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Ask to Join ~My Class 1A - The Next Generation (MHA Rp)~

Kureiji was now barefoot, jacket ripped clean off, lower pants torn to shreds, his eyes glowing green, and blowing green steam off his body. It was exactly the same “form” he’d taken during the villain raid, and he knew that he could only keep up the form for long... but as stated, he didn’t care anymore. “...hah... I’m done with this... I can tell you’re just another person lying to my face-!!!” He yelled out, and raised his blade. As Caleb rushed forward, he began to ready his blade to stab right into his stomach, his feet rooted into the ground...

Until he wasn’t.

In one swift moment, the blade turned to green dust just as Caleb was about to get in striking distance, and rooting up from the concrete, burst a wall of wood, which Caleb would smash right into if he kept moving, which, how could he stop that kind of momentum without harming himself, and he did it without giving Caleb a second of reaction time. He then let out a guttural yell the moment Caleb’s movement came to a halt, and in his hand, he formed a gauntlet of bone, and slammed it right into the concrete. The wooden wall dissolved as a shockwave, aimed to completely break Caleb out of the arena, struck the arena, as he pulled his arm out of the gauntlet and raised his arms to defend if all went south.



Previously Shadow_Pup
Yuuki found Katelyn reaction kinda cute. She smiled and the gently placed her head on Katelyn's shoulder, "yeah sorry about the suddenness of that, couldn't help myself. Oh by the way would you like to be my..uh..you know my...my girlfriend" she said getting all quiet and shy as she said but keeping her head resting on Katelyn's shoulder. She hoped she had read the situation right and that this was a good time because she had been trying to figure out when to ask and thought the kiss would be a good check of whether it was a good idea.
@Cryronn the Mudkip
Caleb couldn't stop in time to not hit the wooden wall. But he wouldn't have, even if he could. Caleb could tear through concrete walls, why did Kureiji think a wooden barrier would stop him? He was halfway through smashing the wall like a locomotive when Kureiji caused a shockwave. Caleb would be impressed by that, later, when his mind was calm enough to ponder how Kureiji might have done that when he had no strength boosting abilities.

But that was for later. Now he had to win. The quake wasn't weak, but Kureiji was trying to outmuscle the guy whose ability was all about strength. Kureiji's guard was up, both arms this time. He smashed the block open with his right fist, and stepped in to drive a left hook to Kureiji's chin. A potentially brain damaging knockout shot.

Caleb had realized pain would not be enough. He had to knock Kureiji out. He tried pull his punches in an effort to stay non-lethal, but he realized to his horror that his control was slipping. He head-butted his estranged friend in the nose. He felt a rib break to a knee strike. "Call the match, dammit!" Caleb willed the judges to intervene before he lost himself to the rage. What was most worrying was that he didn't notice he was losing control until he realized something. He was smiling like a wolf, and his eye whites had gone red with bloodshot veins.

@Cryronn the Mudkip
Kureiji growled and grunted in pain as Caleb continually slammed his body with the while non-lethal, quick punches. He felt his nose break under the pressure and his rib cage snap, but his eyes, now bloodshot, didn't show anything anywhere near giving up. He wasn't going to lose, he couldn't lose, he had to finish this in ONE SINGLE STRIKE. His mind raced through any options, as he into ally repaired his ribcage with vines and could only smell blood through his nose. "STOP BEING WEAK. JUST DO IT. ONE SINGLE STRIKE CAN FINISH THIS, YOU MASSIVE BITCH. DO. IT!!!!" He screamed inside his own mind, talking to himself.

In one brutal swipe of his arm, he felt his entire being explode with energy, as his arms upper body began to glow bright neon green. He roared in an unearthly voice, and in his last chance to knock out Caleb, sent a roaring Root Surge from his body, straight into the main body of Caleb and down at his legs, first attempting to sweep him off his feet and then carry him in a curve, right out of the arena and to the side. If this carried him out of bounds, he'd have won. He'd have done it. He'd have defeated Caleb... And would earn nothing for it.


Katelyn blushed as she felt the girl lie her head on her shoulder. She listened to her, and giggled. "It's fine, I liked it-" her eyes widened, and she broke into a smile, pulling the girl into another hug and nodding. "Like duh, of course I would, Yu!" She grinned and ran her fingers through your hair. "Here, I shouldn't have let you get the first kiss, now I'll be taking the first real kiss~" she kissed Yuuki right on the lips. It was short lived and small, but it meant a lot nonetheless. She simply looked at you, a smile plastered across her face and a blush across her cheeks.

Drayda watched helplessly as her body almost fell to the ground. Lyria's quick reflexes allowed her to somersault before she hit the ground, smashing her tail into the concrete below instead, which rocketed her upwards. The dust spread outwards as the concrete cracked beneath her, the momentum staying as she shot upwards, her wings hardly flapping as she curled backward to make sure she didn't accidentally cross the boundaries out of the arena. She banked back, her body upside down to the rest of the world. Craning her neck, she watched to see Kishi propel himself into the sky, becoming a dot in her visual. She grinned.

Finally. A worthy opponent. Such strength.

She changed her orientation so she was facing the right way, flapping her wings to propel herself upward. Despite the smaller frame and increased strength, gravity and air resistance was the bane of her existence when it came to flying upward. Still though, she climbed the sky quickly.

She watched as the figure of her opponent blew up and began glowing with energy. Her eyes went wide and she concentrated the creation of tougher scales at her front, her hind section having more skin than scale.

Almost there!

That's when the light show started. She watched as a huge beam of light blasted towards her, blinding her even with her eyes closed. The bright light and the sudden shear pain of the burns made her scream and roar in pain and determination.

No, she couldn't go down. Not now.

She forced herself up, the added blast of the beam making it harder to climb up the sky. The speed she had before was now dwindling. Can she take the heat? How long will this last? She pushed her way through, her scales beginning to burn away as new ones slowly grew in to compensate, though the burning pain made it difficult.

Lyria struggled to regain control as the pain pushed her back to where Drayda resided in her brain. Instead of regaining control of her body and quirk, Drayda rose up and pushed Lyria forward. The duo regained complete control of their body, working in tandem to get through the searing pain.

But how long will this last? She didn't have an answer, so she pushed herself towards an edge of the beam. While the beam had taken up most of the stage, it went out in a cone, right? Which meant that the edge of the cone closest to Kishi won't push her out of bounds.

With that in mind, she flapped towards the edge, finding a way out and hopefully he stops soon.

Caleb kept his feet but was pushed back by the sudden blitz of roots, his feet carving shallow furrows in the ground as, in a contest between him, the roots, and the ground, the latter came up short. "Bastard. I try to finish this as gently as I can. I try to be merciful. And he still tries to beat me out of some stupid sense of superiority?! I don't care that we're performing for potential employers. We're supposed to be heroes, not animals." Caleb ignored how that turn of phrase clashed with Kureiji's quirk, because he was through. "You made me do this, Kureiji."

Caleb was almost out of bounds. He reached inside himself, reaching for the rage he'd held back so far. He hadn't wanted to unleash it like this, but it seemed he had no choice. "God send I can stop myself." In his mind's eye, he grabbed the font of rage. It was like a cup he usually sipped from with care. He took a huge swig.

Caleb screamed in equal parts animal fury and mental agony. It hurt so much but the power was so intoxicating he didn't want to stop. He burst through the roots, tearing them apart like a living piece of farming equipment. Kureiji was just standing there. Caleb closed with him, and managed to snarl out "YOU ASKED FOR THIS!" before he struck. His near full power right hook caught Kureiji in the chest with meteoric force. The savage joy of unleashing so much power on a living target made Caleb want to weep. He'd won. He'd had no choice. But that didn't mean he didn't regret it.

@Cryronn the Mudkip
Kureiji couldn't do anything else. He'd failed. He'd failed as he knew he would. He felt the fist impact him and turn his body into a ragdoll, but no pain still. Blood flew from his mouth as he was launched from the stage as his body crashed into the dirt on the outside of the arena, putting him officially out of bounds as the earth tore around his body. He soon came to a stop, his brain still whirring as he lie there, defeated and yet somehow still conscious. His eye color had faded to a dim gray, as the bacteria that made his eyes green began to recede, the vines that had kept his body together dissolving. He met Caleb's gaze for a moment, his expression that of nothing. Blood curled from his lower lip down his chin, as a single tear rolled down from his left eye. He closed his eyes, and passed completely out, left for the medical crew to roll in and pull him onto the stretcher almost immediately. At least he went out with a bang... But he never wanted to go out at all...


Kureiji awoke with a jolt, his eyes snapping open. Their color was still gray, as his bacteria was still regaining its lost numbers after his last ditch effort to defeat Caleb. He was motionless, his vision blurry as he could just barely make out several machines examining and applying some kind of thick gel to his body. The pain rushed to him, though it was less of a screeching halt and more he began to feel it dwell in on him in low, heartbeat-like pushes. He closed his eyes once again, and felt himself slowly whisper, possibly only out of some sort of primal instinct. "...sorry..." He had no idea if anyone had visited him to even hear that... Probably not, he couldn't even hear his own voice, much less anything else... But the word spoken somehow applied to everyone and yet nobody. His brain faded back into the dull fuzz of static, and he once again passed out.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Yuuki beamed at Katelyn when she said yes and returned the hug. When she was kissed she sat back stunned for a few seconds before her face went a violent shade of red and she giggled nervously, "that was...wow...that was really nice" she said not being able to comprehend her first kiss very well. She then noticed that the fight was over "oh we missed then end of the fight but it looks like Caleb won, wanna go back outside" she asked.
@Cryronn the Mudkip


Previously Night's Shadow
Kureiji. Oh, God, Kureiji! A tiny part of Dakarai still told her that she should go find out who her next opponent was, but the rest of her was still screaming in abject terror for her best friend. Just a glancing blow like that had nearly torn off her arm; she couldn’t imagine getting struck head-on in the chest. She wasn’t sure exactly when she had stood, gripping the handrail like her life depended on it. She wasn’t even aware of the scales she had absentmindedly formed on her arm creeping up to cover half her body. They receded as soon as she noticed them as she forced her cramping fingers to release the handrail, picked up her dropped book, and raced towards the infirmary as fast as she could.

Dakarai opened the door slowly, not wanting to disturb anyone. As she closed the door behind her, she barely caught the “Sorry” that escaped Kureiji’s lips, though she doubted it was a conscious effort. He looked like a mummy, there were so many bandages covering him. Various tubes and other things stuck out all over, monitoring blood pressure, heart rate, and other medical things she didn’t understand. It’s not your fault, she wanted to say, but the words wouldn’t come.
T-that's it, I can't sustain it any longer...

The massive beam of light that erupted from Kishi grew smaller and smaller until it finally fizzed out completely, leaving the boy completely drained of energy. He used the last of his energy to keep himself hovering above ground, with both arms. The smoke and dust of the crumbled arena clouded all vision for the first few seconds, until he saw something that made him gasp in horror.

The creature stood. To be more accurate, the creature was flapping it's wings straight towards him. He had no strength left. As much as he wanted to throw his fatigued body out of bounds himself, there was little honor in doing so. He glanced at the audience, whose faces ranged from shock, to awe, to excitement. Among them he spotted a tall, golden-haired older man much like himself.

He nodded at Kishi, a proud smirk on his smooth face.

Kishi weakly nodded back, struggling to even keep his eyes open.

He then turned back to creature that was rapidly approaching him, damaged but not defeated.

"C-come on! I've played my trump card, so let's cough hear y-your response!" He challenged, his voice weak and raspy.

This match was over.

@Merciless Medic


Previously Schrift007
Hiro had left the arena to go look for Yowai in the infirmary. To his surprise, Yowai was up and active. "Well I didn't expect you to be up this quickly, I literally melted your fur and punched through your iron attack", he laughed. "What are you doing here?", Yowai mumbled, slightly upset. "To check on you, dumb ass", Hiro shot back. They both stared at each other, the tension they made could easily be felt around them. "I came to say, sorry for melting your fur", Hiro laughed, taking a seat next to him. "I wasn't really expecting it. I didn't know you could create fire that hot. Like every strand of iron was going soft. You basically hit me with a fire blast that was over fifteen hundred degrees Fahrenheit. How did you do that? Like shouldn't you have burnt up all the oxygen around you to the point where you shouldn't have been able to breath? You managed to take a hit that would normally destroy someone's inside's yet you managed to stand. What sort of training is that? Did you train by running into traffic? Where doo you even get the will power to eve-", Yowai's rant about Hiro's absurdity was cut short by Hiro. "I don't know what I did, I just fought you. I just worked hard and that's it." Hiro stood up and began to leave, when something caught his eye.

"Dakarai what are you doing here? Don't you have a hea-", he stopped, looking down at the bed. His jaw dropped slightly as he saw Kureiji attached to multiple machines. "What happened to him?!", he hissed to her, staring at Kureiji. It hurt Hiro to see one of his only friends in this condition. He backed away from his bed, igniting his fist in a ball of fire. "It looks like he was killed then revived just to be killed", he muttered.

@Night's Shadow @Cryronn the Mudkip
Caleb stared as Kureiji was carried away. He was shaking, desperately trying to bring his quirk under control. It hurt. Heaven above but it hurt! He staggered towards his own locker room, blood flowing from several cuts. He'd have to go to the infirmary too. He wanted to say it wasn't that bad, but he made a point of not lying, even to himself.

He didn't want to go. Kureiji would be there. Dakarai probably would be too. Caleb prayed they would understand. He had something to tell Kureiji. It wasn't a rebuke, he actually wanted to encourage him. But Kureiji probably wasn't conscious right now. And everyone in the facility probably thought of him as a rabid wolf.

He hoped Sam would come to see him. He hoped, but he didn't expect it. Caleb didn't blame her if she was afraid of him, or disgusted by what she had seen.

He stumped into the infirmary, just as Hiro was inquiring about Kureiji's injuries. "I happened." He stated flatly, plainly not intending to elaborate on the particulars. He was looking in Dakarai's direction but anyone could tell he wasn't looking at her. "I didn't want to. Even when he tried to kill me, I didn't want to hurt him so much. But I did what had to be done." There was plain and genuine sorrow and regret in his voice. He looked at the floor, solemnly pondering his sins.
For what seemed to him like hours, Kureiji fluttered in and out of consciousness. Really, it wasn't truly that long that he was lie there and fading in and out of everything. Shattered thoughts formed in his head, but none of them formed into a full coherent anything, the only consistent theme through it all being that of regret... Soon, the fuzz in his mind began to clear, and he felt his eyes flutter open once more. He heard the sound of machines whirring, and his eyesight could see now more than a foot in front of him. Good, at least he can do two senses. He looked around, his pale gray eyes scanning the room now that he could see more than just his bed. He saw the shapes of two people, and he could just barely recognize them, Caleb being too far away for him to see or hear. A weak smile crossed his lips, and it somehow seemed... Real? "...hey... Dakarai... hey... Hiro..." He spoke weakly, and wished he could cough, but doing so would disturb the healing of his ribcage. "Soooo... Anyone wanna see if I got the record for most bones broken during a sports festival match?" It was very likely he'd only be conscious for a few more minutes.

@Night's Shadow @Schrift007

Katelyn smiled widely at Yuuki, and gave a giggle at Yuuki's inability to process the kiss. "Yeah. Let's head out for a bit, they're holding the next match for another fifteen to thirty minutes yo fix up the arena after..." She turned her head and gave a soft grimace, turning back to Yuuki with an apprehensive look. "...you know, that." She took her hand and stood up. "Let's go, Yu~"

Drayda felt the energy fizzle out and get shorter. The edge reached her a lot faster than she anticipated and she twirled out of the beam's path. She watched as the lasers fizzled out and watched as the anticipation in Kishi's face echoed out waves of horror as he looked upon her still flying visage. She smirked and flew up to him, finally catching up to him.

As Kishi made his final wish, Lyria opened her mouth to speak, the voice sounding just as raspy as Kishi's own. "You are a worthy opponent. While I wouldn't mind throwing you out of bounds right here and now, I want to do so with little harm to you. You have earned my respect, Kishi." The dragon smirked. She went to grab Kishi around the foot with her tail. The plan was to dive back to the ground and then fling him out of bounds as they hovered over the ground by just a few feet, making the tumble a lot more bearable than being smashed to the ground from where they were in the air. Whether he did so or not was up to him.


(Giving RhythmThief permission to auto Drayda to fling Kishi out of bounds.)
Caleb felt oddly glad that Kureiji could make some sort of joke. He made his voice as gentle as possible "I'm just glad you're alive. You must've made some kinda barrier on your gut before I hit you. Dakarai knows what I do to unprotected flesh." Caleb changed topics so his train of thought should have crashed. "Anyhow, I want you to know. You can be a hero. I'm not the best at inspiring speeches so all I can say is that you CAN do it." He trailed off awkwardly. He hadn't planned beyond those words, which sounded overly cliche now that he said them aloud. So he just sat there, letting a nurse bandage his wounds, avoiding everyone's gazes.


Previously Night's Shadow
Dakarai cast her eyes downward. “Both of you went too far,” she directed at Caleb, her voice barely above a whisper. “What if one of you had died? What if—“ Her wretched imaginings were cut short by Kureiji stirring. She started slightly, edges of scales peeking out of her cheeks before she wrangled her quirk under control. Tears of relief pricked at the corners of her eyes, but she blinked them away.

A dry laugh came out of her mouth despite herself. “I still think Katelyn’s dad still holds that record,” she replied wryly. Frankly, she was just relieved he was okay. “Though you’re probably a close second,” she added, a worried edge creeping into her tone. She raised a confused eyebrow at Caleb’s words, but didn’t comment; up in the stands, she hadn’t heard what went on between the two.
Kureiji felt his smile grow at the mention of Katelyn's dad, and attempting not to laugh or else he'd probably pierce his lungs with his own ribcage. "Yeah, he's probably take the cake really... Eh, that's fine... Second is pretty good, right?" He spoke, his voice getting a little hoarse near the end, causing a tube to enter his mouth and push water through it, which he proceeded to drink. After that, he took a deep breath until he felt a tinge of pain, and released it immediately. "Anyway, is somebody else in the room? I can't see or hear anyone past you two... Don't tell me it's Caleb..." From his voice, it sounded more like a joke than anything.

"...Caleb, if you're actually there... I..." His more cheerful mood faded a little, and he looked the other way, his faded-gray eyes showing apprehension. "...I'm sorry... I haven't been doing the best lately, and... I just... I'm tired of people telling me what I need to be..." He turned back to the vague shape of Caleb that he could just make out in his field of vision. "I... Just felt like you were doing the same... Erm..." He sighed softly. "...hey, Dakarai... Completely unrelated, but specifically after I pass out again, I give you permission to read the note. I'm gonna be honest, if you take me up on that lets hope I stay comatose for a loooooong time..." His vision began to turn fuzzy once again, like his view had become TV static, until he once again passed out without a word.

@Hogzilla @Night's Shadow @Schrift007


Previously Shadow_Pup
Yuuki smiled and got up, she took Katelyn's hand and lead her outside. Once outside she glanced up at the sky, the weather was still nice so she opted to find some shade. She spotted a tree and pointed it out, letting go of Katelyn's hand she went to the tree and lay down underneath it, she had her back up against the tree and patted the ground next to her to invite Katelyn to join "come on Katie it's nice in the shade, as she sat there she absently thought about the battle between Kureiji and Caleb, it reminded her of Hiro and Caleb's battle and that brought about memories of what she did during the villain attack. As she thought about it she had a troubled expression and a small version of her beast form materialized by her hand and began to gnaw at her fingers, as it did shadows seemed to creep up her arm as a representation.if her fear of losing control. Of course she didnt realise she was doing any of this as she was suddenly wrapped in thought.
@Cryronn the Mudkip
Sam was found her seat just minutes before the battle was beginning, a content smile graced her features. The girl couldn't hep but think about how fun the battle would be to watch. But as the whistle was blown, the atmosphere switched suddenly. Kureiji called out a hateful cuss, and the something about the boy hinted at the fact he wasn't joking. While Sam worried about Caleb's mental state, she hadn't even thought of the fact that Kueiji could be the one to lose it. The boy's took turns slashing at each other, Kureiji taking the brunt of the damage but refusing to go down. As things got intense, Sam shot up from her seat and leaned against the railing of her booth. "They'll kill each other. Stop it!" The girl turned back towards a teacher, prepared to stop the fight herself, but an intense glare from the faculty told her to sit back down. With a sigh, Sam returned to her seat, brows furrowed in concern as she watched the bloody battle go on.

In time, it was over. Caleb was, by definition, victorious- though anyone could tell that he didn't feel very worthy of the title. "Oh my..." Sam bit her lip a she watched Kureiji be carried away, her gaze didn't leave the injured boy until he was out of sight and she then turned towards Caleb. Of course Caleb was strong, and she knew he was capable of such things- and yet still, it was an unsettling sight to behold. The girl was frozen in place, she felt such strong pain in her heart- and yet she couldn't act on it even if she wanted to. She wanted to heal Kureiji herself, she wanted to hug Caleb and console him right there and then, she wanted to turn back time so the battle never happened- and all she could do was stand and stare. After a moment had passed, Sam snapped back to reality, finding that Caleb was no longer on the stage- the girl let out a soft grunt before slipping between people in a hurried fashion to find the others.
Sam took deep breaths, reminding herself to stay calm as she rushed through the halls and towards where she assumed the pair was: the infirmary. Eventually, Sam was sprinting down the halls- she tried to contain herself, but she couldn't hold it back any longer. Even when she was stopped outside of the infirmary, where an adult told her she needed to remain calm in order to visit the patients, when she heard her friends' voices she pushed past the teacher and bursted into the room.

Sam's gaze, first went to Kureiji, it was quite a sight. He had more bandage than skin showing, and he had just again fallen out of consciousness as she entered the room. Dakarai stood beside Kureiji, Sam couldn't read her expression- something between concern and resentment. Even Hiro happened to be there, he didn't seem to pleased at Kureiji's expression. Sam read the room in mere seconds then, upon setting eyes on her lover, she let out a relieved sigh. It seemed like everyone was okay. Well... not great- but they were alive. Sam didn't know who's side to fall at first, but her body chose for her and the girl instinctively moved towards Caleb. Sam wrapped her delicate hands around the male's face, locking eyes with him for a moment before collapsing into his chest and hugging the male as relief flooded over her. "Thank god." the girl sighed. She hadn't heard any of the previous conversation in the room. She just hoped everyone was still friends.


Previously Schrift007
"Is that all you have to fucking say?", Hiro growled, he could feel the flames on his fist start to crawl up his arm towards his elbow. "Don't apologise for anything Kureiji", he muttered. "You hospitalise one of my only friends and all you can say is some half assed bull shit?". He could feel fire flicker from the side of his lips as he spoke, his tone was harsh and unforgiving. "Maybe I'll go burn your girlfriend and see how you react", he snarled, aiming his arm of fire towards Sam. Eversince he got out of his cast, Hiro had been training both his body and quirk as much as he could. Every spare time he had he was either using his quirk or training any part of his body. "Dakarai go away, leave me with Caleb and his girl", he said in a low tone.

@Night's Shadow @Cryronn the Mudkip @Hogzilla @Barefoot_Kittens


Previously Night's Shadow
Dakarai looked alarmed. “Oh, man. Hiro, cool it. If you need to take your anger out on someone, do it to me because I’ll heal a lot quicker.” She moved in front of Hiro. “And do it somewhere else. You can’t destroy the infirmary.”

Her brain whirred at a million miles an hour. She had to do something to calm Hiro down, but she wasn’t looking to get another hole punched through her. Besides, she wasn’t sure if her new-and-improved snake-dragon scale-things would provide her with any real defense. And she couldn’t say she wasn’t upset, but since no one had died or received permanent damage, she was willing to let it go. She would not waver.

“I don’t need anyone else getting hurt,” Dakarai began, her voice a deadly calm. “I will personally kick your ass if you attack, Hiro. And I know it would be really humiliating for you to get beat by a girl, and your friend to boot.” She sighed, running a hand through her hair. “I don’t want anyone else getting hurt when they don’t have to be.”
Miku was waiting on the field with his arms crossed, feeling a lot more confident about his upcoming fight than last time. That easy win against Minoru really boosted his self-esteem, so he stopped overthinking every single aspect of life and started thinking about the good side of this tournament: practice and exposure(which could also be bad, but he didn't want to think about that). So the boy that he was fighting was named Acura Kaminari they were in the same class (fact which Miku always seemed to forget) and he had some sort of electricity Quirk, which Miku had a great advantage over. So he was pretty sure that he had that fight in the bag, even though he knew nothing about the dude's strategy or battle prowess. That's right, he went from being an overthinker to overconfident. Imagine what would happen if he won this fight, he would have gotten two levels ahead of Yuuki and Kate(who he thought were amazing fighters) and actually get as far as Caleb (whose match he didn't watch, otherwise he would've been traumatized)! He looked around at the crowd, trying to find if any background characters were giving him a thumbs up or smiling at him, to give him a boost in the upcoming battle. But as he felt like that intense eye contact was just coming up, his opponent walked up the stairs and entered the field.

(I think I'll wait untill... this Saturday for @Pinch to respond, otherwise I'll just auto Tetsuma and end the battle)


Previously Manu456Alola
Once the quarterfinals were halfway done, it was time for Acura's match to begin. He had spent way too long thinking of Kureiji and Caleb's match, where he had seen the latter at his most powerful, something that was genuinely scary. Someone who was so calm and gentle having so much strength, smiling maniacally as he beat his friend up... Acura was surprised Kureiji managed to live. But he had to stop thinking about that fight, because it was time for his own. It was gonna be an uphill battle.

He knew a fair bit about Miku and his Quirk, but his biggest advantage was the fact that his body was almost like rubber, which meant it was a very good insulator. As such, electric attacks that would normally take people down would be almost nothing to Miku, he was likely going to lose this one, unable to come up with a plan to give himself a shot at victory. It reminded him of his own father, taken out by a Quirk that completely shut down his own.

Knowing there was no way he'd win, he stepped outside to get to the arena. He sighed once he got up the steps, Miku already being there and ready to fight. Let's get this over with. He thought, when the announcer called the match to begin. He immediately attacked by throwing two electric spheres at his opponent, about twenty thousand volts each. He didn't expect them to do much, he just had to put on a show and hope to get a good internship later on.
"V-very well, creature. Your mercy is...appreciated." Kishi whispered, his strength and vigor all gone. He halted his hovering and allowed Lyria to wrap her tail around his bruised leg. Lyria then began to dive-bomb down toward the stage as promised, the incredible speeds she was travelling at surprising Kishi even in his extreme fatigue.

When they were a few meters above the stage, Lyria slowed down, and her grip on Kishi tightened, as she prepared to lightly toss him out of bounds.

"If I had to lose to anybody, I'm g-glad it was you, Dragonic Empress. This creatu- no...companion of yours holds a great power. Cherish it, and make it your own. You may be two seperate entities, but you share one body. One purpose. One -cough- ....one heart. I'll be cheering for you from the stands, s-so make sure you stand victorious." Kishi spoke, not able to pass up the opportunity to try and inspire his friend, even in his condition.

With one last weak nod, Kishi allowed Lyria to toss him out. He heard the distant klaxon blare to signal Drayda's victory, but he didn't care about that.

The last thing he remembered was the proud look on his father's face. It made his weak body feel strong, his tired shoulders feel as if they could support the entire earth, his numb hands feel like they could crush the most compact of metals.

And the sky. That blue, blue sky.

@Merciless Medic
As Sam clasped his head, Caleb saw the relief and sorrow in her eyes. What he saw cracked the stoicism he'd held to for so long. As he embraced her in return, he did not sob, but tears trickled down his face, ashamed of what he'd done but also grateful beyond words that she was there.

Then Hiro threatened the girl in his arms. Caleb's soft expression hardened to stone. His muscles began to go hard as steel cables. He was up in a flash, shoving Sam behind him to shield her. Caleb could have pointed out how Hiro was very much the pot calling the kettle black. He could have said a lot of things. But he was too angry, so he snarled with barely contained fury. "You don't under- Ugh!" His attempt to explain was cut off by a half groan half whimper of mental agony as his rage tried to surge. He did manage to force out "If you hurt her, I WILL kill you." He meant it. He would do whatever it took to protect Sam.

He knew he should leave. He needed to calm down, and rest. The mental strain of containing and controlling another rage was almost certainly beyond him. But he wouldn't leave Sam there. He'd go with her if she left, but he still felt she was in danger. So he stood, his temper barely in check, quivering with power and anger.

@Schrift007 @Night's Shadow @Barefoot_Kittens
Kureiji now entered a realm of scattered thoughts and ambiguous dreams, fading into each with a wave of TV static. A small flurry of white paper, folded into squares with vague writing on it rushed by him as he faded through his own mind, able to piece together that this was a representation of the note he'd written Dakarai. He looked past it and faded into static, as he now stood on a plain gray field. I'm front of him, facing away, was a malicious flame, dancing and illuminating the dark sky. In his hand he heled a torch, while past the glow of the violent flame, he saw three bodies with shapes unidentifiable. He couldn't move his body, almost as if he was confined, as if he was trapped... And he'd indirectly set that flame out on those people, unable to do anything...


Katelyn smiled widely and took a seat next to Yuuki, smiling as she looked at her. Her own thoughts also drifted toward the battle. She'd fought Caleb in the first round, but he hadn't reached nearly as violent of a state as he had when fighting Kureiji. She wondered what there really was between the two, all she heard was that they had been friends... At least at some point they had... She turned her head, seeing Yuuki manifesting shadows as they moved up her arm, like they were consuming her. She bit her lip and took Yuuki's hand, hoping she too wouldn't be bitten by the dark creature. "Hey Yu... Something on your mind?" She asked calmly.

Sam could feel the heat of Hiro's anger, as the male spat harsh words. "It wasn't on purpose!" Sam rebuked, but her voice was small and defensive, consumed entirely by Hiro's rage. The girl's face scrunched with confusion at the fire weidler's unjust fury. Hiro and Caleb never quite got along, but it seemed the former was ready to do some serious damage this time. Expecting Hiro to jump right into attacking, Sam was taken by surprise when he opted towards a threat to start- a threat against her, none the less. Sam did her best to give Hiro the benefit of the doubt, she ignored his angered insults and outbursts for a long time. But this was ridiculous. Sam could feel her blood boil, she wanted to shut him up herself.
The girl opened her mouth the retort, but was caught by surprise when Caleb's firm grip moved her to behind him. She could feel him tremble as he stood ready to fight, Sam knew in that moment that she had to end things. She glanced at Dakarai, but it seemed all the other girl was providing was more threats. Sam's mind raced, she felt sort of helpless among the three powerful students, epsecially with Caleb protecting her. The girl bit her lip before suddenly raisng her voice, "Nobody is fighting!" Sam cried out, she then quickly brought a hand to Caleb's injured forearm. "Nobody is burning, killing, or kicking anyone's ass. Not in front of Kureiji, especially." The girl's gaze hardened on the instigator, Hiro, before she brought her palm to Caleb's and interlaced their fingers. She had no other words. It was no use trying to talk to them. The girl's tail twitched with agitation before she took a deep breath before turning towards the door. She just had to seperate the males, before Caleb slipped into an unstable state.
Trusting Dakarai to contain the dragon-boy, Sam was quick to lead Caleb from the room, "You have to calm down. Just ignore him. He's just immature." Sam spoke as she walked ahead of Caleb down the hall. Hiro was was a problem all to herself, a problem that Sam didn't intend to forget- but as of now her focus was on Caleb. Sam did her best to remain level headed, her grip on Caleb's hand was tighter than usual but when she stopped suddenly to face the boy her eye's shone with concern rather than irritation. "Come on, Caleb. You can win this thing, don't blow it on something as little as that. I can protect myself, I promise." Sam's voice dropped to a point where it was almost a whisper, but she maintained eye contact.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Yuuki was pulled from her thoughts by Katelyn's touch, she turned and caught the last wisp of shadows as her manifestations disappeared, she hadn't subconsciously made anything in a while. She sighed, "sorry, it's just watching Kureiji and Caleb fight reminded me of Hiro and Caleb fighting during the villain attack, I remembered getting so frustrated with them and then feeling so ashamed because I wasn't much better considering I had nearly just killed both Hiro and Kishi earlier during that attack" she sighed and lay her head gently on Katelyn's shoulder "I don't know maybe I'm just a liability" she said before slowly closing her eyes and drifting to sleep, she hadn't realised how tired she was and lying on Katelyn's shoulder made her feel peaceful so she had just kind of drifted off.
@Cryronn the Mudkip
Miku smiled as Acura got on the battlefield, wanting to keep the good vibes going, even though the brunette was going to lose(wow, real cocky there, Miku). As the match began, his opponent got the first move, sending to sparkling electricity balls flying towards him, something simple that he could dodge. As the balls got closer and closer, Miku crouched down at the last momentand the spheres flew over his head, just a few inches above his horns. A lound crackle was heard as the two balls hit the wall, dispersing into almost harmless electricity. Miku got up and grinned at his opponent, then attacked. He stretched his arms all the way to the other side of the field and grabbed Acura, his inflated hands engulfing him. The only visible part of him left were a few strands of his hair, sticking through Miku's fingers. He was done with making a show, he just wants to show his BRUTE strength and STRATEGIC mind(things he mostly lacked, but we should cut him some slack). He was going to drop the boy outside the field, his Quirk protecting him from Acura's attacks if he tries to escape.


Previously Manu456Alola
Oh shi-

Acura didn't expect Miku to counter his attack that quickly, inflating his hands and grabbing him. He couldn't see a thing with his opponent's hands covering him completely, but it didn't take a genius to know Miku was planning to throw him out of the arena, meaning he had barely any time to attack.

I have to at least put up a fight, dammit! Acura cursed his own weakness, not wanting to be taken out so quickly. He wanted to stand out from the rest of his class, he didn't want to just be the guy with the electric Quirk! With a sudden rush of determination, he attempted to fight back, concentrating all of his current into one attack in hopes of turning the tides.

"Crashbolt!" He called out, azure electricity raining down from the sky and on top of him, striking Miku's inflated hands. This Crashbolt was almost twice as strong as the one from the villain attack, at nearly two million volts. But it was all for nothing, for while the electricity made slight progress through his opponent's hands, it couldn't even reach his wrists before dissipating, absorbed by Miku's rubber-like body.

Acura felt his body getting hot, result of putting his all into that one attack. After moving around a bit, Miku's hands suddenly opened up, dropping the boy out of bounds, who was unable to do anything about it. He was simply outmatched. The announcer declared Miku the winner, the crowd cheering for his victory. Acura simply slammed his fist into the ground, frustrated. He then got up and gave Miku a thumbs up as to congratulate him, before turning around to head back inside.
Caleb shuddered. It took effort to keep himself under control when he was angry. He still let Sam walk him out, until they stopped in a quiet part of the building. "Th-thank you." He said quietly, his temper ebbing. "I've had to use my quirk a lot today. It gets... Painful to work with."

He didn't describe how much it hurt, because it hurt a lot. It was getting better though. Her gaze ate away at his anger, and his hard eyes went soft and gentle again. He spoke softly and was taking deep breaths as fatigue set in at last. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry you had to see that." The annunciation of the last word left no doubt that Caleb meant the match. "But I'm glad you're here. It means more to me than I can say." He looked into her eyes for a long moment before he gestured towards the stairs. "Is there anything you want to do? My next match isn't until tomorrow..."



Previously Schrift007
Hiro scowled as he saw everyone against him. He walked towards Dakarai, pushing past her towards Sam and Caleb. "See you in the finals", he growled to Caleb as he pushed past them out of the infirmary. "Always the bad guy", he muttered. "I always have to be the bad guy, even when I stand for something good. If I hospitalised someone like that I would be the bad guy, but let someone do it in a tournament it's all fun and games", he let his knuckles run along the walls of the infirmary. "I'm going to get to the finals, I'm going to get to the finals and beat Caleb to a pulp in front of everybody. I'll show them bad." Hiro made his way up the stands, pushing past the swarm of people. He must've missed the match between Drayda and Kishi. He sat down in his chair, considerably further than everyone else. "Now how do I beat Caleb?", he muttered, trying to come up with new ways to adapt his quirk to fight Caleb.

@Merciless Medic
Kureiji saw the flame and the field disappear, flaking away like small butterflies taking off, as he returned to the white expanse between his dreams. He had no idea what it meant, and to be honest, he wasn't quite lucid either. Wind slowly swept through his hair, as he glided down what seemed to be a long, dark, segmented tunnel that had formed from the empty expanse. He was thrown through it, physically powerless to stop it, but he had no reason to, as he slowly drifted down the seemingly endless tunnel. Fluttering up from the vast darkness swept past several of the same notes as he'd seen before in the dream, and annoyed that they kept smacking into his body and face, he huffed. "I get it, I'm a coward." He said, and the notes began to stop coming, as he continued falling. The words he'd said had been spoken through his corporeal body as well, through the dream, as laying in bed his unconscious body spoke the same.


Katelyn rubbed Yuuki's hair. "You don't have to blame yourself for anything... You are not a liability. You're as far from it as I can see... So live in the moment... Don't beat yourself up for things beyond your control..." She spoke calmly, though Yuuki had probably fallen asleep before she could finish. She smiled, leaned back against her, and closed her eyes. Though she didn't fall asleep, she allowed herself to completely relax.



Previously Night's Shadow
Dakarai watched Hiro leave feeling conflicted. She’d always been a bit of a hothead despite her general reluctance to fight, but she knew she hadn’t exactly handled the situation very well. Should’ve known threats wouldn’t work, this is Hiro we’re talking about. She was shaken out of her thoughts by Kureiji’s words, and she turned towards him in surprise. Realizing he had spoken unconsciously, her brows drew together in worry. He was even beating himself up verbally while in a coma; she was no psychologist, but in her book that wasn’t a good sign.

Suddenly Dakarai remembered the note. She had forgotten about it following Hiro’s murder threats, but now she slid it out from between the pages of her book. She unfolded the piece of paper and scanned the messy handwriting. The word choice was far from eloquent, and his signature at the end was scrawled in such a way that it was barely legible, but it got the point across.

I've been wanting to ask this for a while but I'm a dummy coward so I write you this note, so, wanna go out with me?

Dakarai was surprised, though not in a bad way. She had never really understood the difference between romantic love and the “I love pizza” kind of love, having never been in any type of relationship. She didn’t know the signs, and she wouldn’t know if she felt the same way because she’d never felt that way before. It would be a new experience for her, but she was never one to back down from a challenge.

The girl glanced fondly down at Kureiji’s sleeping form, picked up a nearby pen, and wrote yes on the back of the note. She left the piece of paper on his chest before standing. It was time to find out her next opponent.
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After Miku trapped Acura between his rubbery hands, the boy actually wanted to fight back. He yelled out the name of his attack, like people do in anime for some reason, but the sound was muffled since Miku's... finger? was covering his mouth. Suddenly, a bright light shined from within his palms and Acura, who apparently grew really long nails, started pinching his inner palm. No, that must've been his attack. The way his body reacted to electricity was interesting, the closer the current got to his core, the more it felt like a bear was clawing at him, depending on the intensity of the shock, of course. But because his hands were enlarged, the attack didn't even get past the wrist and only felt like someone who just got their nails done decided to pinch him. But that escape plan didn't really bother Miku, who just dropped him right behind the white line. He won his second match! The crowd cheered along with Miku, whose arms and hands went back to normal. He wanted to run up to Acura and hug him, but after the brunette punched the ground, he gave him a thumbs up and ran off. Miku, who was a little confused, shouted his congratulations.
"Oh, um, congrats on... resisting!" Yup, that was the best he could do. After one more moment of basking in his glory, he left the arena. He was done with matches for the day, so he tried looking for someone to hang out with and potentially have major drama with, his cousin, to be specific.

[You know what, they (@Pinch) ain't coming back. I'll end the battle now]
Tetsuma slowly got up, that baseball bat hurt like hell. Aika smirked as the boy clutched his stomach, trying to catch his breath. Oh, this was too easy for her.
He knew that his chances of winning were slim, so he decided to do the first thing that came to mind. After another moment, the boy started running, his palms becoming red. He released the heat, propelling him to her at a tremendous speed. Whether if she was going to dodge left or right, he would blast her with his Quirk.
Aika only had a few seconds to react, but she knew exactly what to do. Her hands turned into the rainbow matter, that took the shape of a helicopter and gained mass. Almost instantly, she took flight, right before the boy would've crushed her.
Tetsuma eyes widened as the girl flew above him, he did not consider the possibility that she could dodge up. He brought his gaze back down and gasped when he saw how close he to the edge. He put his feet on the ground, desperately trying to stop himself from flying out of the arena. His hands didn't cool down, completely, otherwise he would fall flat on his face.
That was the perfect opportunity for Aika to strike and she wasn't going to let it pass. She flew at maximum speed towards her foe and put her feet forwards, wanting to push him out. Right then the boy managed to stop himself from falling and let out a shaky sigh, before turning around to look around for Aika and then he looked up... Aika's feet connected with Tetsuma's chest, sending him out of bounds and out of her path to victory. She landed gracefully on the ground and her hands morphed back to their shape as the audience cheered for her. (And I'm cutting this interaction short because... yeah).

Aika was in the waiting room, doing a few stretches to calm herself down after watching the previous match.
Her last fight was easy since her opponent was very predictable and basic, but her upcoming fight was against Dakarai, the daughter of Katsuki Bakugo herself, the girl with one of the most unpredictable, powerful and unique Quirks at this school. And there was another thought that was haunting her, if she won... she would have to fight Caleb, also known as All-Around Hot Boy, Faux Gentle Giant and Mr. I Almost Killed All Of My Friends. This fight was definitely going to be interesting...
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Previously Shadow_Pup
Yuuki was pretty comfortable and she was happy, eventually she opened her eyes and yawned slightly, she looked at Katelyn and smiled "thanks for the pep talk" she said with a small smile. Her stomach growled and she looked around, "I think we should go back inside and look for something to eat" she said standing up and leading Katelyn inside by the hand "come on the might be something this way" she said before neotocongnsomeone on the stands, "oh hang on" she said as she made her way over to Hiro still holding Katelyn's hand, "Hey Hiro, you ready for you next fight, who are you against?" she asked with a beautiful smile on her face and a happy glow about her.
@Cryronn the Mudkip @Schrift007


Previously Schrift007
"Caleb's quirk just increases muscle mass to make him stronger. So the only way I can beat him to is-", his train of thought was quickly cut off by Yuuki. "Huh? What?", he spluttered, turning his head to the score board. In truth Hiro had no idea who he was going to fight, it was only now he even thought to look at who he was fighting. His eyes panned across the board before landing on, "Daryda?!", he said, surprised yet excited. A lump formed in Hiro's throat. "She's no push over, last time I saw her she managed to beat me in the quirk test. I've got to take this fight a bit more serious", he muttered to himself, realising how hard the next match would be. "Guess I'm fighting the class dragon", he smirked, feeling his flames start to crawl up his hands. Only now did he realise that Yuuki wasn't the only one here. "So, you found yourself a girlfriend?", he teased playfully. "So how you doing?", he asked Yuuki and Katelyn.

@Cryronn the Mudkip @Shadow_Pup
Aika went up the stairs, it was time for her second match of the day. And to be completely honest, she didn't have high hopes for this one. Dakarai was constantly part of drama (that's one thing she inherited from her father), ever since day one, and she managed to fend off bigger threats than her, like Hiro and Caleb. She entered the field and paitently waited for her opponent to show up. She looked in the audience for her cousin, who was in the 1A stands, excitedly waving at her. She smiled and waved back, it was nice to have such an active supporter, who instead of getting ready for his upcoming match, was cheering for his family. He was going to fight against one of his classmates who he had an immense advantage over, so he was sure to make it to the Semi-Finals, unlike her.
The doors to the arena opened, signaling Bakugo Dakarai's arrival. The girl did a few stretches and took a deep breath. Finally, the match could start.
@Night's Shadow
Katelyn gave a small wave to Hiro. “Heya dude... and yeah, we decided to make today our first date and well... we decided it wouldn’t be our last~” she giggled, her smile wide and her expression giddy. “Anyway, who will you be fighting, Hiro? Ooooh, Drayada, Miss Dragoon? Oooh, you’re gonna have quite the opponent!” She gave a grin, and stretched out her body, looking at Yuuki with a soft smile.

@Schrift007 @Shadow_Pup

Kureiji felt himself fall from the tunnel, landing on a puffy bed of clouds, seeing several shapes of people. He could barely make them out, but they all looked familiar... maybe they were classmates? Or his family? Or maybe a mix of both. Suddenly, a weight slammed down on his chest and sent him through the clouds, plummeting to a vast ocean below. He spun through the water and felt himself drill through it like a spinning bullet, before he landed on the sea floor, sand pouring from his impact. He suddenly felt his eyes burst open. He was back in bed. He was... awake.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Yuuki smiled, "I think you and Drayda are a good match up" at his words she blushed slightly "oh yeah Katie's my girlfriend and we've been having a good time since losing in our matches" she sighs, "anywayi just remembered that I was looking for somewhere to eat as I was getting a little hungry, you wouldn't happen to know where we could get some food now would you?" she asks Hiro.
@Cryronn the Mudkip @Schrift007