I don’t if someone already asked this but is it okay if my Froakie eventually can use battle bond
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Battle Bond & Mega Evolution need to be approved by the moderators of Pokecharms, you'll need to write a backstory. If you haven't read the PokeCharms Rules then I highly suggest you do so. However, once you've got it approved by a Mod/Admin then you're free to use it.I don’t if someone already asked this but is it okay if my Froakie eventually can use battle bond
We've been RPing alreadyWhen does everyone hop on and RP
Unfortunately, we aren't as active as we could be, a lot of us are waiting on teammates.It’s been fours or three days since anyone has used the role play thred
Correct, you can also arrive in the Sinnoh Region, any city with a Harbour or Airport. I made a list of such cities somewhere in here, I'd have to find it for you.So would it be OK if I maybe joined this
A lotta information to parse in the first page but a lot of it seems p. self-explanatory; but essentially, I'd write my character bio and something for my starter, and in my first post I'd get a trainer card for the league/that starter?
Just wanna make sure I got the right idea before I jump into things lmao
Correct, you can also arrive in the Sinnoh Region, any city with a Harbour or Airport. I made a list of such cities somewhere in here, I'd have to find it for you.
I'd suggest landing based on what Pokemon you want to capture, if any, in your first week.I can look that up myself but ty; do we have any idea how the current OC's are located or should I just make a character and drop them in and see how it plays out in terms of who they maybe meet up with?
I'd suggest landing based on what Pokemon you want to capture, if any, in your first week.
Normal Pokemon can be found anywhere as long as it makes some sense. Even small events like buying a Pokemon from another trainer is fine. Obviously don't like...buy a Metagross for 20 dollars, but if it's reasonable enough then I have no complaints.
Rare Pokemon can only be found in Swarms/Hordes, these rare Pokemon can have Egg Moves or Hidden Abilities, the works and 16 Pokemon Swarms happen across the region every week.
Here's this week's swarms:
1. Combee — Amber Castle (Inside Eterna Forest; home to a super-hive controlled by a Vespiquen)
2. Drifloon — Valley Windworks
3. Drowzee — Xatu's Forest (Near Twinleaf town)
4. Duskull — Bewilder Forest (Between Sandgem & Jubilife; has many Stantler that ward off travelers with hypnosis)
5. Feebas — Lake Verity
6. Hatenna — Bewilder Forest (Between Sandgem & Jubilife; has many Stantler that ward off travelers with hypnosis)
7. Hawlucha — Eterna Forest 8. Noibat — Mt. Coronet (Hearthome City Entrance)
9. Porygon — Trophy Garden (South of Hearthome City)
10. Slowpoke Galarian — Lake Psyduck (Between Solaceon and Celestic Town)
11. Slugma — Stark Mountain
12. Tangela — Emeragrove Town (near Hearthome City)
13. Trapinch — Route 228 (Battle Zone)
14. Wimpod — Sandgem Beach
15. Wooper — Chocovine Town (Near Snowpoint)
16. Zubat — Oreburgh Gate
My character is going for Trapinch and Feebas, so I started out in the Battle Zone. If you want any Pokemon on that list then I'd suggest starting somewhere close to it. A link to all the swarms for the next 16 weeks can be found in my signature.
If you don't plan to catch anything on that list, then I'd suggest just joining up with people who are active which means...basically just me and Hec (probably) until the end of the month rolls around.
No probs and not being battle focused doesn't mean you can't be a strong battler lelReally really really tempted by drifloon but my character isn't gonna be battle-focused, they'll really be more about just seeing what's around along the way and going with the flow -- I'll try and post my character soon, depends on how busy my work gets lmao
No probs and not being battle focused doesn't mean you can't be a strong battler lel
Those are def the best type of teams to make competitively viable tho! But I getchu, my char's team is focused around music/dance.Fair lmao I just mean like, this character is more likely to build their team from what they find in the moment, as opposed to specifically hunting to find "the perfect team". Not that that won't ever be a thing they try/do, but its not the priority
accepted o7 RP awayName: Sadie Crane
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Trainer Class: Researcher/Professor
Physical Appearance: Around 5'5" tall, Sadie has built a surprising amount of muscle upon a once slender frame.
Blonde haired with dark green eyes, Sadie has an intensity in her face when she's excited, and a passivity in her face when she couldn't care less.
Her mouth curls into a natural grimace, though can stretch into a subtle grin that seems seems stretch the length of her face.
Clothing: In the heat, Sadie opts for a pair of shorts rolled up just above the knee, a tank top and sandals.
In the cold, Sadie wears a turtleneck, a hoodie, a skirt and warm leggings, as well as a thick pair of hiking boots. On top of all that she adds a black wool overcoat, a scarf she knit herself and heavy gloves for added warmth.
Her color scheme often revolves around blacks, purples, greens and sometimes golds, though she often sticks to outfits of a single color.
Personality: Sadie often tries to be the smartest person in the room at all cost. Driven to become the next great Pokemon Professor, Sadie is wholly driven to perfect her body and her mind to "make her self whole".
Often an all-or-nothing person, Sadie is unrelentingly moralistic, often consumed just as much with the people of the world as the Pokemon she wishes to study.
Highly dedicated, Sadie simply doesn't give up. She'll fight to her last, even knowing the odds. And with each loss, Sadie promises herself to never lose the same way again.
Backstory: Born in Ecruteak, Johto, Sadie's parents were obsessed with old stories about the city's famed Burned Tower. From a young age, even without a Pokemon, Sadie explored the tower at her own peril-- once even being frightened half-to-death by a trio of haunting Ghastly.
Over time, Sadie came to realize that knowledge overpowered fear, which she believed to be simply "uncertainty in the unknown".
(I'll add more in time lmao not feeling super backstory inspired atm)Name: Cinch
Species: Chinchou
Gender: Male
Ability: Volt Absorb
Nature: Modest
Characteristic: Often lost in thought
Moves: Supersonic, Water Gun, Electro Ball, Thunder Wave
By the way, we're using a unified move pool that spans all generations, so your Chinchou also has access to Flail and Bubble.
There's no limit on the number of moves you know since we have a PP limit instead. You have about half the standard PP of the move in game. So Fire Blast as 5 PP, you'd be able to use it 2-3 times in a battle.Cool I'll prob replace Water Gun w Bubble but I think I'll keep the other stuff over Flail. Is there anything else I should know - aside from where I get off the boat - to get started? I might try and make a beeline for your and hec's oc's or something
Oh! Remember to collect your Rotom/Porygon Device, just mention it somewhere. It can be in any format you want: Poketch, Pokegear, etc. and it contains your Pokedex and a League-owned Rotom that will make sure you're safe on your journey.Is there anything else I should know - aside from where I get off the boat - to get started? I might try and make a beeline for your and hec's oc's or something
Oh! Remember to collect your Rotom/Porygon Device, just mention it somewhere. It can be in any format you want: Poketch, Pokegear, etc. and it contains your Pokedex and a League-owned Rotom that will make sure you're safe on your journey.
Other than that...you have to buy Pokeballs...and you can only have a certain number of 'active' pokemon with you at a time.
We do start with a set about of dollars, and that's $5,000Am I to presume that number is 6? Lmao
Do I start w a set $$$ amount to buy items with?
The Road map for obtaining new Pokemon looks something like this:
- Starter Pokemon.
- Second Pokemon.
- Third Pokemon (those who took a year off to bond their starter)
- First Gym
- Third pokemon (everyone else)
- Second Gym
- Third Gym
- Fourth Pokemon
- Fourth Gym
- Fifth Pokemon
- Fifth Gym
- Sixth Pokemon
- Sixth Gym
- Seventh Gym
- Eight Gym
- 6+ Pokemon.
@Alternate_Mystery is in Sunnyshore so I'd recommend there. It's also a coastal city so if you plan to get to the Battle Zone, you can take a boat from there@kyuukestu Veilstone or Sunnyshore, which do you think would be the better landing place for my oc
We do start with a set about of dollars, and that's $5,000
It's generally a list of how many pokemon you can support with the amount of energy your trainer has. Pokemon in the box don't cost any energy though.
@Alternate_Mystery is in Sunnyshore so I'd recommend there. It's also a coastal city so if you plan to get to the Battle Zone, you can take a boat from there
We're in the battle zone, the place you get access to after beating the Pokemon League in Game. We're off to catch a Trapinch and Larvitar, then I need to cut across the whole region to go catch a Feebas.Gotcha. Where are you and Hec hanging around in case I wanna beeline for there? If it's super far I'll figure something else out I just want know lmao
We're in the battle zone, the place you get access to after beating the Pokemon League in Game. We're off to catch a Trapinch and Larvitar, then I need to cut across the whole region to go catch a Feebas.
Take your time, we're trying to have the Ocs gather in a location at around the end of the month, so we should end up meeting there anyways. Which group you decide to tag along with just determines how active you get to be before then lelLmao well I wasn't planning on taking the boat over to the Battle Zone but maybe I will. Or maybe Sadie will hang out in Sunnyshore and run into yall after. Idk yet
Take your time, we're trying to have the Ocs gather in a location at around the end of the month, so we should end up meeting there anyways. Which group you decide to tag along with just determines how active you get to be before then lel
Throw up a character sheet and we'll have a look!does this still have room for another player? ^o^