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Pokemon: Journey With Me

Kanna was trying hard to stifle a laugh her body was shaking violently, but she couldn't hold it. She burst out laughing. After calming down she handed Hydrox the bag.
Putting the bag away Kanna grabbed her shiny Flareon and led the way, with a embarrassed brother, and a friend behind her. "So are going to challenge Maylene? She's strong you know..."

(Who's acting as the gym leader, because I don't wanna do it!)
"Maylene is strong, not only in battle but in heart. Her fighting types are to notch, I hope you have a plan." Kanna warned, before going back to her cheery mood. "She's also really cool! I won't know who to vote for!"
"We'll just have to see I guess~" Kanna giggled making Flareon fly, with her hands firmly under under the fire type's arms.

"Flare~" Flareon responded licking her trainer.
Kanna froze and looked at her friend, as if saying 'say nothing,'. "Y-you see w-we met um I battled her once and w-we became friends! Yeah that's it!" Kanna laughed awkwardly. "So uh...Maylene Hydrox wants to battle you!"
"Yes! I have just the Pokémon to battle against fighting types. Do you want to see them?" Hydrox asked. "Sure!" She said, Hydrox pulled out his Pokémon.
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Kutsu shook his head and drug his sister away to the stands so they could watch. "You battled her? Oh before you started contests!" He looked at his excited sister as she bounced happily in her seat.
Hydrox started with his dustox. "Two on two?" he asked. "Okay!" Maylene said, sending out her Lucario. "Well then, Dustox! Use Solar beam!" Hydrox said. Dustox flew up into the air and light sparkles fluttered around it. Right after, it launched a giant green ray down onto the lucario. The lucario was hit and told to use Flash cannon. Dustox dodged it and used solar beam again.
"This is getting interesting!" Kutsu smiled and looked at the raging battle. He snuck a look at his sister, she was watching with an unwavering gaze.
"The battle was decided by the first move." Kanna said, her brown eyes never leaving the battle. "It's simple to tell who will be victorious, watch their moves carefully." Her black hair was falling in her face, causing her to move it aside.
The lucario grabbed it and used bonemerang on it over and over. The dustox came free from Lucario's grasp and used stun spore on it, paralyzing the fighting-steel type.
Hydrox quickly glanced over at Kanna and Kutsu, giving them a smile. He then quickly told Dustox to use Poison Powder on the Paralyzed Lucario. The lucario slowly took damage, unable to move...
Kanna watched as Lucario got paralyzed, her eyes never left the battle. She started tapping her fingers as a timer. "It's was over when the first move..." She repeated to Flareon.

"Flare!" Flareon nodded.
"What do you mean?" Kutsu asked in confusion.

"LuxRay?" Luxes asked looking at her trainer's sister.

"Hydrox is going to win for sure!" Kutsu cheered on his friend.
Maylene used a Full Heal. Soon after, Lucario was mobile and healthy, but it was tired after suffering from the poison. Dustox flew up into the air and used Solar beam from above. Direct hit. Lucario took too much damage. Maylene took back her Lucario and said "Well done. I see your Dustox has been trained well." Hydrox said "Yes. I caught it as a wurmple right as I started my way to Sinnoh. It has gotten lots of practice since then!" Maylene sent out a Medicham. "Bug beats psychic, you know that, right?" Hydrox asked. "Yes." Maylene said back.
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Maylene used a Full Heal. Soon after, Lucario was mobile and healthy, but it was tired after suffering from the poison. Dustox flew up into the air and used Solar beam from above. Direct hit. Lucario took too much damage. Maylene took back her Lucario and said "Well done. I see your Dustox has been trained well." Hydrox said "Yes. I caught it as a wurmple right as I started my way to Sinnoh. It has gotten lots of practice since then!" Maylene sent out a Medicham. "Bug beats psychic, you know that, right?" Hydrox asked. "Yes." Maylene said back.

((That was the ultimate Kanto post. Look at what number it is!))
"Medicham use Fire Punch!" Maylene told medicham. A blazing fist flew towards the Dustox and rendered it unable to battle. "Great job Dustox. This is for you." Hydrox said, returning his Pokémon. "Go Rotom!" He called. A little spark appeared, and a Rotom was flying above him.
"You really make type disadvantages nothing! What I heard was true!" Hydrox said to Maylene. "However, immunities are different. No using fighting type moves this time! Rotom! Use Thunder!" A bolt of energy flew from the sky.
A trainer was just outside the gym. Smiling, his brown messy hair, blue vest, green shirt and black track pants flapped in the wind. A brown satchel hung at his side, and a belt held nine Pokeballs on it. The trainer walked forwards, happy. "Finally, I made it." he said. "Now, let's see who I can find."
It hit the medicham. Partially paralyzed, it used a shadow ball which hit rotom straight on. Barely damaged, Rotom stood up and retaliated with Hex. After another super effective hit, Medicham used Ice punch, rendering Rotom frozen. Rotom used Thunder and the bolt from the sky broke the ice. Hydrox soon pulled a fan out of his backpack, and placed it on the battlefield, telling Rotom to use it. Fan rotom used Air Cutter, finishing the battle.
Kanna walked up to Maylene and hugged her. "Nice try! but you lost!" She joked, before looking at Hydrox, and glaring. "There were better combinations you could have used. You might have won but there are better ways to win...." She sighed. "Disappointing..." She then went back to her bouncy self. "Let's go! Bye Bye Maylene!"