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Open My Hero Academia RP


Previously 5DigitNeb
Veno: If you have stamina and power, exercises are easy. What really helps hone your skills is training, not running in a line, or circle or whatever. And if you want to talk mental skills, then you should be talking about strategy.
Ryuji: Alright you Both need to stop arguing or you will both end up with a knuckle sandwich
Tsurugi: You really Should get along I mean you'll have to work together to beat villain's like me
Mr. Striker: Alright, kids, there is no need to fight. Veno, these exercises are merely so that I can test the physical limits of all of your quirks. Also, to test if any of you have potential.

Yukino: Yes, sir. *looks back at Ryuji* Wanna go! I'll fight you!


Previously 5DigitNeb
Veno: Yea, physical. Then why was Yukino talking about mental skills? *turns to face Ryuji* We'll beat you to a pulp.
Mr. Striker: Well, all of you had to use strategy for this test, so you could go for number one. Are you telling me all you did was throw that ball? No, you used your strategy by using your quirk to accelerate the ball, and make it go further than if you normally threw it. That's where mental skills come in.

Yukino: *slams fists* Sounds fun! I'm all fired up now!


Previously 5DigitNeb
Veno: I guess I see your point. If it was a normal test there wouldn't be much strategy involved though. Also, what are you talking about Ryuji? What dragon?
Ironically enough down the road I had an idea of a "power up" in mind for Kaz where she pumps electricity through her body to move a high speeds which would be really handy for this test LOL

For now though, all she can do is summon and shoot electricity.
Honestly I plan to make Ryuji's armour become strong and gain the ablities of one element eight to replace his defence increase but I can't decide so I want you guy's to decide it for me with a vote if that's alright.
Same here I'll probably post then go to sleep

Maybe we should skip the other tests and go straight to the paired battle,I could put all of the students in a random number generator and that could decide who is a team