched red mark from the kick, bleeding negligible amounts of blood. He sighed, and turned back to her, his previously furious gaze having turned more to a calmer "slightly miffed" expression, but he managed to fake a smile. "It was a... Good match. You really tested my reaction time there..." He said, which was actually true, and returned back inside, going yo get his cheek bandaged as well as his head checked out from getting smacked with his own staff.

Katelyn nodded, and squeezed Yuuki's hand. "Y-Yeah, that would be great..! I mean, anything would be okay, just wandering the halls, maybe heading outside and relaxing in the small 'park' around the vista... You know, anything we can do together..." She smiled, watching as the machine began to rub some kind of oil on Yuuki's arm, and smiled. "I mean, hopefully we can do the stuff like that sooner rather than later, right Yu~?" She said, calling her by the nickname she'd recently made up on the spot after being nicknamed "Katie" by Yuuki.



Previously Night's Shadow
Dakarai really didn’t want to use any more force than necessary to win, but she wasn’t about to lay down peacefully and lose, either. Her eight-limbed assault had tired out the other girl considerably, and she knew that just a few more hits would probably take her out. Despite Sam’s fatigue, though, it was evident that she was still giving her all, something that Dakarai could definitely respect and appreciate. She could tell that Sam would fight until the bitter end.

In spite of Sam’s valiant effort, her efforts were becoming sloppy. It was becoming easier for Dakarai to parry the blows sent her way, and their power levels were dropping. When Sam stumbled, Dakarai took the opportunity to grapple the other girl, shoving her out of the ring before falling to her knees herself. She took a minute to catch her breath before staggering to her feet and offering her hand to Sam.

“You’re really strong,” Dakarai said with a half-smile. “I think ours was the longest fight yet.” She could hear the whispers up in the stands, and she hoped that a lot of them were for Sam, because frankly? She had been amazing. Most others would have fallen much quicker in the face of her eight limbs, and Sam’s agility had done her good. Dakarai’s grin widened, becoming almost feral, adrenaline-soaked. “They’re cheering for both of us!”



Previously Shadow_Pup
Yuuki nodded "yup we could do whatever" she smiled approvingly at the nickname Katelyn gave her and glanced at the machine that had finished it's job, her arm was then bandaged and she was given the ok to leave as long as she didnt get too roughed up. Yuuki smiled and turned to Katelyn "ok Katie where should we go first, how about we go outside like you said, you know for a walk" she was generally excited now, she was gonna go on a proper date, well pretty much a proper date. She got out of the bed and put her UA sports kit jacket back on. It had been replaced after she burnt off the arm of the last one.
@Cryronn the Mudkip
Kate stood, and smiled at Yuuki, her heart skipping a beat and a half. “Mhm! Yeah! A walk would be super duper nice!” She gave an approving thumbs up, and taking Yuuki’s hand, giving a nervous blush as she began to walk. “Y-You don’t mind if I do this, right?” She asked with a giggle, her green hair swaying as she moved with a spring in her step. We began to exit the building, entering the yard where we had earlier competed in the race... she looked out and softly smiled, this first real date for her being... something awesome.


Kureiji stepped back into one of the common rooms, and flopped down on one of the seats. He hadn’t been doing the best mentally for a while, especially now that he constantly felt like he was falling out with Caleb... always having something to say on the way he lived his life... at this point, just to spite the guy, he’d been purposefully using cuss words often within his earshot, just to get the guy pissed. He reached into his bag and grabbed a replacement jacket for the one he had already ripped apart with needles, and yawned, looking out to see who would enter next.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Yuuki smiled warmly and shook her head, "no it's perfectly fine, I like it" she said giving Katelyn's hand a reassuring squeeze. She looked around and sighed constantly "it's a good day today, despite all the losing it's still nice" she then got a bit quiet before speaking up "hey um Katie, have you ever..um..been with a..girl before, like 'romantically' cause I've never dated one but I've never been on a date either and i don't like guys" she said going red and getting all flustered.
@Cryronn the Mudkip
Katelyn paused at her question, blushing a little at it's comtext, before putting a hand on her reddened cheek. "I... I have been on a few dates with both guys and gals, all dumb blind dates I did in secondary school... None of them led anywhere... And I'm Pan, by the way, so it's fine~" she laughed softly, looking at Yuuki. "I mean, we both like girls to an extent, so, it works!" She said cheerfully, giving Yuuki's hand a squeeze in return. "But yeah... This is the first time I'm ever going on a date with a person I... Like-Like... You know? And if you're wondering if you can steal my first kiss, that would be a yes~" she gave a bit of a smug face at her lest remark, wanting to see how Yuuki would react.

Ru huffed as he looked up at the crowd around him "My poor pride." the boy muttered, mostly as a joke although he wasn't exactly happy about the situation. At seeing Miku's entire head pop out from around his stuck hand, Ru chuckled and shook his head. "That will never not be terrifying." the purple hair boy scoffed, only briefly accepting Miku's affection before slipping out from the loose hug. "You only one because it's an enclosed area. Same with last time." Ru talked as he walked towards Miku's disabled hand, the boy worked on unsticking his friend. Because of his immunity to the adhesive properties of his quirk, Ru could free Miku although he couldn't completely clean the boy's enlarged appendage. "Now you can't lose the next round, or else I'l be really embarrassed." Ru shrugged, "I'll be cheering for you, but don't get the wrong idea next team we battle I'll kick your ass for sure." Ru gave a soft, lopsided smile before sighing and slowly walking away from the arena. With his back turned to Miku, Ru's face fell serious and he let out a long sigh. Guess he'd just have to try harder next time.
As Ru rounded a hallway he gasped and quickly fled back around the corner. His reaction was not only dramatic, but he didn't know why it happened- and now he felt rather awkward. Was that really Yuuki? Yuuki was Ru's first friend at the school, and while they had sort of fallen out of touch he still really admired her. But why was she holding hands with the new girl? Sure, he had seen some signs of chemistry before- but this was sudden. Were they dating? Ru found himself surprisingly wishing that Miku was nearby, he would be thrilled to learn of such gossip. Ru clung to the wall, and hoped the couple would pass, that way he could both find a good seat and avoid the awkward confrontation.

Sam fell onto her back outside of the ring, take a minute to regain her strength. Sam closed her eyes and laid perfectly still for a moment, before slowly sitting upright and nodding. Sam took Dakarai's hand and muttered a thank you before locking eyes with her friend as Dakarai praised her. Sam looked past the other girl to see the amused crowd before her brows furrowed and she smiled gently "It was a good fight. You deserved to win. Now you just have to take it all the way, you can do it." Sam did her best to accept Dakarai's encouragement, and she really was glad that her friend had done so well- but she couldn't help the hiccup that interrupted her last couple of words and before she knew it her eyes began to well up with tears. She let out an embarrassed chuckled, wiping away at her eyes "I'm gonna go to the infirmary, I'll be in the stands cheering for your next fight." Sam added before walking away with a slight limp.
Sam, once alone, could no longer fight her tears as they streamed down her face. She wasn't sad, in fact she truly did feel happy for Dakarai, and yet the disappointment for herself caused the girl more pain that she had expected. Sam collected herself, letting out a long sighed and rubbing her inflamed eyes before hurrying down the hall and towards the infirmary- she had to get back in time to watch both Dakarai and Caleb. Kureiji was continuing to the next round too! Her friends were all so strong- was she actually falling behind? The girl shook her head and forced a smile, no matter what happened all that mattered was that she stayed true to her beliefs and loyal to her friends.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Yuuki smiled and gave a slight laugh "wow, I can't believe you have more experience than me" she said as she started to listen intently to the rest of what Katelyn said, when she mentioned the kiss part she got all flustered and shy "well, I uh guess I was wondering that sort of, I guess I just didnt want to disappoint you when the time came" she said fiddling with the zip on her jacket with her free hand.
@Cryronn the Mudkip
Katelyn looked at Yuuki with a playful smile, and giggled. “Oh, you know I’m only kidding... of course it’s gonna be a bit longer... I mean, we’re not officially Dating or anything yet...” she said, trailing off, as she took a deep breath. She opened her mouth, but hesitated on saying anything. She didn’t know if she should ask her to make it official until later... ah, whatever. “Anyway, do you play any Games? I mean, I’ve got a gut feeling that you do, but I’m not entirely sure~” she said, changing the subject.



Previously Shadow_Pup
Yuuki noticed that Katelyn stopped herself from saying anything, but she didn't bring it up. She heard the question and smiled "yup, I will play pretty much anything, especially dating sims and shooters" she said with a grin knowing fill well that her own tastes conflicted each other quite drastically but she didnt care. "What games do you like to play" she asked very happy for the change of conversation.
@Cryronn the Mudkip
Katelyn thought for a moment, scratching the side of her head in thinking, until she spoke after a few moments. “Mmm... I suppose I’d say I like shooters and RPGs... and pretty much anything they put on the Switch... I dunno, I play a lot of stuff, I don’t really have a favorite genre per-se...“ she said, as she did have a very wide variety of games across her different consoles. “Mmm... what’s another question I can ask... ehehe... Hmm, what kinds of food do you like?” She asked, just trying to generally break the Ice and learn more about Yuuki. “I like spicy food by the way, just in case you wanted to know.”

Caleb passed through the common room a few minutes after Kureiji sat down. He favored the boy with a slight smile and nod, heading for the infirmary, seeking Sam. He'd watched her match and felt she did her best. He wanted to... What? Comfort her? He didn't think she needed that. Just say hi? That was too bland a term. Whatever he was doing, he found her leaving the infirmary.

He approached her, and felt a stab of sadness as he saw she had been crying. He held her shoulder in one hand and cupped her chin in the other, gently guiding her gaze to his. His gunmetal blue eyes met her almost obsidian eyes (which he thought were beautiful) and he smiled, saying "You did your best, Sam. You have nothing to be ashamed of." After listening to any response that was forthcoming, he casually put in "I'm going to be fighting Kureiji later. Since you and I are... shall we say... together, and he's your friend I hope you'll be watching. Still, it's up to you. If you don't want to, you don't have to."



Previously Shadow_Pup
Yuuki listened to Katelyn answer and then listened to her next question "hmm, well I like junk food and anything sweet mostly, I also like some spicy foods but some are a bit much for me to be honest" she then thought for a second, "uh I know if you could've had any quirk other than your own what would you have, I would probably have something like invisibility or super strong skin." She asked as she walked with Kaitlyn.
@Cryronn the Mudkip


Previously Night's Shadow
Dakarai gave a small smile and nodded at Sam’s words. She didn’t head to the infirmary, considering her injuries had healed themselves, resulting in her just being tired. She headed back up to the stands to watch the rest of the matches, although she’d be lying if she said that she didn’t fall asleep a couple times, woken up by stray explosions. Eventually the several catnaps she had accidentally taken had built up, restoring her energy pretty much all the way. In between matches, she would furiously study dragon lore, in the hopes that she would be able to upgrade her snake scales to dragon scales in the short time she had before her next match.

I need to up my game, Dakarai thought. My agility and speed has definitely improved with the training I did, and so did my power, but I’m sorely lacking in the defense department. If my opponent manages to knock me out, I’m done. I need to protect my jaw, temples, pretty much my entire face, really. And snake scales just won’t cut it, especially up against someone like Caleb with a strength-enhancing quirk. Absorbed in her own thoughts and frenzied research, her attention was spread pretty thin, so she didn’t really pay all that much attention to anyone else.
Katelyn thought again about the question... and then giggled. “Honestly, if we’re talking quirks anything is possible, so even if nobody has this quirk in real life, I’d wanna be able to stop time!” She giggler, and pointed to a small bench. “Let’s sit down there for a moment!” She suggested, bouncing a little and brushing her hair out of her face.


Kureiji saw Caleb pass through and give him a passive smile... he gave a small grimace and an annoyed huff. He wasn’t taking any of his shit, especially not when he had to battle him next... it was gonna be fun..! He then glanced that Dakarai had walked back into the room, and sucked it up, stepping over to her. “Hey, Dakarai, take this...” he said nervously, setting the folded piece of paper on the book she was reading from. It read on the front- “Don’t read this note until after the Sports Festival. -Kureiji.” And simply slid back into his seat, rubbing the body off his face. “Ughh... that took... very little work... But I still feel weird...”

@Night's Shadow


Previously Shadow_Pup
Yuuki saw the bench that Katelyn was pointing at and led her over to it and sat down, "this is fun, now you ask a question" she said turning to look at Katelyn as she untied and retied her ponytail as she had forgotten to after her fight, "oh and then we can go and watch Caleb and Kureiji fight later, I think that would be a great fight to watch, seeing as they're both really good with their quirks" she said with a large grin on her face.
@Cryronn the Mudkip
Drayda's face paled even more than before when Hiro had explained how many surgeries he had to go through, but apparently his arms seem to look fine, despite some scarring and the inability to cross his fingers. At least only a few things require that dexterous movement and Drayda's color returned to her. "Ah, yea, well. Hopefully, I get to battle someone who is resilient." A thought crossed her mind and that was when she realized that the Sports Festival was happening really soon.

"OH, I forgot about the festival. It's starting soon. I gotta get going, see ya!" With that she ran out of the U.A. dorm house and over to the Sports Festival, channeling her dragon's legs so she can get there faster before it started.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~During Sports Festival~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Drayda had been watching some matches and was honestly pretty amazed at everyone as they fought. But now it was her time. In her glorious track suit (she wished she could wear her Hero Costume, but that was going to have to wait), she walked out into the stadium and felt all eyes on her. It was terrifying. She made her way to the grounds for battle and her dragon growled within her. Was she actually wanting to fight?

No, wait, no she didn't. That was a growl of contempt of having to do this infernal "game". She sighed and had a mental war with her dragon, trying to get her to show off some skills so an agency can take her in for her internship. She heard the announcer pumping up the crowd as the crowd cheered, but she couldn't think straight. She had to find a way to get some of Drayda's powers, or else this was going to be a beating, not a show.

She looked towards the other end of the battlefield, wondering who she was going to face off against.
Sam rolled her shoulders back and sighed, her body was entirely healed- after all it was nothing more than bruises- and frankly she kinda hoped that it would hurt more, it's not like she had a whole in her gut, she probably could've just neared the soreness and skipped the infirmary. Sam, eyes on the floor, nearly didn't notice Caleb until he were just inches away, and at seeing him she was nearly brought to tears again, but the male's gentle touch soothed Sam's melancholy thoughts. Was she ashamed? Was that the feeling. Sam's gaze searched Caleb's face before returning to his eyes, searching for some sort of pity or forced kindness- but was being genuine. She just nodded quietly before Caleb spoke again. Sam raised her brows slightly, Caleb was already fighting Kureji? She wouldn't want either side to lose, but perhaps the pairs close relationship would cause for a dramatic battle. At any rate, Sam was just glad Caleb wasn't battling Hiro.
A soft smile spread across Sam's lips and she seamlessly brought her arms around Caleb's abdomen, holding him in the embrace for just a few seconds before peeling away with a smile "I wouldn't miss it for the world." Sam nodded, "...just be careful." she added in a small voice. Sam had watched Caleb's fight with Katelyn, in which he was completely under control the entire time. But Kureiji was different, Kureiji knew how to get at him. And if the battle were to go sour, someone would end up getting hurt.

Ru walked swiftly down the hall away from the window were he had come across the unfamiliar scene of Yuki and Katelyn. For some reason the boy felt like he had seen something that he wasn't supposed to. Despite being rather handsome, Minoru had the romantic experience of a toddler. He spent most of his life avoiding girls, or girls avoiding him, because of his father's reputation- and frankly even the thought of two people holding hands makes him blush. Just another way that focusing on not turning into his father has put Ru back a few paces. The boy extended a hand and turned it so the palm was facing the floor, "You were kinda useless today, huh?" Minoru asked the small device attached to his hand, "It's alright, so was I." the boy shrugged as he made his way up towards the stands so he could watch the next fight.
When the day of the Sports Festival arrived, it was safe to say Kishi was pretty nervous. He'd been training his hardest, and even unlocked a new part of his quirk! But even so, he felt that everyone else was one step ahead of him, like they'd all been given some super-secret advice that he, for whatever reason, was excluded from. He did his best to hide his nerves.

Unfortunately, watching all the matches before his own made him even more scared. His classmates weren't holding back at all - and neither would he. He just hoped that the infirmary were ready for a speedy pick-up should the worst occur. When the time of his match came, he stood up silently and walked down the hollow, empty corridor into the arena. The cold echo of his footsteps were his only company.

When the blinding lights, the adrenaline-filled crowd, and the announcer on the megaphone hit him all at once, he felt all the fear suddenly melt away.

All he wanted to do now was give both his opponent and the crowd a battle to remember.

As he stepped onto the arena, waving and bowing, he finally set eyes upon his opponent, and was shocked.

"I always knew our rematch would come around someday! And lo and behold!" He announced jokingly, before pointing dramatically at Drayda.

"Flaming Dragonic Empress of Pandemonium!! I challenge thee!"

@Merciless Medic
It took a moment for Drayda to realize who she was staring at. "Kishi?" She never really knew how well he fought. Well, she was going to see how well he did fight. She smirked at his banter and his title for her, which she remembered had changed since the last time. Well, by change, it was more like adding an adjective.

The loud voice of the announcer and the crowd going wild sounded like the volume on a stereo was turning down as she took in the moment. "I accept the challenge!"

Her eyes were filled with determination. She felt the absence of power in her quirk, which meant that she'd be fighting without the power or speed boost given to her by Lyria. She didn't need it though. She didn't need Lyria to willingly hand the power over like she used to because she knew how her dragon worked.

It was only a matter of time.

When the sound for the battle to start sounded, Drayda lunged forward, claiming the distance between the two quite quickly without the use of her quirk. However, the speed and distance taken was quite limited compared to Lyria's power.

She can feel the impatience from her inner dragon.

Yes, only a matter of time.

"ENGAGE!" Kishi announced to himself, as a way to shake off the shaking and nervousness. Immediately after the match started, he saw Drayda bounding toward him. His training must have been paying off, because she seemed a tad slower than usual.

He waited until Drayda got real close before he side-stepped to the left, blasting a laser into the ground to help boost his flight. As he travelled backwards his hands began to glow. When he landed, he steadied himself before stretching his arms out toward Drayda, before shooting a barrage of tiny lasers at Drayda, from his arms and mouth. He didn't know how long he could keep it up for, but he hoped that she would get pressured out of the arena before anything else.

@Merciless Medic
As Sam embraced him around the midsection, Caleb blushed, but not from nervousness. This time it was happiness. She was a pretty girl by any account, but that affectionate look she gave him, the trust in her eyes, she was straight up beautiful to him.

All too soon, it was over. He had to go fight Kureiji. Before leaving he held her hand and gave it a firm but gentle squeeze. "I will be careful." He wanted to tell her to not worry about him, but he felt like that would be unreasonable. Besides, that she worried was one of many ways he knew she cared. He left after looking her in the eye and smiling as best he could. It wasn't a winning smile, but the scars on his face and his oft broken nose made it not so charming. "Well, she likes it apparently. Good enough for me." He thought as he went to the locker room.

After changing into another tracksuit, he stepped into the arena again, wondering why the school insisted on the suits. Several students had quirks that would destroy the things, and he even enjoyed doing so. He imagined Kureiji would get a kick out of that too.

Kureiji. The guy seemed very agitated of late. What was he mad about? Well perhaps they could resolve their differences here. Fighting someone was a curiously intimate affair, you learned a lot about someone's character when you were trading punches.

He shook himself out of his reverie. Kureiji would be there soon. It was almost time.

@Cryronn the Mudkip


Previously Night's Shadow
Dakarai glanced up when Kureiji dropped the note on her book. She glanced from the note to his receding form before reading what was written on top of it. The girl was bemused, but she trusted Kureiji, so she tucked it into the book. She would have put it into her pocket, but she didn’t want it to be damaged in her next fight. She closed the book, the edge of the note just poking out, as she leaned forwards to watch Kureiji and Caleb.

Dakarai’s nerves were being plucked by anxiety through the whole sports festival, and it had taken a lot of effort to avoid fur or scales from randomly popping out of her skin. As an attempt to calm herself down during the time before she fought her next opponent (who I honestly forgot lmao), she practiced the dragon scales she’d been trying to get in last-minute. The usually iridescent blue of the scales had darkened to a deeper cyan, darker and harder than they had been when they were only snake scales. Although, the girl wasn’t exactly paying attention, as she was riveted on her best friend’s match.
Kureiji, now in the locker room as he waited for his match against Caleb to be called, now was sat on a bench, a newly created bone staff in hand. He was currently sanding it, as he made it as smooth and aerodynamic as possible as to insure that he wouldn't be losing speed during an extremely fast opponent. However, unlike the staff he'd used against Tsuya, this one had a small spike at one of its ends, curving outward like the blade of a scythe. This extra bit of sharpness was due to the fact that Caleb, with his thick skin, would not be affected by blunt force attacks like some of the more frail students, and therefore he needed the best counter to thick skin- a weapon that could pierce it. And that's where the spike came in. He gave an agitated grunt as he set it down, tapping his foot almost impatiently... He had way too much on his mind at that moment... Dakarai... Caleb... Himself...


Katelyn gave a small smile and thought for a moment, leaning her head against Yuuki's as she'd done similarly during the time they'd all been stuck indoors due to the rain. "Hmmm... I wonder... Who's someone you look up to? I know it's a bit personal and such, but, I'm only wondering..." She asked quietly, as she took the time to just sit there and take it all in. She listened to Yuuki's second statement, and nodded. "I mean, you saw what Kureiji did to Tsuya's spine with that staff, he's got some bulk on him, you wouldn't know because he's almost always wearing those long sleeves... And not to mention that Caleb can absolutely demolish entire blocks of concrete, this match is going to be a full-on power trip..." She muttered, and rubbed her eyes a little just because she could.



Previously Shadow_Pup
"Someone I look up to?" Yuuki thought out loud "hmm well I guess my dad is someone I look up to but also um Froppy, you know Tsuya's mum. I don't know I guess I always loved heroes who find ways to focus their quirk into things like search and rescue and not just fighting villains" she said with a shrug "I know it's a bit silly for someone like me to be interested in search and rescue when my quirk is clearly made for combat, people have always made sure I was aware of that" she added going a little red in embarrassment, "um anyway, I think Caleb and Kureiji's fight is starting soon, let's go" she further added, grabbing Katelyn's arm and gently dragging her to the viewing area and taking a seat where they could see the arena well.
@Cryronn the Mudkip


Previously Schrift007
Hiro walked into the stadium, he watched all the eyes on him. From the stand he could here murmurs from the stands. he kept up a brave smile, although his insides felt like molten metal in his stomach. He stretched his arms, looking across the stage for his opponent. "Man up Hiro, they just want to see the fire you have", he muttered to himself. He did a couple warm up stretches, a few leg raisers. In the stands, Kirishima and Tetsu Tetsu sat. "Do you think Hiro will go far in the sports festival?", Tetsu Tetsu asked Kirishima. "Of course! My son is something you haven't seen, sure he can be a bit unmanly sometimes and at other times he can be the manliest one there", Kirishima relied, catching Hiro's eyes. Hiro shrugged it off, trying his best to shake it off. "COME AT ME!", he shouted, across the stadium. On the other side of the battlefield a dwarfish silver haired boy. "You have to be shitting me" he muttered.

He waited for the announcer to stop, as he began to light his fists in fire. When he heard the legendary words 'start', he bolted across the stage. Yowai was frozen in fear, he stood paralysed. The fight was over in seconds. Hiro had gone for a punch to the face, and Yowai didn't bother to move or even dodge. He took it to the face and fell on the floor. "Is that it?", Hiro asked, looking at the fallen Yowai. He looked to the stands, seeing their parents. Kirishima was confused and Tetsu Tetsu was shaking his head in disappointment. "Stand up wimp", he growled lifting Yowai by his collar. Yowai whimpered in Hiro's hands, only infuriating an already angry Hiro. "Stand up", he shouted, punching Yowai in the gut. Yowai only squirmed in Hiro's grip. "My god, STAND UP!", he shouted at the top of his lungs. "This is a fight, don't just flop like a fish. You're dad is literally disappointed, does that mean nothing?", he snarled. He went for another punch this time his fist hardened with scales. The silence was broken by a hard metal CLANG as Yowai's iron fur manifested around his chest. Yowai went for a headbutt catching Hiro off guard. Hiro stumbled back, his face now determined.

"Shut up!", Yowai barked, getting into a fighting position. Hiro smiled at Yowai's attempt to fight. The pair ran at each other, Hiro going for a leg sweep. Yowai jumped the kick and retaliated with a high knee. The knee sent Hiro to the floor, he narrowly avoided landing on his back by using is fire to launch him into the air. In the air, Hiro used his height as an advantage and spun in the air. He went for a knee attack towards Yowai's face. The attack was dodged, Yowai rolled out of the attack. He used his metal fur to create a mould of metal around Hiro's leg, trapping him. Yowai then punched in his head, sending hiro falling backwards. Using Hiro's disadvantage to his advantage, Yowai charged Hiro in an attempt to push him towards the end of the battle field. Yowai coated himself in his metal fur, making all of Hiro's attacks useless. In a last attempt, Hiro blasted Yowai in scorching flames. Yowai screamed but continued to push Hiro.

Soon Yowai's fur was turning red, then white. Hiro punched him one last time in the back. The fur bent easily under the punch. "So that's what I do", he muttered. He continued to punch Yowai until Yowai soon gave into the barrage and released his grip. Hiro finished off the attack with an axe kick to the head, sending Yowai to the floor. "It was a good match, but I got to-", hiro was cut off by Yowai as he stood up, battered, bruised and burned. "No. I'm not going to let you win Hiro.", he stammered, going for a weak punch towards Hiro. Hiro effortlessly walked past the punch. "you don't deserve to be in 1A, you're just a bully", he said, going for another punch towards Hiro. He stepped aside again, this time listening to Yowai. "you only care about yourself, you only care about what affects you. Have you ever thought about your classmates? Have you ever thought about anybody else apart from yourself? Do you even love your class?", Yowai shouted. He had coated his fists in iron, swinging heavy punches at Hiro.

Hiro tried to dodge the punches, but one of them catching him of guard making him cough up blood. He struck back at Yowai. The pair swapped hardened punches, each hit harder than the last. Yowai made shields out of metal, and struck back with clumps of steel. "You're wrong, they may be annoying at times, some may even hate me, but when I'm at my lowest I know they will be there for me. That's why I love my class. They're my family", Hiro growled. He charged at Yowai, going for a punch to the gut. He sent yowai towards the boundaries, but Yowai created a spring to send him right back at Hiro. The two charged each other, engulfing their fists with metal and fire. It was brains against brawn, Goliath versus David, the Dragon fighting the tiger. They collided in the centre, creating a large flash of fire and molten metal. The crowd stood up, waiting for the dust to settle. as they waited a clear flames was seen in the centre. "YOWAI HAS BEEN KNOCKED OUT OF BOUNDARIES, HIRO HAS WON THE MATCH!", the commentator shouted. "I-I-I did it!", he shouted, thrusting his fist into the air. Hiro walked towards the boundaries. "I enjoyed the match, you did amazing", he smiled at the unconscious Yowai.
He ran his hand over the grip of the staff. It was sanded to the perfect aerodynamic shape. He slowly pulled himself off the bench, and swung it horizontally feeling the spike cut through the air like a knife through butter. A smile cracked across Kureiji's lips, and he stowed the staff away in the back of his uniform, keeping it stuck there with self-formed tree sap. Suddenly, he heard his voice on the announcer, and his breath became heavy. He stepped down the hall, and soon, the light of the sun shone on his face. His flung back his messy black hair with a single motion of the head, and he slowly began to mentally prepare himself.

Caleb approached, and Kureiji couldn't help but crack a smile. He spoke the same and only greeting he'd used to greet Caleb within the past month, and he'd become so used to it that with the distance between them and the crowd, his words sounded like a casual greeting. "What's up, bitch?" He slid his foot across the concrete, as he looked at the boy with narrow eyes and an ever-shrinking smile. "Hm. Shame your run in the sports festival has to end here... Let's get this over with, Clayface." His voice cut deep like the blade of a knife.


Katelyn smiled, her face turning a bit red in embarrassment as she was pulled along by Yuuki. "Whoa there, no need to be so rough! Ehe, I'm only kidding, let's see how this goes~" she pulled herself up beside her. "I suppose the person that inspires me is my dad... Y'know, Number One hero and all... I wonder how he feels about me losing in the first round..? I know I could never disappoint him, but I still... Well, no use dwelling on it, right?" she said nervously, as the two entered the stands, sitting just a few rows up from Dakarai in the spectator area.

Caleb raised an eyebrow. Kureiji seemed either full of himself or really wanted to provoke him. Either way, Caleb intended to illuminate him. He popped his knuckles, and replied with a hard voice "Bold words, Kureiji. I will show you deeds." He wanted to say more. Caleb wanted to tell Kureiji how much he'd enjoy punching him. He fed that desire to the furnace that was his rage. His power was at perhaps 25% but he just moved forward at an unhurried pace. His reaction time was aided by the adrenaline in his system. "This is another case where I only need one shot." He thought to himself as the distance between them shrank. "Just grab some part of him... And crush it."
@Cryronn the Mudkip


Previously Shadow_Pup
Yuuki smiled "i guess having the number one hero for a dad must be pretty pressuring, but hey so what if you lost, you tried your hardest and put up a good fight" she then had an idea and created a small string of shadow that made its way towards Katelyn's neck before forming into a medal and resting around her neck, of course due to the limitations of her quirk it was still attached to her hand by a thin tether. She smiled "see, Katie your a winner in my books" she said with a big stupid grin in her face before she turned to look at the fight keeping half her focus on generating the medal, at least until Katelyn asked to stop.
@Cryronn the Mudkip
Kureiji heard the bell sound, and the announcer call the fated “START!” He stood there, watching Caleb slowly approach, closing the distance in long strides. He knew Caleb wanted him to deliver the first blow, so he could counter and win in one decisive grab. He wasn’t gonna fucking have that. Once Caleb had approached within five meters of him, he pulled the staff from out behind his back and spun his staff in a circle, stabbing it into the concrete and using it to vault over the boy, and once he was above and behind him, he attempted to slam the sharp spike on the staff right into the base of the back of his neck, grinning wildly as he hoped to draw blood with this strike. He wasn’t gonna give up until he was dead!


Katelyn, upon viewing the medal, felt it over with her hand. She broke into a huge smile and threw her arms around Yuuki, pulling the girl into a tight hug. She didn’t care if Yuuki lost concentration and the medal disappeared, it was the though that counted. “...thanks, it means a lot, Yu...” She pulled off, her face bright red as now she was close and face-to-face with the other girl, not sure what to do, laughing nervously.

Caleb twisted, dodging the swipe aimed at the base of the skull. That was a lethal strike. Kureiji had murder in mind. "Big mistake." Caleb grinned. He could fight dirty now. He slammed his hands into the ground, ripping a huge chunk of concrete into the air, and hurled it at Kureiji's feet. He doubted it would hit, but it didn't have to. As the block shattered on impact, Caleb burst into motion, his power now at 50%, chasing Kureiji with wild strikes that flowed into one another, only to interrupt his own attack by springing away before lunging again from a new angle. All the while, Caleb was waiting for the right moment to launch a very important counter strike. His rage was boiling, a furnace trying to explode. But he could hold it in. He would NOT lose control.

@Cryronn the Mudkip


Previously Shadow_Pup
Yuuki wasn't ready for the hug and gasped and lost concentration causing the medal to fade and vanish. She sighed "oh well, wouldn't have lasted forever anyway" she said before gently leaning forward and kissing Katelyn on the cheek, "this has been really fun" she said with a grin before turning as the match began between Kureiji and Caleb, "wow they really aren't holding anything back, what if one of them gets seriously hurt" she said with a genuine look of worry and concern on her face.
@Cryronn the Mudkip
Kureiji landed on the ground and broke apart the flung Boulder with a burst of roots that ripped apart his lower pant leg. He then turned his attention to the rapid strikes Caleb was throwing. He grinned as each one arrived, and was able to block most with his staff, and those that he was unable to he soften the impact by creating a rafflesia shield, however even then bruises formed where the full force impacts would've reached. He saw Caleb coming in, and predicting a fake out and making full advantage of it, slamming his wrist with the spike of the staff and then delivering a powerful kick to his ribs, which simotanuously catapulted bladed roots right into the impact point from his foot.


Katelyn smiled, and didn't really mind. "It's no problem, it's the thought that counts to me, you know? And anyway, you shouldn't have to apologize, you're-" her face suddenly turned an astonishing level of red, as she was pecked on the cheek by Yuuki. Her eyes widened and she covered her face, looking down distraughtly, but a smile was etched across her face. "Th-Thanks... It has..." She said, at this point not really caring about the match, as Caleb was smacked in the ribs by the kick.

Caleb snarled in frustration as the spike pierced his flesh, but a smile split his face for a moment. With his free hand, he seized the bone staff and snapped it. Kureiji's kick was utterly insignificant. It might have done something... If he wasn't using his quirk at all. But now at 60%, all the kick did was break the skin with the roots. Caleb employed a stratagem he'd hidden, throwing a fistful of concrete chunks and dust he'd had when he threw the concrete boulder, into his opponent's face. He took advantage by punching Kureiji in the arm, and felt bone yield before his knuckles. "A broken arm. Not enough." He thought to himself "Hit him. Hit him until I win. I want to win-" Caleb renewed his furious assault, and his thoughts came out of his mouth unbidden, as a snarl "I want our friendship back, dammit!"

@Cryronn the Mudkip
Kureiji was launched and hurled sideways from the punch, as he felt his bone snap... But he felt no pain. In fact, for the entire fight, nothing that had struck him felt like anything. It was like he couldn't even will his nerves to tell him he was dying... That's for the best... He stood there, motionless, and stared at the floor. You saw his mangled arm twitching, as inside his body, roots began to knot up, sappy glue forming between the two pieces of his broken arm and forming them together. He flexed his arm slightly to show Caleb the insignificance of the attack, at least to him. "...You don't feel a thing, if ya die, you won't even know~" he whispered sadistically to himself.

He finally looked up, his mind on the bridge of snapping in two. Everything he felt came at him at once, and he broke into a smile, his eyes thin. "...tell me, Caleb Anderson... Do you think you can become a hero!?" He asked, his voice cracked. Still with the same grin on his face. "If that's a yes from you, then how pathetic do you look!? I can't become a hero, and you can't even beat me!" He said, laughing like he was about to go off the deep end. From his body he created a blade of bone, his eyes shining green with energy as he prepared to face Caleb when he once again led an assault on him.

Caleb sighed, which looked odd since his body was quivering with barely contained fury. "Yes. I will be a hero, and I think you will be too." His simple reply was grunted, but sounded much too calm for his physical appearance. Caleb's muscles were very hard now, almost armor like. Although ideally he wouldn't have to test the theory, he figured he could probably block the bone blade with his forearms. It would hurt and bleed, but Kureiji wouldn't get the lethal result he likely wanted. Caleb focused hard. Instinct, training, everything in him was focused.

He surged forward, even faster, swinging harder. If the blade came at him, he was ready to do what he had to. He was going to end this. NOW.
@Cryronn the Mudkip
Drayda rushed forward, her dragon taunting her relentlessly in her head. The taunting distracted her, allowing Kishi to easily side-step and blast himself away. Drayda stopped her pent up momentum and tried again, rushing after him. She watched him land a ways away before shooting a cloud of lasers at her. She couldn't dodge fast enough, only able to cover her face and chest with her arms before being blasted back. Her body took the burns as all the lasers made their marks. She kept her stance, taking the barrage of lasers that continually burned her skin. She heard the growling within her get louder as she felt her control be taken away.

Yes. Yes, take control.

She let go of her body, allowing her dragon to take full control. The sudden turn in personalities caused her footing to become unstable and fall back, the continuous barrage of lasers scooting her towards the edge. Suddenly, wings sprout from her back, ripping her track suit as she flew upwards. The rest of the transformation happened in the air. Her hair went back into her head, her eyes glowed a bright purple while the pupils became slits. Teeth and nails grew sharper and longer, and spikes jut from her joints. Spines popped out of her neck, back, and the tail that was now forming, as her face became more elongated. Black and purple scales covered her entire body. Her tail's tip formed the venomous stinger that she had never used before, not knowing its effects. She became smaller as her limbs became more fit for quadrupedal functions.

She was no longer Drayda. She was now Lyria.

Lyria rushed from the skies, roaring loudly as she plummeted towards Kishi with incredible speed. Her wings had flapped a couple times for more speed before clasping themselves to her sides, allowing the momentum and gravity to take her to her destination.

She was going to show everyone that she wasn't some punching bag.

Yes! Yes, this is going great! Come on, press the attack and don't let u- what's she doing? Is she alright? Perhaps I'm going too f- SWEET MOTHER OF @#!; WHAT IS THAT?!

Kishi could only rest his burning arms in what was a mixture of both fear and wonder. Drayda - if you could even call her that anymore - had undergone a drastic transformation. She somewhat resembled a secret boss in one of his favorite video games, as silly as the comparison sounded. From the black and purple scales to the dangerous-looking tail, he found himself no longer fighting one of his classmates, but a beast.

It was only when the creature started to look a bit clearer that Kishi realized he was about to get dived on. He was able to dodge roll, escaping a direct collision with her body by a hair, but the speed that she was travelling at made her collision with the ground all the more explosive. He was flung backwards, bouncing and rolling in a smokescreen of concrete dust and rubble. He stood shakily, his vision beginning to get blurry as he glared at the monster before him.

"S-so much for that..." He rasped to himself, coughing and wheezing.

"For the attack to miss but still inflict such damage upon me...if she had collided with me as intended, I would no longer be breathing..." He continued.

"All the more reason..." He announced, his eyes beginning to glow.

"To end this charade here and now!"

With that, he roared at the ground, the subsequent laser propelling him upwards directly above the arena. He could just about make out the hulking figure of the creature, but that wouldn't matter.

Not for what he was attempting to pull off.

Once hovering in the air, his entire body began to inflate like a balloon, similar to the villain attack on the island. Except this time, his round body was shimmering a fierce, brilliant shade of blue.

"It appears I've underestimated you!" He declared, his voice pulsing and multiple tones deeper than usual due to his form change.

"Then, let's see how you handle this! I call this one..."


And with that, he released all of his built up laser matter, discharging it into a single, massive beam of light that temporarily blinded any onlookers, wide enough to envelop the giant stone arena that was their battleground. It resembled a pillar of light that cracked open the sky, as if it was the reckoning of God himself.

Focusing all his energy into sustaining the attack and keeping his rapidly deteriorating body together, Kishi knew that this was a massive gamble, but the only choice he had. He hoped with all his heart and soul that this move ended the battle, for if the creature still stood...

Well, he'd rather not think of that possibility.

@Merciless Medic